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1. Salsasandro 2. Battle of Hoth Scenery!/?section=GameMap&SearchDate=7&SortBy=2&view-select=Tile&startIndex=0 Tags: starwars salsasandro hoth shmeef atat atst aesthetics 3. This map is set on Erosion, the only way to construct At-Ats because of the Pipes. It ofters you a Power Generator Ion Cannon 1 Atgar 1.4 FD-P Tower Laser Cannon 3 Laser Cannon Tower 1 Imperial Lamda class Shuttle 2 AT-ATs 1 At-ST 1 Snowspeeder (taking down one AT-AT with the Harpoon cable) 1 Rebel Transport Ship fleeing features also shmeef Skywalker ^.^ 4.
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- generator
- ion cannon
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Hi guys ! There is some Forerunner aesthetics for helping for some Forerunner theme / structures. Forerunner Aesthetics GamerTag : SnR Zaelkyria Map : Forerunner Aesthetics Description : Some aesthetics for theme Forerunner. Not playable. DoanLoad link : Forerunner Aesthetics
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- Aesthetics
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How this track came about? In my life there are very few things that I love doing. I mean I like going to the cinema, but I don’t love it. I like to watch football on a Saturday afternoon, but it’s not something I love doing. However if there’s one thing I do love doing, it’s driving a mongoose or warthog across terrain. That’s where this map came from. I decided to make this map on Erosion as I’ve already explored Ravines terrain, and Forge Island and Impact don’t really have much to offer in that particular area. Another decision I made pretty quickly was to use construction aesthetics as a theme for the map. With Erosion being rather dusty and baron, I thought it would make a great construction site. With all decisions made I went ahead and forged the map. It took me about 2-3 hours to forge the track, and then a further 3 hours to do all of the aesthetics. During the making of the map, largely because of the bumpiness of the terrain, I made the decision to use warthogs and not mongooses as the main vehicle. You can still choose to use mongooses (or ghosts) if you want, Warthogs are just the recommended vehicle. What was the hardest part? Deciding on the final layout of the track. Took me about an hour of randomly driving around in different vehicles to come to a final decision. Fastest lap time: 47 seconds Number of checkpoints (per lap): 15 Difficulty: Easy Vehicle: Warthog (recommended), Mongoose or Ghost. Easter egg: One of the construction workers seems to have lost his football (soccer ball). Can you find it for him? Note: THIS MAP WILL ONLY WORK WITH ‘CONSTRUCTION RACE’ GAMETYPE. Screenshots: Map Link: Gametype Link:
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- Aesthetics
- Construction
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-!/?section=GameMap&SearchDate=7&SortBy=2&view-select=Tile&startIndex=0&details=592eca7b-841c-45cf-a0f8-e30a370b7fd7 Facts: Locked comes from the fact that the whole places takes place in the mountains, but inside a house. You always get the feeling that all ways out are "locked". The map itself is very high placed, where the lighting works better. Outside there are alot of mountains and trees which is a good aesthetic feature. The map itself is a remake of Chill out/ Cold Storage, but with some twists, which make for better gameplay and movement on the map. Weapons: Sniper at redbase (180sec) Shotgun at bluebase (180sec) Overshield in the middle of the map (random) 2 stormrifles 1 br 1 suppressor 2 puls grenades (The rocked launcher is removed, since it's overpowered) The gameplay does work as the classic map, but the movement is better, and the teleporters are removed since they were confusing. Actually, I have playtestet this alot and tried to make it as good as possible. Gametypes: Slayer CTF KotH Oddball FFA Regicide 2v2 1v1 This map works extremely well in FFA and Slayer variants (and Oddball) This map was forged by Desson1A (me) Feedback is always appreciated from anyone. The more opinions, the better, right? blue base shotgun in blue base lower hallway from blue to the main room upper hallway from blue base to the main room (cover added) red base sniper spawns in red base orange located below red base hallway which is below the red base and connects orange and the main room this is the main room with the brigde (the brigde is now bigger for better movement) the overshield spawns randomly to prevent it from beeing overpowered. It spawns on a platform which is new to this map this room connects orange and the blue base. The rocket launcher is replaced with a suppressor and 2 puls grenades. The two platforms where the rocket launcher used to spawn are connected and multiple ways up to it are now available. Also the movement between this room and the mainroom is now better. (excuse me for the bad english)
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- aesthetics
- remake
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Gamertag: HeroAnarchy Map: Amphitheater Gametype: Maggot Meat Brief Description: 4-6 players Small circular map Urban Themed Humans have four different choices in weapons Assault rifle with three grenades Sniper rifle SAW Shotgun Flood have higher damage resistance, no shields, low damage (two hits) No armor abilities, vehicles are for aesthetics, no radars Six Locations Bakery Food Stand On top of Bakery Streets Alley Way Gas Station Small aesthetics Other Details: The map is outside of Erosion It has already been tested with four people NOTICE: THE LINKS ARE INSIDE THE NAMES OF THE GAMETYPE and MAP. SO JUST CLICK ON THEM TO GET LINKED TO THEM IN MY FILESHARE.
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- Tested
- Aesthetics
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Hey guys, just thought that it would be a good time to post my now-completed flood map; "Emerald Mine". Gamertag: Robius5991 Map: Emerald Mine (In my fileshare) Gametype: Flood Mode (Not the regular flood, the gametype's in my fileshare) Description: When a group of soldiers no longer have anywhere else to hide, they evacuate to an old UNSC mining facility that was once used to gather the largely-present resource of emerald, found both in the stones and underground. However, once they lock the side-tunnel and blow the main gate, two Flood-forms still manage to enter. The soldiers must now use the facility and its large array of machines as cover while they battle the Flood. Luckily for them, as UNSC protocol states, there are turret stations present which may allow for an added defense against the Flood, although they must beware that they are heat-seeking and will attack any moving object. Recommended Players: 8-16 players Here's a video review for the map: Feel free to check this link to see a similar thread, dedicated to the aesthetics of this map, as have been submitted to THFE: http://www.343indust...ining-machines/ Map Aesthetics Showcase: 1st place Winner of Insanmiac's "Best of the Dead" contest (6:32): Ducain23's Feature of the map. **Just wanted to ask that if you did chose to feature to please mention my channel ( thanks!** And at the bottom there is a picture: Thanks for your time and I hope that you all enjoy the map!
Hey guys im reclaimed halo, my xbox 360 gamertag is also Reclaimed Halo.(feel free to msg me about the map on my xbox profile.) I have created a flood map,(the map name is Abandoned) , I have created a wrecked spaceship map, i gave it a broken down look with hanging wires and broken walkways. I also used the cryo bay setting from the halo 4 campaign as the spawn for the humans, and a flood based rocky spawn for the flood. Gametype:Flood Player size:As much as you want (the map is fairly big) The story for the map is that you have long been asleep in a cryo tube aboard a withering ship, suddenly you awake to find a horrific parasite to have overtaken your ship, just to realize that you are being hunted down by them. I have shown the map to a few of my friends, and they love it, if you know Halo Conceptor( an awsome halo screenshot artist in Halo Reach and in Halo 4), gave it a 9.5 on the sexiness level.(haha) I will also post some photos of the map, the pics will be low rez since i cant go into theatre and take them there, because of the fileshare system is not up in all. so i had to take them with a cheap camera. Thankyou for the consideration THFE. -Reclaimed Halo (1/7/2013) P.S - My old gamertag was rampant forger, so the map says created by rampant forger, and just edited my reclaimeed halo. So just to say its me .
- spaceship
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Hey 343iCF, I'm here to bring you all my content for the recently-unveiled "Shmeef" project that THFE has invented. Originally I wanted to feature my Shmeefs in some of my maps, however, I could never find a good spot to do so, therefore instead I created a mini-museum/gallery to showcase all my Shmeef designs. In this gallery you can find a new variety of Shmeefs, varying from Left 4 Dead parodies to those from Gears of War and many, many others. I want to tell all forgers that they can feel free to use the designs I have shown in the video and any other kind of variation that they can come up with, since that is the purpose of the video. If this interests you, please check out the below video to see all of my Shmeef creations (so far), thanks for your time!: I just wanted to mention that this is my attempt at helping THFE popularize the "Shmeef" concept and I really hope it catches on as it is a fun as easy concept to forge. **As a message to any THFE members, if you chose to feature this, could you please mention my channel ( thanks a lot and good luck with the Shmeefs!**
"Aesthetics - Robotics" brought to you by GryffinGuy007. Link: This is just an assortment of various robotics, droids and drones. They're cheap, somewhat simple designs, and fully customizable. Feel free to modify these models how you like, to suit your maps. List of Robotics: 1. Bomb Diffusal Robot 2. Security Droid 3. Army Drone 4. Cleaning Bot 5. A.R Drone 6. Service Droid 7. Medical Droid The robots are numbered on the map accordingly. Hope you enjoy it THFE. Thanks. https://companion.ha...927&size=Medium
"Aesthetics - Watchtowers" brought to you by GryffinGuy007. Link: This map features 3 simple designs for watchtowers. These can be modified in any way to suit the needs of your map. These designs include ways of climbing up, "first-person turret aiming"(if the ceiling is lowered slightly), and control panels/objects at the front of each tower. List of Towers: 1. Fantasy/Archer Tower 2. Covenant Watchtower 3. UNSC Watchtower Please feel free to implement these into your maps. Enjoy. Front: (On Thread thumbnail) Back:
"Aesthetics - Forunner Gunshow" Brought to you by GryffinGuy007. Link:!/?section=MapVariants&MapId=&GameMode=0&SearchDate=7&SortBy=2&view-select=Tile&tags=&startIndex=0&details=30688810 Yes folks, I have yet another submission. Due to the coming of Halo 4, I decided to create two forunner aesthetics maps (See "Aesthetics - Forunner"). This aesthetics map features a variety of forunner guns ranging from small to massive. Note that these guns do cost a bit, but various pieces can be removed from them in order to save budget. Screenshots: Thanks again, THFE. I'v had alot of time on my hands to create these...