So far i believe we as a community of gamers have a huge and might selection of games that are coming out this year (and in early 2016). I honestly can not wait for some of the games that are coming out! some of the Games that i am most looking forward to would have to be the massive amount of games that Bethesda is remaking / creating. And of course the new halo looks amazing, I actually am thinking of buying a Xbox One just to play it. But with new games there can be multiple issues, and with issues comes lack of trust with major companies. The Arkham knight is one of these examples, as well as horrible launches from multiple companies. For all those Star Wars fans out there (including me ) i have my fingers crossed that battlefield 4 won't crash and burn at the launch. I want to hear your voice and opinion on the year of 2015/16 for gaming! From Xbox to PC, and PlayStation