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Hello folks, usually I am not the guy complaining about body shapes in games. However, I did sign up specifically for this topic here, because it is quite important to me as a player in Halo Infinites Multiplayer. The Body Shapes in Halo Infinites Multiplayer Customization are good for people with transgender/LGBT identities and I really like that 343 put in the effort to equalize the game for such players. But, as Ascend Hyperion said in his videos, people like me, preferring a completely masculine/feminin Spartan in case body shape, feel completely left out. In the past, 343 did great with male/female models in case functionality/hitbox/appearance and I really hope that 343 updates the body shapes in Halo Infinite with something that is equal to Halo 4-5 body shapes in regard of 100% masculine/feminin body shapes, so players like me can enjoy running around in the game as their preferred physical gender. Right now I feel like my Spartan looks more like a unisex robot, rather than... Well... A woman (no offense here but I like my females in games). Player customization is important so that the Spartan you play feels like YOUR Spartan. At the moment, players like me come out short on that. Hope players like me get heard. Have a great time ingame. Cheers. (Oh, and I will probably not read any comments here, since this forum is not on my list in general. Just leaving feedback here
Halo 5 Armour: Suggestions Hey everyone, i'd like to take a moment to propose some ideas and concepts for some halo 5 armour. Firstly i'd like to show everyone some concepts i have designed myself. (More may be added to the post) I am hoping to one day make it in the gaming industry and a pitcher and designer, what this armour originally was was armour that i am making for my own FPS game Pitch. Seeing as i am still in collage and maybe quite far from pitching a game, i may as well see if these armour are good enough for Halo. Interceptor: I drew this helmet freehand, The fashion i was trying to project with this helmet is Brutal, Heavily Armoured, Sleek and Technical. The purpose of wearers of this helmet would be to intercept enemies from primary objectives. This would be done in an all risk full brutality firefight. The heavy design and lack of a visor suggests a very technical nature of this gear. Ranger (Original name) Fine Liner Free Drawing: Fully Rendered: This helmet is by far one of my favorite concepts, sadly currently sharing the name of a current halo 4 helmet measures will have to be ensured to change this. This helmet is designed for rogue scouts that patrol of recon an area. The visor clearly shown wraps around the front and side of the helmet, giving well over 180 degrees puerperal vision. Another matter i would like to address is how th armour affects us. Halo armour has always just made our Spartans look pretty, i think it is time they got giving a use. Armour pieces should now be given designated statistics. My suggestion to these are as follows: Mobility / Weight: Damage Resistance: (Maybe more) These statistics show that armour should affect the player in terms of battle and mobility. It would create interesting ways in which players can play the game. Players should also have the ability to have a transparent visor, removed helmet, or removed armour pieces. Upon shooting places that armour was removed the player will take much more damage. Another suggestion i would like to make is to make sure that all armour is achievable. I loved the armour in Halo 4, but some armours are just too hard to get or completely unachievable. Examples: Stances: (Breach, Believe and Standoff) are all far too hard to get! They should be made much easier and should suit a play style instead of getting kills with a bunch of weapons. I have seen one person with Breach and one with believe. Standoff is just ridiculous, No gametypes have fuel rod cannons, beam rifles or gravity hammers even spawn! Sorry 343, but thats Crazy! Assault stance is achievable, but still far to hard. Armour: Vanguard, Protector (Skin), Commando, are just out of the question ridiculous. I have never seen anyone with these armours. And disappointingly there are my favorites. They would take bare months to achieve. A set of armour that requires a designated goal should only take a bare maximum of 8 Solid gameplay hours to achieve. (If i could make a suggestion, It shouldn't require the "Master" level on a commendation. I feel that the level master is very fair, but you shouldn't be required to reach it for all armours. Visors: Verdant was very hard to get and far too enduring. I feel if it was lowed by at least half it would be fair. I forget the name of it but the red visor requiring avenger medals is very hard. The message i am trying to get across here (And i definitely don't blame 343, it was their first game and they wouldn't have known how it would go down) but now they know (: so c'mon 343! One last thing that isn't entirely relevant. I Don't think all specializations should be available for unlock straight away, some should be restricted until you have done more, per say, completed a number of specializations. I hope you enjoyed my ideas. Thank you for reading! (:
- 20 replies
Helloooo Community! So I am playing 4 and I had a brainstorm. And that brainstorm was about how to rank up in Halo 5. Now the following Ideas, are of course, rough ideas, opinion based, factual element assited ides that I hope can shape Halo 5 for the better. So please join me as we discuss what could be a great and wonderful fresh ranking system that can cater to all! Competive Ranking Skill: This is a overhaul of Halo 3's and Halo 4's skill and CSR systems respectively. It is a 1-100 'Skill Rank' that increases the better you play. It does this in the following manner; When you are matched up, you will be placed against player equal to or maximum 2 Skills above you but not outside your tier. every 5 skills equals a tier. players a teir below you will not be matched up with you. this prevents any people being unjustly demoted cause they had bad games as a result of poor match-up. Now ranking uo a skill is relatively simple. If you play 4v4, 5v5 or minimum 8 player Team Slayer, FFA, KOTH, CTF, Extraction, and you Finish among the top 3 MVPs, if it is a 6v6, 7v7, 8v8 or minimum 12 player Team Slayer, Invasion, Dominion etc then it is the top 5 MVPs out of both teams (you don't have to win to be MVP) then you start MVP chain. now, if you can chain say 3 MVPs in three matches in a row, you go up a skill. But, if you chain 5 games as the worst player in 8 player minimums or bottom 3 in 12 player minimum, you go down a skill. This ranking system also means that if you are amongst the players in the middle ground without chaining enough to progress or degress, you have hit your current niche skill , and so until you as a player improve, you will have matches where you play pretty well most of the time, in other words, a fair match up. This caters to both the highly competive player and the just want to have fun as it mean the competive players get to have their 'who has the biggest rifle' contests but just for fun can find their niche, stay there and not have to worry with being placed with people out of their league, which might start to annoy them. Customization Level System: This takes the Reach ranking system, adds to it without taking away from it, but making it not affect who you match up with. You earn XP for this Leveling System, and the XP you earn also earns you an amount equal to that in credits. these credit are used to purchase the following; Weapon Skins Helmets (Attachable Custom Decor both skins and peices [like in reach]) Chest Peices (Custom Decor skins and peices) Shoulders Guantlets Upper Leg Peices Lower Leg Peices Visor Colour Unique Emblems (Special, Awesome ones) Armour Effects (Flaming Head Red, Blue, Storm, Birthday party, but some can be used together) Firefight Voices Spartan Matchmaking Voice (Eg. Halo 3 spartan, Halo Reach Spartan, Halo 4, Halo 3 Elite etc) Additional Loadout slots Weapon Effects (Like Armour effect but for loadout weapons eg confetti frags rainbow LR) Wrist Decal (The wrist things from reach) leg pouch (again from reach belt peice (in reach, but were defualts on torsos) Knives (custom knives that change your assanation animations and and knive on armour) Warthog Horn (General Lee!) this caters to the Just wanna have fun by allowing them to have something to work for that isn't about their skill level. its for customization and some general comedic fun. So what do you think Community? Is it worth a thought? I hope so, cause I would love to see this implemented, even just for the customization options. The Skill system keeps people in their good match ups without hindering their over all progression, and stops people from getting annoyed from being placed against people who are to good. Please, post your opinion, thoughts, possible improvements, other customization ideas and so on. Lets make Halo 5 have fresh, new, and fun ranking system!
- 33 replies
- 4
I started up Halo 4 a few days ago and found that my Xbox thought that it was the first time I had ever put the disc in. I got the opening cinematic when I clicked on Infinity and then I came to realize that everything was reset. All my armor was set back to Day 1, as well as my load outs. The game also thinks I've never played campaign. All of my armor and weapons are still unlocked it just says "256 New Items" and "97 New Items", if that makes sense. I've waited a few days hoping that it was some sort of glitch with the Halo 4 servers but all of my stuff is still showing on Waypoint. I've come to the conclusion that this is an issue with my Xbox and I was wondering if this kind of thing has happened to anyone else. I can take the time and redo all of my customization, but the point is that I shouldn't have too. And I'm pretty pissed that my campaign is totally gone. I can't do anything except start it over. And it thinks I haven't beat it all when I've beaten it on legendary both co-op and single player. Any suggestions? Or am I just SOL. Another point I thought that I should add, my girlfriend has her own Xbox Live account on my Xbox and none of her Halo 4 stuff was reset. Just my stuff
- 5 replies
- customization
- load outs
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Hey. I preordered Halo 4 Limited Edition, and got all my customization and armor, but I didn't get the Hazop Forest Skin. I preordered from Gamestop, but didn't get a code on my receipt or in the box. I was wondering if the Hazop Forest was only for regular edition of Halo 4.
At First when i heard about flood mode i thought it was going to be great! Sadly it turned out to be the complete opposite. I thought that everything would be as amazing as it has been in the past few games but it turns out i was wrong. Sure the skin change is a cool idea but they left out a lot of key features. I really enjoy making my own custom flood matches however... i can no longer be creative when it comes to that. The Flood, (zombie, or infected) can no longer have a different weapon this means i can not make a duck hunt map, or i can not have the infected carry a gravity hammer for some other game types. even the Flood can't have thruster packs or holograms...etc. The best thing about the other Halo games was how you can customize the weapons and traits of the flood the same as you can do with a spartan. Looking back at Halo 3 the flood did not just carry an energy sword or whatever someone would like to call that thing... they carried fuel-rod guns, gravity hammers and more. so please hear me out and allow the players of Halo 4 to customize the traits of the Flood the very same as customizing Spartan traits. P.S. Also allow the choice of the infected and non-infected colour to come back. it would be really great! -Thanks for listening
- 10 replies
So to start off I love the idea of special skins for earning level 50 and such and should be kept this way but I think a great way to add more customization for players to have fun with is either a free or very cheap weapon and or armor skins official dlc adding camos like digital, tiger stripes, desert, etc. Id love to have more customization to play around with and if we were given around 10-15 skins I dont think Id mind paying around 100-175 microsoft points for it (around the same price as avatar items) so if anyone has ideas or feedback feel free to comment and if enough people like this maybe we can get some strength behind it and get it actually made!
- 9 replies
- Customization
- camo
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Color Selection: Ability to Color different areas of the armor. _________________________________ Helmet -Primary -Secondary R Shoulder -Primary -Secondary L Shoulder -Primary -Secondary Chest -Primary -Secondary Visor -Color ExoSkeleton -Color/ Tone
Custom loadouts are in halo 4 but there hasn't been any detail into how much they are going to affect the gameplay. Is it going to be like cod where you get to pick from a large list of starting weapons and perks or is it going to be like reach where you just get a few different abilities? This is what I want. I want to customize between a few starting weapons. BR DMR Pistol SMG AR and maybe a few new starting weapons. Things I would like to be able to customize. Scope, fire rate vs fire power, range vs accuracy, silencers Other than that I feel like weapon customization would change the feel of halo too much Armor customization I don't want the look of armor to affect what it does. If there are perks I would like them to be layered. I would like three categories. Movement, power, special. Movement would be things like increased sprint speed, invisible on radar, jump, things that would affect how you travel the map Power would be things like increased meele power/range, extra shield, exta gun power, things that would affect how you fight Special would be things like bonuses for harder types of kills, reduce sensitivity during sniping, scavenger, bling, pointing out the last person who killed you, smaller things that would be able to be used for special purposes. The last thing is Emblems Halo has had great emblems but Black Ops beat it. halo should be able to design your own emblems with a ban system so people who make ***** emblems have to choose from a predetermined set like in past halo titles These are my thoughts what do you think of them? And what are yours?
- 3 replies
- Loadout
- Armor abilities
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