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Hello everyone, Fishy here and I would like to say WELCOME to my Titanfall Event. I will be serving as your host, and maybe your date. (If you're lucky.) Please read the following carefully, if you have any questions, please read it again: When: Sunday, May 24th, 2015 @ 3 PM EST -- ENDGAME Game: Titanfall on Xbox One. Information: We will do private lobbies if there are more than 6 p layers. If not, we will do campaign as a fireteam. DLC is not required, but is highly encouraged. I mean, it's free for everyone. Game Length: The game keeps going as long as the players are there. The event will extend ending time if players wish to continue playing together. It may also end earlier if everyone gets bored and leaves. It's up to you, you control the end time. Everyone please sign-up with the following format: (Asterisks mean it's required.) Username* Gamertag* Credit Card Information Players who said they are attending: Fishy - l Fishy l Vitamin PWN - Vitamin PWN Famer Destruct - WamSinchester Bnus - Warm Bnus (Officially approved by D38-Boss)
Hello everyone, Fishy here and I would like to say WELCOME to my Titanfall Event. I will be serving as your host, and maybe your date. (If you're lucky.) Please read the following carefully, if you have any questions, please read it again: When: Saturday, February 14th, 2015 @ 3 PM EST -- ENDGAME Game: Titanfall on Xbox One. Information: We will do private lobbies if there are more than 6 p layers. If not, we will do campaign as a fireteam. DLC is not required, but if everyone has it we can play it. Game Length: The game keeps going as long as the players are there. Playdate will extend ending time if players wish to continue playing together. It may also end earlier if everyone gets bored and leaves. It's up to you, you control the end time. Quick Rules of Mine: Harassment/Bullying in lobby to one another is not tolerated. I will kick you if you wish to do so. If you are joking, let the other person know. Harsh put-downs aren't acceptable as jokes, even if you say "I was just joking." It causes trust issues and might cause stress. Nobody wants their day to be any harder than it already is. Treat each other equally. If you're a female gamer, don't judge the male gamers. If you're a male gamer, don't judge the female gamers. If you have opinions or suggestions to make, say them freely. You're not going to be judged. Everyone deserves to get a chance. Everyone please sign-up with the following format: (Asterisks mean it's required.) Username* Gamertag* Credit Card Information Players who said they are attending: Fishy - l Fishy l Vitamin PWN - Vitamin PWN Yang Xiao Long- DarkAngel 343i Yoshi1176 - Yoshi 1176 (Redacted)
- 10 replies
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- Game Night
- Invite
- (and 8 more)
Hey forumers who likes events? I do and I also like hosting them. Earlier today I noticed that there was nothing in the Calendar... NOTHING! So I thought I might as well bring some life into it so I give you... Thank you JacktheRipper (Jack of Harts) for the banner So as you can see above the event will be done over two games, Titanfall and Halo 3: ODST. Both of these are for the 360 so sorry for everyone who has Titanfall for the Xbox One The Titanfall event will take place on the 10th October at 10pm GMT and the ODST event will take place two days later (12th October) at 10pm GMT. The Titanfall event will be doing custom game multiplayer matches like Attrition, Hardpoint, Capture the Flag and a few more. You can guess what the Halo 3 ODST one will be. Shooting aliens in da face :3 Below are two lists so sign up. !Only post if you can come or might come to it! I will allow people posting saying they might be late or real life things have popped up and they cannot make it. Titanfall ODST PUNkin King TheSpookyCenturion Hell Verruckt Tk 666 Deadward Kenway Frankenzerstein Freddy Spooky Pair of Bnus
Hello people! I shall be hosting a Halo 4 event for all ye. It will be on Saturday the 18th of October at 7PM GMT. And in case you are thinking "Grif has terrible connection. There will be so much lag!", well lets just see how "good" it can get. Rules: 1. Complaining about my connection is perfectly fine 2. Trolling will get you kicked 3. Use yo mic if you have it 4. No arguments please 5. Keep cursing to a minimum I will open a lobby around 15 minutes early. Post you GT if your coming. Hopefully we get a good turnout. Dexter out! Player list 1. Hexter Grief - TyroneKing 343i 2. SlenderYang - DarkAngel 343I 3. ONI Agent Locke - ONI Agent Locke 4. Spooky Pair Of Bnus - Warm Bnus 5. Deadward Kenway - VinWarrior 6. Scariesboo - Bekinator