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  1. Do you miss the original Halo Maps? Well I do, and I'm going to do something about it. As of today, you should post your map remakes here and allow others to play your map. As for me, I will be posting my progress on map remakes. The current map I am working on is Chiron TL-34 from Halo CE. I have laid out the foundations of the map and I have started to look at original map images to get an idea of the map "theme" After I get the basic map finished, I will upload some screenshots of the map. Then I will host a testing play date. I hope that you all will also post your remakes here.
  2. Hello, I just noticed today, my Oddball, King of the Hill, and Community Forge Island are now gone from my War Games list, but can only be obtained in Team Objective now. They disappeared just today, anyone have help or a solution? This is for Halo 4
  3. RACETRACKS is a King of the Hill variant that will record 1 lap as 1 second if the map is built properly. The game type was created by Masta Hippie in his efforts to make a substitute for the race game type as 343 sadly left it out. The game type has withstood the test of time and remains the best substitute in Halo 4 racing. You can download it here. The attached map is Bowsers Castle, which has a good checkpoint and starting shield for examples. It's best to play this with everyone on the same team. The reason you do not want to be on different teams or free for all is because there is no way to turn off hill contesting, so players wouldn't get credit if going through the checkpoint at the same time. The most difficult aspect of making your track compatible with the game type is getting a checkpoint built that always gives 1 second and is uncheatable. These can be minor issues or major hurdles depending on your track layout and budget situation. There are essentially 2 ways you can approach making your checkpoint. The most common method involves using 4-5 one-way shields that will continuously push the players through the zone even if they try to resist. Since these shields cost 200 a piece, I spent a great deal of time making it work consistently with only 4 doors and I will share my spacing techniques. If the shields are too close then players will be able to sit in the hill without being pushed through. If they are too far apart it can easily be cheated. My coordinate measurements will be more useful if you are building your map (or at least the checkpoint) on a 90 degree basis, which I thoroughly recommend. Here is a photo of one of my checkpoints: First you will need to make a Hill Marker that has the game type label of KOTH-HILL. Rotate your Hill Marker so that it is facing forwards on your track where you want your checkpoint to be. Change the shape to a box and make the width 3.5 and make the length long enough to span the width of your track. The 1st shield in the checkpoint should be just barely inside the hill. The 2nd shield should be 1.0 away from the 1st. The 3rd should be 1.1 away from the 2nd. The 4th shield should be 1.1 away from the 3rd. This last shield should also be just barely inside the hill. If you get the placement right players will be unable to park on either side and get credit. In order to prevent people from sitting in the hill on foot, you will need to have a Sender teleporter in the hill with Players=True and Vehicles=False. Add a Receiver teleporter at the beginning of your track with the same settings. An alternate method is to put the checkpoint (Hill) in midair as part of a jump. You can choose to make this work using man cannons and/or gravity volumes. This method has the benefit of being much cheaper than the previous method, but it will likely be a bit more difficult to get it working right (always 1 second, uncheatable). I personally have no experience using this method myself, but I have seen it work without issues on many occasions. Not having the race game type means all vehicles must be placed on the map. To make your map compatible for 16 players you will need to use 8 mongooses and 8 ghosts. If your map has areas where players can fall off and have their vehicle destroyed, then you may want to consider adding spare vehicles in the form of warthogs. The game type will turn the ghosts and warthogs into mongooses. The respawn time should be 1-5 seconds so they don't take long to come back. Instead of lining the vehicles up bumper to bumper, you may want to have them slightly angled inwards so they can drive forward without obstruction. With my newer tracks I've been using only respawn points and skipping the initial spawn points. You should have 1 respawn point for each mongoose provided (excluding spares). I like to put them right next to the vehicle so that when a player spawns they immediately have the option to get into the vehicle. This minimizes the chaos that usually occurs in the first 10 seconds of the race. All respawn points should be neutral. One of the most frustrating things about losing the race game type is that when you die you go all the way back to the beginning. Those who have played my tracks probably know that I use a system of teleporters as a substitute for checkpoints. Doing this can be pretty simple or impossible based on the layout of the track. If your track is spread out it should be easy. If your track intertwines and overlaps a lot then teleporters will not be feasible. For basic layouts, you have the ability to set up 5 checkpoints (alpha-echo). The idea is that you will have them situated in such a way that if you fall off you will only go back a little bit, and never forward. For the Sender teleporters I recommend making the "top" value 0.1 and the bottom value 1.0+. When having a complete system is not possible,I recommend putting the teleporters under the most difficult obstacles/sections. This will minimize frustration and maximize fun (these are good things). If you really want to go the extra mile, then you can add a starting gate. Having a starting gate will give everyone a fair chance and makes competitive sessions much easier. This usually will involve a dominion base shield and a delayed fusion coil (18-20 seconds), but you can also use delayed structure pieces. The most difficult thing about the shield method is getting it set up so that the shield never comes back (the game type has 0% damage in the settings so players can't take it down). Logic would tell you to put the respawn time to never, but this will cause the shield to never spawn in the first place. It seems to miraculously work for me sometimes when I leave the spawn time at 15 seconds, but this does not work all the time. Random tips: -dominion base shields are extremely useful (as walls/borders), colorful, and cheap -the impact pallet is the most useful for complex maps, there is a wide variety of pieces and they are cheap -sources of flat: building blocks, walls, upside down stunt ramps, grids, platform large, platform xlarge (top or bottom), cylinder large (top or bottom), brace large, bridges, upside down tower 3 story, tunnel long, +some map-specific pieces -the default game type has damage set to 0% (due to use of starting shields) so if you plan on using mines or kill balls you will need to use a player trait zone to override the game type (10% damage, invulnerable, assassination immunity) - dominion base stripes make for nice railings -to save money on spare vehicles you can use mongoose vehicle pads and assign them to the defender team, that way players on the red team can use them (100 each instead of 150) -score to win: 2 x # racers + 1 will end the race when the lead player gets 3 laps (assuming no lapping occurs) Where to find good racetracks: TurbTastic Noble Forger llehctim4 Lord FluffBall WhiskeyWarm NukedIceCream vR Iceman Tripmine413 TheRedEyedDevil DjV RazoR x DREAM76 x oomishday3 DRG Incubus Jernst Reborn SoS Darth Algar Halo Customs ForgeHub ForgeCafe YouTube Channel - treez0 YouTube Channel - HiddenJewGold
  4. ***Just use the "special" race gametype on my file share*** RACETRACKS is a King of the Hill variant that will record 1 lap as 1 second if the map is built properly. The game type was created by Masta Hippie in his efforts to make a substitute for the race game type as 343 sadly left it out. The game type has withstood the test of time and remains the best substitute in Halo 4 racing. You can download it here. It's best to play this with everyone on the same team. The reason you do not want to be on different teams or free for all is because there is no way to turn off hill contesting, so players wouldn't get credit if going through the checkpoint at the same time. The most difficult aspect of making your track compatible with the game type is getting a checkpoint built that always gives 1 second and is uncheatable. These can be minor issues or major hurdles depending on your track layout and budget situation. There are essentially 2 ways you can approach making your checkpoint. The most common method involves using 4-5 one-way shields that will continuously push the players through the zone even if they try to resist. Since these shields cost 200 a piece, I spent a great deal of time making it work consistently with only 4 doors and I will share my spacing techniques. If the shields are too close then players will be able to sit in the hill without being pushed through. If they are too far apart it can easily be cheated. My coordinate measurements will be more useful if you are building your map (or at least the checkpoint) on a 90 degree basis, which I thoroughly recommend. Here is a photo of one of my checkpoints: First you will need to make a Hill Marker that has the game type label of KOTH-HILL. Rotate your Hill Marker so that it is facing forwards on your track where you want your checkpoint to be. Change the shape to a box and make the width 3.5 and make the length long enough to span the width of your track. The 1st shield in the checkpoint should be just barely inside the hill. The 2nd shield should be 1.0 away from the 1st. The 3rd should be 1.1 away from the 2nd. The 4th shield should be 1.1 away from the 3rd. This last shield should also be just barely inside the hill. If you get the placement right players will be unable to park on either side and get credit. In order to prevent people from sitting in the hill on foot, you will need to have a Sender teleporter in the hill with Players=True and Vehicles=False. Add a Receiver teleporter at the beginning of your track with the same settings. An alternate method is to put the checkpoint (Hill) in midair as part of a jump. You can choose to make this work using man cannons and/or gravity volumes. This method has the benefit of being much cheaper than the previous method, but it will likely be a bit more difficult to get it working right (always 1 second, uncheatable). I personally have no experience using this method myself, but I have seen it work without issues on many occasions. Not having the race game type means all vehicles must be placed on the map. To make your map compatible for 16 players you will need to use 8 mongooses and 8 ghosts. If your map has areas where players can fall off and have their vehicle destroyed, then you may want to consider adding spare vehicles in the form of warthogs. The game type will turn the ghosts and warthogs into mongooses. The respawn time should be 1-5 seconds so they don't take long to come back. Instead of lining the vehicles up bumper to bumper, you may want to have them slightly angled inwards so they can drive forward without obstruction. With my newer tracks I've been using only respawn points and skipping the initial spawn points. You should have 1 respawn point for each mongoose provided (excluding spares). I like to put them right next to the vehicle so that when a player spawns they immediately have the option to get into the vehicle. This minimizes the chaos that usually occurs in the first 10 seconds of the race. All respawn points should be neutral. One of the most frustrating things about losing the race game type is that when you die you go all the way back to the beginning. Those who have played my tracks probably know that I use a system of teleporters as a substitute for checkpoints. Doing this can be pretty simple or impossible based on the layout of the track. If your track is spread out it should be easy. If your track intertwines and overlaps a lot then teleporters will not be feasible. For basic layouts, you have the ability to set up 5 checkpoints (alpha-echo). The idea is that you will have them situated in such a way that if you fall off you will only go back a little bit, and never forward. For the Sender teleporters I recommend making the "top" value 0.1 and the bottom value 1.0+. When having a complete system is not possible,I recommend putting the teleporters under the most difficult obstacles/sections. This will minimize frustration and maximize fun (these are good things). If you really want to go the extra mile, then you can add a starting gate. Having a starting gate will give everyone a fair chance and makes competitive sessions much easier. This usually will involve a dominion base shield and a delayed fusion coil (18-20 seconds), but you can also use delayed structure pieces. The most difficult thing about the shield method is getting it set up so that the shield never comes back (the game type has 0% damage in the settings so players can't take it down). Logic would tell you to put the respawn time to never, but this will cause the shield to never spawn in the first place. It seems to miraculously work for me sometimes when I leave the spawn time at 15 seconds, but this does not work all the time. Random tips: -dominion base shields are extremely useful (as walls/borders), colorful, and cheap -the impact pallet is the most useful for complex maps, there is a wide variety of pieces and they are cheap -sources of flat: building blocks, walls, upside down stunt ramps, grids, platform large, platform xlarge (top or bottom), cylinder large (top or bottom), brace large, bridges, upside down tower 3 story, tunnel long, +some map-specific pieces -the default game type has damage set to 0% (due to use of starting shields) so if you plan on using mines or kill balls you will need to use a player trait zone to override the game type (10% damage, invulnerable, assassination immunity) - dominion base stripes make for nice railings -to save money on spare vehicles you can use mongoose vehicle pads and assign them to the defender team, that way players on the red team can use them (100 each instead of 150) -score to win: 2 x # racers + 1 will end the race when the lead player gets 3 laps (assuming no lapping occurs) Where to find good racetracks: TurbTastic Noble Forger llehctim4 Lord FluffBall WhiskeyWarm NukedIceCream treez0 vR Iceman Tripmine413 TheRedEyedDevil DjV RazoR x DREAM76 x oomishday3 DRG Incubus Jernst Reborn SoS Darth Algar Halo Customs ForgeHub ForgeCafe YouTube Channel - treez0 YouTube Channel - HiddenJewGold
  5. I have downloaded the Forge Map and the Spartan Ops: Episodes 6-10 multiple times. No matter how many times I have downloaded the content I cannot play them. I have already tried different disks and I get the same results. This is a very annoying and frustrating problem, please help.
  6. Space Station: Name Pending Overview: Semi-Competitive 4v4, 6v6 Theme: Space Station, with a ship being built or destroyed attached. Focal Features: Zero gravity area similar to Condemned or Anchor 9 between parts of the ship and the station. Gametypes: Dominion, (with size, most likely also CTF, Extraction, possibly an assault variant) Alright, let's get cracking. Feel free to post some generic layouts that you are thinking of. Here is a link to Google Sketchup (download the free, no limits on use or time one http://www.sketchup.com/download/) which we can use once the layout is agreed upon. Here Is my inital thoughts:
  7. Community Forge Project – Idea Discussion Here we can discuss generic map ideas for possible projects. This is meant to be a “Brain dump,” where we get some ideas onto the table and merge, refine, and discuss those ideas. Basic layouts or sketches on this page are fine, but detailed plans are asked to be postponed until the community wants to pursue further development for the map. Once an idea or set of ideas becomes popular, and the community decides to pursue designing and forging of the map, a new thread will be formed specifically for the map. There the ideas of the map will be posted and members can begin to true design and then forge the map. Please, no bashing of other’s ideas. Try to suggest refinements, offer positive criticism, and help the project generate good ideas. You may find many people agree to a set of ideas you do not like all that much. Do not be discouraged. Hopefully, many projects can be carried out simultaneously, and you can find out you would enjoy to partake in. Basic Suggestions for Generating Ideas: Consider player count, teams, and focus gametypes Consider how you want it to play (ie relaxed, social, or competitive) Structures, map flow, tac- jumps, size of map Map theme (ie Covenant shipyard, Human construction site, Forerunner, etc) Other ideas…. Links to How to Forge a Gametype/Feature: These are meant to help generate some ideas/ get concepts of gametypes or features. KOTH, Oddball, CTF: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/25343-objective-forge-tutorial/ Dominion: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/25342-dominion-forge-tutorial/ Extraction: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/25349-extraction-forge-tutorial/ Flood: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/25346-flood-forge-tutorial/ Grifball, possibly assault: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/25347-grifball-forge-tutorial/ Links to Maps in progress: "Space Station" http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/28872-cfp-space-station-discussion/ More Coming soon
  8. OK, so I finally manages to play Forge Island on Forge after deleting the map I had downloaded before getting Forge Island. I spawned with a Needler and half of a Incineration Cannon. The front end of the cannon looked fine but the rear half simply wasn't there, including the hand hand grips. Would have loved to have taken a screenshot but when I tried loading the clip I got the same glitch happen where I was sent back to the main menu. After that I couldn't go back into Forge Island without getting sent back to the menu. Works fine in custom games oddly enough. Will try to delete and redownload again.
  9. Is anyone else experiencing a glitch where you try to load Forge Island on Forge but get sent back to the main menu every time? It works perfectly fine on Custom Games. Extremely angry with 343 right now.
  10. So I was looking to create a new game type for me to play with a few friends, and had an idea that required the grifball game type. I set everything up, bases spawns and grif goals, but I want more than one grif ball to spawn. When I set up two capture plates and tag them as, "grif_spawn" only one ball shows up. So I tried what I had to do when setting up a CTF game and only one flag was appearing, and sign in another player, but still just the one ball. Any help?
  11. Being named "Member of the Month" Is an honor. I'm very grateful to receive this respectable title. Also the pInk text is awesome . I don't want to gloat or go on an epic monologue, so I would like to give a few shout-outs. I want to thank Dizzy_Dan from the newsgroup. He conducts interviews with members of the community and recently did one with me . He was very patient with me and my delayed(sometimes silly) answers. He also has been a huge help coordinating events and providing insightful feedback on maps I want to thank Absolute Dog. He has been very helpful and accommodating to THFE, and our slow(but sure) transition to 343i. He has helped keep the forums safe and clean for all. I would like to thank the forgers/players for participating in the weekly "Tuesday Night Tests". It has been a blast testing all of the new maps and working with new forgers. I would also like to thank the forgers for submitting and providing feedback in the THFE submissions section. The continued support is fantastic. Thanks for reading. I hope i can be a good Mom while it lasts.
  12. Who has the better Railgun? Hello! I have a minigame map and gametype for everyone to try. Gamertag: SixWaysToSunday Map: Throne of Rails > http://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/players/sixwaystosunday/halo4/fileshare#!/?section=GameMap&SearchDate=7&SortBy=2&view-select=Tile&startIndex=0&details=70aef0c5-1808-484c-898b-5fe19eafdbbb Gametype: Railgun Massacre FFA > http://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/players/sixwaystosunday/halo4/fileshare#!/?section=GameSettings&SearchDate=7&SortBy=2&view-select=Tile&startIndex=0&details=30070162-b8f6-4d85-9027-8ae2a6ae4cb0 Player Count: 4-10, best at 8. This is a railgun only FFA. The map includes two teleporters, two elevated platforms, an instant kill barrier outside the building, and a single line of sight blocker. It's designed so that players spawn into combat, sometimes looking directly at each other. The gametype has only railguns with infinite ammo. Each player can beatdown and assassinate, which creates map flow by giving an incentive for players to flank. The scoring has been modified so players earn a point for each death, creating strange scores that people often comment on after playing. The lead player has a waypoint and overshield visual (not an actual overshield) so players know who to target. The spawns allow you to modified the gametype for teams or multi teams, although it is designed as a FFA. Please try it out and send me feedback through my gamertag or these forums. Thanks and I hope you guys have fun!
  13. The 343Industries Community Forum Forge Project Have you ever gotten into a game of matchmaking or a custom game and go, “I would have done this map/gametype differently?” Have you ever wished for more maps in any of the Halo games? Have you tried making maps that just don’t quite work? Have you made a map but have never been able to test it? Have you ever looked for some tips on how to forge a gametype, a certain size map, or just learn to forge in general? If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, do not dismay; you have come to the right place. I am pleased to introduce the Community Forge Project (CFP), an ongoing project dedicated to making maps, by and for the community. Over the next couple of months, many members will have time off from school and other commitments and will want to play in many playdates and show-off their maps. This is the perfect time to build a large playlist of community made maps, which can be used in playdates regularly. With the forums as a base point for collaboration, the community can design multiple maps for various gametypes and share ideas on the general map themes, flow, and expected play styles it will adhere to. For instance: The community can get together and share ideas for a competitive map. These ideas include general themes, location, and the focused gametypes. Using programs such as Google Sketch-Up, the forum can create the generic layout of the map. After collaboration of the generic design of the map, and discussion of possible problems and ways to deal with them, members can get together to forge the map. After the base of the map is constructed and tweaked to fit, testing by the community will commence. And, as I like to say, “test the problems out of it.” The point of the tests is to pinpoint problems and correct them. After a map is deemed complete, it will be officially added into the CFP Mappack. By the end of this summer, there should be a considerable amount of maps in almost every category of gametypes, and the maps can be showcased in playdates or released at playdates throughout the summer. With many design programs being free and easy info sharing, it would be easy for members could partake in various projects at once. This is a fairly new addition to any Halo forum, and aims to attract and find many aspiring forgers. In addition, Forge mentoring would be very easy, and like any project using multiple forgers, maps are shared and people learn their forging strengths, weaknesses, and get decent tips. I hope you will consider joining the community’s forge project over the next couple of months. The Community Forge Project will begin towards the end of May, allowing for members to finish strong on finals and prepare some ideas. I will be happy to answer any questions here. Official CFP gamertag: CFP343i Links to the Official Community Forge Project threads and projects underway: "Space Station" http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/28872-cfp-space-station-discussion/ Idea Discussion: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/28761-community-forge-project-idea-discussion/
  14. Originally I was going to entitle this topic Forge Island sucks, but I have seen a couple of decent maps used with the terrain wisely and that would therefore contradict what I would say. I am more of a dominion forger and I know ALOT about of dominion. And I have initially made around maybe 3-5 dominion maps on forge island (some tested, most scrapped) and I have not been able to continue any. I found the greatest disadvantage to making a dominion map in Forge Island is the flatness! It is unbelievably difficult to make an enjoyable dominion map on that canvas. You would have to work through many sight lines and then create alot of own terrain to differentiate the map and not give it that even level fighting ground. If you have attempted to forge a dominion map, post how you feel. This is my perspective so don't feel offended on how I view things.
  15. Hello everyone I would like to make a topic speaking a little bit into the future, the future being Halo 5. I have a few unlikely ideas for H5, but that's what I want this to be about. Unlikely, cool-if-it-happened, kind of things. Things that are probably not going to make it into the game, but you would talk about it all week if they did. I have a few ideas... Pulse field (new AA): Startup time and recovery time like autosentry/regen, range slightly less than regen field. Sends out a strong pulse of kinetic force that pushes upwards and away on everything around it. Vehicles, teammates, active grenades, you name it. Could provide a BLAMing awsome solution and punishment for splatter-happy ghosts, make for some great grenade theater clips, and force enemies to stay away from cliffs. Drop Pod: ONE ITEM in forge. get in, nullifies fall damage, breaks off when you hit the ground. Vehicle pods could also drop vehicles, nullifying fall dmg, and a timer could be set on when the pod drops after being activated. Small splash dmg to nearby enemies, death if dropped on someone's head. Damage Despawning: Set a dmg value on any forge item. When it takes that amount of dmg, it despawns with the forerunner 'disintegration' effect. Collapsing buildings made easy! Halo spleef made way more awesome! Vehicle Constructors-: Forge-only single-use items, costing as much as their respective vehicles. One type for every vehicle in the game, another for random. Replaces grenade. carrying cap of 1. Use to digitally construct a vehicle on yourself, Tron Lightbike style. Useful in obstacle corses as well as creative maps. Imagine Jumping off a cliff and digitally constructing a banshee around you, or doing something similar with a mantis.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GBLtnxxtzQ Share your ideas/thoughts!
  16. Map name: Cadaver's Cabin Gamer tag: Rabid Cadaver Description: 1v1 - 4v4 slayer map made on the smallest island on Forge Island. The cabin features very detailed modern architecture with a cylindrical living room and square garage and porch. Two tree houses, one octagon, two story tree house as well as a break away tree house. Mountain range with sniper positions and walk through cave area. Little details like wood columns, the craziest light fixture you'll ever see in forge as well as the over all aesthetics makes this not only enjoyable to play, but will have you saving this map permanently in your file share Map link: http://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/players/rabid%20cadaver/halo4/fileshare#!/?section=GameMap&view-select=Tile&startIndex=0&details=6d3c433c-fe6a-442a-8a56-5571fc32efcd
  17. :[ *Warning* This Post Will Be Very Long ]: First off i would like to ask for no trolling, no hating and no going out of your way to make someone look stupid. This thread is for halo 5 Ideas no matter how good or bad they are. Fill free to post any ideas you have. [Weapons & Equipment]: I would love to see them add all the halo weapons to halo 5. If not be able to choose what skin it has so you can say make a Storm rifle look like a Plasma Rifle. Also choose able plasma colors like with the Brute Plasma Rifles and the Elite Plasma Rifles. As well as new ones. If all the weapons would be added back some would need to be changed to make them more usable. *Focus Rifle* I think this should come back as a anti-vehicle weapon. Where it would do very high damage to vehicles but low damage to infantry. Another way I could see this is take away its x10 zoom and have it as a medium to long range rifle instead of being a long to very long sniper (I never once saw this used as a sniper in matchmaking.). *Brute Shot* I think this should have a one shot melee kill, 4 round clip (like halo 2) and do high damage to infantry and low damage to vehicles. *Concussion Rifle* High damage to light vehicles and be able to flip them, low damage to infantry with Knock back and medium damage to heavy vehicles. *Duel Wield* This need to come back I heard they were going to add it in halo 4 but they couldn't get it to work. Never the less it needs to make a come back even if its something you add for a custom load outs. *Bolt shot* Okay I have not used this since it got nerfed so I don't know how it works now. I think it needs to work in this way. Charged shot only knocks down shields or kill you if you have no shields with a overheat 2 sec cooldown. Single fire would do the less damage but higher rate of fire then magnum. *SMG* Duel-wield able and higher rate of fire then the AR and a 60 round clip with spread. (like halo 3) *ODST SMG* same as the SMG but nonduel-wield able and with zoom. *Mauler* Duel-wield able and two shots would do the same damage as one UNSC shotgun shot. *Plasma Rifle* Same as SMG but with all plasma weapons it would knock down the shields faster then the SMG but health slower. *Bring back the halo 3 equipment in ether loadouts or get them on the battlefield. You would have equipment and armor abilites. *NO MORE CUSTOM LOADOUTS* I would like to see halo reach loadout setup back. I don't like custom loadout but I wouldn't mind to much if they stayed. I just fell halo is more about finding your weapon on the field then spawning with it. Leave in being able to see power weapons on your hud. Its not fair to players who have never played on a map that other player have played on and know where all the power weapons are. *LEAVE IN ORDNANCE* I LOVE THIS ABOUT HALO 4. This is why, I am bad with a sniper. Not because I'm bad at the game but because I don't get to use it that much. Ever since Halo 4 ive gotten batter at sniping in all the Halos. ordnance gives players a chance to use a weapon and get used to it with out taking the weapon away from the players that are good with it. Before think you think just play team snipers. Think about this if you rarely use a weapon it wouldn't be fair to you if you are playing against players who always use that weapon. Some weapons you would see in campaign, firefight and custom games but wouldn't see them in Match making. [Forge & Theater modes]: *Bring back Forge world and sandbox. *Add in a new map thats FLAT with nothing on it and by this I mean something like the flat world in minecraft (NOT LIKE FORGE ISLAND). Here you would beable to place anything in the game any building, rock, mountain, ect... *Holo Mode* Okay this is what holo mode is. When you place a item (Say a Bunker box) in the ground and have it so the door is facing away you can toggle holo mode. Which would allow you to go into the item even though its in the ground. *Despawn timers* So you can make a item despawn in game. Would be fun having to run to a skull before the floor drops under you. *Toggle movement* This would let a item move in a set path or directions that you set in forge. *Firefight forge* *NPC Spawn* Not just for firefight forge but you could add them for any gametpye. *MORE items in forge* *Bring back things that where taken out in reach and halo 3 for forge* *Add things like computers and trash cans* *Changeable skins* so you can change items to look like items for Brutes, UNSC, Forerunner, Covenant, Flood and Maybe a new race >.> <,< >.> *Weather control* so you can change Day/night, rainy, snow, foggy, sandstorm and lightning. *Changable landscape* so you can change from sand, snow, grass, swamp, AND SPACE ! *LEAVE IN GREENSCREENS* *Traits on weapons* This would let you set traits to weapons in forge mode so you can have one say AR that does more damage to another AR. [Being able to make your own campaign]: *Addable Voice to Theater Mode* *Addable effects to Theater Mode* *Forge able triggers* A triggers is something you can put in in forge and it will trigger a cutscene you make in Theater Mode. *Multi Maps* After you do one thing in a map like act activate a trigger it will load the next map. [Custom games & gametpyes]: FIRST OFF FOR THIS I WOULD LIKE TO SAY.... I do not want multiplayer to have a story to it a reason why spartans are fighting spartan. I just dont want it to be on the same story as the campaign. I was told thats why they took elites out of multiplayer. *Other playerable Race* I wanna be able to choose my race no matter the same tpye from Flood, Brute, Elite, Spartan, Prometheans and the forerunner like the Didact. *Playable grunts vs marines For Invasion* Bring back games tpye that were taken out like invasion and race. *No more Custom loadout in MM* *Firefight* *Flood Firefight* Return of Coagulation. [*More gametpye options*]: here are some Increase/Decrease Weapon damage for each weapon and not just the play. Increase/Decrease how much ammo you can have in your weapon and how much ammo for that weapon you can hold. Toggle health. In halo Reach and Halo CE you could toggle shields but not health. Toggle drop flag Toggle have pistol with flag or i would also like to beable to change the pistol to any one-handed weapon EVEN A SWORD. Toggle throw Skull/bomb Changable Cool down/over heat on vehicles weapons [Vehicles]: I would like to see all the vehicles back and each race have there own verson of that vehicle as well as new ones also a flood skin for each one and changable camo skins for them. For Example: Spectre/Prowler/Warthog Also idea for a new Vehicle it was something i saw in halo custom edition a motorcycle with 2 chain guns mounted on it it would be the UNSCs Ghost. [Campaign & Story]: Lot of People want cortana back I being one of them. They could bring her back as a ghost that only chief can see I say this because she was made with human DNA. Now if they didn't bring her back i wouldn't be all OMFGWTF BBFQ WHY I HATE YOU no i wouldn't do that. >.> <,< >.> MORE STORY IN THE GAME for one thing I didn't know why I was attacking my once found ally and the only way to find this info is in a easteregg... This was a bad move. Also there was almost no story in the gameplay all of it was in the cutscenes that needs to change in halo 5. After halo 6 I would still like game with chief in it at some point. Also I would like other halo games with other Heros like I wanna know if noble 6 died or if something happened in a split second. More halo ODST games and halo games based off of the books would be fun. More spartan ops in halo 5 and more story to it yeah I know season 2 isnt out yet. Also i want it to fell more like the campaign but where its MY Spartans story. Lastly we don't know what the xbox 720 is gonna be like so halo can change alot because of it some of the thing 343 wanted to do they couldn't because of the 360 I will be adding more to this and I would like if YOU add your ideas as well. Oh How could I forget The arbiter and a playable elite campaign.
  18. I'm pretty sure all Halo Fans know what 'Forge' is. And I'm sure that some may think that they are good at Forging Maps, and are really good. I'm also sure that a lot of the Halo Fans don't know how to forge, or even think they can forge, but really can't. There's a reason for those people. They are usually better at match making. Well, my name is David, and my Gamer Tag is HSG Forge PRO. And I am one the few forgers who can actually forge. I hope you will find this post appeasing to you. I'm HSG Forge PRO, and I'm not a very well known forger. I started out as some teen who just wanted to play Halo 3. But as I played more and more of the forge, I became better at it. Once I got Halo: Reach, I started going crazy on the forging. I was making maps like no tomorrow. I was in my moment soo much, that I not only made over 700 maps, but I almost failed my junior year at High School. I knew that I had a really small Forging title amongst my friends, and I knew that I had a talent for making great maps. But what I didn't see coming, was that many other people had played my maps and had even downloaded a few of them. That's when I figured out that I wasn't making maps for myself or for my friends, but I was making maps for the community. And when I got Halo 4, I immediately started new projects. These projects, unfortunetly, will not be going public for awhile. This is due to my living situation, my online capabilities, and a few other factors. Now, some people may be asking, "what kind maps do you make?" The maps that I make, arem't your usual everyday 4v4 map. My maps tend to be big, big team, and from my friend's words, epic. I have recently started to make small 4v4 maps, but it's just not me. I love forging, and I hope to be able keep my maps coming out. Please reply if you want to talk to me.
  19. First off, I would like to commend 343 on Spartan Ops. I enjoyed the weekly chapters, esp the second half, and in some ways Ops is like Firefight with a story and more momentum. But it is still not Firefight, as many of us have thoughtfully suggested through various forum threads. Here is what I suggest: keep Spartan Ops and bring back Firefight. Here's how: Keep the current options for Spartan Ops, but add in Firefight mode. Basically, Firefight would just be on the Spartan Ops maps, giving players 5 new Firefight environments each week. Firefight is just a gametype, so 343/Affinity would just need to set up the spawning dynamics along with Spartan Ops. And, with the size of Spartan Ops maps there could be more than one Firefight area set up. Spartan Ops/Firefight hybrid model. This would be a blend of the two, with waves of enemies/skulls at locations, limited lives as before, and Spartan Ops like objectives, so that after so many waves of protecting sites, and moving to new locations on the same map. If the team makes it through the second group of waves they move to a new location, etc. You get the point. And the Firefight mode should be like with ODST: with limited lives, which can be earned with each new wave. This could be the way Firefight mode is, a new hybrid model, or a third option. The point is, simply put, we like Spartan Ops and we miss Firefight, like we miss the Flood. What would be Epcot would be Firefight Flood, with AI marines who can be infected, and the bodies of dead Spartans! A bit of a tangent here, buying have a new thought: infected Spartan bodies would retain weapons/loadouts/armor, etc. You would respawn, but the body of the dead Spartan, if not incinerated, would reanimate. Think of that for a moment. CV
  20. Below is a summary of requests for the Halo 5 Forge by the 343i Forums community. I took the time to gather unique ideas from two separate discussion threads: This one by Urban Bobcat, and this one by Squally DaBeans, with a few addional suggestions I have of my own. I wanted to pool together the various Forge suggestions by the community for Halo 5 as a preparation for a new thread I plan to compose stating the argument for greatly expanding the Forge capabilities and the community role in aiding with the design of DLC, and how this can work to both the benefit of 343, the Forging community, and a way to assist in reviving Halo to it's rightful place at the top of FPS multiplayer games. Once I start this thread I will update this one with a link to that discussion. Read through the summary and add any additional suggestions you may have below if there is something missing, or you are inspired by what you read and have some new thoughts or expanded ideas from the list. I will eventually create a new thread with the expanded list. Here is a summary of what several 343i community members have requested to be part of the next Forge: List of useful suggestions for updated forge: What We Need Most: *Precision editing and zoom: We had this in Reach. Apparently we don't in Halo 4 because of a bug that has not been fixed. We want it back in Halo 5 and into infinity (no pun intended). Sure, you can sort-of precision edit objects horizontally from above/below while holding objects, but there is no way to precision edit with height. Additionally, precision editing should also be possible when editing coordinates. *Inversion: It would be nice if all asymmetrical objects had mirrored cousins. We have asked for this since forever, but having the ability to invert/mirror asymmetrical objects such as ramped platforms/buildings and other non-symmetrical objects would make symmetrical map-building, well, more symmetrical. If for anything than for its aesthetic appeal to advanced Forgers. *Scale Object: Ability to expand dimensions of certain objects, such as blocks, natural objects, decorative, etc. This would be amazing, for obvious reasons, not the least of which means we would be able to have a larger selection of blocks/natural/inclines, but the ability to increase/decrease the dimensions, symmetrically or asymmetrically. Just think how many endless possibilities Forge would offer if we could take a standard medium rock and expand it to be as big as the rocks at the base of the Islands. There would need to be a limit to how much you could scale, and you would have to keep frame rate in mind. I would just like struts to be smaller sometimes, ya know? *Batch Select: This includes: 1.Batch Grab, 2.Batch Duplicate, 3.Batch Editing (Basic and Advanced Settings), 4.Batch Lock/Unlock, 5.Batch Invert and Batch-Scale. (Did I miss anything? Let me know) 1.Batch-Grab: This would give the Forger the ability to “group” or interlock two or more forge objects; objects can be Batch Grabbed whether or not they are merged or even touching. Batch-grabbed objects could be moved/rotated, duplicated, lock/unlocked as is standard now in H4, batch-edited in object settings (i.e. team color, phased/fixed/normal, etc) or likewise in Advanced settings. Batch-grab would be an essential function, esp when building structures or object configurations that will be duplicated in other parts of the map. The forger would be allowed to add or drop objects/spawning from batched items. 2.Batch-Duplicate: Besides being able to move a group of batched objects simultaneously, Batched objects could also be duplicated as a group as well. This is basically the same as the duplicate tool in Halo 4, but applied to a group of objects linked by Batch-Grab. 3.Batch-Editing: As it says, Batched objects could be edited individually in basic and advanced settings, or as a group. With objective Gametypes specific objects/spawning would be have advanced settings set prior to being Batch-grabbed. 4.Batch-Lock/Unlock: Batched objects/spawning could be locked/unlocked as a group, as is now standard with H4 with individual objects/spawning. Individual objects must be released from Batch-Grab in order to be individually unlocked/moved. 5.Batch-Invert: Basically, able to invert or mirror batched items horizontally or vertically as a group. We still don't have the ability to invert individual objects such as asymmetrical buildings/platforms, etc. (see Inversion Function above Batch-Editing Function for more details). 6.Batch-Scale: Batched objects can be scaled as a group. This would give a unique opportunity for creating some hybrid symmetry between objects (hybrid symmetry is when you position two or more objects so that they align as if on the same plane, but you can only really notice this at a specific angle. This comes in handy when creating art installations. New Object pallets: 1.More dynamic objects like the station core or the console on Impact. 2.Doors with similar properties to the Extraction targets that have a “switch” for opening/dissolving the door (think back to campaign and Spartan Ops Episodes). 3.Interactive objects like elevators, sliding doors, gates that open/close (like High Ground in Halo 3, and other varieties), 4. Adjustable Light Bridges: Remember Halo CE when you had to activate the light bridge and other Halo campaigns? If you remember, than that is what we mean. As a forge-able item we would be able to set the width/length to some extent. The Light Bridge would be customizable to team and objective gametypes, have a on/off switch option and not behave like one way shields of shield doors. It would feel like a regular bridge, but look way cooler. 5. Activation Switches: currently when we forge elevators, traps, sliding doors, etc we have to use a bunch of objects and special placements to make things work. Interactive switches would revolutionize this and would lead to even more innovative creations. The Activation Switch would probably work better than using time resetting with man cannons and crates to create elevators. One example of a switch would be a button, that when pushed, would have an expandable arm. This arm would push or thrust objects. There could be different types of switches. Some would be like a short hydraulic burst, while others would slowly extend and contract. Either of these ideas could be used as an elevator and gravity volumes. There are other uses for switches. These are just a few easily explainable examples. 6.Teledoor: This interactive object would allow forgers to essentially “cut” a door into objects like blocks walls/coliseum rock walls, two merged objects, etc. and would be able to be expandable. To understand this, think of a coliseum wall. You take this Teledoor, place it where you would like an opening, and when the object is set right the wall within the door boundaries becomes either clear or transparent, like a shield door or an object boundary. To make this work this Teledoor would function like a teleporter, with a sender/receiver node on either side, but the player would not really notice he was teleported as it would be seemless and almost instantaneous. This tool would really change the way we forge maps and would open up a flood of new ideas and designs due to less limitations. 7.Water Volumes: Think of Far Cry 3. With their map program you can add Water Volumes to map. Think of them like cousins to Gravity Volumes. 8.Fog/mist volumes. Not much description needed here. Think of Water and Gravity Volumes. 9.More varieties of all objects, especially Natural, Blocks, Decorative, Doors, Ramps and Walls, and new Palette categories. 10.Give us rocks with more forge-able properties such as at least one smooth edge, and some that are slightly curved, like curved walls, and block shapes (think Sandbox, H3. Remember building pyramids?) 11.*Add spherical to object shapes for objects (currently only Cylinder, box or none), trait zones, spawn items, etc. Experienced forgers use object shapes to define larger object boundaries and other aesthetic or symmetrical aspects of a map. As far as Spawn items go, like Safe and Kill Zones, having Spherical added to the other two shape options would make zoning some maps, such as geomtrical spheres and air-vehicle based maps easier to set boundaries. *Dynamic coordinates and rotational points system: At the moment our coordinates and rotational system is set to fixed axis points. This works OK for basic object rotation, but it is otherwise cumbersome in many other situations where the object requires more than one axis shift. Experienced forgers can work around this, usually be finding the position you want, and then rotating the object to fit the updated coordinates. The option to use a secondary, more Advanced Mode. There are two aspects to this Advanced Coordinates System: 1. The Coordinates are fixed on the Forge Monitor itself (fixed on you and your screen's orientation). Which ever direction you face, the coordinates would move with you. When you move while holding an object the object would keep whatever orientation it had when you grabbed it. And, when you reset the object coordinates while holding the object in the Advanced Mode it would reset oriented to you, not the fixed standard coordinates system; 2. The second Advanced function would allow you to “lock” or “fix” specific coordinates. This would be very helpful when rotating an object into a position that only requires one (or two) axis directions. Currently when you rotate objects freehand you have to make fine tuning adjustments (which works easier with precision editing as an option) *Give us more varieties of rocks, trees, bushes and include other natural items. *Canvass and Object DLC: Basically, giving us new Standard objects (blocks, decorative, etc) with updates as DLC. We should have many more objects with the standard release anyhow, but in addition to that suggestion we would like to receive object DLCs with either add-ons to current palettes, or completely new Standard Palettes. There should be no problem with Object DLC. We have 300 GB harddrives, for the love of Pete! *Change time of day (night/day): This can be done on the Far Cry 3 engine as well. And, as I recall, in the classic tank game Tanarus maps were either dusk dawn, day/night on their own cycle. If you played a game match long enough (Tanarus matches would last hours if possible—not like Halo matches, which are very fast paced in comparison) you would see the sun set and would be driving in night vision. From a Forge perspective, it would be nice to either set the time of day, or have a period of time elapse, like starting the game at dusk or dawn, since most games don't last that long in Halo. I miss Tanarus.... *Interchangeable pallets: This would be the ability to import the palettes of other maps (Erosion, Impact, forge Island as three examples in Halo 4). An example would be forging on Impact, but being able to exchange the Impact palette for the Forge Island palette. If you had already used some Impact objects than the Forge Island would be missing as many from it's palette (equal exchange?). *Expand boundaries on forge maps: Some of the time spent on locking out forgers from parts of the map seems like wasted time, and frankly just annoying. Give us more areas to explore. If there is a frame rate issue, than no one will use it. But, for the love of Pete, stop locking us out of areas of the map that should not be unaccessible. Examples would be the area above the Foundary (the back corner) and the ceiling in Erosion and the cavernous areas off the Green pool and parts of the ceiling, and the Green pool (would be nice to get a green fog effect like the waters on Forge Island) or the decorative boxes surrounding the Foundary Griffball area; the far sides of the asteroids on Impact, etc. You get the point. It makes no sense and it would give hackers one less reason to hack the maps. Seems like a win win to me. *Expanded options in Advanced settings for objects/vehicles/spawns, etc. One of these would be seeing customized gametypes that you created show up in Advanced settings lables, rather than just Slayer or CTF/Flood. This would allow Forgers to have multiple Slayer or Flood variant modes in a single map, rather than having to make multiple versions of the same map to create various game types with specific spawn locations and object/vehicle spawns. Ability to apply multilabels to specific objects or spawns. An example of this would be designating spawns or vehicles to appear in multiple gametypes, and not spawn in others. *A(n increased) Forge Budget that does not come with specific object limitations per palette; or, in other words, just a budget and when you pick an item you see the total number of objects you have available to you, rather than just the specific object you are selecting. This would come in handy for those maps that require more bridge/platform palette items, for example, or more natural objects. After all, maps with too many reflective or other objects have decreased frame rate issues, so no matter what the Forger will have to make adjustments to get the right environment for playability anyhow. But the point is, we should have more freedom in choosing how many of a certain type of object we want to use. If we did it would be yet another reason to not be curious about modded maps with extra pieces. With this new idea of the Budget we could use 200 blocks if we so choose, it would just show us how many total objects we have less. *Dynamic Magnetic System: This new system would be: 1. An improvement of the current system, with points in pairs at the corners and mid points of object edges in a uniform way; 2. The ability to activate/deactivate magnets, either as a whole, or selected groupings of magnetic points, allowing for rotation along certain axis points; 3. Addition of magnetic plates, which would be magnetized sides, rather than just points. The plates on objects would form polygons that could be expanded or collapsed. For example, you want to have objects slightly merged, you collapse the magnetic polygon dimensions; 4. You would have individual magnetic points and magnetic plates available in your inventory. These could be used for custom made objects, for example, or aligning natural objects, etc.; 5. Magnetic plates can be set to three basic forms: Circle, Triangle, Square. Each can have dimensions adjusted symmetrically (locked), or asymmetrically (select axis locked), to create ovals, rectangles, longitudinal triangles, trapezoids, etc.; 6. You could use magnetic plates of points to form limitless 3-D shapes, that could become the "core" of new custom objects; 7. Building upon what was mentioned with the second point, with magnetic plates you would have different properties with different magnet strengths ( weak, medium, strong); 8. Another aspect of the new magnet system is "chaining." Chaining is when three or more (usually more are link via the magnet points/plates and can be moved as one from a stationary position. The chained objects (i.e. several 1x1 blocks) can be moulded in two specific ways: a. Chained objects can be formed into pre-set forms (triangle, square, circle, polygon, hexagon, octagon, etc) or grab-dragged and twisted into organic, fluid forms. Using the batch-grab tool described earlier in this list the monitor can move the chained or batched objects and rotate them as a unit. This could come in handy for both functional and purely aesthetic purposes. Especially using tools like Invert/Mirror. *Separate the object budget from the Spawns (initial and Respawn), and spawn zones. *Ability to customize the loading screen screen shot in custom games for maps/custom game modes. *Ability to use a spawn/trait zone system that can label call-out areas, such as with the standard maps in Reach. “Elbow” “Blue Room” “Infirmary” etc. There could be standard descriptions or custom labels. *Custom Loadout labels: You would be able to add custom labels to the Game Loadouts in the same way you can label your own personal Loadouts. *Ability to turn on/off the fuzzy loadout screen, or add other effects. *Bring back Assault, multiflag, neutral flag/bomb, VIP, Juggernaut, Race, Invasion, Stockpile, Headhunter and other custom game types, or at least give us the level of Advanced customization options we need to create these and other new gametypes. Expand our customization options. There can be specific gametypes that come with each new Halo, which is what you see with Battlefield, but we should be able to put together any of the known custom gametypes in custom games. *Spherical objects: These objects could be spherical, with stone, Forerunner/Covenant design, or marble like textures or reflective metal. *Timer/Delay/Reset: Ability to set a timer, instant reset (unspawn and wait to respawn again) and delay time on object spawning. This would make creating elevators A. less expensive, less meticulous, and more functional in competitive and mini games, and B. If you need an example, think of fusion coils/kill balls. You can set them to constantly respawn by setting them with fixed, unselecting item, manipulating max/min count and nudging the object to “fall.” This does not happen as fast with crates and other non-fixed objects, and you can't get a timer/reset spawn with fixed objects like blocks or man cannons. If you could set a man cannon to spawn in coordination with a crate (or perhaps a specific elevator non-fixed object you could have a real, simple, functional elevator. And who knows what else creative forgers can come up with?! *More dynamic grid options, such as expandable spheres/cubes/tetrahedrons and other 2D/3D polygons. This options would be useful esp if 343 does not allow terrain manipulation. *Hybrid gametypes: This would be the ability to create gametypes that include more than one individual gametype (Think of a CTF game with Dominion locations with trait zones that can be activated when either team controls the Dominion sites (read next block); or Flood CTF, or how about Flood Griffball. *Expanded use of trait zones connected to gametypes, such as trait zones that can be activated with gametypes, like Dominion; and the ability to have trait zones that have specific traits for one team, and a separate category of traits for the opposite team. Meaning those who control Dominion sites would have certain advantages, such as quicker shield recharge time, or camo, while the team trying to take the Dominion site might experience dampened shields, slightly slower movements or jumping, but maybe increased damage to enemies. The options are almost limitless. One example of this would in the classic pc tank game Tanarus you had CTF combined with a type of Dominion and Slayer. The Dominion aspect were these Recharge Stations where you could repair your tank, reload/modify weapon Loadouts turbo boost, rockets, mines, etc, charge batteries, etc. They start out neutral at initial game start, and teams expand their territory by capturing drone sites. If you come near an enemy recharge station you will have batteries affected, and the drone above the station would shoot you. You could not use the station until you captured it. There was usually only one team mate that was the designated flag stealer, while the rest of the team would capture drone sites and seek and destroy enemy tanks. Each game had either four teams of five tanks, or two teams of ten tanks. So, from a Halo perspective, if trait zones could be tied to gametypes like Objective items/targets in Dominion or in the older Territories, this would be interesting and add a new level of customization to the game. I know I would attempt to create the perfect salute to Tanarus by creating a similar gametype in Halo. What would make me particularly happy is if the next Halo had vehicle repair stations, where if you get your vehicle there in time the station will heal and repair your vehicle. *Keep Green Screens *Flood mode similar to H4 (visually speaking), but with ability to turn on/off weapon usage, as seen in modded Flood gametypes. *Expanded Flood Gametype options, such as in previous versions (Halo 3, Reach) *Better selection of man cannons, and perhaps an option in forge to customize the thrust properties of specific man cannons. *More dynamic objective pallets like Dominion (I'm thinking Flood specifically) *Gametype-specific object pallets (think Flood or Griffball or Extraction) *New FX (Flood-like FX, etc) *Able to label spawning items like initial spawns or respawns for multiple game specific gametypes I basic editing. Example: I want to have team spawn/respawns at same location for multiple gametypes, but not for others. Currently you need to do multiple spawn set ups if one gametype initial spawns at different location. *Different Object Palettes for Human/UNSC, Covenant and Forerunner, Flood, Promethean, etc. The ability to change skin of object to fit one of these themed categories. *We should have the ability to designate gametype spawns as instand vehicle spawns, (like Race Gametypes in Reach. But we should have the ability to signifiy whether it is normal spawn, or a hybrid spawn, such as spawning directly into vehicles. Please PLEASE, for the love of Pete, give Forgers this freedom. My vehicle-themed maps would be happy if you did. *Random objects.... like scenery objects that have normal physics like the way the containers used to be on H3 oil drums, radio antenna, wire spools, dumpsters, and lets not forget exploding forklifts. *With Trees: It would be nice to be able to change to different skins. One with leaves/needles, one with snow, one without leaves/needles, one that's dry/dead. *Much more scenery limits and options- crates, barricades, boxes, computers, radio towers etc. What We can live without, but don't want to: *Fragment Editor: This would be a place or Mode where you could take any Forge item and engineer them into completely new “custom” pieces. One example would be to cut a doorway through a wall. or as far as to build an entire arena and have that available in your Forge menu as one "custom" piece. The Player can add textures and skins, and even even lights and other effects. The other part of this would be to have a market, perhaps connected to your Waypoint Fileshare, similar in some ways to the market found on Forza 3. In that game the player was able to build cars, set ups, skins, and vinyls... then load it to the store and sell it for a form of currency that is only usable in that setting. From a Halo perspective, the items would probably be available just like anything else in your Fileshare, with the exception that you could have more custom items listed on the Forge Market. This function would also allow the player to set the physics of each custom object. *An ability to switch off/on object colors in Forge and test a map with colors/without to see the difference in possible lag. This could help maps with lots of aesthetic details and object colors used for orientation/appeal, etc to have the right number of objects left neutral if it brings down possible lag. This should also include the ability to turn off/on other types of objects that effect frame rate, such as reflective objects. *Drone Camera: The DC would be similar to the loadout camera. It would be deployable and would help when forging in tight spaces where the program will often throw your monitor into spaces where you can not directly observe what you are doing. Experienced Forgers will often sign into Guest and use the Guest as a stationary viewpoint, but at the sacrifice of loosing half your screen. With a Drone you would be able to switch views. It would be nice to be able to “deploy” the drone while still holding an object. An alternative to this idea would be to allow your monitor to move through solid terrain and objects. The terrain/objects would become transparent, except for the basic contour edge lines and magnets. *Terrain editing: Another cool feature to the Far Cry 3 map engine. Players can brush over the landscape and create hills or pockets, and yet other tools, such as erosion and smoothing. *Environmental conditions: Yet another Far Cry 3 ability. Being able to add weather conditions (rain, snow, wind, fog). Also, earth quake tremors, such as with Battlefield 3 multiplayer maps. *Add AI (Firefight game modes): This is another benefit of the Far Cry 3 map creator engine. So far as it is known, to make this work for Halo Forgers would also have to have control over the Bot Paths/movements of the AI in order for a custom gametype like Firefight to work. You would want the AI to recognize the physical environment of your map (object placement, etc). I have read this in the thread linked above by Urban Bobcat, but even in that thread the concept of Bots and Bot paths is not really clarified. Perhaps those that know and understand this concept more should chime in on this thread and provide more in depth information for those of us that are not programmers (hint hint). *Ability to revert to a previous version of a map: This would be reverting to your previous save. *Object Texture palette: Ability to change or edit, create or import object textures, or to receive texture DLCs. *Firefight added to custom gametype editing options. *Ability to Forge on Spartan Ops/Firefight maps *Expanded solids besides blocks, such as the pyramidal stones in H3 Sandbox. *Make Gravity Zones expandable like trait zones and capable of being connected to Objectives (like Dominion). *Allow Forgers to have more control over modifying gametypes similar to how hackers have created modded gametypes like Gravemind, but make it official. *A Custom Game option similar to Invasion, where there can be multiple rounds, like Flood, but with each “round” customizable. This would be a take on the hybrid gametype idea. Basically, allow Forgers to create a gametype with multiple rounds, each round a different gametype of their choosing, like Invasion in Reach, but, say, the first can be CTF, second, Assault, third Flood or Infection, Last Snipers, etc.) This is just an example of what could be done. There are almost limitless options or variations.I could think of a type of Gun Master, Halo Style. *Map rendering: I wonder sometimes if being able to rendering our maps so there would not be all the objects but locked and merged objects smoothed into each other, etc. If this was possible would it reduce lag? [VIDEO] [/VIDEO]
  21. Can anyone please give me some advice on how to get weapons on map to spawn in flood mode. Some of my favorite games were maps that started off with small weapons for the spartans and would eventually lead you to stockpiles of bigger, better weapons. This was obiously to compensate for more people being infected by that point and gave the remaining humans a kick *** time mowing down the infected. I don't want to just start the humans off with the good weapons as it would not feel like they've earned it by making it that far in. I would like them to survive when there are lots of infected so spawning with just small weapons won't give them much of a chance. Because the mode i've been using is the flood are really strong but fairly slow. It's also with visual effects and placed underwater so it looks like thick fog/smog. LIKE SILENT HILL!! I've tried labeling the weapons to flood but to no avail, is there something i'm missing out? I have made weapons on map 'default' in the flood custom game options, it's really buggign me. Anyone out there having issues like this? Anyone got any thought? I'm determined to get to the bottom of this Thanks, much appreciated.
  22. Hey guys! Are you great Forgers but bad competitive player? Can't get a high Spartan Rank or CSR? Well, this ranking system is good for you. The Forge Spartan Rank is a ranking system where the number goes up for the number of maps you make, time Forging, pieces placed, and ties editing. You can also get more points from people who download your maps off Fileshare. So this will be just like CSR, except operates more like SR. This is my short idea, so thanks for reading!
  23. If YOU want to test your map with THFE and experienced forgers, sign up for the Tuesday Night Tests.
  24. BANSHEE WARS Download Link:http://www.halowaypoint.com/en-au/games/halo4/fileshare/details/05a692a7-7377-44ad-aa54-9f6270ccf354 Gametype Link: http://www.halowaypoint.com/en-au/games/halo4/fileshare/details/6e298dd0-8277-47a4-b226-a7e2833c592d Hello everyone, this here is my new map. The map is a 4v4 Banshee map, but can extend from that. I have made the main arena for the banshees. The sides of the map can be walked on if you don't quite make it to a banshee, also allows more than 8 players in a game. I've only been able to get a test on this with 8 and 16 players, we were having a bunch o' fun on it & laughs all around. It's something fresh and new to play in Halo. I also have a Custom Gametype which is required to play the map, the download link for it is above. There are two symmetrical bases. The bases contain: 4 Banshees, 1 Sentry Turret & a soft kill zone (behind a shield to avoid spawn killing) Below you can find six pictures to show you some of the maps features. Banshee Depot Both bases have a Sentry Turret attached to the side Teleporter to take you to the other side of the map Shade Turret. (2 on map) Anti-Air Gun. (2 on map) Overview Team Epiphany's Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-e8_lhh-ZAY Thanks for Looking, Please leave me feedback with what can be improved. Thanks again
  25. Download Link:http://www.halowaypoint.com/en-au/games/halo4/fileshare/details/f89176a1-86d1-4dba-9f4c-bcf7e29a937a Gametype Link:http://www.halowaypoint.com/en-au/games/halo4/fileshare/details/e3e8e6ff-e3f1-4841-be0a-ddf566226c30 Today here I have a map to show you, Created by myself, helpers were Quizter and AC SpecOps. This was a Mini-Game that I loved to play in Halo 3 and have wanted to recreate since Reach but never had the right space to do so. We've pretty much done everything as it was in 3 but changed some things up to better suit the Map and Halo 4. Now, onto the way it works. There is 1 Flood (Tank) The rest Humans (Mongoose) Simply the way it works is the Mongeese must run from the scorpion and try to stay alive for the remaining time. Each player has 1 life, when you die your dead. There are multiple rounds in a game, with hazards and jumps to go along with all this. That's about it for the way it works, quite a simple map. Video [video=youtube;BkHKKA5pkN8] Now on with the Screenshots. Human Spawn. (Mongeese) Flood Spawn. (Tank/Scorpion) Mongoose Performing a jump. Guess this Mongoose didn't think his path. Overview. That's it for this post, if you could leave feedback it would be much appreciated. Thanks
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