okay, people have told me that i am auto muted for them now i did not get a message warning me about anything or telling me i have been muted by 343I i called xbox and they said that it is not from there end...and i want to know WHY AM I MUTED?! 90% of time i am in a party chat with friends or i have my mic unplugged the few times i am in game chat i talk with my friends while playing grifball...(i prob been reported for spawn trapping people but those people are crybabys who suck at the game anyways) so am i auto muted?
And more importantly why did i get auto muted (why does anyone get auto muted) when there are so many people with aimbots overshields and damnage mods in halo reach and halo 4 (which btw amonth after halo 4 being out and its already dead lol) and 343I won't ban them? they wont do ANYTHING to people with mods yet they automute people who did nothing wrong..and they #$%# over bungie players and inheritors 90% of the time...how is that right? how is that fair?
explain that one to me...
--add on-- you know the little squeakers who scream into there mics and the ones with kinects i understand automuting them BECAUSE THEY ARE ANNOYING but people who rarely talk? i mean come on 343I WTF.... BTW anyone who wants proof that 343I don't ban cheaters look on Nacturnalkill fileshare you will see the proof.