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Thank you for clicking this link and I promise I will not let you down with this one. I mean did you read the title of the topic? It's ZELDA! She's been a member here almost as long as I have and is one of this site's leading ladies if you ask me. Here's my interview with Zelda: DD: "Hey Zelda, when you joined I knew you as IrishElf. What's your background with Zelda and why'd your change your name to it?" ZA: "I have always wanted the name Zelda on different sites, and usually its already used by someone else. So when Vitamin Pwn told me it wasnt taken, I asked him to change it for me." DD: "Alright fair enough haha. Zelda you've been frequenting the site for over a year now, what do you like most about this site? What keeps you coming back here?" ZA: "Thats an easy question. The people. The member's of this site. I have made many great friends and its the members that kept me coming back. Its my virtual home. In fact, if I am not on here at least once everyday, it drives me crazy. I like coming on here and making sure everything is going ok, and that everyone is well. But there are those times when I miss something and I feel bad for missing it. Like how I missed you becoming Mod for instance. But alas, at least I got to congratulate you anyways. :)" DD: "That just happened 2 days ago! You didn't miss it by much! But I know what you mean. Everyone takes an absence from the site for one reason or another and it's well known by anyone who has that real life takes priority when something comes up. You were gone for some months not too long ago though, what was going on in that time if you don't mind me asking?" ZA: "Well, I was kinda gone from here for a few months. But I was actually checking in everyday at the end of the day before bed. I wasnt in the shout box because I was only on here long enough to check for mails and do a quick look through the threads to see if I had missed anything. But during my somewhat absence, I was in the middle of moving everything out of my dad's house before it could go into foreclosure. Seeing as how I had just lost him in February, I didn't want to loose everything he and my mom owned. My sister, Chantay was here as well trying to help out with the packing and everything. But now that everything is done and over with, I can finally just sit back and enjoy the forums like I used to before January. Well, as long as my internet allows me to enjoy them. :)" DD: "I'm very sorry to hear that but I admire how open you are with sharing that with the Community Zelda . What are you excited to see on the site when you come on and what do you enjoy most when coming online?" ZA: "I think what I get excited about is seeing member's get promoted a new staff position or making it to MoM, or even turn into a Trusted Member or Dedicated Member after all the work they have put in. As for what I like to see, is more the fact that we all like to joke around and play with one another. I also like looking at people's art and seeing their forge maps in the pictures. :)" DD: "Those are some of my favorite things too for sure. And I've noticed you've reached Dedicated on the site not too long ago so congrats on that! Let's talk Xbox One. What do you think of it from what you've seen so far?" ZA: "And thank you. About Xbox One.... Well, I can say is that its not something I am interested in. I'll not go into detailing it, because there are people who do want it and are anticipating it, and I dont want to ruin the excitement that they are feeling towards the Xbox One, by going into a rant. But I am definitely buying a PS4 when I have money saved up for it. Well, actually I will be buying three PS4's eventually. lol But I will say this, I will be keeping my 360. There is a Fable Anniversary, (that I am ecstatic about) coming out near the holidays and I need my 360 in order to play it. ;)" DD: "Big into Fable? Which do you like more, Fable or Halo?" ZA: "lol. Sorry guys, I have been a much longer fan of Fable than I have with Halo. :P" DD: "Oh no! The dreaded answer! No that's totally cool there are many members on here whose favorite game isn't Halo. Zelda if you could create a site Award, what would it be and how would people get it?" ZA: "A site award? I've thought about it before, but never really asked about it. It would probably be the Triforce, and to get it, you'd have to be seen doing 3 of the things in which the Triforce stands for. (Power, Wisdom, Courage) Power- Win a game on Halo with the community of 343i members Courage- Stand up for the members of this forum whether on xbox or right here on the forum Wisdom- Make some really good posts As for what it would look like, well, a smaller version of whats on my profile. DD: "That's actually a really cool and really creative idea! I think it's great that it's a challenge to get! So if you were offered a Staff job on the site, Zelda, which do you think you'd take if you could choose?" ZA: "A staff job? Well, I'd rather them (the decision makers), decide which one I most likely qualified for and to see how it would work out. Never hurts to try something new. :)" DD: "Alright just wanted to see what you were thinking if you were thinking about it! Alright we're hitting the end of June and our amazing MoM, Beckoningzebra1, is about to serve his full term. Is there anyone you'd like to see get Member of the Month for July?" ZA: "I know i have always wanted to see ZB-85 become MoM. But I dont think he's been on enough recently. Bloody Initiate has done some amazing posts. He doesn't talk to anyone, but I have seen his posts. And Zuko is on rather often." DD: "ZB!! I've wanted to see ZB become MoM since I got here basically. He was my first interviewee. Sadly he isn't as active anymore, no. Those are some interesting candidates you have there though! I guess we'll see in some days! Now it's been an amazing interview and I know a lot of members are going to have a great time reading this so let's bring this to a close. Zelda, what are your words of wisdom to the new generation of members on the site?" ZA: "Just keep posting, having fun, and that sort of thing. And that I'll see you around the forums. :)" Now you can't sit there and lie to yourself and tell yourself that that wasn't a fun and interesting read! Zelda is a great friendly member on here (Azaxx can vouch for that) and she's always willing to make new friends. More on the way soon thanks for reading the 34th installment of Interviews with Stars of the Community!
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