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I'm sorry if I appear a stick in the mud.But lately I've been noticing things very upsetting to me.I've been playing Warzone & Arena(Mostly Slayer) lately.I've played long enough to know I'm not going to win every match.Win some.Lose some.But it doesn't mean I have to lose EVERY match.Too many times lately when I've lost.It was EXTREMELY LOPSIDED.Which obviously means there are STILL BALANCING ISSUES.I thought this was supposed to be dealt with.I can't be the only one.I've heard other players complaining as well.I really enjoy WELL BALANCED matches against players of EQUAL skill.NOT the kind of matches I've noticed lately.Once again.I apologize.WHAT'S THE POINT IN PLAYING WHEN YOU GET DOMINATED ALL THE TIME.WHAT GIVES?????
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Sup, Community? This is Darkrain491 with the best way to keep loadouts but balance them effectively. I recently posted a related thread that was side tracked. So please keep this thread solely on loadouts, and on posting your ideas and suggesting improvements on other peoples but first some things that I want to make clear and are facts and are not negotiable or deniable. 1: The secong fire mode of the Boltshot is a shotgun mode and is OP despite its Nerf. Some people maintain that it is not a shotgun. 2: Plasma Pistols and Plasma Grenades in Loadouts IS overpowered, without a doubt. 3: The amount of Flinch the DMR causes is far to much, and flinch should be removed entirely. 4: this thread is only about loadouts 5: Sprint for everyone as a default should be kept as the majority of Halo 4 maps are big, and Halo 5 should have much of the same, but made better with better initial weapons and better spawns. Primary Weapon Choices: UNSC Precision: Battle Rifle: Shield Break 3 Bursts, Health 3 Bursts, 2x Zoom. 36 mag (12 bursts) DMR: Shield Break 4 Shots, Health 3 Shots, 3x Zoom 15 mag UNSC Automatic: Assualt Rifle: Shield Break 12 Shots, Health 6 Shots, No Zoom. 32 Mag. ODST Silenced SMG: Shield Break 18 Shots, Health 10 Shots, 2x Zoom. 48 Mag. Covenant Precision (Arbeiter's Faction): Covenant Carbine: Shield Break 6 Shots, Health 4 Shots, 2x Zoom. 18 Mag Covenant Automatic Weapons: Plasma Rifle: Shield Break 8 Shots, Health 10 Shots. Plasma Repeater: Shield Break 14 Shots, Health 10 Shots. (No overheat, venting system, high fire rate) Storm Precision Weapons (Jul M'daama's faction) Needle Rifle: Shield Break 7 Shots, Health 3 Shots (SuperCombine), 2x Zoom. 21 Mag. Storm Automatic Weapons Storm Rifle: Shield Break 8 Shots, Health 10 Shots. (Higher Firerate than Plasma Rifle, Overheats faster) Brute Militia Precision Weapon Thorn Rifle: Shield Break 4 Shots, Health 3 Shots, 3.5x Zoom, High Bloom. 15 Mag. Brute Militia Automatic Weapon: Spiker: Shield Break 14 Shots, Health 12 Shots, Bonus Melee damage large Magazine (52) Forerunner Precision Weapons: Light Rifle: (Unzoomed) Shield Break 4 Bursts, Health 3 Shots, 36 Magazine (Zoomed) Shield Break 3 Shots, Health 2 Shots, 3x Zoom, 12 Shots a Magazine Promethean Automatic Weapon Suppressor: Shield Break 13 Shots, Health 13 Shots, 48 magazine Armour Abilities Now these are centered around more balanced Gameplay and not player benefits. Player Self Aid: Active Camo: Note (These ideas are from another thre and are NOT my original ideas but i liked them alot so i feel the need to spread these new Active Camo Abilities) Active Camo in its current form is an op camo campers dream. these changes take their dream and turn it against them. The new Active Camo works better the FASTER you move, causing the players position to always be revealed but they will be invisible, So now it is better for crossing open fields where there is little cover opening new stategies instead of improving old camping metheods. now that you will always be on radar, there is no need for the radar jammer, but we will come back to that. While active, promethean vision will not work on you while you are sprinting. Evade: Now that all players have ready to use sprint, evade is limited to one use per cooldownbut otherwise is the same as hali reaches, this replaces thruster pack Jump Pack: This replaces the currently OP jetpack this is a single use upwards thrust thay luanches a player into the air by about 15 feet in a slow arch movement, similar to the brute jump packs in Halo 3. Promethean Vision: Same effects as Halo 4. people are diffently affected while they have active Radar jammer or Active camo. Drop shields and Regen Fields are highlighted in blue and green respectivly. Players who are not moving will be fully highlighted red, not just red outlines. Suppirt Self Aid: Armour Lock: By removing the ability to stun those who melee an armour locked player and the EMP effect on players (but will still affect vechicles) this armour ability becomes not overpowered and cannot he abused the way it was in reach. now it will be good for anti-vechicle and explosion surviving, the way bungie meant it to be used. Hard light shield: Provides an alternative to armour lock that gives the user more mobility at the cost of less protection, it will work as it currently does Grenade Resistance: 10 seconds (Interupptable) of lessened grenade damage (players will still killed one hit with full shields when stuck) offers yet another alternative to armour lock that allows full mobility but only reduced damage from grenades and not all forms of damage (AA version of explosives support package) Stamina: While active, provides the user with faster reloads and indefinate sprint (Mix of the mobility and dexterity packages) Support: Drop Shield: (Assume a return of the medpacks and health system) Creates a bubble shield (stronger than reaches, weaker than Halo 3s) that while within it your will automatically regain healt But not shields, but they will start to recharge normally. Regeneration Field: The Opposite of Drop Shield. This AA will automatically recharge TEAMATES shields but not their health their is also no bubble effect or vison obscuring Radar Jamming: Due to the new removal of radar jamming on Active Camoflage, it can be made into an AA that Does this: Creates false enemy and teamate indicators on enemy motion sensors that are within range. prevents the player being seen on promethean vision while walking or sprinting. EMP drop mine: Large EMP AoE detantion that stuns vechicles and drains shields but emits green light and beeps loudly, can be triggerd by shooting or pressing AA button again, long recharge time. Seconadary Weapons: ODST silanced Pistol: Shield Break 5 Shots, Health 3 Shots, 2x Zoom Halo 4 Magnum: Shield Break 4 Shots, Health 3 Shots, 2x Zoom Halo 3 Magnum: Shield Break 3 Shots, Health 2 Shots, No Zoom, Slowest firerate of secondarys Second Primary: Player may subsitute their armour ability to spawn with a second primary weapon of the same faction as their primary All player have defualt frags, not changable. Packages are removed entirely, Waypoints to power weapons are removed, except when within 5 feet of the weapon, Flinch is removed and replaced with the zoom out when shot. these are my revised loadout system to balance the game and promote team work, as protecters and and aiding teamates with the support armour abilities will earn you bonus credits used to buy SOME armour pieces, some are unlocked via set requirements e.g 15 perfections. Credits DO NOT act as EXP and the ranking system is similar to Halo 2 crossed with halo 3s Please tell me what you think!
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Sprint. Arguably the most debated and controversial element in the modern Halo environment. With many pros and cons that make it very hard to decide between keep or drop. To be clear, I support the drop argument, but the ability of faster map crossing without putting lower skilled players at the disadvantage of being unable combating overly effective strafing seem good. However, as many of you may have seen on other threads, I have come up with which may be the best solution yet. It's simple, but I feel it can and would be very effective at resolving this very frustrating issue. The Idea: Basically, in a nutshell, it takes the main arguments for sprint; faster paced gaming, better map crossing speed without creating overly effective strafing and simple realism of the player, and gives those benefits without the sacrifice of skill gaps or creating new unnecessary ones. It does this by removing sprint, and replacing it with this mechanic: Base player strafing and backwards movement is the same speed of that seen in Halo 3, while moving in a forward direction is 110% faster than this, giving the ability to cross maps faster without the risks of being unprepared for firefights, resulting in cheap deaths. No "get out of jail free" card for mistakes, as now you cannot run faster than someone chasing you down and shooting you at the same time. Flag Carriers are no longer at a disadvantage from being unable to sprint. Able to jump larger gaps and shoot at the same time. It also gives benefits to things outside of player movement. It gives players that use Automatics a buff that does not change the weapons mechanics. In a typical Automatic vs Precision confrontation, The Precision user will attempt move backwards to prevent the Automatic user from doing both of the following: staying accurate, and preforming pummels. Now Automatics can catch up to these players and as result be able win more straight up conflicts in this style. In conclusion, I feel this is the best mutual agreement for the argument. It prevents the issues of sprint and the overly effective strafing of a universal faster base speed
Hey, I havn't been here for a while and I just heard 343 are going to really listen to us this time so here goes: Loadout Mechanism: Now I'm not the first to ask for this style of loadout and I certinatly will not be the last. Primary Weapon: your choice between these: UNSC: Assualt Rifle (Shield Break: 12 shots, Health 6 Shots [13 shot kill, really?!]) DMR (Shield Break: 4 shots, Health 1 Hehadshot, 3 Body Shots [Reintroduce the Reach BLOOM]) Battle Rifle (Shield Break: 3 shots, Health 1 Headshot, 3 Body shots [Leave it as is from H4 with maybe more time delay between bursts for balancing matters]) ODST suppresed SMG (Shield Break: 18 shots, Health 10 shots [a scoped fully automatic weapon is new to halo MP]) Storm: Storm Rifle (Shield Break: 8 shots, Health 10 shots [Though I dont see it mentioned in forums alot, the Plasma beats shields, Bullets beat health was removed between the AR and SR in H4]) Needle Rifle (An exact port of reachs, but with a 2.5x zoom [Now as far as canon goes, as the storm uses outdated weapon primarily yet somehow a older beam rifle model is better than H3s, this should technicaly be their precision Weapon]) Covenant: Plasma Rifle (Shield Break 8 shots, health 10 shots [faster fire rate than SR but overheats sooner similar to H2s brute plasma rifle over elite one) Plasma Repeater (An exact port of reachs one) Covenent Carbine (retains all of its H4 ratios) Brute Militia Spike Rifle (Spiker) (Shield Break 10 shots, Health 10 shots, higher fire rate than every other full auto loadout weapon bar SMG and Suppressor) Thorn Rifle: (shield Break 6, health 1 headshot, 3 body shots. as you can tell, a whole new weapon that is a counter to the LR and DMR as it would have a 3.5x zoom, the highest of all loadout weapons but has high recoil and a slower fire rate than all other loadout precision rifles) Forerunner: Light Rifle (leave as is) Suppressor (Again same ratios as H4 but more accurate over range but not by much) Armour Abilities: Evade: The same as reachs version, replaces thruster pack, and you stay in first person one use per cooldown. Drop Shield: This game should reintroduce medpacks, but with automatic pickup. anyway, drop shield does what it does in reach. Regeneration Field: the opposite of Drop shield. instead of healing health and producing a shield, it simply recharges shields like in H4 Active Camo: Anyone who has read reverse active camos effects will know what i want but for those who havnt basically you take active camo and make it work better the FASTER you move to negate the camo campers. also retains ability to hide you from promethean vision while its active. Radar Jamming: as the Active camo would now work better while they are moving fast enough to appear on radar, you can remove radar jammar effect it had in reach and make it an armour ability that also negates you being seen on promeathean vision. promeathean vision, same as H4 but limited to 20 feet. Stamina: While Active your reloads are faster and you can sprint indefinatly. Armour Lock: Remove the emp and stun melee attackers effects and it would be balanced. Hardlight Shield: No Changes Grenade Resistence: 10 seconds of reduced grenade damage with a slow cooldown time you would still die one hit from being stuck. Jump Pack: Hybrid of jetpack and thruster pack a singe use per cooldown upwards thrust that propels you 15 feet in to the air, with a slow rise speed. secondary weapons: Any choice of these two: H4 Magnum (shield break 4, Health 1 headshot, 3 body shots) H3 ODST auto-mag (Shield Break 6 shots, health 1 headshot, 4 bodyshots, more accurate, less BLOOM and faster fire rate) these are my thoughts so far tell me what you think.
I created this forum to express my concern for the weapon balancing in game. I'm pretty sure you've heard this quite a bit, but I'm just going to come out and say it - the DMR is overpowered compared to any of the other guns in the starting weapon category, not to mention the underpower of my favorite weapon, the carbine. When the game was being created, I was very excited that I could throw Reach behind, because of the simple fact that the only weapon ever used in the game was the DMR. I'm not saying that this game is becoming Reach, and it's far from it, but I'm just a little worried about this unbalance. With all due respect, this needs to be fixed, because it's not very fun playing a match where everyone is using the same weapon, and I'm getting instantly killed with less than a second to react. I really hope that a solution is being formulated, and that this problem will be fixed in the very near future. I mean no disrespect to anyone or any member of the 343 team, and I just hope this will be observed. Shady
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