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Welcome! My name is Spider Man, and I will be your host for this game. I have previously only hosted one game, and co-hosted another. This will be my second time around as host, and I hope that we all have a great time! Please read the rules and rolls, and if you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask. The deadline to sign up is Wednesday May 11th @ 5:45 PM Central Time. If there is not enough players, I will adjust accordingly to accommodate who is currently signed up. Previous Mafia games Rules: Roles/Factions: Player List:
- 256 replies
- 2
- 10
- HooshNushtepay
- (and 8 more)
Hi, I am starting to share game clips on YouTube and this is one of my favourite overkils I did... Thanks for watching and please subscribe to it. There will be plenty of Halo 5 clips coming! Toldale15
Take the Year of your Birth; Example: 1867 Divide that by the Day of Birth; Example: 19 Times that by the Month you were born in; Example: 5 And you will get a number like this: 491 (don't round any numbers up or down) Take those numbers and compare them to the alphabet. The lucky letters: D, I, A. Mine are E, A, and H.
- 5 replies
- Pie
- Alphabet Soup
(and 5 more)
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AS THE TITLE SAID I NEED HELP! HALO 4 IS BEING MEAN! For some random reason I can't upload anything to my File Share on Halo 4! every time I try it stops immediately and waits a couple of seconds then this pops up: "TRANSFER FAILED The Halo 4 server is not available at this time. Please try again later." I have been getting the same damned message for months now! I really need help! Any kind of advise is appreciated, and thank you for taking the time to read this, I am grateful...
16th of February again, animated movie review again. /o/ This was an awesome movie. Legit. No lie. Cool cast too, but there's much more than that in this story. The Lego Movie tells the tale of Emmet, an ordinary guy in an ordinary world who is swept out of the world he knew in order to save it, in the process learning of so much more, and most importantly who he is - the special. First off, as much as it is a new adventure, this movie is also so satirical and referential that even if you find it too kiddy to be good, you'll probably like many of the jokes, whether they be the ones you understand immediately, or those that really need quite a bit of focus to understand. "He's the hero you deserve." -Batman. Art and animation are great. This movie is fully animated, except for certain plot point scenes that I'll explain later. It emulates stop motion to the point that you could easily fool many, but at the same time the flow and continuity makes sure that it also looks good, clean and concise. I love the way how even things like water are represented by clear lego bricks. Story wise, the plot is at times a bit cliché, and I did find one nagging problem that in the end didn't matter. Many of the characters are outsourced, but at the same time are unique and lovely. All of them do a good job in contributing to the movie, providing humor, and many other things. Vitruvius (Morgan Freeman), for one, was pretty awesome. Note: The following thing is a spoiler. That's why its in spoiler tags. If you don't want to be spoiled, don't click it. Music is pretty cool. The electronic beats fit in well for a stopmotion feel, but at the same time manage to convey the emotions the characters feel quite well. "Everything is Awesome" is very catchy, and despite the way it's sung by the characters emulates a massive musical, those scenes are just fun. In fact, almost all the scenes are fun - there's so much in it that is pretty much a giant set built together by hand, that you can practically understand it all. Rather than seeing a building, you're seeing a building you can build. You're seeing a car you can build. Watching it all come together is just cool. Overall, I would say go and watch it if you haven't. I give it 9-10/10, the dip in score purely because the final, final epilogue event that happens I dislike, and everything else was just fun. Love it.
Welcome to the 10th 343i Weekly Community Poll! Wow, we've already hit the big 10, anyways let's get right to it. Last week we had the Elites locked in against Grunts, winner takes the crown. It was neck and neck, but ultimately the winner was: Our first ever tie breaker thread can be found here This week's poll is a question I've wanted to ask for a while but just never got around to it. So here ya go: "Who's your favorite member of Noble Team?" -Carter -Kat -Emile -Jorge -Jun -Thom So those are the members of Noble Team I've chosen for this poll (If you're wondering, noble six from Halo:Reach wasn't included because he was more you than anyone else and the other member of Noble Six was only a temporary replacement.) IF YOU WANT YOUR VOTE TO COUNT, PLEASE VOTE BEFORE 10:00AM EST 10-28-13 Well that's all for this week, please take part in the poll and see ya next week! Also if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions pertaining to the poll, feel free to message me
hi im your stereotyped 15 y old nerd and i just wanted to share my oppinion on halo 5 and what you need to change and or add 1. BRING BACK EPIC MUSIC xD part of what made the original halo trilogy truly epic was that beutiful soundtrack at the start it was amazing and something every halo fan holds close to there heart 2. make it less Call Of Duty like what made halo special was that it wasnt completly stereotyped, its had -had- a great story, the guns cant feal to straight forward example halo ce plasma pistol or needler and halo 2 energy sword or in multiplayer there shouldnt be load outs 3. more epic halo 2s mstr chf flying thru space with the bomb into the convenant ship or halo 3s ending i mean where the hell is the epic in halo 4 master cheif feals like he belongs on jersey shore not saveing humanity from all out extinction AGAIn 4. better story at the rate your going i may actually leave my sofa and get a girlfriend -which would be terrible- .i liked the story of halo 4 but i didnt LOVE the story of halo 4 (i cried at the ending to halo 3 and that was last week) i mean really killing off cortana? the arbiter hasnt even shown his face and johnson doesnt even have a white doplganger no no were forced to stay on a single planet THIS IS SPACE 5. more interesting combat ai first off i completed the first mission of halo 4 in about 40 minutes on the hardest difficulty and didnt die once i mean how hard is it to make a game hard. when you focused your attention on the new prometheans you made combat quite boring and methodical all the ai are made with a purpose and theres only one way to take them out properly which there shouldnt be, shooters dont have much to make there gameplay appealing but the style of execution for your foes (take that from me and i may as well be socialising) appart from those 5 problems halo 4 did a good job for the multiplayer even if the story and campaign lacked much thank you for reading i can only hope that you may yet implement some of my ideas
- Halo: Reach
- halo 5
- (and 7 more)