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The "Meet Your Maker" Forge Contest Series is back and is now looking to our forge community to build in what is arguably the toughest game type to forge for, Dominion. This game type, created by Certain Affinity, has captured the interest of some of the best forgers in Halo for a reason. We challenge all forgers to bring their creative ideas and technical forge skills to any forge canvas you choose and build your ideal Dominion map! This is an official map submission thread for the "Meet Your Maker" - Dominion Forge Contest! Questions and Answers thread. Submissions will be received until 11:59 PM EST September 6th 2013 Forge Rules and Guidelines Three bases only are required for this contest. Maps must be compatible with 6 V 6 player Dominion. A maximum of two (2) submissions per forger or forge group. Base resupply set based on match making standards, per the new update.* Only one capture terminal per base and only capture terminals may be used for base capture. Initial weapons spawns to be set by the forger. (a tutorial will be provided for reference) All vehicles may be used. Submission Guidelines Provide your file share gamer tag. Provide a link to the map in your file share. Provide the map name without any prefix or suffix, ie "Version 1", V3.1, Final, etc. Provide the forge canvas, ie Ravine, Impact, Erosin or Forge Island. Maps must be tagged "MYMDOMINION". Maps must be present in the provided file share for the duration of the contest and judging. Provide a maximum of three images and/or single video per submission. Maps must be the original creations of the submitting forger. No remakes of any existing Halo maps past or present. Prizes First Place: Champions Bundle which includes the Bullseye Map Pack, the Infinity Armor Pack, and the Steel Skin Pack, plus loads of new stances, armor skins, and new and colorful weapon skins. Signed concept art of Ravine, Impact and Erosion by Certain Affinity. Interview with the judges of "Meet Your Maker" on THFE. Feature Video on THFE (The Halo Forge Epidemic). Map featured on all participating sites. Certain Affinity T-Shirt. First Runner Up: Your choice of signed concept art of either Ravine, Impact or Erosion. Feature Video on THFE (The Halo Forge Epidemic). Map featured on all participating sites. Bulleye Map Pack. Second Runner Up: Your choice of signed concept art of either Ravine, Impact or Ersion. Feature Video on THFE (The Halo Forge Epidemic). Map featured on all participating sites. All forgers are encouraged to fully test their creations either in private lobbies or custom game lobbies at HaloCustoms. There is a dedicated group of forgers and players that actively participate in map testing there who can offer quality feed back. Consider using Zandril's Map Maker Pack to assist judges and players alike with an easy to view placement guide of all notable forge features. List of some judging criteria for forgers Spawn points placed in a manner that offers proper directional movement, supports 6 players per team and close enough to any vehicles dedicated to a particular team. Respawns facing in the proper direction, in a high enough number to prevent any spawn camping and enough in cover to reduce respawn exploitation from power weapons. Ensure any spawn points used outside of maps during forge have been removed. Considerations of safe zones. Proper use of soft and hard kill zones to prevent out of map game play and exploitation of structural features or environment not intended for play. Ensure ordinance drops, weapons spawns, players, vehicles, man cannons and other items are properly placed and/or do not become trapped or stuck in features of your maps and that all areas not intended for play are blocked from players. Double check all spawn times on weapons, vehicles and ordinance as needed. Be sure your map make proper use of color, distinct features or orientation that allows players to quickly orient themselves and provide team mates with accurate call outs. * Base Resupply Sets Four Drops per base: 2 Grenade Drops Plasma Grenades 2ea. Frag Grenades 2ea. Pulse Grenades 2ea. Assault Weapon Drop Assault Rifle Supressor Storm Rifle Magnum Plasma Pistol (optional) Precision Weapon Drop Light Rifle Carbine Battle Rifle DMR Spartan Laser Spartan Laser (optional) (Having two spartan laser slots slots gives the laser a higher chance of being dropped) Prizes offered by and THFE. The "Meet Your Maker" forge series is supported and promoted by, THFE, Halo Customs, Forge Cafe, Forge Hub, Online Knights, Mr Pokefile, The Halo Network and various other YouTube channels of participating sites.
- Halo: Reach
- Halo Forge Contest
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Re-mastered from iflod101s' “DRIVE!” map. Co-Forged by Unknown Emerald Map: Game Type: Have you ever wanted to play on a strictly offence team then on a strictly defense team in a mini game without starting a new round, well now you can with this new creative mini game made by Charles Stoot. (O and did I mention the whole map Changes color depending on who is in control.) History Manfred Albrecht Freiherr von Richthofen also known as the Red Baron, was a German Fighter Pilot with the Imperial German Army Air Service during World War I. Throughout his trilogy of air travel and devastation he took part in over 80 dog fights in which were all claimed as victories. He was put to rest on April 21, 1918 when gunned down near Amiens, a settlement in France, by a man known as Edwin Benbow. Now it is your turn to take part in history and take land that is rightfully yours. Description This Mini Game doesn't deviate much from your typical kind of dog fight except pilots are on land shooting. You pilot, are still being shoot and are shooting much like the tri plane dog fights of World War I. In many cases once pilots lost sight of enemy aircraft's the enemy would be spotted right on the ally pilots tail shooting them down. Specifications of Teams (Being there is only one round this is initial spawning which pilots will quickly change rolls.) (“Air Craft’s are Gooses”) 1.With the load-out facing The Plane “Albatros D.III” (Blue Team) Objective: To defend your position pilot from oncoming enemy Air Craft. (These pilots are the ones who shoot.) Notes: There will be two bases at spawn that you pilot will need to cap. If only one base is capped you pilot will not proceed to attack the enemy Air Craft. Scoring: One point is scored every 5 seconds. There are three bases in total; two bases can be captured by a pilot and the third base caps with bravos' capture. 2. With the load-out facing the track. (Red Team) Objective: To pass the attacking pilots thus securing two bases and allowing you pilot to attack. (These are the Air Craft pilots and are the ones who are shot at.) Notes: Pilots who are not in last stand move very slowly and can't enter mongooses. Pilot you can’t move or drive a vehicle until last stand. You can have full use of vehicles in last stand so feel free to have a friend tag along. Scoring: Pilots can only score when on the shooting team. Special Note:If you own all bases, yet you can't move, jump. This will bring you where you need to be. The game ends after two rounds of 4 minutes or if the shooting pilots eliminate the entire Air Craft, last stand, pilots all at one time. Special Thanks to: Psychoduck Ablesir Thomas Unknown Emerald guy mandude66 Just One Player H4L0 MAN Jason X 185 Just One Player Steel Green Zandril S312 zzSOzz Pandaz4Life Thank you to all my Testers for your patience and your help as I tested my map for the past month, I know that it was tiresome to test but now its done so enjoy. Images Same map (All bases owned by red Team) Same map (All bases owned by Blue Team) I give you the Red Baron! Enjoy
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- Mini Game
- Halo: Reach
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I'd like to request regular dominion come back onto the playlist. I was really excited when I saw mini dominion come on the play list a little while back, but then I was very swiftly disappointed. Mini Dominion (or whatever it was called) can never compare to regular dominion. Put it back on the playlist please. It has been at least a year I think since it was.
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- Make it playlist
- Dominion
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I have koth, oddball, regicide and dominion are so close and I can only find regicide, oddball and koth in the rumble pit playlist and I suck at ffa. I consider that team objective should return it should be a 5v5 with team regicide, koth, oddball, and dominion game types on the maps that we barely see used from the map packs. One week is to short if you want to master all of the victories it should stay in for 2 weeks or a month and I know that we also have things to do and you might miss a certain number of days of that week to play or you just don't have a team or you get paired up with those that suck at the game and you keep losing because of them. 1/13/2014 should be the day of its release.
Rant time! Just sharing some of my main complaints about the Dominion playlist. The Dominion playlist is one of my favorites. Invasion was my favorite in Reach, and halo 4 has nothing close to as fun as invasion, but dominion is the next best thing. However, the dominion playlist has seen a lot of changes since halo 4 came out, many of which I am not a fan of. One of my first problems is that I always get stuck in games full of noobs. Active Camo, crouching, Storm Rifle, Boltshot Plasma Grenade, T-bagging. As a Team-based playlist in terms of CSR, you go up and down based on how many games you win, but when I get in games and all of my teammates suck, there's nothing I can do. Dominion is just too much of a team-based game for me to be able to win by myself, and when only half my games are lost because of retarded teammates, my CSR isn't going anywhere and I'm basically stuck in the single digits (hovering around 7,8,9). Dominion is no longer the only gametype in the playlist, some variants have also been added: Lockdown Just because a gametype is a custom gametype based off of dominion, it does not mean it belongs in the dominion playlist. Lockdown deserves to be in Action Sack like the rest of the entirely luck based gametypes. There is nothing more frustrating than being forced to charge into battle, hope you get kills as you randomly shoot your weapons before you die. There is no time to aim, only time to spam. To make things even more random and out of control, you have no radar. The real question here is not only why 343 ever thought this gametype was a good idea, but why people ever vote for it in Matchmaking. I'd vote for Meltdown, a map I absolutely hate, over Lockdown on a map I enjoy. Lockdown makes up anywhere from 1/4 to 1/3 of the dominion games I play, and I have never had an enjoyable game of it. So the question remains, why do people vote for it? Legendary Dominion I have not had a chance to play legendary dominion yet. The reason for this is that no one votes for it. I had to look the matchmaking updates just to see what the gametype settings are! From what I can understand, the only thing that's different is that everybody has AR, BR. This gametype seems to remove a lot of the aforementioned noobiness. However, not once have I had a chance to play legendary dominion because it's in the third slot and nobody votes for it. Needed to get this all out of my system in the form of a rant. Feel free to tell me your opinions on the playlist and the gametypes in it.
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- Fast Paced
- Pace
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Map Name: Cascade Gamertag: Wolf Dargo Tags: Dominion, Forge Island Created 3/29/13 Screenshots: Player Count: 8-12 Gametypes: Dominion... ? Description: This is my first attempt at a Dominion map... True to my design style... Symmetrical with an overpowered Bravo in the middle... Ready for testing... Budget: 8900 ~Thanks for looking, feedback is appreciated...
What happened to dominion?????? I got on to play some dominion yesterday and the whole playlist was gone. Can someone please tell me why.... WHY they would get rid of that playlist??? It had better be coming back. Someone please shed some light on this. Also, i'm becoming increasingly angry with the fact they keep messing with Halo 4 matchmaking playlists and such. My reasons are: 1. Team Regicide. Best playlist ever. Loved it. It was the ONLY playlist I actually enjoyed playing and what happens?? They take it away and throw it in with some other playlists. Which sucked because CTF would get voted instead. Now I don't even know if team regicide even exists anymore. 2. Dominion: Lockdown. Ya'll added lockdown which all my friends and I loved but then they had to go in and change it, taking away radar. 3. Dominion.... or the lack thereof. Its gone. And that is a very horrible saddening thing for my group of friends and I. Why do they have to come in and keep changing the game and playlists. Just let it be. We were happy with the way things were. Quit ruining Halo people!
Download Link ter.mi.nal ve.loc.i.ty nounPhysics noun: terminal velocity; plural noun: terminal velocities 1. the constant speed that a freely falling object eventually reaches when the resistance of the medium through which it is falling prevents further acceleration. Terminal Velocity is my first "real" Halo 4 Forge map. Up to this point, I had only gone into Forge to create "Oldschool" maps, by placing weapons similar to Halo 3 for appropriate gametypes, and setting up a type of Neutral Bomb before the mods started coming out. I have been hosting custom lobbies for Forgers for some time, and finally decided to design my own creation. Squad Battle in Halo 3 was my all-time favorite playlist, and the inspiration for the size of my map. My lobbies, most recently carrying the title "Spartans' Playground", reflect the type of maps I personally enjoy experiencing: those maps that transport you to another world, a unique experience, whether it is visually or it surprises you with an unexpected element. I especially enjoy maps that allow free exploration and limited boundaries. I tried to encompass these qualities in Terminal Velocity, which has minimal kill zones (Think, the sand dunes on SandTrap...), and a unique spawn system. Spartans were made for this... Terminal Velocity is set up for competitive 6v6: Slayer, Dominion (not tested yet), CTF, Ricochet (not tested yet). At this time there are no weapons spawns, as I am still studying map balance, which so far is unexpectedly fairly sound using default War Games Infinity. Birds Eye View Red Base Blue Base Blue Base Route to Man-Cannon Blue Man-Cannon to Top Mid Top Mid Route to Red Download Link
Asymetrical, 8-12 Players, Plays all slayer-based & objective gametypes well and even plays dominion, but it runs like territories, Plus has a bit of a Headlong/The Pit Feel! Download Here Download Here Thanks to all who download, test, and give comments and feedback If you would like to be apart of any play throughs leave a comment with your GT, Thanks!
Corrosion is an asymmetric Dominion map on the erosion forge canvas. It is an abandoned pumping facility inspired by Longbow. The map also supports extraction, ctf, and slayer. Download Weapons: 3 objective drops per base uses the standard human drop set from matchmaking 2 initial saws 2 initial snipers Vehicles: 2 standard hogs 1 ghost pad 1 mantis pad 1 gauss pad 1 banshee pad Overview: Alpha: Bravo: Charlie: Thanks to everyone who helped test and provide feedback.
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I am in need of people to help test my map for the MYM Dominion contest. If you are interested in helping me message me on XBL, gamer tag is noize maker99. I will be hosting a lobby on 7/31/2013 at 8:30 p.m. eastern pacific time. If you cant make it but want to see the map it will be on my file share. Thanks.
Name of Map: Stronghold [uPDATE: V2 IS UP AND LINK HAS BEEN UPDATED] Gt: AbandonedCashew Gametype: Dominion Description: Dominion designed map made to have the bases fairly isolated from eachother, and have high lines of sight to and from Bravo. Structures have been built on specific areas of Erosion, intended for open play in-between the bases to allow for vehicle friendly play, but close quarters as you enter any of them. Bravo- 3 story,most floor above the ground, Rockethog Vpad, 2 turrets, 3 entrances. Alpha- land locked with much cover and walls surrounding the perimeter. Banshee V-pad(to compensate for lowest ground), 3 turrets, 5 entrances. Charlie- Simpler, smaller, but better cover, Warthog Vpad and Ghost Vpad, 1 turret, 2 entrances. Recommended Player Count: 6-14 Pictures: In attachments Download Link:!/?section=GameMap&SearchDate=7&SortBy=2&view-select=Tile&startIndex=0&details=bfe5f2ce-db7a-4ffc-96e6-57057e73531d
Outpost Author : Unwanted Soul 91 Canvas : Ravine Player count : 12 Description : Outpost is a sudo-symmetric Dominion based map. Initial Ordnance Drops : 1.Concussion Rifle 1.Rail gun 1. Rocket Launcher Dominion Ordnance Drops Alpha/Bravo/Charlie each have 4 ordnance drops Dominion Vehicles : 1 Mantis 1 Gauss hog 2x Chain Hogs 2x Ghosts Power Ups on map: None Armor Abilities on map: None Budget used : 9550 Screenshots Alpha Base Alpha Base Interior Alpha Base Flank Alpha Base Teleporter Bravo Base Bravo Interior Charlie Base Charlie Base Flank Charlie Base Teleporter Charlie Interior Alpha / Charlie Flank
The "Meet Your Maker" Forge Contest Series is back and is now looking to our forge community to build in what is arguably the toughest game type to forge for, Dominion. This game type, created by Certain Affinity, has captured the interest of some of the best forgers in Halo for a reason. We challenge all forgers to bring their creative ideas and technical forge skills to any forge canvas you choose and build your ideal Dominion map! This is an official map submission thread for the "Meet Your Maker" - Dominion Forge Contest! Questions and Answers thread. Submissions will be received until 11:59 PM EST September 6th 2013 Forge Rules and Guidelines Three bases only are required for this contest. Maps must be compatible with 6 V 6 player Dominion. A maximum of two (2) submissions per forger or forge group. Base resupply set based on match making standards, per the new update.* Only one capture terminal per base and only capture terminals may be used for base capture. Initial weapons spawns to be set by the forger. (a tutorial will be provided for reference) All vehicles may be used. Submission Guidelines Provide your file share gamer tag. Provide a link to the map in your file share. Provide the map name without any prefix or suffix, ie "Version 1", V3.1, Final, etc. Provide the forge canvas, ie Ravine, Impact, Erosin or Forge Island. Maps must be tagged "MYMDOMINION". Maps must be present in the provided file share for the duration of the contest and judging. Provide a maximum of three images and/or single video per submission. Maps must be the original creations of the submitting forger. No remakes of any existing Halo maps past or present. Prizes First Place: Champions Bundle which includes the Bullseye Map Pack, the Infinity Armor Pack, and the Steel Skin Pack, plus loads of new stances, armor skins, and new and colorful weapon skins. Signed concept art of Ravine, Impact and Erosion by Certain Affinity. Interview with the judges of "Meet Your Maker" on THFE. Feature Video on THFE (The Halo Forge Epidemic). Map featured on all participating sites. Certain Affinity T-Shirt. First Runner Up: Your choice of signed concept art of either Ravine, Impact or Erosion. Feature Video on THFE (The Halo Forge Epidemic). Map featured on all participating sites. Bulleye Map Pack. Second Runner Up: Your choice of signed concept art of either Ravine, Impact or Ersion. Feature Video on THFE (The Halo Forge Epidemic). Map featured on all participating sites. All forgers are encouraged to fully test their creations either in private lobbies or custom game lobbies at HaloCustoms. There is a dedicated group of forgers and players that actively participate in map testing there who can offer quality feed back. Consider using Zandril's Map Maker Pack to assist judges and players alike with an easy to view placement guide of all notable forge features. List of some judging criteria for forgers Spawn points placed in a manner that offers proper directional movement, supports 6 players per team and close enough to any vehicles dedicated to a particular team. Respawns facing in the proper direction, in a high enough number to prevent any spawn camping and enough in cover to reduce respawn exploitation from power weapons. Ensure any spawn points used outside of maps during forge have been removed. Considerations of safe zones. Proper use of soft and hard kill zones to prevent out of map game play and exploitation of structural features or environment not intended for play. Ensure ordinance drops, weapons spawns, players, vehicles, man cannons and other items are properly placed and/or do not become trapped or stuck in features of your maps and that all areas not intended for play are blocked from players. Double check all spawn times on weapons, vehicles and ordinance as needed. Be sure your map make proper use of color, distinct features or orientation that allows players to quickly orient themselves and provide team mates with accurate call outs. * Base Resupply Sets Four Drops per base: 2 Grenade Drops Plasma Grenades 2ea. Frag Grenades 2ea. Pulse Grenades 2ea. Assault Weapon Drop Assault Rifle Supressor Storm Rifle Magnum Plasma Pistol (optional) Precision Weapon Drop Light Rifle Carbine Battle Rifle DMR Spartan Laser Spartan Laser (optional) (Having two spartan laser slots slots gives the laser a higher chance of being dropped) Prizes offered by and THFE. The "Meet Your Maker" forge series is supported and promoted by, THFE, Halo Customs, Forge Cafe, Forge Hub, Online Knights, Mr Pokefile, The Halo Network and various other YouTube channels of participating sites. View full article
- 91 replies
- Halo: Reach
- Halo Forge Contest
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Alot of people I encounter on websites, customs or on matchmaking think they are soooo good apparently. I don't know what triggers this encounter in Halo 4 because in Reach it wasn't so many. Their would be the occasional person that would be decent but not even good. Now in Halo 4 people try soo hard and think they're good. Well I'm sure it is the massive aim assist in Halo 4 because people could shoot the torso or beside the head and end up with a headshot. That didn't happen so often in past other halo games where wherever you had your reticle is where the bullet is going to go. But with the massive hitbox's and magnetism in this game even nobody's could out br/dmr a decent player. Then they go ahead and brag about it and say they did this on who. it just irritated me and wanted to know if anybody had these encounters. I don't think it is healthy and that aim assist and the hit box's need need to be reduced ASAP. But of course I'm sure people will argue that it is good to help the people just starting but the fact is that you're not going to get better with fake aim.
Asymetrical, 8-12 Players, Plays all slayer-based & objective gametypes well and even plays dominion, but it runs like territories, Plus has a bit of a Headlong/The Pit Feel! Check out the update here Download Here Download Here Thanks to all who download, test, and give comments and feedback If you would like to be apart of any play throughs leave a comment with your GT, Thanks!
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- competitive
- oddball
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These are updated images of my map, i used Zan's Map Marker resources for this map.
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- ctf
- team slayer
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Gamertag: BlahishSnipesU Map: Bespin: Cloud City Gametypes: Star Wars Battlefront Conquest or you can use Robius5991's gametype Star Wars Battlefront 2 Player count: 12-16 players This map is a remake of my favorite map in the Battlefront series, Bespin: Cloud City. I have spent countless hours working on this map, mainly because of the dynamic lighting issue it had. The lighting still isn't completely fixed, but its as good as it could possibly get, and it isn't as noticeable during gameplay and a whole lot better than how it originally was. If I ever do edit the map making the lighting just a little bit better, which I probably will do since there is always room for improvement, I'll post another version of it. Also, there were a few minor things I had to exclude from the remake that was in the original map, like some of the hallways in the carbon freezing chamber. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this map as much as I do. If anyone has any comments, questions, or suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated. Also I want to give credit to the guys from OnlineKnights for giving me the inspiration for this map. Some aerial views. Blue Spawn Red Spawn Bride on the blue side of the map. Bride on the red side of the map. These are ammo and health droids. Standing near the ammo droid (the red one) will give you unlimited armor ability and unlimited ammo, standing the health droid (the blue one) will recharge your shields instantly and faster than normal. Before using the ammo droid... After using the ammo droid. As you can see, it will actually give you an extra magazine for your gun and it replenishes your armor ability. Screenshot of the corbon freezing chamber with Shmeef Solo frozen in carbonite. Here's what I used to call the Sniper Hallway, I used to love to pick off rebel scum with a sniper rifle in this hallway.
hello everyone this is the map that forge mode king madefor dominion style. it is one of the favourites by forge fans. it is also in my opinion the best ship i have ever seen in forge mode. but don't take my word for it see for yourself by clicking on the video below. thank you for your time and please comment and forge mode king loves feedback good or bad.
- star trek
- forge mode king
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Should Dominion get Ragnarok as a map? Please vote because I want it to have it for that map. (Site B rocket's spawn)
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- Halo: Reach
- map
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Scrapyard is a Meltdown inspired layout and built on the Erosion forge canvas. Scrapyard is an enduring battlefield that is strong for dominion, extraction and infinity slayer. This map uses the human drop set from matchmaking and their are X2 initial Rockets and X2 initial Snipers. Vehicles: Alpha Base: Gauss Hog X1, Ghosts X1. Bravo Base: Banshee X1, Charlie Base: Ghosts X2 Information: As Alpha base is on the lower grounds and farther away from B, it contains nice routes, a gauss hog and a more defensible base. Bravo Base contains a lift closer to the alpha routes and is also a self-positioned structure to the middle in the field for it to not be ignored. Their is a banshee on the second floor and their is accessibility on the second floor for it to be intruded. On Charlie Base, it is closer to the Bravo Base and is on higher ground which is the reason why Charlie has two ghosts and no supportive vehicle. Also to add on this is that their are teleporters on the map that work meltdown style where from the outskirts of the base it could teleport them into the base or onto the side of it for closer access. Alpha Base: Bravo Base: Overview 1 Bravo Base: Overview 2 Charlie Base: Download map:!/?section=GameMap&SearchDate=7&SortBy=2&view-select=Tile&startIndex=0&details=6d41948f-e582-4f30-a1f2-994deedd1ae3 I hope you all enjoy, This took a while to be perfected and it's still not perfect... but it got to the very best it could be. Featured on THFE
Originally I was going to entitle this topic Forge Island sucks, but I have seen a couple of decent maps used with the terrain wisely and that would therefore contradict what I would say. I am more of a dominion forger and I know ALOT about of dominion. And I have initially made around maybe 3-5 dominion maps on forge island (some tested, most scrapped) and I have not been able to continue any. I found the greatest disadvantage to making a dominion map in Forge Island is the flatness! It is unbelievably difficult to make an enjoyable dominion map on that canvas. You would have to work through many sight lines and then create alot of own terrain to differentiate the map and not give it that even level fighting ground. If you have attempted to forge a dominion map, post how you feel. This is my perspective so don't feel offended on how I view things.
I have been working on an asymmetric Dominion map named Kostal Kombat. There are 4 Bases (The map layout allows 4 bases without the gameplay suffering). Each base has a trait zone around it that gives a different effect, Alpha gives Speed boost, Bravo gives Damage boost, Charlie gives Overshields, and Delta gives an enhanced radar. The map is highly asymmetric with a lot of verticality, and will support up to 8v8 matches (5v5 or 6v6 is recommended). As you can see from the screenshots, the map has several routes to each base, as well as plenty of opportunities for risk/reward. The map is still in the works, but I will soon be posting a download link.
Find God II Download Link [media][/media] The epic battle between Heaven and Hell has resumed, and this time Earth is right in the middle of it. Out of all my old Halo Reach forge creations, the first Find God was my favorite. That being said, I was never able to make it as truly epic as I wanted to in Reach. I am a fan of Halo 4's Forge, but the limitations of Ravine, Impact, and Erosion could never allow me to make any meaningful improvements on the Find God concept. When I first downloaded Forge Island I wasn't expecting much from it either. But after investigating the terrain, and discovering how high the ceiling was (along with a few other features) I realized that it was absolutely perfect for a Find God "remake." The goal of Find God II is to take 3 very different worlds and make them all work together as integral parts of a complete game experience. I didn't want to rely on a custom game type. So I spent a massive amount of time fitting the physical parameters of the world to the objectives in the different game types. The first game type that I had in mind while designing the map was Dominion. Dominion is probably the best game to play if you want to have all three regions of the map be fully integrated and competitive environments. If you aren't a huge fan of Dominion, don't worry, I wasn't either. When I have played dominion in matchmaking, or in custom games, I feel like it is just a bunch of people running straight for the nearest base terminal. Yes you score points for holding the bases, but I think it makes dominion much better if you aren't just holding the bases for points, but also to gain a real tactical advantage. For Find God II's dominion there is one base terminal in each realm. There is a base terminal on the central rock of Hell, a base terminal on the altar in the Church on Earth, and there is a third terminal on the central disc in Heaven. The initial spawns are located around the edge of the Earth, however, all of the re-spawn points are in Hell. (when you kill someone you are literally sending them to Hell) One of the first questions I get when testing this map is, "why don't we just stay in hell and fight for this terminal?" Well that is exactly the point. If you let your immediate greed overtake you, and only go for the first terminal you see, then you might be able to reign in Hell for a while. However, the Church up above not only holds another terminal, but it also houses the gateway to Heaven... In the end your greed will not be rewarded and you will be left battling a never ending onslaught of the damned. Having all of the re-spawn points located in Hell is a big key to creating a unique experience for all of the objective games. The three levels act like an inverted funnel. There is one tele-sender node out of Hell, but there are six receiver nodes on Earth. Next there is one sender node in the Church on Earth, but it has four receiver nodes in Heaven. In both of the supernatural realms players have increased speed and damage resistance. (To different degrees because Demons are flawed and weaker than Angels, and also because the different settings work best with each environment) The increased Demon traits are quite enough to make any attempt at spawn or tele camping in hell effectively impossible. By far the most exciting transportation method between worlds is the great leap from Heaven to Earth. The free fall lasts for twelve seconds and the fallcauses absolutely no damage. However, since players will often want to fall as close to the Church as possible, I wanted to create a certain degree of challenge to the close landing. Due to the 45 degree angle of the Church roof, if you hit it you will shoot out thousands of feet out into the ocean. To add another extra challenge the tower on top of the Church roof holds a sniper rifle and a spartan laser. If you want to be a real risk taker you can go for them.