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  1. Hey. I preordered Halo 4 Limited Edition, and got all my customization and armor, but I didn't get the Hazop Forest Skin. I preordered from Gamestop, but didn't get a code on my receipt or in the box. I was wondering if the Hazop Forest was only for regular edition of Halo 4.
  2. I used the Recruit armor skin, along with the War Games Map Pass, and etc, but none of the helmets, emblems, or any of the skins are showing up when i go to the customization menu. Do i need to go to waypoint, do i still need to unlock them, or is it because i used the codes on the dashboard instead of in the game? Please help, if anyone knows.
  3. So my 3 friends and I beat legendary on co-op, and I got the achievements and the Mark VI armor and all of that. When I got to my service record it says I only completesd 7 missions, and it says I'm still "in progress." This happened to one other person that played with us as well, but the other two people we played with it says they completed it. I need help! I don't know how to fix this.
  4. Subtitle adjustments Hi, I`m new here and I need to get in contact with 343 industries. A friend of mine got his version of Halo 4 early, and discovered that his version had Norwegian subtitles. We are both Norwegian (from Norway, north Europe), but find Norwegian subtitles ghastly. I know it probably is considered a minor inconvenience for most people, but I find it horrible. There probably are similar situations in other countries, and it might be no one else mind, but think of it as a matter of having a choice. So I was wondering if you (343 industries) could make an update, that would allow me to switch to English subtitles, or just turn them off entirely. I don`t know who is responsible for the way things are now, but I would really appreciate if someone could fix this. You can think of it as fan service ^^ (Also, if this is in the wrong area in the forum, please inform the correct people ) Fanboy greetings from HighlandDeer
  5. Today was the first time i heard of a credit ban. Im trying to figure out why theyre issued? And if i can get an idea of how long it will last or if it can be reversed? Please can an Admin help me. Thank you.
  6. Okay, so i bought the halo anniversary map pack as soon as it came out and it wont let me play the map pack. I've tried redownloading it and everything i can think of and NOTHING WORKS!! I really need help because i just started playing halo reach again since halo 4 comes out soon.
  7. Hey guys. I need some help making an BTB city map. Anyone interested?
  8. I am attempting to build a BTB Urban Warfare map. So I need forgers who are good at making urban areas in forge world, along with people who are good at balanced vehicle/weapon placement. This map will be for BTB (16 players). It is a small part of a city, with enterable buildings and vehicles. There will be both vertical and horizontal movement throughout the city, making it favorable for both ground guys and jet-packers. There will be Sniper posts and Falcon pads either at each base or at the tops of buildings. The map will be asymmetrical, so everything is balanced and there's no cross mapping (from the ground). Enterable buildings' doors will be highlighted blue (some buildings you can't actually go inside, it's just a teleporter from top to bottom. There will be a few docks, so you can see that water and jump in as well. I'm thinking about adding cranes, and maybe even a building under construction (all accessible). If you are interested in helping, message my Xbox LIVE account or leave a comment below.
  9. Hi first post ok so im brazilian and i love halo the first one i played was halo 3 and it came out with the audio in portuguese. Same with ODST and Reach I really apreciate the whole idea and concern from microsoft and bungie when it comes to turn the game a more embracing experience for everybody in every country and **** but i also would love to hear the original audio of the game (i've seen the manking ofs and the behind the scenes) when Halo: CE came out it was brilliant because the audio was not in portuguese, but there was 'subtitle' option, and that is just perfect. Being that the first game 343 launched, my question is Will Halo 4 have the audio ONLY in portuguese ( or any other language, depending on the country) or will everybody be able to choose between the original audio and the dubbed one ? Peace Out.
  10. Hi ya'll. I have an honors project that I need help/ opinions on. This is somewhat confusing, but if you could live on the moon tomorrow what is one, YES ONE thing that you would NEED. It has to be an object. But everything such as oxygen, food, housing, clothes are provided. Now make this personal what would you personally die without, your computer, your iPod, your frisbee, your dog, or even hair products. Anything. Please leave your answer, where you are from and your age if you feel comfortable. Ask a question if you don't understand. Thank you in advance.
  11. I have had problems with this for ages my retailer promised the code and didnt give me it when i preordered back then I was younger and dint like to cause a fuss about anything, however I really want it now and have scoured the internet from my retailer to microsoft to the halo site to bungie to here and no answers everyone keeps bumping me please let this be the end of this trail. I just need a code given to me or a license given to me or something. Basically it was obviously years ago when i preordered the game and now the retailer has deleted my purchase off of their files and have no record of me buying however they assured me microsoft could help, microsoft spent a long time discussing the matter with associates and bumped me towards a halo community site, i posted a forum thread there and i was bumpedd to a bungie site, posted a forum thread there and I was finally bumped here. I was assured by all that the next could give me the code I was promised but so far nothing. Please somebody put me in touch with someone in 343i that can give support or can pass me to someone who will definetly be able to give me the code, or a license on XBL to download the content... thanks for any helpful responses
  12. Is it possible to share your mobile (nokia lumia) internet connection to your laptop? Like if you go far away somewhere and you want to use your laptop with your mobile internet connection. Hope you understood my english.
  13. So heres the rules for The Guardians. 1. No foul Language. 2. If you dont like something, talk to the Guardian. 3. You have 5 excused meeting absenses, if you cant make a meeting for a important reason tell the Guardian and he/she will not subtract an excused absense from your profile. 4. You gota have fun! Members: Recruits (max # of Recruits - 10) - - - - - - - - - - Marines (max # of Marines - 10) - - - - - - - - - - ODST (max # of ODST'S - 10) - - - - - - - - - - Noble Team (max # of Noble Team - 5) - - - - - Forerunners (max # of Forerunners - 5) - - - - - Guardians (max # of Guardians - 5) - Wasaibi (GT: WaSaibi) - - - - The Guardian (max # of The Guardian - 1) - LORDLIDELL (GT: KSI LORDLIDELL) Leader and Creator of the clan MESSAGE ME ON XBL OR THESE FORUMS TO JOIN Heres the Link for the explaination of the clan http://www.343indust...-the-guardians/
  14. I'm gonna tell you a story about a guy named hlamr. He was an idiot, a New idiot, new to 343i community. Now he's banned from the shoutbox for copying the whole page, then pasting it into the "box", and unveiling this pasted whole page, to the world. Now he is depressed. Now, he can't talk with his friends. Now he's just so ashamed. Yet, using this forum, which fortunately he is not banned from, he can shout to this lonely world. Now, he wants another chance, so ashamed for asking, but he wants another chance. He needs help, help on how to get back there, but following the rules while going back. He has learned his lesson. I'm here today, to tell you this, with so much detail, because that sad sorry little depressed idiot, is ME. So please help me, I wanna go back, but I'll follow the rules. All I wanted was a joke..
  15. Ok, so I actually do know HOW to mod Minecraft, but I don't know HOW to mod Minecraft. I even have some ideas, but I am missing something crucial. I can't read Java. I also can't make mobs very well because I am on a Mac, and PC is better for making mobs. So, I propose 2 things: 1. I need someone to teach me to read Java. That would be excellent, and I would be eternally grateful. 2. I need someone to work with me to make mobs. That would also be great. So, those are the two things I need. If you can help out, just let me know, and we'll start modding Minecraft. First objective: Green Hill Zone!
  16. From the album: My pics

  17. Hey guys I need help, again . Anyways, I need help with the Minecraft Xbox 360 Edition Achievement called: On a Rail If you have a map that you got that achievement from and can help me out hit me up on the forums and XBL. My GT is: KSI LORDLIDELL Thanks -LORDLIDELL
  18. Hey guys its me again. So I have just bought all of the halo series. (not extras like wars or ODST) But I need help finishing the Combact Evolved Anniversary campaign. If you would like to and or can help me with campaign please respond and or private message me and or message me on XBL. My GT is: KSI LORDLIDELL Online at U.S. Eastern time. P.S. I also need help on Halo 2 Campaign. -LORDLIDELL
  19. Hey guys, I have previously quit a clan called KSI, because in the begining it was cool now its just terrible. So they made me change my name on Xbox Live from "LORDLIDELL" to "KSI LORDLIDELL". So its time for me to change it again. So this is why I made this post. You guys come up with ideas for a new gamertag. In a week I will choose the best one in my opinion. I will message you if you have won! -LORDLIDELL
  20. Hey 343 and 343 fans I couldn't find a support number or email so I'm posting this on the fourms. I'm going to purchase the limited edition because I am a hardcore halo fan and would love to play ALL the maps on the xbox in my basement using my gamertag. But my 9 year old little brother also wants to play all these maps on his gamertag, on a seperate xbox (in the same house). Will I be able to double install these maps on both xboxs? Or will it be linked to my gamer tag? Will he also have to purchase the $100 limited edition also because all I want to do is play with him online like I do in halo reach. I hope an 343 representative or someone experienced on the topic sees this soon. Respond soon please.
  21. To whom it may concern, My name is Collin, I am new to this site, I would like to get to know some people. I want to start using this site more, I am going to start threading, I am going to be the next MoM, otherwise known as Member of the Month, I just want to invite anybody, and everybody to check out my profile, like my threads add me as a friend, or just to talk and get some help. I am open to all people. I am not single, I have to put that in there otherwise (once again I'd be in trouble). I'm sorry If I cannot help some people with issues that they may need help with, or knowledge of. I surely will do my best though. Thank-you! Sicerely Your Friend @CollinRay Gamertag: turnmyswagon123 My kind of music to jam to While Pwning on Halo xD
  22. Seeing as both of my headsets for the 360 broke, I need to buy a new one. Does anyone have any recommendations or advice for me? I was thinking of getting the Turtle Beach Earforce X12 or X32. I don't have a lot of money, but I'd be willing to spend up to $100. I just want a headset that will last a while and won't break easy, has a good mic and speakers, and will let me hear myself and the other game sounds (shooting, explosions, etc. ) through the speakers.
  23. Alright, since Minecraft is a pretty popular game on the 360, and since I seem to be the expert on explaining how to get achievements, I thought I would go ahead and teach you how to get all the achievements for Minecraft. A good chunk of the achievements you can get from playing the tutorial, so I won't spend much time on those. There are a few, however, that are a bit difficult. There are 20 in total equaling 400 Gscore. Here are the super easy ones, they can be done on any difficulty: 1. Taking Inventory - Open your inventory by pressing Y. 2. Getting Wood - Punch a tree until a block of wood pops out by holding right trigger. 3. Benchmarking - Craft a Workbench with four blocks of wooden planks. 4. Time to Mine! - Craft a wooden pickaxe. 5. Hot Topic - Craft a furnace using 8 cobblestone blocks. 6. Acquire Hardware - Smelt an iron ingot. You do this by putting Iron Ore into a furnace with some coal (or some other fuel). You can find Iron Ore in almost any mine you make. 7. Time to Farm - Craft a wooden hoe. 8. Getting an Upgrade - Craft a stone pickaxe. It has to be a stone pickaxe, can't be iron, gold, or diamond. 9. Time to Strike - Craft a wooden sword. 10. Cow Tipper - Hunt and kill a cow and harvest leather from it. 11. MOAR tools - Craft one of each tool (Pickaxe, Spade, Axe, and a Hoe). You can make them from whatever you want to make them from, but wood is cheapest. To do a two birds with one stone (pun) here, craft a stone pickaxe and wooden everything else. See? Over half of them are super easy. Now for the ones that take a little bit of doing: 12. Bake Bread - Turn Wheat into Bread. Break several tall grass blocks (which grow on dirt blocks, above ground) until you collect three seeds. Use the hoe on three dirt blocks to create farmland using left trigger (grows faster near water) and plant one seed on each block of farmland. Wait for the wheat to grow. Gather the wheat once it finishes growing and go to the crafting table and create some bread. Furnace is not required. At all. Another way to do this is to find a village and harvest their wheat. You only need 3 to make bread. 13. The Lie - Bake a Cake. Collect 3 Milk Buckets. You will need three buckets, and will need to use each bucket on a Cow to obtain Milk. You can milk the same cow three times. Grow 3 Wheat from Seeds (or find a village and harvest from there). Find or grow 2 Sugar Cane and go to the crafting table to make sugar. Follow a Chicken around for 4–5 minutes or, if you are lucky, you may stumble upon an Egg laid by a Chicken already. You should now have 3 milk buckets, 3 wheat, 2 sugar, and one chicken egg. Go to a crafting table and craft a cake using these ingredients. 14. Delicious Fish - Catch and Cook a fish. To get this achievement, all you really have to do is take a cooked fish out of a furnace's smelted slot. So, if you've got nice friends, you don't have to learn how to fish. If you do not know how to fish, then I suggest you use the tutorial to learn. Then you can just cook the fish you find in the tutorial for this achievement. 15. Monster Hunter - Attack and Destroy a Monster. This achievement has to be done on at least easy difficulty. And YOU have to be the one to kill the monster. If you attack a creeper with a sword and it explodes, you will not get the achievement. If you've got dogs and they do the dirty work, there's a chance you won't get the achievement. If one of your friends does most of the damage on the mob, there's a chance you won't get the achievment. 16. Leader of the Pack - Tame 5 Wolves. You will need quite a few bones for this one, which can be got by killing skeletons. You will need to find five wolves, and feed each of them bones until a collar appears around their neck. There will be hearts as well. Another way to do this is to find one wolf, save, tame the wolf, then reload the save five times. Breeding wolves does not count towards this achievement. You can tame four wolves and breed them one thousand times and you will not get this achievement until you tame another wolf. 17. Dispense with This - Craft a Dispenser.The reason this is here is because it takes a bit of doing. First, you will need a bow (made by three string and three sticks, you get the string from spiders or by using shears on web found in abandoned mines). Then, you will need some cobblestone and redstone dust. Redstone dust is actually more common than one may think, you just need to look for it. If you are having major difficulty finding some, try either switching worlds, playing on a friends world who has the ingredients, or mining in a different area. Okay, here are the three more difficult ones. These ones will probably end in tears for you at least once or twice. Well, here they are, as best as I can explain them: 18. Into The Nether - Construct a Nether Portal. For this one you will need a flint and steel (which can be made with flint and iron one for each) and Obsidian, which can only be mined with a diamond Pickaxe. However, there's a little trick you can do with a few buckets of lava and water. Here's an AH video explanation. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCJ0RmiYixM Note, in the video he uses more than two buckets. You only really need two buckets to do this, but that's up to your imagination. 19. When Pigs Fly - Ride a Pig using a Saddle and make the Pig take Fall Damage. Okay, for this one you will need to find a dungeon then find a saddle in one of the "dungeon chests" near the Mob Spawner. This is mainly a matter of luck. However, World Seed 9000000000800000000700000006000000500000­40000300020010 has a dungeon located at X: -309 Y: 51 Z: 199. Video Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dx6Lz-gfiZs Once you find the saddle, you can find a village, get some carrots, get some string, and some sticks and make a carrot on a stick. This makes the achievement much easier. You put the saddle on a pig, get on the pig, press R with the carrot on a stick equipped to hit (or "tame") the pig, and you can lead it using the stick. Bear in mind that if you kill the pig with the stick, you do not get the achievement and sometimes they will not drop the saddle. If you lead the pig into water, you will lose control of the pig. Best thing to do is get off the pig and let it get to land. Then, just lead the pig off a cliff that won't kill you. 20. On A Rail - Travel by minecart to a point at least 500m in a single direction from where you started. This one requires A LOT of materials, and some know how with how to make an effective railway. All you have to do is make the railway straight. No turns at all. You can make it go up or down, but it needs to be straight. 500m = 500 blocks. So you are going to need quite a bit of iron and gold. Best practice is to have one powered rail per 10 iron rails. So Powered - Ironx10 - Powered. Remember, Powered rails need to be powered by redstone torches. If you need it, here's an Achievement Hunter guide. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tihfx6DunZs Well, there it is. The complete list of achievements for Minecraft. I hope this helped most of you who are reading it. I have changed X-Box's so I no longer have my old achievement help maps, so I can no longer offer personal assistance over XBL. Everything above has been confirmed for the X-Box 360, but may also work on the X-Box One, PS3, and PS4 versions of the game. This achievement guide was last updated 7/28/2014. Number of people helped with achievements over XBL so far: 158
  24. I logged in recently and once I started halo reach, I received two messages. The first saying my account was banned from earning credits and the second saying my entire console was banned as well. I can still play matchmaking games, I just don't earn credits. I really want to earn credits, i'm finally on vacation and I can finally reach a higher rank. Please Help. :S
  25. im haveing trouble posting pics, i cant seem to get my pics on my computer and such to show up, where the picture should be all that i see is a box with an x in it. so i thought i would make this topic to get help from the members that know how to post pictures and apropriate links, not just for me but also the new members that have the same problem im having. your advice is greatly appreaciated
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