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  1. Gamertag: mcmillan119 Map: Power Relay Alpha Gametype: HK-Flood Players: 10- 16 This map takes place on Ravine, it consits of five buildings for the humans to defend in or on, there are always multiple ways for the Flood to get to them, the main feature of the map is the skyscraper building, which offers some very cool close quaters combat. Also to add more to the theme (map name) of the map, from the power building (to the right of the skyscraper if looking at it), I have added in power lines & power poles, to show how the different buildings gets its power. On the map there are three Initial weapon drops and one random drop, also there are two vehicles, the mongoose and (normal) warthog. Pls feature this map in a video, it would be really cool for publisity, in Reach i made some very awesome maps but they never had very many downloads because nobody 'followed me', if you get what i mean.
  2. Gamer tag: kiwigrunt1074 Map title: Toilet Bowl (on file share) Game type: In the toilet (also on file share) Remember all those times dying. As flood. On halo 3. It sucked. It still sucks. Never mind that because with the new remake of toilet bowl, you can have some fun. Shoot up the hole(if u know what I mean) as a little turd and kill the humans waiting for u at the top. Soooooo fun!!!
  3. gamertag: onecarmel It can be found on my file share gamemode: flood There are a few ways to get around the map, but most only work for the flood. Top View Bottom View Survivors Spawn Flood Spawn
  4. Gamertag: john xSNIPERx Map name: Breaking Point (can be found in my file share) Gametype name: Infection (also found in my file share) You and your team investigate a resent distress beacon located at Research Base Zulu, only to discover that the asteroid the facility is situated on has split. Most of the base is on the very unstable side of the asteroid so make your way across the debris field to find out why this phenomenon has occurred. Maybe something was lurking within this destruction. You will need every hand and gun you can afford. (Recommended 16 Players) Sorry for the transmission quality, someone or something was Tampering with the security cameras:
  5. gamertag: onecarmel gamemode: flood It is on my file share, so please check it out! It is a pretty close quarters map. If you are a survivor you need to be continually moving because the flood will drop from vents in the ceiling. Sorry for the bad picture quality, I had to use my phone because their is no file share for Halo 4 on Waypoint yet. Main Area Vent on Ground Floor Survivors Spawn Some of the Flood Spawns
  6. Just wanted to see what you guys would like to see in upcoming downloadble content for Halo 4. Personally I would like to see: The return of Halo 1+2+3+Reach+ODST Vechicles, Weapons and Armor Infected armor pieces (i.e More Flood Armor) Underwater maps (also the ability to swim, if not then simply to be able to go into water in maybe some kind of Scuba Mantis) Playable Elites agian Back body armor: Swords, Katana's, Machetes etc. (could play a part in assassinations) Flags on poles, bags of skulls (think Predator) Customizable styles for your Jetpack The return of bigger Forge Maps The Ultimate Map Pack: Every map, ever released on every Halo game. Ever. Even DLC ones. (Excluding Wars) Firefight's return Duel-Wielding (Probably not a good idea on the whole, but you never know...) Damaged armor i.e Needler rounds stuck in it or a crack visor, it would look kick-ass! More Armor's to unlock past level 50 and just more in general More Specializations (and with that, more ranks to get to) Playable Brutes(?) Forerunner Armor (One of the top on my list) More armor abilites Stun, Tether (i.e Didact force choke) Teleportation ( perfect for n00bs ) AND..... Blood Gulch. Any more ideas that I have I will post on here. Oh, and if anyone from 343i sees this post, Please do consider these ideas to prehaps put in, or just ignore them as the ramblings of a crazed fan-boy. Ether way, thanks for making such a fantastic a astounding game for us to cheirsh and enjoy.
  7. Map creator- VHR JAXZ Map name- Hidden File share holder- VHR JAXZ Game type- Infection Game type is also in the same fileshare. This is my first good Halo 4 flood map. It took me about 30min-1 hour to make, but it's really fun. On the map, you are on a large complex that is designed for research, but when it become abandoned after a flood infestation, you are the only survivors left. This map is designed for up to 16 players, but can be used for as little as 6 people.
  8. Heya. So I have a serious problem. In my group of friends, a majority of our custom games involved infection. Specifically a certain game. Im sure there are a lot of people familiar with the gametype "Halo" on the map "Halo". the original was on sandbox I think, and many other maps were made for it. It involved one zombie up on a platform with a rocket launcher and a sniper, and they would shoot at the players as they rode mongooses on a track to prevent them from reaching the end, where there was a sniper or vehicle to kill the zombie. Well, I made a map for halo 4, but then i almost lost it when I was making the gametype and realized that there were no options to let the infected, or "flood" now, use weapons. PLEASE let us give the zombies weapons, infection was always the best game type to tinker with in order to make really fun custom games, please let us have our zombies back 343! And of course, duckhunt and fatkid too, which used a sniper and hammer respectively. I know people know about those
  9. MONTIS MANGOOSE GameTag: Gitty1 Map Name: MANGOOSE Link: N/A GameType: MONTIS Link: N/A Description: An original map and gametype created on Impact. The players are either Flood or Spartans, the flood must get into Mantis' and chase the Spartans who are on Mongooses (Mongeese? Mongi?) while the Spartans try to survive. Honour rules are, Spartans stay on Mongooses and no shooting with the Mantis(Stamping only). The initial Flood count must be edited to half of the player count (rounding up is uneven) to a maximum of 4 for this map. This is the first dedicated map for the gametype so some issues may have been missed and feedbck would be apreciated. I am also looking to make many more maps for this gametype. Thanks in advance for any and all constructive feedback. I'll get better pictures and fill in the links when the fileshres are put on Waypoint.
  10. Map = Tattered Perplexes Gametype = Mutation Fileshare Holder = HeroAnarchy ======= You play the role as a survivor of a forgotten militia , mutants from the above world have burrowed into the stronghold you call home. With no help from the outside world you have to allow the shields of the stronghold to generate which will take 7 minutes exactly. Which it will kill of the mutant intruders. The mutants have became smart and began using the air vents as well as the crater they left upon the wall. ======= Gametype should be played with 6-10 players To kill a survivor it takes two hits There are no armor abilities on the map however the humans have infinite sprint. Flood can go through one way shield door or through ventilation shaft. The map was originally built for Aesthetics but can however support infection very well VERY IMPORTANT: The pictures were taken by an Iphone due to the fileshare's for Halo 4 aren't working yet. So the pictures do not reflect the maps complete appearance.
  11. As much as I like to play flood, some things need to be changed and, or, maybe added. 1) Flood need to be able to use weapons other than their sword arm thing for games like duck hunt (sniper) and fat kid (hammer). 2) Flood load outs need to be able to be edited like the base player load outs so people can edit the equipment they use. 3) Proximity chat needs to be put back into the game. How else will I scare the crap out of my friends? 4) Allow survivors to have their own colors not the ugly green color (unless that's their favorite color in the world). Something I just remembered, there is a problem in flood matchmaking. When host migration takes place and then finishes, if you're human, you can kill other human players and it will turn them into the flood. IT'S A PILE OF DOODY WITH SUPER LAME SAUCE ON THE SIDE! This is what I feel should be put into this here game type. If anyone feels like adding something go for it.
  12. 343i, Microsoft, Hell even Bill Gates, Listen up. If you had involved a Flood game mode, where my friends and I can slay endless hordes of NPC flood, similar to Black Ops 2 Zombie mode, I would have had no reason to even buy BO:2. I love Halo 4. It is the game I've been waiting to play since Halo 2. Please add a game mode like this, I would love to play it.
  13. Over the course of the campaign, we learn that long ago, Humanity and the Forerunners went to war. Ultimately, it was learned that the Humans weren't making war with the Forerunners, but, in fact, running from the Flood. Okay, wait... If Humanity was already engaged in a galactic battle with the Flood, WHY would they EVER start a war with the Forerunners? Aren't they threatened enough? Well, I've heard it put, "If you're running from a serial killer and have to cut through someone else's property, you're not going to care about the person that owns the property, you're running from a freaking serial killer." Okay, that makes sense. But wait...how did the Forerunners not learn that Humanity was fighting the Flood? I mean, it should have been very, very obvious. Well, maybe it all happened so fast that by the time the Forerunners realized humanity was fighting the Flood, it was too late for either side. Okay, that makes sense...only no, it doesn't. At all. Because the Forerunners and Humanity were at war for ONE THOUSAND YEARS. Yes, the Librarian herself states this fact, that they were at war for a millennium before they realized that the Flood was a thing. This doesn't even APPROACH making sense. We've all seen how fast the Flood spreads. How fast they work. Even if somehow, someway, the Forerunner battled Humanity on a galactic scale for a thousand years and SOMEHOW never ran into the Flood...don't you think Humanity would try to communicate the fact that they were facing a race of parasitic, unstoppable killers that would gleefully not only wipe out Humanity, but the Forerunners, too, if given the opportunity? Wouldn't it make FAR more sense for Humanity to try, desperately, to form a pact with the Forerunners? And I can't believe it's a breakdown of communications. The Forerunners built the Halos, they built the Ark, they are apparently able to enact a plan that takes literally one hundred thousand years to come to fruition. There's no way something like a lanague barrier would stop them. So, am I missing something here? How could 343i drop the ball so thoroughly on this little fact?
  14. Welcome Spartan think you have what it takes. Join Palidon and test your skills. This team will do campaign, custom games, war games (from Infinity slayer to swat), spartan ops. So if you Think you have what it takes send a message to gamer tag FullerScroll or put your gamer tag below. Palidon runs on a ranking system. To view said system got to the Palidon website. http://www.i-m.co/siminoux/PalidonHq/ So join Palidon today and see where your carrier takes you! If you don't have a headset you can still join! Headsets are not a must and will not make us say no! All we need is YOU!
  15. we need a free world to create in. im talking massive free world in the open. second we need to be able to change the flood weapon! please make these changes.
  16. ALright, so back in Halo Reach I was an excellent forger and custom game master. Now, we all know that some of the best custom games in halo were made in infection. I tried going back to make sure I could still remake my most popular games, Knockout, speed Halo, all the good stuff, you know. However, while they were busy focusing on making multiplayer better and forge with more options, it appears they seem to have forgotten lots of options to use for custom games. I was just curious if the lack of custom game settings, specifically for flood, has pissed anyone else off, and if 343 was planning on releasing a patch that allows us to do more, such as, I dunno, giving the infected weapons instead of the default hand stick? It'd be great if we could make custom games like we did on Halo reach. Please consider fixing that. Anyone else have that problem?
  17. Alright, so by now everyone pretty much knows that 343 completely screwed up the flood mode in Halo 4. Flood, as it stands, is pretty much dead. The only hope is that 343 will fix their mistakes in an update. And since there isn't any reason to think that they can actually spot their own mistakes, the community will have to do it for them. This thread is for the issues with Flood that need to be fixed in an update. I'll list all the issues I've noticed, but PLEASE point out anything that I've missed. 1) Forced Human Color The putrid green armor color that every human is forced to wear may not break Flood games, but they are hard as hell to look at. Leaving aside the issue of why anyone would choose that particular color, why force our skins in the first place? Did 343 never see a game of infection in the past Halos? Infection was one of the few gametypes to actually let players use their chosen armor colors. What has 343 gained by taking that away? There should be the option to allow players to use their chosen colors and the option to CHOOSE a color to be forced on the players 2) Cannot Place Weapons on Map I honestly can't fathom how this happened. Why in God's name can't we place weapons on the map? My only guess is that 343 was just to lazy to actually add the option to turn off weapon spawns to the custom game interface and just left it set to "off" behind the scenes. Sure, we can use ordinance to get around this. But that clutters the HUD with white markers, and in some games, it might be important for the humans to not know which weapons are where. 3) Flood Cannot use Anything but the Energy Sword Once again, how did this happen? Its as if no one at 343 had ever played a custom game before. Limiting the Flood to the sword prevents most, if not all, of the minigames that were made in the past Halo games, as well as preventing any new minigames that might have been made with the new weapons and armor abilities. Not to mention that since the sword has a ridiculous lunge range, it might have been useful in many situations to equip the flood with gravity hammers instead. This absolutely crushes the versatility of Halo custom games. 4) Alpha Zombie Traits Disappear upon Death Now I know 343 never played a custom game. Or at least not Fat Kid. Because that's how I figured this one out - as soon as the humans killed the Fat Kid, he spawned as a regular, weak zombie, unable to do anything. The gametype was completely broken. And don't think this is a problem for just one specific scenario. There are plenty of times when giving certain traits exclusively to the one or two Alpha Zombies is the difference between overwhelming humans or making the infected team too weak to do anything. Now, I'd actually suggest that instead of completely changing the Alpha Zombie traits back to the way they were, 343 should make this a changeable option in the menu. Alpha Zombie traits could disappear "Never," "Upon Death," "Upon Converting X Zombies," or "After X Minutes." But my God, at least allow us the first option. 5) Flood Loadouts Cannot be Customized How can 343 be so arrogant as to think that their arbitrary choice of Flood loadouts will perfectly suit every single Flood game variant? Could they not think of a situation in which a player might want the Flood to have access to Promethean Vision but not the Boost Pack? What if someone wanted to give the Flood jetpacks? I don't think any more needs to be said. 343 really shot custom games in the foot with this one.That's all I've been able to find so far. Once again, please add anything that I've missed. And even if you don't have anything constructive to say, please post to say that you think that the above problems need to be corrected. 343 won't acknowledge these issues unless enough people are speaking out about them. Added From Thread 6) Sprinting Cannot be Changed Obviously, speed is a crucial factor in Infection. The inability to tweak, enable, or disable sprinting for both humans and Flood will be a thorn in the side of many Forgers. 7) Game does not End when the Flood or the Humans Run out of Lives 8 Cannot Remove the Waypoint for the Last Man Standing There are a lot of Infection gametypes that rely on the humans' ability to hide. Now, the Last Man in those gametypes has basically no chance.
  18. Hey guys, check out my newest video of The Flood gametype on Abandon! Action packed with a SICK last man standing OVERKILL at the end! Listen as I go through great tips on the gametype and loadouts! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJypXWWWG38 Maqboul!
  19. Halo 4 was a good game, but there are a few problems that have been overlooked. Flood gave many Halo players what they want, the ability to play as a flood. I enjoyed the gametype at first but after going into forge and creating a new map to test out a new infection gametype I encountered a major problem. I could no longer customize the flood gametype to the extent I have been able to customize infection to in the past. My idea was ruined and a couple hours were wasted because of it. I post this forum with the hope that 343i could add back the original infection gametype, allowing you to change flood weapons and give them grenades. Think back to Halo 3 when forge started and new infection gametypes were made, now we can no longer play Duck Hunt, Garbage Man, (Halo), Cat & Mouse, Cops & Robbers, Ghost Busters and more. Custom games won't be what they used to be. To members of the Halo community, please help me spread the word to return custom games to their former glory. And to 343i, please review gametypes and return the old features we all loved so much.
  20. Playing this game was disappointing it was so **** I nearly cried, whats with the ending 10 gamerscore for finishing the game? wtf no flood ****ty ending cortana looses it ... ******* copyrighted so many games half not even original ideas stolen so many textures and details from Mass effect, Dead space, Transformers and Star wars... I have to say I snapped the disk. Oh, and WHY was MasterChief so ******* SKINNY. Not to mention the constant Cortana porn >.<
  21. Can some of you guys give me your feedback on my very first map I've made in Halo 4? It is meant to be played in flood mode (TFS Flood) Here is a video showing it off - http://youtu.be/wvgGpuRzzQM The gametype and the map is in my fileshare, in the game.
  22. Hello there from Halo4Customs. I am new here and I have a great opportunity for all of you to join a community on Facebook dedicated to Custom Games and Custom Forge maps. If you guys want a good and new community that is all about custom games, stop by and check out the new Halo 4 Customs page on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/H4Customs This page will be a hub for organizing custom games so that you can get your fix of Infection, Dead Space, Warthogs, and all other Custom games. Please like and hang out to get some great custom games going. Are you tired of making an awesome map in Forge, only for no one to see it? Then like this Facebook page! There will be Bi-Weekly featured maps once things get rolling. That's right. Your map can potentially be featured on our facebook page for all to see.
  23. Hey Community, If you have played Halo 4's version of match making called "War Games" then you may have noticed a game type called "Flood" which is essentially Infection but 343's iteration. So far, this is one of my favourite additions to the game except for one thing that I believe will make the game even better: The Radar. Personally, whenever I play a game that involves a group being hunted by an enemy that resembles a Zombie, I want to feel the most intense anticipation ever. I feel that the whole time any one plays Flood, they are just Radar Hugging, and there really isn't any anticipation at all, since you know when someone is within 25 meters of you. This gives the survivors the upper advantage considering a lot of the time in these games, they will hide inside of buildings. My Suggestion: Take radar off of the game mode for both the survivors and the infected. I believe that this would make the game type a lot of more fun and a lot more suspenseful. Also, this gives the Armour Ability: "Promethean Vision" a real concrete reason for being in one of the loadouts. Either way, I will still continue to play the game mode, and I will especially continue to enjoy Halo 4. Good work on making a Halo game really feel like a Halo game, 343. What do you think?
  24. I heard on a video commentary that there are 'Floodsassinations' on the flood zombies during infection. Is this tru and if so a link would be appreciated. Ciao!
  25. Here's what I was told; 343 guilty spark was lonely, so he decided to build a sentinel army, he then released the flood so he could have his own little mini war he could enjoy. He started blowing up installation after installation, releasing and freeing the flood. Then he wanted a giant battle with the flood, then the humans came which was what Halo CE came about. He was happy to see them knowing they are reclaimers, They wanted to destroy the halo and 343 GS wanted to fire it, but he wasn't allowed to, it had to be activated by a relaimer, or any other status. I do not know if this story is true or not, but this is partial of it. Can anyone tell me if this is right or wrong?
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