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  1. Defender 7 Clan "Reach 4 Reach" Defender 7 Sign- Bungie.net Leader: DevelopedAlmond 2nd in Command: xSxCx0xPx3x (Me) 3rd in command: friedchicken124 Hello! Welcome to Defender 7! Bungie was the one to start the amazing video game that we all love known as Halo. This clan honors Bungie with their favorite number, 7! This is a clan specifically for Halo Reach! Our clan was made for a bunch of friends who just wanna chill and war other teams. Clan News/Timeline: Rules: Must be at least Warrant Officer Fill in the Registration Form Your allowed to be in this clan and no other on the forum Clan tag during Clan Meets- [D7] Emblem during Clan Meets- White Shield Background, Dark Blue "7" with a red outline No trolling, spamming, flaming or anything along those lines GOLDEN RULE: HAVE FUN, CHILL, BE YOURSELF Registration Form: Username: Nickname (if any): Gamertag: Rate Your Skills 1-10 (It's okay if you suck balls, just to not too much..): Referrer (If any): War Team (Enough to fit a Big Team Battle): 1. SavageCabage (DevelopedAlmond) 2. PH4NT0M (xSxCx0xPx3x) 3. friedchicken124 (friedchicken124) 4. Agent Kansas (Cloverton) 5. Grif (lewiswb09) 6. fourrunnergrunt (greaslitnin101) 7. Swat Shot (Swat Shot) 8. ______________ Subs: 1. _____________ 2._____________ 3._____________ Banned Members: None. Let's keep it that way :] Other members: Agent Kansas (Cloverton) fourrunnergrunt (greaslitnin101) Grif (lewiswb09) Swat Shot (Swat Shot) CLAN ARTWORK:
  2. is anyone from 343 monitoring the halo:reach forums because heaps of people are saying they are having server issues and have done since 343 took over the servers and put the title update out. i feel a bit betrayed as i still have my original xbox that i bought with halo: combat evolved, then played halo 2 obsessively online, then bought the xbox360 halo 3 pack then odst then halo wars and then reach which i used to play everyday with my mates from all over the world. haven't got the anniversary yet because i dont know if i even want to if this is going to carry on might just have to start playing battlefield 3 instead. because there's no issues there. im paying to play the game so do something about it.
  3. To whom it may concern, There has been much talk about implementing a ranking system into the MLG playlist over on the MLG forums. I was wondering if 343 could make this happen. Any sort of ranking system at all would be helpful. I would even settle for the Arena ranking system. The same ranking system as the Arena, but with MLG gametypes and maps. This would benefit everybody who plays Halo because it gives people a reason not to quit, it gives people a reason to play and it lets you play against and play with players of your skill type. This is what made Halo 2 and Halo 3 fun to play for myself and I'm sure numerous other Halo players. I know I'm not the only one who wants to see Reach do well in 2012. Let's see if making a ranking system in the MLG playlist can give Reach what it needs to survive 2012. Thanks.
  4. What do you think Halo 4 music should sound like
  5. Hello all, I'd like to request a mod to anyone, or if 343 can, to make a downloadable Forge ODST drop pod object, or an ODST map pack with fully functional ODST Drop Pods. It would really make a huge, I mean, HUGE difference to the Forge and slayer gameplay. It probably would be pretty amazing just dropping out of the sky and manually punching the door off, then running into a 8 vs 8 battle. So again, please, I hope someone would make one of the greatest changes to the Forge gameplay system. Or if possible, make an ODST map pack for Halo: Reach. I'd like the pods to have a fully working parachute, landing thrusters, and a 'punch off' door. If someone has made a mod like this, or a downloadable content, contact me on [email protected] *See you starside*
  6. Just kinda curious on what age groups think the best halo's are, i have been playing halo for 6 years and i played h2, h3, and reach and i think halo 3 was the best, what about you?
  7. Halo Games Problems We all love the halo games, but we also all know that games can't be perfect. If you have a glitch or bug that's been annoying you then post it here. I personally have one and couldn't find a place to post it. You don't have to read this next part because it is my personal expierience but feel free to leave a post. So, on saturday night-sunday morning (12/3-12/4), i was in the Reach forge working my butt off to make a Pillar of Autumn map. I finished the map at around 2:00. The next day while I was in a forge game looking at another person's map (also in forge) i clicked on save map instead of save as new map and apparently it 'overwrote' my previous save of the POA. Now, whenever i go to Pillar of Autumn in the menu of maps it changes to ODST DROPSHIP FRIGATE ( the name of the other map). So, in short my Pillar of Autumn map is lost. Also, whenever i go over to it, the description has changed to 'A blank canvas recommended for forge editing only' from the description i made which is 'This legendary ship manned by Cpt. Keyes is re-created. Map by RC1207RC'. One other weird thing is that when i look at it in the menu it says 'created by RC1207RC' but when i go to file options it says created by (person who created ODST DROPSHIP FRIGATE's gamertag). Please help me 343i! You may comment now people of the world.
  8. they hav left alot of stuff out of aniversary that thery really should have kept in it from combat evolved
  9. What are everyone's ideas for some cool new sandbox features in Halo 4. Things which we have always thought would have been cool. Some of my ideas: Climbing- When you stand near a steep object or incline (like a tall crate or cliff) you are given a command prompt to climb the object. Swimming- I've always thought it was the stupidest thing that you couldn't swim, and that you actually drowned in 6 feet of water. I can understand that bungie was using the water a parameter for game-play but if Halo 4 has the massive maps we expect it to they need to let Spartans swim. For example, when you walk past your head in water you stow your weapon and use both hands to swim, steering and thrusting with the left and right sticks. if you wanted to swim underwater, 343 could limit that ability by giving you only 20 seconds of air or something. Going Prone- This really needs to be included. I mean, some people might argue that that is "to COD", but what kind of soldier never goes prone in battle. It drastically improves your sniping accuracy and is a good way to get out of the crossfire if you need to regain your shields. Kicking- An interesting melee attack if the controls are right. Kicking would deal more damage then a standard melee and could be instituted by holding down the melee and trigger at the same time. What does everyone think? Some new actions in Halo 4 would be nice and i would like everybody who reads this to give their opinions.
  10. ive recently been playing the anniversary map pack for reach. ive experienced each map. some of them were, of course, better than others. the new anniversary slayer brings back bleedthrough, the CE pistol as well as other modifiers. i rate the map pack at 8/10. although most of the maps are great fun to play, a few of them dont really work with reach. below, im going to list my favourite maps in order from least favourite to most favourite breakneck hang em high solitary timberland battle canyon penance breakneck is too big a map for my liking and the vehicles make it a bit one sided(if one team gets the gauss hog, theyve pretty much won). hang em high is too open, if you respawn in the middle area, your pretty much dead. people just cross map. solitary is ok, but it feels too much like sword base. the multiple levels make it slightly confusing timberland is quite big, however, since there are numerous vehicles and outposts, there is plenty to do on this map. battle canyon is a bit too small, especially with a sniper rifle on the map. however, it is still great fun due to the enclosed spaces as well as the wide open spaces. the teleporters offer strategic routes if your playing capture the flag. penance is medium sized, with lots of enclosed spaces as well as wide open spaces. the weapons and their placements are perfect for the size of the map. the layout offers strategic options for objective games, due to its multiple levels. and, whilst there are closed in paces, nobody really camps on this map. below, im including a link to my first ever game on penance http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbndHtK_DoU
  11. HLG (Hidden League Gaming) is not dead in fact every day we hide. You may be thinking that we are lame because we don't fight, but we fight as well. It depends what mood we're in. Sometimes the normal game might get boring, but not for us. We have a blast every day and there are so many of us. There are so many spots you wouldn't have thought of even existed. We have so much fun and it's hilarious when we hide on certain people. So come give us a chance and look at some of our videos. You will learn so many new hiding spots and glitches, and hey maybe if you're any good you could join us. We're kind of full and like the team we have right now, but you could impress us. Our team is called HLG (Hidden League Gaming) PRO (******** Randoms Off). If you want to laugh, learn some glitches, and learn some hiding spots then go to this link now: http://youtube.com/hlgprofessional
  12. UAF (Urban Assault Force) is now recruiting!! We have several officer positions open, as well as Squad leader openings, such as swat squad. Officer positions open: Drill Sergeant(4 spots open) Master Gunnery Sergeant(3 spots open) Lieutenant(2 spots open) Commander(3 spots open) Being an officer means taking charge of lower clan members, being respectful, and training recruits. As an officer you have the ability to organize fun nights, such as movie night, red dead night, and infection night. Any questions about joining or our Code of Conduct and prerequisits for joining just message me or CapitanCheify. My schedule Mon-Wed I am on from 11:00PM to around 2:00AM, and then the rest of the week im on most the day. CapitanCheify is on most days around 1:00PM
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