I have always wanted to see a group of Spartans within a game, but in every Halo game you can think of i have noticed that you are the main spartan within the game, playing as Master Chief of as the Noble Team... but I have always wished that the next Halo Game that comes into creation would not just be the main spartan but also have other Spartans around you in the coming battles of the game. When i had started to read the books of halo I noticed the Master Chief was working with other Spartans to complete the task at hand, but in every game you are the lone dog, only to be around the lower hand soldiers or ODST's... i think it would be amazing to see some sort of other Spartans just to be seen within the background or as an AI Computer to help you in battle. Cause in all the Halo games staring Master Chief there are no other Spartans to be seen at all... Could there be in the upcoming games?