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Hello, HFE; glad to finally be able to join in on submitting here In any case, i have actually been practicing up in forge since i found your show. I was intrigued by the amount of detail people could squeeze in with the limited budget, and it made me look a little down upon what i had made at the time (At that point, i would simply place buildings if i recall correctly, maybe a bridge here and there). Been studying up since before halo 4 was released after feeling inspired and wanting to make something of that caliber myself; and since I couldn't submit maps anyway that is just what I did. Practiced with aesthetics, made maps inspired by maps featured to see how well i could compare to try to learn from them, and have aimed to master map design... but, i digress. This is my first actually submitted map even online. Quite frankly looking back, it may have been the only one truly good enough to anyway to truly let the community enjoy what i can do. In a sense, i guess you could call it my first real map. With this map, i wanted to not just form a play surface inconspicuously constructed in the wilderness with no apparent original purpose; i wanted to make something that seemed like a real structure (even gave it a nifty backstory description).... and, knowing firsthand that all people play differently, i wanted to allow breathing room for all play-styles to find some place welcoming. But i overall aimed to keep the map balanced at the same time. I also aimed to encourage map movement, and allow it to function suitably as a hybrid outdoor and indoor map. I also wanted it to look aesthetically pleasing... not to do so while dumping a huge load of dirt on playability, but enough to seem fairly pleasing from wthin a gameplay environment and compliment the intended feel. The map is (and how many aren't) an asymmetrical map that adopts a base shape that could be described as a vertical triangle. It is nothing so crude, however. The map is split about half-and-half between an indoor and outdoor environment. The outdoor area comes equipped with a trench network which one team calls home base, and 6 initial ordnance drops (if i recall correctly... may have had the full 8. Would need to check that.); meanwhile, the indoor area is home to the opposing team, who spawns in the rear hallway of the lower floor. Near them is a weapons room, which contains a similarly balanced weapon set to the other team's ordnance. The outdoor area has battlements accessible by the lower level as well as two entrances. Within the base is a pentagonal-esque room with a sniper nest overlooking the area, and the exits leading further into the base and the battlements. The first floor hallway is just a curve around the exit from there (Within that curve is also allocated our weapon room.). It is a linear, bridge-like area suspended above a damaged area of the building (which is really just where the terrain clipped in an un concealable manner, but that is a working explanation) with a few barricades to take cover behind. A grav lift down the hall acts as the next floor elevator, and within this hall is access to the aforementioned indoor sniper nest. Corners are the primary source of cover here, and in itself (due to budget primarily) the hallway woud be barren without them in combination with the sniper nest. The final flight of stairs leads up onto the rooftop area, where about 3 minutes into the gameplay, a banshee will spawn, and a shade turret is allocated just in the center of the area. Ventilation shafts allow you to "drop in" on players on the level just below, and the plentiful placement of bunkers and cover allow this to act just as applicable of a battlefield as the areas before it. Ordnance drops are pre-organized to run off of a very luck-based system as it were. Both the outdoor area and rooftop area have them to keep the players moving around the map should something good drop, and each is allocated 3. One of the bunch having primarily good drops, but high randomness to them, while the other two have a chance of dropping less-beneficial pickups, but also have odds to drop a game-changing weapon. With no shortage of cover for the "campers", no shortage of vantage points for the "snipers", and no shortage of close corners for the "charge-n-targe" type, this map is designed to cater to all types, while also keeping a little bit of challenge to gameplay by means of the risk and reward system (no sniping post is less than 1 1/2 sprints from the weapon room or so (and with the best being on the roof during the early phases of the game (before going into the 2:30 mark or so), you might as well have a "please stab me" sign taped to your back if you think you are 100% safe), and you may have to sprint all the way upstairs to get that pretty little fuel rod cannon that so beckons you to touch it.). It also is a large and open map, occupying roughly half of the forging canvas it is built upon; while still encouraging map movement with weapon spawns, and progressively encroaching spawn points for the teams that keep both teams on their toes; this way ensuring most of the time, this map space is taken into full advantage. And the overall means by which the map is composed means that no game will ever be the same... that is not even in the most simple definition of, say, a tactic being different; this is to say that depending on team choices, you could get the other team in your base 1/2 way through, or you could get them in the first 25 seconds. You could win, you could loose, and a stalemate is certainly not impossible. The weapon spawns in the ordnance could be game-changing, or they could be next to worthless. It is a highly dynamic map in this sense. This is, at least the way it was designed. You see, i have not quite been able to gather a group to test it. And the one opportunity i had to ask someone locally they denied the offer. As a result it remains untested and all of this is simply based on how it was intended. And this is my first true map, so i may be doing something wrong (admittedly, i can't help but think i am missing something... and it isn't just the gravity volumes i had to cut out of the plan on account of budget that would have added to the space environment feel). In any scenario, if it looks good to you, i will leave this at the note that i would be honored to have you test run this map and, indeed, my first map in general. No screenies because i forgot to take those, but simply searching "Vigil" SHOULD bring it up. How many people use that word, honestly? And if there is more than one, look for the one based on "Impact" with a description that seems like one found in the stock game maps in nature. It should be noted that, again, i felt something missing from this, and i will indeed continue to make more, potentially higher complexity, maps until i am satisfied and potentially beyond that. This is the first step in what could be a great forging career, and knowing that the first is always the biggest but never the grandest, it holds to the logic i will do much better next time. I would also like to hear what you think on the map so i know just WHAT to make better next time, so any feedback is welcomed. I am also getting into gametypes, but for now, this map may be effectively enjoyed on any gametype that involves teams, doesn't require more be added in forge beyond basic gameplay items (no dominion, sadly), and allows untampered ordnance drops and weapon pickup. Thank you for your time, ~Destroyer Of The North
Mutant Click To Download Map Authors and Contributors Lead Design: Darkling Ninja Co-designers: Limey, Redemption. Sethiroth Design input: Fritzer, HezbollaHector, The Fated Fire, Warholic Co-forgers: Eww Your Skinny, Darkling Ninja, Redemption Map Information and History Mutants History: Mutant was one of those likes Halcyon, everyone was excited for it, but it never was completely finished or released. Many people are aware of the design and it has become one of those famous maps that was never made. The original mutant was designed over 5 years ago for the first Halo 3 MLG forge forum map pack. It is the original guirdian, lockout inspired forge map. Myself, Sethiroth and Fritzer has all put some of our design skills into making this a good map. Many people were excited and looked forward to its release. In the end it turned out to be impossible to forge on Halo 3 with the piece limitations. The fact is that Mutant was just to far ahead of its time for Halo 3. Mutant was put on the back burner for the first time, as we all waited for the next Halo game to be released hoping that the next forge system would be able to handle the map. Enter the brokenness of Halo: Reach. Mutant was redesigned soon after the games release by me and Sethiroth. Even though we had some issues redesigning some areas before we were able to find any solutions frame rate killed Mutant. The forge pieces required to create Mutant in Halo: Reach consisted of primarily frame rate heavy objects. Halo: reach could not handle the design either. Me and Sethiroth gave up on Mutant and focused on our own work. Upset with the frame issues of Halo: Reach forge, frustrated with the broken and terrible game play, and busy with college I stop playing Halo and disappeared from the face of XBL and Halo for the next 2 years, leaving mutant and forge behind. Then I got my hands on Halo 4, a vast improvement over Halo: reach. Halo was once again fun for me to play. I picked back up forge, and got involved with the community once again. I practiced making maps to get use to the system while re-designing mutant for Halo 4. Halo 4 had no problem handling mutant, sadly enough Halo design had advanced so far that mutant was no longer light years ahead of its time. Even so mutant still stands tall as one of the best, if not the best asymmetrical competitive map. Not to toot my own horn, but I have not played an asymmetrical map that plays competitively as well as mutant does. (default infinity slayer is a different story) If I play one that is better than mutant I will gladly admit that the asymmetrical map is better. I expect that I will eventually play a competitive asymmetrical map that plays better than mutant. As of right now I have yet to play it. In a matter of fact I would not be surprised if there is a map already out there that is a better asymmetrical competitive map then mutant like I said I have yet to play it, and I play a lot of forge customs. Map Description: Mutant is a 4 tower, asymmetrical competitive map, that specializes in OddBall and King of the Hill. Since its conception, Mutant has been geared towards competitive game play. This is a fast pace asymmetrical competitive map. Rapid fighting and non-stop action is what mutant has to offer. The map promotes movement and team work, and demotes camping. The geometry of the map does not rely on lazy cover and/or generic geometry to provide cover for players. Providing oneself with cover will depend on taking advantage of the angles and using team support. Unlike most 4 tower asymmetrical maps, stalemates and polarized spawns are not an issue. Like all asymmetrical maps stale mates happen from time to time, but they do not last very long. The longest stalemate has been 45 seconds in my testing. The lockout problem does not exist on this map, a team will not find themselves making a hard push to a power point just to spawn in the same place over and over. (Like lift room on shutout) The spawns are dynamic, yet sensible and controllable. The levels on the map are balanced out well and no part of the map is underplayed. The high ground remains the coveted locations to control just like any other map, but the other levels are not without vital importance. Middle ground provides more cover, with critical shooting angels, and versatility, making middle ground a vital location to utilize properly. Low ground provides the most cover will access to flanking positions, as well as an Overshield spawn making it important to keep an eye on. In the end Mutant has been what everyone had hope for it during these last 4 years of design. I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to it throughout the years. Thank you, Darkling Ninja Weapons, Game Types, and Misc. Player size: 4-8 JUMP PAD BOTTOM MIDDLE Weapons On Map: BR x 4 (30sec) DMR x1 (30sec) Carbine x1 (30sec) LR x1 (30sec) Boltshot x1 (60sec) Frag x 4 (30sec) Plasma x2 (60sec) Pulse x2 (15sec) Ordinance Drops: Sniper Rifle x1 (120sec) Overshield x1 (90sec) Best Game Types: Odd Ball KOTH Extraction Other Supported Game Types: Slayer FFA WEAPON MAP Pictures Gold / White Blue Bottom Middle and Jump Pad Green / Black Red
- 1
- asymmetrical
- 4-8
(and 2 more)
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This is an asymmetrical map for use with an asymmetrical Extraction game type variant, also named Raid the Rock. It was inspired by an old Halo 3 custom game built on Last Resort (I don't remember who created it, but I loved the heck out of it and used to play it all the time) called "Storm the Beach," which of course was a reference to the allies storming the beaches of Normandy on D-Day during WWII. On this map/game there are 5 extraction objectives that can only be armed by the attackers. The attackers must traverse no-man's-land and infiltrate the defenders' base to reach the objectives. The Defenders are very well equipped and must hold off the attackers for as long as they can. It plays very reminiscently of Invasion, but you know, with all the short comings of Halo 4. This map/game was ment to be played two rounds 4v4 - 6v6, but I found that it works wonderfully if not better if played one round with the attackers out numbering the defenders 3v5 - 4v8 I would love to hear some feedback or advise on how I can improve this map or game type. Here are the links Map: Raid the Rock Game Type: Raid the Rock