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Found 2 results

  1. This was made at 2:30 in the morning, some of it may not be right in some ways. Maybe I should do this when I'm awake, not extremely tired. Sorry for some of the mistakes. June 6, 1944 America, Great Britain, and Canada has invaded the beaches or Normandy. The first initial wave of the Army of all 3 have landed on the beach. Men dropping all around us, many wounded, many...dead. I see fellow brothers drowning from the gear weighing them down, and the panic they are pushing upon themselves. People taking one for the team, and that team is revenge, revenge for what they have done to us, and our allies. About 10 minutes in, and were down to about 3,000 men. I sit there, fear all inside of me, and my fellow comrades. We wonder one thing, and this is "how the hell are we going to get out of here alive, when we have a .50cal MG pinning us down?" Simple, we don't. This is the end. This is my final resting grounds, this is where I do not get to say goodbye, this is where I... Panic has taken over me, but the brute courage is taking the rest. I think of this happy place, a place where I feel at home. Home...Home will be waiting for me, but you cannot go about thinking of death, no, that is not how a Marine should act. We act with faith that we will go see or children, wives, family, friends. That is what pulled me through the times on Normandy, knowing that I have a wonderful life after this is all over, but will it ever be over? Thank You for what you have done guys. Thank You. EDIT: Today, June 6, 2014 marks the 70th anniversary for D-Day, so I decided to get a little creative. Also, you all can add on to it if you want, and I will pick the best ones to get added to the story. I don't know, something new I guess. Haha
  2. This censorship bill MUST NOT PASS! For the love of GOD do not let them take away our INTERNET freedom! This is OUR website! It is the endless frontier we endlessly explore. If that bill passes, then this site, our beloved forum, is at risk of censorship, as well hundreds, maybe thousands, of other innocent websites! If you (moderators) don't want me having my American right of freedom of speech, then go ahead and remove my profile. It won't be me begging to not be censored. This might be my last post on this website! There may have been other posts on here about it but I will not let my country take away my God damn internet freedom! Did you know Google is at risk too? This is not right! I will not let this go down without a fight! Please, PLEASE show your support! It is WE the people, not the government, who founded my great nation of the United States of America, and WE the people have the final say! I don't care if you live in Indonesia or the UK, as many of you do, just please help us keep our freedom! America was founded on the rights of the Constitution and this is strictly unconstitutional. The Constitution was made to strongly limit the goverments power, and we must abide by the Constitution! Protest with me and stop the censorship, just comment or like this post... Honestly I don't know how to protest digitally... Just show support so this bill does not pass! GOD BLESS AMERICA
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