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After the last MCC content update (the big one that was supposed to fix everything) I noticed the faster search times, more stable games/lobbies, etc. But one big problem (for me anyways) I found was that 343i changed the max players on the Big Team Battle playlist. Before the patch it was 16 players 8v8 max, but after the patch its now 14 players 7v7 max. They didn't mention this in the patch notes at all, and every time someone brings it up it just gets ignored, from what I've seen. It might seem like a small minute problem to some of you, and I can understand that. For me though (and I'm sure I'm not the only one), Big Team is my favorite playlist, and in every single Halo game, Big Team Battle has always been 16 players 8v8. Always. For 343i to just all the sudden bring the max players down to 14 and not explain why, or even mention it at all, is a bit wrong honestly. I really hope 343i gets better at communicating with the community, and works on their public relations as a whole. The small things like this actually matter and add up. I'm totally not trying to be one of those "SCREW 343i, BURN BONNIE ROSS AT THE STAKE" type people XD (you all know the type of people I'm talking about. Just check /r/HaloCircleJerk on reddit hahaha), but I'm just saying how 343i should work on a number of things.
Welcome to the 20th 343i Weekly Community Poll! Wow! 20 of these already? Let's start with the Results of our second ever tie-breaker poll! It was extremely close, but we do have a winner: As for last week's poll, the results are in. The favorite helmet for our forum users is: This week's poll stems from all the talk about a rebooting of one of Halo's most beloved games. There are many rumors, though still no official word from Microsoft. So this week's question isn't "Do you think 343 industries will make Halo 2 Anniversary?", but rather: Do you want 343 industries to make Halo 2 Anniversary? Be sure to list your thoughts and reasonings below, along with your vote. Voting ends February 24, at 6:00 AM EST Thanks for reading and see y'all next week! Have a complaint, suggestion, or question pertaining to the poll? Message Me.
Hello everyone, I am ROYSTAGE V2 and I present you: Raymundo (download link at the bottom) Raymundo is my best forged map, it's also symmetric and supports all gametypes! (except multi-team & Grifball). You can basically walk through the bases or walk on top of them. Red base: contains 3 ways to enter the top floor, has a initial 60 sec needler spawn, a 90 sec respawn timed Warthog and a Ghost with a 90 sec respawn timer. Blue base: contains 3 ways to enter top floor and also has a initial 60 sec needler spawn, a 90 sec respawn timed Warthog and Ghost. On the left side of blue base I tried to recreate the rock structure on the right side of red base, it has a initial 30 sec plasma grenade x2 spawn and with Dominion it also brings forerunner weapon ordnances, a turret, shields and a Vehicle Pad Warthog. The middle of the map contains a few little bridges and are quite important to control and also has a initial 180 sec Rocket Launcher spawn. The mid-right side of blue base: contains 'Dominion only' turret, UNSC weapon ordnances, cover, shields and 2 Vehicle Pad Ghosts, without Dominion it has a Machine Gun Turret and cover barriers. The mid right side of red base: contains 'Dominion only' turret, banshee and shields. With- and without Dominion it has a initial 180 sec Sniper Rifle spawn. And without Dominion it has a Mantis with a 180 sec respawn timer. This piece of the map contains: a (Dominion only) turret, shields, Covenant weapon drops and a Vehicle Pad Warthog. With- and without Dominion it also has a 30 sec plasma grenade x2 initial weapon drop. And here you see the middle of the map from a different view: Each base has in front of it a shotgun random ordnance drop: In the middle of the map under the bridge you can also find this random weapon drop: And on the other side of the middle of the map you find this random weapon drop: I started forging this map when I entered a contest on Forgecafe. I ended 3rd place with this map which was great because I never expected that when I started to forge this map. I haven't been able to test the map but because it finished 3rd in the contest I assume that the gameplay is fine. After I entered the contest I had to download a map which already had some things in it you were not allowed to change anything from. It looked like this with only the 5x5 block flat and the window things. Also, because I had to download this map for the contest the author name will read: Wildcaters45 Map download link:!/?section=GameMap&SearchDate=7&SortBy=2&view-select=Tile&startIndex=0&details=39c81010-8d3f-4dc8-b1b1-3bc3950daed1 I hope all you guys and girls enjoy my map!
What WAS Gonna be a "reinvention" of 'Epitaph' (Halo3), turned into my own thing. Although this wasnt intended, the outter part can be used as a race track (WiP). The map reminds me of a reconfigured 'Rat Race' (Halo3), cuz of the track. Supports Slayer, King of the Hill, & Oddball. (KotH & O'Ball not FULLY tested, but works). Made for Big Team, 10-16 players. Please comment with feedback, thanks.
- 5 replies
- tunnels
- king of the hill
- (and 7 more)
Welcome to the 10th 343i Weekly Community Poll! Wow, we've already hit the big 10, anyways let's get right to it. Last week we had the Elites locked in against Grunts, winner takes the crown. It was neck and neck, but ultimately the winner was: Our first ever tie breaker thread can be found here This week's poll is a question I've wanted to ask for a while but just never got around to it. So here ya go: "Who's your favorite member of Noble Team?" -Carter -Kat -Emile -Jorge -Jun -Thom So those are the members of Noble Team I've chosen for this poll (If you're wondering, noble six from Halo:Reach wasn't included because he was more you than anyone else and the other member of Noble Six was only a temporary replacement.) IF YOU WANT YOUR VOTE TO COUNT, PLEASE VOTE BEFORE 10:00AM EST 10-28-13 Well that's all for this week, please take part in the poll and see ya next week! Also if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions pertaining to the poll, feel free to message me
The topic is pretty self-explanatory. Who, in any video game you've played, is your favorite sidekick, accomplice, assistant, companion, co-protagonist or (as the proper term) deuteragonist (doo-tuh-rag-uh-nist). Because there have been some pretty awesome ones this year (*cough* Elizabeth *cough*), and even a couple in previous years (*cough* Alyx *cough*). Not many people I ask have one or have no idea what deuteragonist (doo-tuh-rag-uh-nist) means. I would probably choose either Cortana (best female deuteragonist EVER) or Cole Train (is a boss). (Halo) (Gears of War) (Anyone else sensing the over used * parenthesis here?)
- 10 replies
- sidekick
- accomplice
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I have been working on an asymmetric Dominion map named Kostal Kombat. There are 4 Bases (The map layout allows 4 bases without the gameplay suffering). Each base has a trait zone around it that gives a different effect, Alpha gives Speed boost, Bravo gives Damage boost, Charlie gives Overshields, and Delta gives an enhanced radar. The map is highly asymmetric with a lot of verticality, and will support up to 8v8 matches (5v5 or 6v6 is recommended). As you can see from the screenshots, the map has several routes to each base, as well as plenty of opportunities for risk/reward. The map is still in the works, but I will soon be posting a download link.
Hey guys, this is my first competitive map ever on Halo 4. I used to make mini game maps, but I decided to step out of the boundary and push forward my talents. Here I present you, Outposts. Gamertag: HAv0c99 Map: Outposts Gametype(s): Slayer, KoTH, CTF The map is basically a narrow map which has two bases on opposite ends, with a mini base located in the middle. It contains many weapons (but are balanced), and 4 mongoose vehicles. The map's prime gametype is CTF, but it also supports KoTH and Slayer. It's new and improved. You can download it on waypoint here.
- competetive
- big
- (and 6 more)
I for one was very disappointed by the lack of large maps in halo 4, true we have a lot of BTB maps but they are all fairly small and incapable of supporting heavy vehicle combat. What i would like to see in halo 5 is the introduction of a 16 v 16 heavy combat playlist which would pit teams against each other on very large maps loaded with air and ground vehicles. I would like to see the following vehicles in halo 5: -Warthog -Guass hog -Rocket hog -mortar hog -mongoose -Scorpion -Mantis -Falcon -Hornet -Wraith -Spectre -Banshee -Chopper -Ghost -Possibly even pelicans and spirits With this massive pallet of vehicles we should also get some new anti vehicle weapons here are some ideas: -Rocket launcher -Anti armor/air rockets (tracks ground and air targets, low splash damage) -Anti personnel rockets (no tracking, high splash damage) -Spartan Laser (how could anyone forget:) -Heavy Railgun (The most powerful weapon in the game, hold 2 rounds, has 2x and 10x scope, one hit kill on literally anything, pelicans included) -Plasma Launcher (practically the same as the one from reach but with better tracking and more damage) -Anti armor incendiary rounds (can be placed on map and are weapon specific, deal 2x the damage to vehicles) -Gauss turret (like the one on the warthog except in "shade turret" format -Rocket turret (like the ones on the mammoth in halo 4) -Oh and possibly mines as well (they could fit into a grenade slot on your HUD) These are just some cool ideas i had, feel free to critic them or add some ideas of your own
HALO 4 SUNDAY CUSTOM MAPS GAME-DAY NOON PST / 3PM EST "FFA SLAYER ONLY" 16 PPL ADD GT: PURIENCE HALO 4 CUSTOM GAME-DAY SUNDAY NOON PST / 3PM EST "Only FFA SLAYER" 16 Players "Come early to get in" Add GT: Purience "Will Send a reminder message on XBOX LIVE a few hours before gametime "Online Matchmaking is terrible" "Now this is a playlist" 3x3 and 4x4 MAPS Breach (FFA) Lagoon (FFA) King's Throne (BTB) Talisman (BTB) Skyward (BTB) Crucifix (FFA) Cavern (KING) Puncture (BTB) Static (MLG) Electrify (FFA) Shadow (BTB) Propulsion (BTB) 5x5 and 6x6 MAPS Hangtime (BTB) Guardian (CTF) Blitzkrieg (FFA) Flying Waterworld Deathmatch (FFA) Battle Arena (BTB) Symmetria (FFA) ALG Epitaph (BTB) 7x7 and 8x8 MAPS Space Rock Deathmatch (FFA) Channel (CTF) Office (Flood) Transverse (BTB) G.I. Joe Deathmatch (BTB) BumperCars (FFA) Artisan (BTB) Dr Doom Deathmatch (FFA) Behemoth (CTF) Assassination "Only" 0 Gravity Arena (FFA) Duck Hunt (Flood) Cobra Deathmatch (BTB) Haunted Mansion(Flood) Basketball (Oddball) Castle Wars (CTF) Underground Cave Deathmatch (FFA) Tunnels (Flood) Crash-Up Derby (FFA) Graveyard Deathmatch (FFA) Hulk (Flood) Lockout (FFA) Lockout (FFA) "Fists" Griffbowl (Griff) The Prison (FFA) Nether Den (Flood) Sinister Deathmatch (FFA) Presented by HALOHAPPYHOUR.COM (Usually Following Game Day) Hosted by Purience & Monkiman300 Breaking News / Live Interviews / Forge Discussion / and more Listen @ http://www.blogtalkr...halo-happy-hour
HALO 4 SUNDAY CUSTOM MAPS GAME-DAY NOON PST / 3PM EST "FFA SLAYER ONLY" 16 PPL ADD GT: PURIENCE HALO 4 CUSTOM GAME-DAY SUNDAY NOON PST / 3PM EST "Only FFA SLAYER" 16 Players "Come early to get in" Add GT: Purience "Will Send a reminder message on XBOX LIVE a few hours before gametime "Online Matchmaking is terrible" "Now this is a playlist" 3x3 and 4x4 MAPS Breach (FFA) Lagoon (FFA) King's Throne (BTB) Talisman (BTB) Skyward (BTB) Crucifix (FFA) Cavern (KING) Puncture (BTB) Static (MLG) Electrify (FFA) Shadow (BTB) Propulsion (BTB) 5x5 and 6x6 MAPS Hangtime (BTB) Guardian (CTF) Blitzkrieg (FFA) Flying Waterworld Deathmatch (FFA) Battle Arena (BTB) Symmetria (FFA) ALG Epitaph (BTB) 7x7 and 8x8 MAPS Space Rock Deathmatch (FFA) Channel (CTF) Office (Flood) Transverse (BTB) G.I. Joe Deathmatch (BTB) BumperCars (FFA) Artisan (BTB) Dr Doom Deathmatch (FFA) Behemoth (CTF) Assassination "Only" 0 Gravity Arena (FFA) Duck Hunt (Flood) Cobra Deathmatch (BTB) Haunted Mansion(Flood) Basketball (Oddball) Castle Wars (CTF) Underground Cave Deathmatch (FFA) Tunnels (Flood) Crash-Up Derby (FFA) Graveyard Deathmatch (FFA) Hulk (Flood) Lockout (FFA) Lockout (FFA) "Fists" Griffbowl (Griff) The Prison (FFA) Nether Den (Flood) Sinister Deathmatch (FFA) Presented by HALOHAPPYHOUR.COM (Usually Following Game Day) Hosted by Purience & Monkiman300 Breaking News / Live Interviews / Forge Discussion / and more Listen @ http://www.blogtalkr...halo-happy-hour
SINISTER DEATHMATCH GT: PURIENCE Map Name: SINISTER DEATHMATCH Gametype: SLAYER (16 Player Free For All) Map: RAVINE Equipment: Any Description: Blanketing the calm blue sea, a menacing giant "foam-green" colored Sinister greets all who dare dwell atop of his "madness inspired", slanted & downward built, straight into the HALO's oceanic Abyss, palace of chaos. Twisted Mongoose tunnels & cracks to adventure into, four distant teleporters relocating when needed, balanced with torque-infused gravity lifts, sometimes leading to death..if not directed in-flight correctly. The castle wall standing hundreds of feet tall is draped in violet with silver glistening walls douced in glory and an "open invitation" effect (juicy), to explore. Spiraling staircases lead to powerful weapons within the great tower wall, and a "camouflage-zone" hides all who enter if stood still and widow creating her web of entanglement indeed. SINISTER "Tis ever-mindful of monstrous events...gathered together by ominous tones." "Thanks to Jaybu,TheCentaur,Vendusa, and the other testers in these screenshots"
GT: PURIENCE Name: G.I. JOE DEATHMATCH Gametype: SLAYER (4-16) Free For All Map: RAVINE (Big Map) Equipment: Jetpack, Saw, DMR, Plasma Grenades, Mobility, Super Sensors Description: The G.I. Joe headquarters nicknamed the "Silver Fox" base dominates this battlefield. Cobra has infiltrated however planting it's "Lava" base to the far west. All vehicles and weapons (Banshee & Tank) are present, and a floating airbase hovers above the cliffs. Grassland warfare with rich colored scenery & giant red wall barriers will bring endless amounts of vivid carnage.
GT: PURIENCE Name: SPACE ROCK DEATHMATCH Gametype: SLAYER (4-16) Free For All Map: IMPACT Equipment: Jetpack, Saw, DMR, Plasma Grenades, Mobility, Sensors Description: Once a highly profitable mining rock now an abandoned colony wiped out by an alien abduction. All vehicles and weapons are found throughout and numerous gravity lifts thrust you to every crater.
GT: PURIENCE Name: SPACE ROCK DEATHMATCH Gametype: SLAYER (4-16) Free For All Map: IMPACT Equipment: Jetpack, Saw, DMR, Plasma Grenades, Mobility, Sensors Description: Once a highly profitable mining rock now an abandoned colony wiped out by an alien abduction. All vehicles and weapons are found throughout and numerous gravity lifts thrust you to every crater.
GT: PURIENCE Name: G.I. JOE DEATHMATCH Gametype: SLAYER (4-16) Free For All Map: RAVINE (Big Map) Equipment: Jetpack, Saw, DMR, Plasma Grenades, Mobility, Super Sensors Description: The G.I. Joe headquarters nicknamed the "Silver Fox" base dominates this battlefield. Cobra has infiltrated however planting it's "Lava" base to the far west. All vehicles and weapons (Banshee & Tank) are present, and a floating airbase hovers above the cliffs. Grassland warfare with rich colored scenery & giant red wall barriers will bring endless amounts of vivid carnage.
- free for all
- slayer
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Hello, I'm zombiesocks99. And today, I will be showing you the Trench wars map and game type I have recently created. I should probably get this covered first. GamerTag: zombiesocks99 Map: Trench Warfare Game Type: Trench Wars Upon realizing that one of my most favorite game types in Halo wasn't on Halo 4 yet, and that I have pretty good forging skills, I decided to make one myself. And this beauty was born. After the fall of the Territories Game type, I decided to use Dominion, because It looked like it could include so much more for an already awesome game type. Let me be your tour guide for today, and show you around the map. (Sorry for the low quality pictures.) This is the interior of the red base. Everything you see here, is on the other side of the map, same goes with the blue base. I like symmetry. You have unlimited ammo if you are in your base, this includes the roof, but does not provide unlimited ammo at the main mortar cannon. (Coming up!) One Concussion Rifle ordinance drops in from time to time to offer support. The wings on the left and right of the bases are spawn rooms. To prevent spawn camping, there are two ways you can exit your base. The first exit is just the basic front exit, while the second one is up the ramps, which leads to the roof. Each exit is covered with a one way shield for obvious reasons. This is the warthog of the base, It provides mobility and firepower for the team. You've stuck with me this long, how about I show you the base's exterior defenses. This beast is the main mortar cannon of each base. I have positioned each (Symmetrically!) so that they can only cover a limited range, just outside of the enemy's base. (I will admit, it took me FOREVER to position the tanks like this, but it's worth it!) The main mortar is actually pretty difficult to get a kill with, but if you can plan where the shot is going, you will have a good time. Protip: When using this machine, the enemy's rocket hog is NOT your friend. Another angle of the mortar cannon in action. (A good example of what the enemy team will look at) More defenses! These two things are the Wraith mortar secondary defenses, it pretty much replaces the Revenants from Halo: Reach's Trench Wars. Unless you're a god, I doubt you could plan a kill with this thing. It's more of a "Shoot everywhere, and maybe I'll hit something" Weapon. If you can position your shot just right, you could be able to kill someone camping in a trench. Who knows? This is the third and final defense. The Shade turrets are well protected and the building that was placed over them keeps your head nice and warm from even the most trigger happy Spartans! This thing should be used if you want enemies to retreat and duck behind cover, or simply if you want to light up the battlefield. Protip: This should only be used if the enemy's main mortar cannon is destroyed. Otherwise, this'll happen... ... Yeah... Now, let's focus on the main trenches themselves. Shall we? Due to basic Dominion, you can not capture trenches if you are on the side of the trench. (Y'know, It's not territories...) You can only capture a base if you are in the middle of the trench, looking at the Base terminal. Once a territory is claimed, It will fortify, bringing up a few barricades and turrets with each trench. Resupply ordinance depends on the trench you're in. Once in a trench, enemy trench or ally trench, you will have unlimited ammo. Fortification of a trench in action! Once all trenches are captured by one team, or whoever racks up the most points within the time limit, that team wins. Thank you for sticking with me on this tour, I hope you are interested in this.
Name of Map: Seige Canvas Map: Forge World Link to MAP: Recommended Player Count: 12 Game Variant: Slayer Gamertag: ksi church2135 the map was made when my gamertag was KSI Church2135, dont let the name discourage you lol, i left the clan and now my gamertag is Powerpunchplus. it is a symmetrical slayer map, best for 8-12 players, but can play well on big team battle. no vehicles, multileveled castle with multiple ways to get in and out of any situation. A moat on either side that can be used to get in the lower level on the castle once the front gate closes at 3 minutes into the game. mancannons act as catapults to shoot players into the second story window and a central mancannon appears at 2 minutes in to catapult players to the top of the level where the sniper spawns. twoway teleporters are at the sides of the bottom level to take you into the second level and on a platform that you can get to by a staircase in the middle of the second level there are two teleporters to bring your spartan to the top or the castle. this is a bigger map that is well balanced and fun the scenery changes around the player at certain intervals of the game to create new ways to get around and change up the gameplay.
- 10 replies
- 1
- powerpunchplus
- big team
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Ever since Halo: Reach, players had always dreamed of remaking the warthog run on "The Maw" for an infection gametype. Some had dreamed, others tried, but no-one could succeed due to insufficient pieces or budget. But now, in Halo 4, with the budget multiplying by one thousand, and multiple map zones, with unlimited piece intake (insure if stated), It must be possible...Could it be? Finally? The funnest infection gametype ever, since Cops and Robbers? YES!