This is the 1st of 5 double wides that start with Perfect! I made this series because I wanted to see if I could build smooth double wides like l PVT Partz l. l PVT Partz l makes the most perfect racetracks I've ever seen and I wanted to see if I had the skills to make something so flawless! Perfect features smooth turns all around with an average lap time of 1:10. Aesthetics include bordering around the banked turn, cyan and purple lights around the rock wave, and my signature at the start. Color Scheme: Cyan, Blue, and Purple Time Spent Forging: 60hrs Type of Track: Double Wide Download Map: Perfect
Gametype: Race V1.1 Images: Overview
Start 1ST Turn 1ST Jump Followed by a Turn 3RD Turn 2nd Jump 4TH Turn 1ST Wave Banked Turn Small Drop 2ND Wave