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  1. Read below for more details Source: Halo Waypoint The accelerated ticking of our internal clocks can only mean one thing: the big day is almost here. Our bodies are ready. Is yours? Instead of the traditional nine months, it’s taken us more than three years to create (what we hope you will find to be) our masterpiece, and in a mere four days, we will hand our baby over to you. It’s been a long and arduous journey, full of grueling days and sleepless nights, and the fact that we’re so close to launch is nothing short of surreal. Butterflies are flying laps around our stomachs, and we anxiously wait to hear what you, the Halo community, think of the newest title in your beloved franchise. As the clock struck midnight last night, reviews began pouring in. The majority of us at the studio stayed up all night reading them, and we’ve been overwhelmed and humbled by the response. As we prepare for the masses to begin populating Halo 4’s virtual battlefields, we’d like to offer you a brief review round-up, brought to you by your friendly neighborhood media outlets. There are too many to include here, so we trust that you know how to find the rest. Experience Halo Every day I get to experience Halo. Tuesday, though, thanks to the EMEA Xbox team, I got to do it like never before. I was recently whisked away to Liechtenstein, a beautiful country lying entirely within the Alps. For one day only, the mountainous landscapes of the normally tranquil countryside became the stage for a real-life experience set in (a replica of) the Halo universe. Taking over some of the country’s most iconic landmarks, including a 13th century castle and a working mine, fans and worldwide media from 16 different countries were catapulted into this off-world environment to take part in a theatrical experience which saw them travel to a top secret location before being unexpectedly thrust into a war zone which re-created brutal battle grounds through pyrotechnic explosions, thunderous sound effects and cinematic set builds. The experience started with a deceptively uneventful bus ride from Switzerland to Liechtenstein. To fill the time spent in transit, we were treated to a viewing of Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn (Yes, I saw the ending. No, I will not tell you what happens.). Then, the bus pulled off into a deserted area, with nothing but patches of dirt, clumps of trees and the cover of darkness to greet us. Well, nothing but the aforementioned things if you weren’t to count the dozen or so military vehicles, downed helicopter and 15 soldiers mingling suspiciously in the distance. The second the bus rolled to a stop, the soldiers welcomed us, asking us nicely to exit that vehicle and get on a different one. And by asking us nicely, I mean yelling at us at their top of their lungs while delivering small amounts of spittle to our frightened and confused faces. I might have pooped my pants. Several different times. After climbing into the back of an unlit military vehicle, I chattered nervously with the others temporarily trapped there with me about what could be coming next. The windows were blacked out, as was the barrier between the back and the front, so we huddled together in a cramped, dark space lit only by adrenaline and the soft glow of mobile devices. Ten minutes later, we were delivered to a military camp in the countryside, which was actually a local farmer’s field that had been transformed into a post-apocalyptic battle ground (a total of 280 props, three makeshift tents and one helicopter helped complete the transformation). Smoke and the bark of soldiers’ orders filled the air as we scurried to pick up supply bags and find a seat in one of the tents. Once everybody was situated, Dr. Halsey (played by none other than Jen Taylor) came out to debrief us on the current situation. Our help was needed to decode a series of cryptic clues. If we were successful, we would save mankind from extinction by fighting off the threat of an attack. If we weren’t, well… that wasn’t an option. We were divided into three different groups, each of which was assigned to a leader, and then off we went, deep into a working mine (that was turned into a movie film set for the day with a team of six pyrotechnic specialists re-creating explosions with fire balls and sound effects). I had several near death experiences, one of which involved my attempt to get a poncho on. Helpful hint: If you’re wearing an adorably fluffy coat with a hood, remove said coat before attempting to put on a poncho. Otherwise you’ll flail around like an idiot for an extended length of time, much to the chagrin of every single soldier, the rest of the participants and your lady boss that is of course standing right behind you. As we went deeper and deeper into the quarry, explosions rocked the walls and smoke filled the tunnel. After encountering a distraught doctor, we began sifting through the dirt in an attempt to find a glyph. After unearthing one (it’s worth noting Frankie delicately used a spade while everybody else dug around frantically with their hands), we ran out of the mine, driven to a frantic pace by both the soldiers and a series of thunderous explosions. Upon safely reaching the entrance, we breathed a sigh of relief and delivered our glyph into the hands of an awaiting doctor. The other two teams also found glyphs, so Dr. Halsey talked us through piecing them together. As that was happening, a nearby disturbance turned our attention back to the mine, where we saw a faint glimmer of light that could only mean one thing: Something (or someone) was coming out of the tunnel. The lights got brighter, shining directly into our eyes and rendering us temporarily blind. Before our vision cleared, we could barely make out a puma-shaped outline, and then we caught sight of the Master Chief, riding in the back of a Warthog. As his chariot of choice came to a stop, a series of pyrotechnic explosions at first startled us, but then caused an eruption of cheers. Our hero had arrived. Now that we were officially safe, we were transferred to the Gutenberg Castle, one of the most important historical landmarks of Liechtenstein, which had taken on a new guise as a futuristic military fortification. There, with the Master Chief in tow, Cortana congratulated us on our success and briefed us on our next mission (which you’ll be tackling on November 6). Then we played Halo 4 until the wee hours of the morning. If you’re on Twitter, keep an eye on the #ExperienceHalo hashtag for more coverage from the attendees. A little birdie tells me Nak3d Eli is working on a video as we speak, that he’s recounting his experience at this event via Twitter, so that’s a good place to start should you desire additional coverage. Here’s the official wrap-up video, to give you a small visual taste of what actually went down. Enough about that particular experience, though. Let’s chat a bit about the one you’ll soon be having, come November 6, shall we? Section 3 Last night I dreamt about physics, waldo and ancient melodies. /START FILE/ //CLASSIFIED/ //ATTENTION ALL OPERATIVES: HIGH PRIORITY INTEL RECEIVED, REVIEW IS MANDATORY/ //CLASSIFIED/ . /END FILE/ Halo 4 Pre-launch Q&A As this is the last Bulletin before Halo 4 launches, I thought we would continue our customary tradition of Q&A sessions with Frankie. Kevin Franklin, Humberto Castaneda, Chris Davidson and Brad Welch also provided some of the following answers to your numerous game-related queries. So, without further ado, here is one last Q&A, the Q of which were provided by you, and the A of which were provided by us. Will Spartan Ops have consecutive seasons, and when can we expect their release? - GristlyStew721 Spartan Ops is being treated just like any other "TV show" and we'll wait and see how it's received and digested before moving forward. We have some very cool story ideas and some ways to continue the arc of the Spartan Ops series, but it's a pretty grand experiment and we will apply our learnings from that experience in appropriate ways. Will there be a skill-based ranking system? - xBrutaIity We are tracking all player skill data and while it will not be exposed in the game UI at launch, we have some ideas about how to give players access to that information, in a useful way, in the not-so-distant future. What playlists are going to be available at launch? - SensoryFour34 Infinity Slayer – 4 v. 4 The newly introduced Infinity Slayer variant allows Spartans to earn points during the course of a match, which can eventually be leveraged to call in ordnance from overhead. Ordnance drops within Infinity Slayer consist of three selectable but randomly generated weapons or power-ups, the latter of which can alter a Spartan’s speed, shielding or ability to issue damage. Big Team Infinity Slayer – 8 v. 8 Same as above, in an 8 v. 8 setting Dominion – 6 v. 6 Teams are pitted against each other to capture, fortify and resupply bases to win. After infiltrating a base, a player can capture it for their team, whether it is a neutral base or a base previously claimed by the enemy. When a team has held a base for long enough, it will automatically fortify, defending itself with turret emplacements and energy shields. Holding a base earns teams points for each resupply, and provides teams with heavy ordnance drops and vehicles each supply cycle. Regicide – 6-player FFA The Spartan in first place is the King. As the King racks up kills, their bounty increases, thereby increasing the points other Spartans gain from killing the King. All other Spartans’ heads-up displays and motion sensors give away the King’s location at all times during the match, aggressively focusing combat wherever the point leader happens to be. Flood – 10 players Within this War Games simulation, the deadly parasite has returned – a group of Spartans have been transformed into incredibly fast and deadly Flood combat forms. As the Flood, players are forced to destroy uninfected Spartans, converting them into Flood combat form allies. As an uninfected Spartan, the player’s goal is to survive the seemingly never-ending Flood onslaught, staving off transformation into the parasite. Capture the Flag – 5 v. 5 Played with up to four teams, each of which has their own Flag. The goal of each team is to steal an enemy team’s Flag, while protecting their own. Once a team has grabbed a Flag, they must return it to their own capture point to score. Flag carriers are only able to use a Magnum or the Flag itself as a weapon. Oddball – 5 v. 5 With up to eight teams in combat, the goal of the War Games simulation called Oddball is to hold onto the ball the longest. While holding the ball, a player or team will gain points, but the player holding the ball is unable to defend themselves with their weapon. Players are also able throw the ball or use it as a weapon for close-range melee attacks. King of the Hill – 5 v. 5 Reminiscent of schoolyard skirmishes, the War Games competition known as King of the Hill pits up to eight teams against each other in a struggle to hold a specific territory. While this is a classic game type, its most recent iteration offers a variety of new scoring methods, including a focus on individual performance in addition to the team’s collective effort. Team Slayer Pro – 4 v. 4 This playlist features the following settings: No Radar, 3 Loadouts (DMR, AR or BR with 1 grenade and Resupply Tactical Package), Player Movement Speed, Reload Speed and Weapon Swap Speed set to 110%, Friendly Fire ON, Score to win Round 60 Kills, No Map Loadouts, and No Custom Loadouts. I was thinking about starting Spartan Ops with my friend before starting the campaign. Will the first episode spoil the campaign? Major spoilers? Mild spoilers? - Superman x JLA There are a couple of big ideas that are obvious, and don't read any further if you don't want those spoiled, such as the fact that a couple of characters and ships have "made it" but beyond that it won't necessarily spoil or ruin the campaign. However we still advise people to play them in the correct chronological order. Will there be a UNSC flying vehicle (Falcon, Hornet, etc.) on the multiplayer side of the game (excluding Spartan Ops)? - Phat M0nk3y4 Not in Multiplayer but there are some interesting options available in Campaign. Will your Halo 4 milestone unlock exclusive armor for Halo 4? - MSchnelkz 17 There will be an armor set and some emblem unlocks available in the CLASSIFIED section of Waypoint. You will need to find codes (hint: Check the Bulletins) and play Campaign, Spartan Ops and War Games in Halo 4 in order to unlock. We recently got our first look at the Crimson, Majestic and Castle Map packs, expected to be out in December, February and April respectively. Can we expect any more map packs after these, and at what frequency? - GristlyStew721 We are obviously still working on those maps, some of them playable now, although not polished and some (the more distant ones) are basically concept art and geometry at this time. We will ultimately have to put sensible limits on how much DLC we create to prevent too much splintering of content and playlists. So, while some of that can be done via playlist and hopper management, the reality is that whatever we do on top of the announced maps will have to offer something logical to the existing suite. Can Sprint be disabled? - Buffdaddy Jama Sprint is a base trait for all Spartans, but you can, as always, adjust the upper limit of your Spartan's speed in custom game player traits. In the “Traits” section of the custom game menu, players can tune a Spartan’s movement speed from 0% of default to 300%. When tuning a player’s movement speed, Sprint scales as well. Sprint itself cannot be disabled, but there are many other ways to modify player speeds, including power-ups and trait zones. Is it true that Theater isn't available in Campaign and Opartan ops? If so, what was the reasoning behind this and will there be a future patch or download to fix this? - unip8 Theater Mode in Campaign did not make the cut for launch for various reasons of scheduling, rendering issues and some significant engine changes. However, we are treating Title Updates very differently for Halo 4 and rather than simply using them as opportunities for simple big fixes, we are thinking of them as a way to sustain and grow features and options, so it is possible you could see Saved Films made available for Campaign (as well as some other significant features) at some time in the not-too-distant future, but that's yet to be determined. At what SR rank will the BR be unlocked? - Ommageden The BR and DMR are unlocked VERY quickly. Unless you wear a blindfold and earmuffs, you should have both unlocked before the plastic wrap from your packaging hits the floor. It's also vital to note that they are unlocked for you to customize your Spartan with. There are plenty of playlists that will make default loadouts that include those weapons, available to people with no Spartan Rank whatsoever, including guests. How many slots will we get in Halo 4's File Share? More importantly, is there going to be a Bungie Pro equivalent? - Jeff McRae There will not be a Bungie Pro equivalent, but all users will have 25 slots for their personal catalog. How does the install process for Disk 2 work? Can we play off Disk 2 without installing it? And if we do install Disk 2, can we play all that content while using Disk 1? - IIBloodDaggerII Disc 2 contains largely multiplayer content. You can put it in at any time, even before Disc 1, and install the content. You will get a nice slideshow, some pretty music and a gradual progress bar. After a few minutes, you can remove that disc and never deal with it again. Everythingmultiplayer, including Spartan Ops, Forge and Campaign can then be launched from Disc 1. You can, of course, also install Disc 1 to your storage device to make loading quicker and reduce wear and tear on your optical drive, but that's optional and is a 360 system feature, not a necessity. If you preorder weapon skins (e.g., Arctic BR from GameStop), will they unlock the weapon as soon as you redeem the code, or will you have to unlock the weapon before you get the weapon skin? - a zoojoo You'll get immediate access to that weapon (or armor for that matter) with that skin; you don't have to rank up or spend Spartan Points. For weapons this is mostly a fairly small head start, since the skinned pre-order weapons are low in the ranks, but some of the armor skins will definitely give you earlier access to that type of armor. How will Split Screen work in Halo 4? - The Little Moa Split Screen support in Halo 4 is identical in most respects to Halo: Reach. Two player split in Campaign and Spartan Ops, and four player split in War Games and Forge, although we may restrict this in some matchmaking playlists. Clan support was a feature that got many players into the competitive spirit of Halo Multiplayer in a challenging-yet-rewarding way. Why has this feature died, or rather been missing in action, since Halo 2? Was it ever considered for implementation in Halo 4, and what was the deciding factor in it not being included? - u4iX As we mentioned before, we plan to continue consistent and meaningful sustainment updates to improve and enhance player experience. Social constructs are something we too have missed since Halo 2, and we're looking at interesting ways to improve those experiences in the not-too-distant future. I will be using that expression a lot. Get used to it. Will the Mammoth be featured in Multiplayer? - TheLateLateShow The Mammoth is currently only used in Campaign. Can you talk about what criteria matchmaking uses to find suitable teammates and opponents? What does the system prioritize? Location, connection, skill, etc.? - NYSTOFMIND23 Matchmaking will use geography, connection data, history and skill to determine player populations per game. Skill and connection get very high priority, but there will be other factors involved. I should also note that the simplification of our hoppers and playlists means that the quality of those matchmaking criteria will be improved through population density and that alone will make a huge difference. Have you guys come across any hilarious bugs/glitches in earlier builds of the game that you'd like to share? - Plain Ben We collected a ton of "best bug ever" stuff including movies and animated gifs. It would be fun to make some of those available in the future. We have some pretty funny Derptana faces caused by animation and mo-cap bits that are horrific and hilarious. What is Extraction? - DR ROCKSO 721 In the game type Extraction, Spartan teams are tasked with the retrieval of assets from various sites using prototype translocation technology. Once a team has found a viable site, they must initiate the extraction process with a quantum marker and its spherical translocation beacon. As the extraction process occurs, teams must defend their beacon in order to prevent others from converting the existing extraction process into their own favor. What can you tell us about the betrayal booting system in Halo 4? - omarlotrc Betrayal booting takes game type and "deliberateness" into account and while in a lot of ways it's similar to the prior incarnations, we've tried to be cleverer about what the game thinks is deliberate versus accidental. And Join In Progress should help ameliorate the negative impacts for everyone involved. How awesome will Halo 4 be? On a scale between 1-343. - Dont pass gass I will answer this when players give us their impressions in less than a week. Speaking of which, see you then! Through the scope of my Battle Rifle, of course… <3, bs angel View full article
  2. The complete Halo 4 OST and Remix's. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6HQteJNk3A Track list: 01. Awakening - 0:00:00 02. Belly of the Beast - 0:05:41 03. Requiem - 0:08:23 04. Legacy - 0:10:39 05. Faithless - 0:13:11 06. Nemesis - 0:18:20 07. Haven - 0:21:53 08. Ascendancy - 0:27:40 09. Solace - 0:32:02 10. To Galaxy - 0:36:52 11. Immaterial - 0:41:47 12. 117 - 0:49:25 13. Arrival - 0:56:52 14. Revival - 1:02:28 15. Green and Blue -1:09:46 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOI-5Eek_EA Track list: 01. Awakening (Gui Boratto Remix) - 0:00:00 02. Green and Blue (KOAN Remix) - 0:07:23 03. Requiem (Bobby Tank Remix) - 0:11:26 04. Ascendancy (Matt Lange Remix) - 0:17:02 05. To Galaxy (Sander Van Doorn & Julian Jordan Remix) - 0:22:07 06. Haven (Hundred Waters Remix) - 0:28:57 07. Revival (DJ Skee & THX Remix) - 0:33:20 08. Ascendancy (Caspa Remix) - 0:37:00 09. Nemesis (Alvin Risk Remix) - 0:40:55 10. Solace (Maor Levi Remix) - 0:45:36 11. Arrival (Norin & Rad Remix) - 0:52:54 12. Green and Blue (Andrew Bayer Remix) - 0:56:55 13. Foreshadow (James Iha Remix) - 1:00:22 14. The Beauty of Cortana (Apocalyptica vs Neil Davidge) - 1:03:14 View full article
  3. Halo 4 Progression System The UNSC Infinity is your gateway to the Infinity Multiplayer experience in Halo 4 and serves as the center of your Spartan career. Here you will build your custom Spartan-IV super-soldier, and progress your multiplayer career across both Spartan Ops and War Games modes. You’ll start your career as a Spartan-IV, with a limited amount of choices. As you level up, that will slowly unfold into a large amount of choices. The pace with unlocks will be regular, but not so fast that it causes confusion. When designing the progression system for Halo 4, our primary goal was to give progress more meaning, and in order to do that, the player’s progress has to impact gameplay. In Halo 4, we primarily do this by allowing the progression system to modify the weapons and abilities the player can take into battle, empowering player choice, and exposing more elements of the sandbox to more players. As you progress through your multiplayer career, you unlock items that allow you to build the character and experience you want. The things you really desire, such as the Battle Rifle and DMR, you’ll gain access to fairly quickly. Some of the more difficult choices you’ll face, such as which Specialization to tackle first, come later. All of these things give you the ability to tailor your experience and focus on your favorite parts of the sandbox more than ever before. How quickly you progress through your career will partly depend on your skill. Skilled players will rank up faster, as you get more XP for winning matches. It’s also worth noting that quitters do not get game completion XP. They can progress commendations and challenges, but they will not get partial XP at the end of the game (AHEM). Below is a breakdown of the Halo 4 progression system. FROM: CODENAME SURGEON TO: CODENAME COALMINER Spartan-IV Career When you first enter Infinity Multiplayer, you automatically enlist into the SPARTAN-IV program and begin your Spartan career. This career spans all of your gameplay in War Games, Spartan Ops, Forge and Theater. New SPARTAN-IV recruits are issued the following gear: • Assault Rifle • Magnum • Frag Grenade • Recruit Armor, Emblem, Visor and Stance Stances are a new customization option that let you select a pose for your Spartan on your Player Card. This card is seen in every multiplayer lobby in the game and is how your Spartan is identified outside of gameplay. You will have to rise up through the Spartan ranks to unlock more gear and make your way through the SPARTAN-IV program. CLASSIFICATION: ELEVENTH HOUR [1/5] SUBJECT: AFTERMATH Spartan-IV Ranks Spartans begin their career in the base SPARTAN-IV ranks. There are 50 ranks to work your way through, from SR-1 to SR-50, unlocking gameplay and visual customization items as you rank up. To rank up, you need to earn XP. You earn XP by: • Playing War Games (earn more for winning and high personal score) • Playing Spartan Ops (earn more for higher difficulties) • Completing each level of a Commendation • Completing Challenges • Using Forge At each rank, you will earn one or more Spartan Points (SP). SP are used to purchase gameplay items for your personal loadouts. Once you purchase an item, it can be used in any of your loadouts. The Spartan Point system is based around offering choice at each rank. The full suite of gameplay items is available for purchase by SR-26 but you won’t have enough SP to buy everything until SR-50. It’s up to you to decide the order in which you want to build up the arsenal for your Spartan-IV. /FILE EXTRACTION-RECONSTITUTION COMPLETE/ /START FILE/ Loadouts Each loadout contains a Primary Weapon, Secondary Weapon, Grenade, Armor Ability, Tactical Package and Support Upgrade. As you rank up, you will gain access to the Armor Ability slot (SR-3), the Tactical Package slot (SR-7), and the Support Upgrade slot (SR-12). We have default loadouts in our War Games playlists to give you a preview of these items before you reach those ranks, and to offer an alternative to your own custom loadouts. Over the course of the SPARTAN-IV ranks, you also unlock four extra loadouts (at SR-6, SR-14, SR-26 and SR-41) for a total of five loadouts. You can rename these loadouts, so pick names that match the role or gear for that particular loadout. Decades from now, when historians evaluate the war, what will they say about us? Will they claim that our victory was ultimately fruitless? That it failed to secure a lasting peace, or worse, that it was only a prelude to far greater horrors that now lay ahead? Visual Customization All Spartan-IVs start out with the same Recruit look. As you rank up, this is reflected in the look of your Spartan, which is visible to other players in gameplay and every Multiplayer lobby. Visual customization items such as Armor, Armor Skins, Weapon Skins, Visors, Emblems and Stances are unlocked through several means: • Earning a specific SR rank • Earning a specific rank in a Specialization • Mastering a Commendation • Completing a Waypoint goal When you meet the prerequisite, you will gain access to the items automatically; you do not need to spend Spartan Points. My hope – OUR HOPE – is that history would instead view this war as a catalyst. That the last thirty years were a crucible, a threshing floor for our species, sifting out our fears and frailties. And that ultimately it made us stronger and more vigilant in the end, fully prepared for whatever will come next. After all, what good is struggle if there is no change? What good is a fire if the sword is not made stronger? Specializations Once you hit SR-50, you have the option to enlist in a new Specialization. You can choose which of the available Specializations to enlist in. Specializations are composed of ten levels each. As you rank up in Specializations, you will unlock new armor sets, emblems, visor colors, armor and weapon skins and armor mods – which provide even more options to customize your Spartan-IV to fit your preferred role on the battlefield. Once you commit to a Specialization, you have to complete it before switching to a new one. It will take roughly as long to complete a Specialization as it does to go from SR-40 to SR-50. All players have access to two Specializations at launch: • Wetwork: WK-1 to WK-10 • Operator: OP-1 to OP-10 The rest, which are listed below, will gradually be made available in the months following launch. We will be keeping a close watch on player participation post-launch and will roll out the additional six Specializations when the player base reaches certain milestones. Purchasers of the Limited Edition and pre-orders in certain territories have launch day access to the remaining six Specializations – although you still need to complete the initial 50 Ranks before you can enlist in one. • Pioneer: PR-1 to PR-10 • Pathfinder: PT-1 to PT-10 • Engineer: EN-1 to EN-10 • Stalker: SK-1 to SK-10 • Rogue: RG-1 to RG-10 • Tracker: TK-1 to TK-10 Other players will be able to see your overall progress through the Specializations by your SR rank. This keeps going up by one each time you earn a Specialization rank, all the way up to SR-130. There might be a reward or two waiting for those who hit SR-130! Attached are four reports accounting the major contingency structures our species currently faces in the wake of the war. Please evaluate them closely. Their outcomes will dictate how history views us, or if history even views us at all. Commendations Halo 4 features over 120 commendations covering a wide variety of activities (per weapon, per enemy type and per game type, for example). There are commendations based around earning specific medals, and we also have aggregators that require you to master multiple commendations to complete them. Commendations also have a variable number of levels. Certain Commendations can award visual customization items when you master them. To master a Commendation, you need to have earned its highest level. We see the Commendation system as the long-term progression with the most exclusive items. Most players will still be mastering Commendations well after completing the Specializations. Xenomorphic element [2/5] Martial element [3/5] Provenancial element [4/5] Primogeniture element [5/5] Challenges Like Commendations, Challenges have been expanded in Halo 4. We not only have daily content, but also a weekly and monthly cadence as well, giving players ample time to complete different challenges with varying levels of difficulty. Challenges are divided into four categories: • Campaign - 2 Weekly Challenges • War Games - 2 Daily Challenges - 2 Weekly Challenges - 1 Monthly Challenge • Spartan Ops - 6 Challenges • Waypoint - Exclusive daily challenges for War Games If you’re looking to get a jump start on your career, you’ll definitely want to stick around for the next segment of the Bulletin, because it’s about to get all double XP up in here. Source: http://blogs.halowaypoint.com/Headlines/post/2012/10/10/The-Halo-Bulletin-101012-.aspx
  4. BravoMLG walking us through the starting weapons & loadouts, armor, and more in the Infinity main menu! This is what every Halo 4 player will start with when playing the game for the first time. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zfw6ZVrsa2Q&feature=g-all-u View full article
  5. "The world's first ever Halo 4 montage, from Tashi -http://www.twitter.com/tashi0106 - These clips were captured all in one day. Enjoy, thanks for watching, and please share this video with your friends on Twitter and Facebook!" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnG4D8WLnsY&feature=g-all-u This post has been promoted to an article
  6. This video is not a leak and given the green light to post. This video is by BravoMLG. There aren't really an spoilers but if you want to save the game to it's fullest climax, I don't suggest watching just yet. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47lQ4WPCHcY&feature=g-all-u "The video and introduction to "Infinity" mode in Halo 4. There are no story spoilers in this video, but if you do not want to watch this until November 6th, click out now! Otherwise, thanks for watching and enjoy! Next video coming at pm EST time! This video has been approved by Microsoft PR." View full article
  7. "The world's first ever Halo 4 montage, from Tashi -http://www.twitter.com/tashi0106 - These clips were captured all in one day. Enjoy, thanks for watching, and please share this video with your friends on Twitter and Facebook!" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnG4D8WLnsY&feature=g-all-u View full article
  8. NFL players playing a a best out of three game of Halo. A 'Halo Bowl'. Read below for more details Source: http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2012/10/31/sports-some-famous-football-dude-clash-in-sportsnation-halo-4-bowl.aspx Grab your remote and throw it out the window; you won't need it tomorrow. SportsNation on ESPN2 Will be airing the first ever Halo Bowl tomorrow at 5 PM EST/2 PM PST. When we said you didn't need your remote, we meant you should probably do something other than watch TV. Tomorrow is November 1, it's also the day that Victor Cruz, Ramses Barden, and Terrell Thomas of the New York Giants face off against Rob Gronkowski, Wes Welker, and Donald Thomas of the New England Patriots in a best-of-three game of Halo 4. Check out the action on ESPN2, or jump on Twitter (by using the hashtags #SNHalo4Gronk or #SNHalo4Cruz) and Facebook for a chance to win some Halo 4 related prizes, like a 320GB Halo 4 Limited Edition Xbox 360 Console, Halo 4 Wireless Headsets, copies of the game, and more. View full article
  9. Microsoft and 343 Industries might have spent a fortune on developing Halo 4, but that doesn't mean they've spared any expense in promoting the game. In fact, they've taken over an entire country, invading Liechtenstein with Master Chief riding roughshod in his Warthog, leaving a trail of devastation in his wake. Read below for more details Source: Xbox360achievements.org "In a ground-breaking world first, Xbox 360 yesterday became the only brand to ever transform the Principality of Liechtenstein by taking over some of the country’s most iconic landmarks, including a 13th century castle and a working mine, to create a real-life replica of the “Halo” universe within the heart of Europe to mark the launch of “Halo 4”," reads the press release blather for the elaborate publicity stunt. "For one day only, the mountainous landscapes of the normally tranquil Liechtenstein countryside became a stage for an epic sci-fi saga as Xbox 360 created a mysterious alternate universe inspired by the video game franchise which has sold a staggering 46 million copies worldwide since launch in 2001." Take a look at some of the highlights from the insane Halo 4 launch event, which saw actors taking guests through their very own Halo adventure in Liechtenstein. Awesome stuff. Halo 4 is out on November 6th. View full article
  10. McFarlane Toys making a statue about the Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn web series. Read below for more details Source: Gameinformer.com McFarlane Toys, makers of highly detailed figurines that litter the assorted desks of Game Informer editors, has plans for a statue based on the live action Halo 4 web series, Forward Unto Dawn. The figures won't be unveiled until after the final episode of Forward Unto Dawn airs on November 2, so we don't know what it looks like just yet. Here's some more details about the upcoming figures: The limited-edition Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn statue stands more than 14-inches tall on a base spanning 13” wide by 7” deep. Only 500 pieces have been produced and each statue and its box are sequentially numbered. As an added bonus, each statue will include a Certificate of Authenticity hand-signed McFarlane. The Statue retails at $225 with FREE Shipping (Only available in US and Canada). Preordering will begin at 10:15 am PST on Friday, November 2nd at store.spawn.com. The Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn statue is planned to ship December 2012. Customers will not be charged until the order is ready to ship. For more on Forward Unto Dawn, included links to the episodes that have already aired and interviews with the creators, head here.
  11. McFarlane Toys making a statue about the Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn web series. Read below for more details Source: Gameinformer.com McFarlane Toys, makers of highly detailed figurines that litter the assorted desks of Game Informer editors, has plans for a statue based on the live action Halo 4 web series, Forward Unto Dawn. The figures won't be unveiled until after the final episode of Forward Unto Dawn airs on November 2, so we don't know what it looks like just yet. Here's some more details about the upcoming figures: The limited-edition Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn statue stands more than 14-inches tall on a base spanning 13” wide by 7” deep. Only 500 pieces have been produced and each statue and its box are sequentially numbered. As an added bonus, each statue will include a Certificate of Authenticity hand-signed McFarlane. The Statue retails at $225 with FREE Shipping (Only available in US and Canada). Preordering will begin at 10:15 am PST on Friday, November 2nd at store.spawn.com. The Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn statue is planned to ship December 2012. Customers will not be charged until the order is ready to ship. For more on Forward Unto Dawn, included links to the episodes that have already aired and interviews with the creators, head here. View full article
  12. Halo 4 lead multiplayer map designer Kynan Pearson takes us on a tour of the "Exile" map. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-COvpS-fpKE
  13. In about one week, Halo 4 will be unleashed upon the masses. In anticipation of this occasion, we’re giving you a small taste of some exciting things to come with a little something called the Halo 4: Interactive Guide. In this guide, you’ll not only discover important information about the game itself, like game modes and menu settings, but you’ll also get a sneak peek at some of the characters, enemies, weapons, and vehicles found in Halo 4. This guide is a primer of sorts; it will help ramp you up for what Halo 4 will deliver. On November 6th, don’t forget to pick up Prima’s Halo 4: Official Strategy Guide for in-depth breakdowns, tips, and a full walkthrough of Halo 4’s many offerings! Click here for the interactive guide!: Halo 4 Interactive Guide View full article
  14. Spartan Ops: Season 1 Trailer. http://youtu.be/e8tiwMTU0ag "A new trailer for the first season of Halo 4's Spartan Ops Mode has been released on Halo Waypoint today, showing the episodic saga that you'll be able to tune into weekly to watch and play with your friends. You'll build your ultimate Spartan and engage in 50 new co-op missions spread across 10 episodes with your buddies, just for the first season that's included with Halo 4. More Spartan Ops seasons will be released regularly, with the first season on the game disc. Check out the Spartan Ops season one trailer below. Halo 4 is out on November 6th. That's one week! One!" View full article
  15. Here is the final map of the War Games map list called Vortex: Source: Halo4nation.com
  16. The Halo 4 limited Edition Soundtrack unboxing. http://youtu.be/UesxIPw1V3I View full article
  17. Halo 4: Forward unto Dawn - Episode 4 While Corbulo Academy is being destroyed by the Covenant invasion, the surviving cadets fight bravely alongside their only hope: The Master Chief. Video Page
  18. Was looking over the Halo 4 launch gameplay trailer and found something interesting about the Forerunners, well.... at least the one shown in the trailer, lmao! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIspQ1NmGf4&feature=player_embedded From that trailer I grabbed a few screens of this "Ancient Evil". Now let's count the fingers. One...two...three...four...five...six!!! Yes folks, this Forerunner has six fingers!! Well, to be "technical", 5 fingers and a thumb on each hand (which do appear to be opposable, lol)!! The "pinky" isn't viewable in the second screen. I guess 343I figured five wasn't enough to fully wrap around Chief's head!! Enjoy!!
  19. what are these vids that are popping up on youtube about the didact taking over and stuff #EvilAwakens at the ends of the videos theres the numbers 11, 05, 12, 20, can any one help me figure this out! thanks
  20. (Note: Jester has reviewed this and deemed it worthy to post. It isn't a leaked copy, but a legitimate one.) Littleenglishhaloblog.com has gotten a early copy of Halo 4: Limited Edition and has been kind enough to show us an Un-boxing gallery. "I got my hands on the Halo 4 Limited Edition this week, my impressions will come later, but for now take a look at these shots of the content. Some very minor spoilers if you're sensitive about that sort of thing, but really nothing that you'd need to avoid." View full article
  21. To learn more about Halo 4 and how to pre-order your copy today, please visit http://www.halo4.com http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=machinimaprime Subscribe to Machinima Prime for the best of Machinima's new shows! "Squad" - Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn Special Preview The newest members of Hastati Squad at Corbulo Academy talk about joining the UNSC. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6rPEXGuqzM&feature=g-user-u "Meet the newest members of Corbulo Academy of Military Science's Hastati Squad and find out what led each of them to the UNSC and the civil war that not all of them want to fight." "Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn is a live-action digital series that takes you back to the beginning of the Human-Covenant war and leads right into the events of Halo 4. It will unfold through a series of five episodes and will be initially distributed worldwide by Machinima, debuting on its new channel, Machinima Prime, as well as on Halo Waypoint, on Oct. 5, 2012." FOR MACHINIMA'S BEST HIGH QUALITY SERIES, GO TO: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=machinimaprime FOR MORE MACHINIMA, GO TO: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=machinima FOR MORE GAMEPLAY, GO TO: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=machinimarespawn FOR MORE SPORTS GAMEPLAY, GO TO: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=machinimasports FOR MORE MMO & RPG GAMEPLAY, GO TO: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=machinimarealm FOR MORE COMPETITIVE GAMING, GO TO: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=machinimavs FOR MORE ANIMATIONS & SHORTS, GO TO: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=happyhour FOR MORE TRAILERS, GO TO: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=machinimatrailer
  22. While Corbulo Academy is being destroyed by the Covenant invasion, the surviving cadets fight bravely alongside their only hope: The Master Chief. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZ_xn889cSk&feature=plcp View full article
  23. Halo 4 lead multiplayer map designer Kynan Pearson takes us on a tour of the "Exile" map. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-COvpS-fpKE View full article
  24. Source: http://www.g4tv.com/thefeed/blog/post/728612/heres-why-you-wont-see-master-chiefs-face-in-halo-4/ You will not see Master Chief's face in upcoming FPS Halo 4. 343 Industries, the game's creator, says it is not ready yet for the biggest reveal in gaming since it turned out Samus was a woman. "It's funny we don't then show his face," Frank O'Connor, Franchise Development Director for Halo, said. "But that's a device to keep the player invested in the character and keep the player from constantly being reminded that they're not a hero or that they have to be a boy or they have to be a girl, or whatever that is." While casual players might think there's no way to know what Master Chief looks like, the hardcore have an idea. The Fall of Reach, a 2001 Halo-based novel written by Eric Nylund, provides a pretty in-depth description of the face underneath Chief's helmet. It's under the "Read More" tag. Here's how Frank O'Connor described Master Chief's visage, in an interview with Eurogamer. "If you went down into that line and found a nerd with a deep canon Halo t-shirt and said describe the Master Chief to this police sketch artist, that police sketch artist would then produce a perfectly accurate rendering of an older man, almost painfully pale, almost albino white, with pale blue eyes, reddish hair, close cropped to a skin head, and maybe the last remnants of freckles he had when he was a kid." The Sources opinion on this: "I don't want to see Master Chief's face. It would ruin the mystery, and if he's just a dude with red hair and pale skin, won't that be sort of a let-down?" This post has been promoted to an article
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