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Fireteam Sephtis Recruiting on MCC PC
ShadowusDraxia posted a topic in Clan Recruiting / Advertising
I am one of the leaders of a Halo Fireteam (Clan, whatever you wish to call it) called Fireteam Sephtis. We are looking for anyone who doesn't mind joining a small (for now) Halo Fireteam to join our ranks and hang out with us on Halo MCC on PC. All skill levels and player types are welcome, from the casual social player to the hardcore masters. We have room for everyone and would love for you to consider joining us! You can send me a message here on Discord: ShadowusDraxia#8358 if you have any questions or anything like that, and I will try to keep an eye on this thread as well to be able to answer any questions you may have. We offer 3 Divisions that you can join, a Cadet Corps where you can meet and train with other new members to the Fireteam, an easy to understand ranking system and plenty of ways you can be involved as well!-
- halo clan
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Hello all. My Gamer-Tag is RAF Archangel, I currently lead a relatively large military based clan on Halo: Master Chief Collection (Reach) for Xbox and PC players. We are currently looking for new members to join our clan. Attached below is our Discord Server Recruitment Announcement. If there are any other questions, feel free to contact me at my Discord Username: Archangel#3599 or visit our website for more information. Republic Armed Forces (RAF) Recruitment Announcement - XBOX/PC The Republic Armed Forces (RAF) is a military based clan that was established on Xbox 360 Reach in 2015. We are currently active on Halo: Master Chief Collection and are looking for new members to join our ranks. Unlike most clans, we understand that real life obligations come first before video games, which makes the Republic Armed Forces (RAF) unique to most clans you could possibly join. We expect you to be active when YOU can. Branches we offer: - Army with Multiple Sub-Divisions - **OPEN** - Republic Guard (Application required) - **OPEN** - Special Operations (Application required) - **OPEN* What we offer: - Consistent activities nearly everyday. - Stable and non toxic environment for members of ALL backgrounds. - Ability to have a choice. - Opportunity to build friendships and a community. - Discipline. - Leadership opportunities and opportunities to progress throughout the clan. - Understanding officers. - Equal treatment to all. - A family environment. **A Microphone is NOT required but highly recommended* Any questions, feel free to Direct Message the nearest Republic Armed Forces (RAF) Recruiter. Signed: Republic Armed Forces (RAF) Officer Corps
- halo master chief collection
- non toxic
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PAIN clan welcomes anyone wanting to just sit down and have a good game of halo whether custom games or matchmaking. We're looking for a mixture of competitive/just for fun players. If you're interested change your service tag on halo to PAIN and message m0dy21b on Xbox.
Hello. I am Dooran, High Elder of the Brotherhood of Steel on Halo: Reach. We are a relatively new clan, but have been very successful in the just over one month we have been together. We are a clan meant to cater to a larger number of different types of players. We have spots for forgers, screenshot artists, diplomatic speakers, and MLG tryhards alike. We have plan on acting as a protector to the Halo Reach clan community once we grow stronger. Anyone who wishes to join must go through a minimum one week initiation process where you will be placed according to your personality, skill, and interests, into a squad. We show respect to ALL of our members equally, and are almost always doing something important. If you are interested in joining contact KID DARKNES TRS on xbox. Ad Victoriam.
Hey! My name is Pink and Dissension Gaming is now recruiting! We're not like other clans; we are forum based with game nights, tourneys, a friendly, family like atmosphere, and there is always someone to team up with! We offer a military like rank structure. We do, however, break our community into Battalions sorted by game (Halo 5, BO3, Hardline/BF4, Destiny , Battlefront, and ESO) so that you're not 'lost in the crowd' but you can party up with any DGC members! Requirements for joining: a working mic and weekly access to the forums. How to join Dissension Gaming(DGC)? 1) Visit website: 2) Create account for Forums (Put DGC Pink LS, as referrer and I'll keep a lookout for you) 3) Once you have created an account, go to Join a Battalion and choose the Battalion that best suits your game preference. 4) Follow format requested above, and apply to join the game battalion of your choice 5) Wait for it to accept your application, and give you further instructions on what to do next. 6) Start posting around the forums, getting to know people, and start gaming!! If you have any questions, please feel free to message me on Xbox @ DGC P1nk LS Happy Gaming!!!
- halo 5
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My name is Medkill, and I am the ODST Major for Epsilon Command, or Epcom for short. We are a military based UNSC clan exclusively to Xbox 360 Halo Reach, but plan to jump to Halo 5 upon it's release. We are looking for good, solid players with microphones that are very active, love structure, follow orders, and for the determined few, can lead. We are comprised of four divisions, Marines, Navy, ODSTs, and Spartans, all of whom are trained regularly and hold high standards of conduct. New recruits will be placed into Marines or Navy, unless you have documented proof of community standard training certifying you for another branch, such as the ODSTs or Spartans. YOU MUST BE ABLE TO PROVE YOUR TRAINING AND PROVIDE YOUR CONSCRIPTOR AND DRILL INSTRUCTOR. To be eligable to join, you must be... 1) 13 years old, or older. Nothing personal, but older ages tend to be more mature in training and raids, as well as listen better, though we do make some exceptions to the age rule. 2) Must be active regularly. Personal matters are understandable, as we all have lives, but when we need raid parties and standby parties, you will be expected to be on and ready if you are able. 3) Able to listen and follow orders. All great leaders were once followers, and they all went through boot camp. If you are interested in enlisting, message me here, or Xbox. My gamer tag is Medkill. Send your gamer tag, Prefered branch, Navy or Marines only for new recruits, in a text format as well as a friend request, if possible, as my friends list may be full at times. Good luck, and good hunting.
leader: Lord drakulDawn Second command: Jurvanen Third command: Straightshot Fleet master/zealot commander: THEKINGOFKINGSO Zealots: UF PHSYCO, BAMA ANGEL, BesottedChimp19. Jetman88 Second in command of fleet of zealots: BAMA AMGEL Third command fleet of zealots: UF PHSYCO Minors: Zinchthecreeper, MRBUTTERAPPLES If you wish to join THE ELITES OF DAWN then just message me, my gamer tag is THEKINGOFKINGSO! There is one thing that the leader does not put up with and that's ignoring his messages and when you do that you are automatically kicked from the clan! Another tip if the leader is not happy then I'm not happy.
HALO 4 : The Anunnaki is actively recruiting new members! We have a military style rank Private through General within 3 different divisions and we run off of a chain of command. There is a clan code, which everyone is to follow. We also have a setlist of different squads which include a list of jobs within each squad. Each job has its own unique duties and responsibilities. We have 2 game nights a week on Wednesdays and Fridays (not required), and 1 meeting on Saturday evenings where the latest news, discussions with other clans, and promotions take place. Each individual has their own unique contribution to the clan and more than one job is possible. The Anunnaki also has a qualification ranking system that allows each individual to have an equal opportunity to achieve each rank. The Anunnaki plays focuses on both Matchmaking (competitively), and customs as well. The Anunnaki has a setlist of clan maps all withholding a different purpose. Everything The Anunnaki does is for each member in the clan to have a protective, fun, and involved ultimate gaming experience in Halo 4, respectfully. The Anunnaki is also involved with other clans and schedules battles, some may be unscheduled. We have combat training cirriculums, team tactics training, job training, and Programs for qualified members to enlist in. If interested in joining, contact us for more information... GT: Brent McKenley GT: ShadowPoet2014
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The Anunnaki. We are a military-based Halo 4 clan. We focus on comptetitive customs and matchmaking, clan battles, and Raids. We are active. We have a Private-General ranking system which consists of several squads within 3 divisions. Within the squads we have a total of 30 jobs with different jobs and responsibilities. We have 3 levels of security and a Drill Team. We have many clan maps and we offer a training program with a very in depth curriculum for intense combat training. We are involved with other clans and create other events as well. We have meetings and Game nights each week. If interested in more info, contact me. G.T. Brent McKenley
- Halo: Reach
- The Anunnaki
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Clan Name: W.O.L.F Recruiting: Yes Games: Reach, Four. Website:Soon. Record:6-0 Hey, this is a fairly new clan, but we've won quite a bit of battles already haha. But yeah we're currently looking for new additions to the clan, what we do is a lot of clan battling,matchmaking, and custom games with one another. Not overly strict either with rules, you have your own freedoms to do as you wish. Our goal is to not necessarily become one of the biggest or well-known clans, just to beat them. We enjoy stomping on big name clans.
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- Clan Recruiting
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oP Gaming is now recruiting for Halo 4 Please message oP SkorGe on xbox live for more information or tryouts. Happy hunting!!
Hello, I am the public relations officer for a clan called The Dark Enforcers. The Dark Enforcers(DE) was started 12 years ago on PC. We play in a wide variety of games that are multiplayer. We are on multipal platforms (PC,Ps3,Xbox 360). Right now we have active divisions(games) for Black ops II(on xbox only), Halo 4, and DCU on the PC. The DCU has around 650 members. Halo 4 has around 350 members. The Black ops II Division is fairly new so, it sits at around 65 members. We Pride our selfs in showing respect to all gamers!, and providing a fun enviroment were it is easy to make a team in any game. We have a few requierments to join us: 1. You must be at least 15 years old to join 2. Must be willing to play with the division(game) you are a part of for at least 3 hours a week(at your own convienince). there is no requierment for skill level! we represent all skill levels from noob to semi pro, and often try to help newer players improve their gaming skills( if they want, no pressure). We have a few rules members must follow: 1. No teabagging ever! 2. No trash talking 3. No Poaching (No asking members from another community or clan to leave that group to join ours). 4. You must be willing to wear our emblems and or colors(depending on the game) 5.No hackers! 6. No Hairssment to anyone( zero tolerence)! This all amounts to the golden rule, Treat others the way you want to be treated! We respect all gamers! We try to provide events for our members to participate in every week. That maybe a clan battle, a branch battle (a branch is a group of roughly 100 people in a divison, Branch is a mini clan), a community custom games day, a community forge day. we are always looking for new ways to have fun. If you are Interested in joining a large, well orginized, fun, semi competitive community please, look at the about me page for this profile, and send me a private message on this site or on the xbox to DE ItsMrDeath2U. If you are interested in setting up a clan battle please do the same. thank you very much for your time and concideration!
- The Dark Enforcers
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I've recently become to sponsor 5 clans of all different types and sizes. With the amount of clans growing each day, the need for recruits is increasing. If you are interested in joining a clan of any type, let me know via email at [email protected] or on xbox Lots 0f Puppies.
Hello,I'm galacticjedi2,head HSC clan leader. About HSC: We like competitive play,teamwork and clan tournaments. We also like to recruit mature members who are skilled. HSC is also undefeated (5-0). Also,HSC does not initiate clan battles. The information below contains things you might have questions about. If you would like to join,message me via xbox live. -Members:18 -Requirements: Have a (1.00) k/d -Time of existence: 1 year -Clan Experience 1-10: 10
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- Clan Recruiting
- Haunted Spartans
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Deadly Underground Gaming is a community created for players that enjoy a mature gaming experience, playing as a team, designing and implementing superior tactics, and seeking sponsorships to play in tournaments and improve the community. This being said, we are also here to have a fun and enjoyable time playing with like-minded players. There is an age limit of 18 years old or older, with exceptions for mature younger gamers down to age 16. We do also have a Jr. DUg division for those not meeting that criteria, primarily for family members of normal members of the community, but not limited to just family of other members. If you are interested in joining for Halo, or any other game, either message me on XBox Live, GT: DGenerateKiller, or email me at: [email protected]. We do have a temporary website up for forum usage ECT... And in the process of getting the official site built and launched. Temporary site is: HTTP:// feel free to check it ou for more information like, our ranking structure, rules & regulations, ECT... Hope to hear from you soon.
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- Deadly Underground Gaming
- DUg
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