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Hello everyone, I though I'd take time to make a thread. Dedicated from me to you. It's been awhile since I've done one of these. Hehe, you might be like "Awhile? Must have been recent." Well no, actually I have been here for almost 4 years now. Yeah going on 4 buddy, rock on! Anyways, I'm not here because of that. I just want to make a thread that says thank you and list a couple of you and what I enjoy about you. If I can't think of something, I'll just put something down. I promise. Thank you everyone, for being part of this wonderful community. I enjoy my stay here. Let's start with... Drizzy_Dan! Ye, Drizzy. Who cares about him, right? Well that might be true, but Drizzy does mean something to me. Drizzy is an amazing guy, Hell he even created the Halo Wars playdates. ( I think he did that on purpose just so he could play with me.) Amazing man, he's cool and knows what he's doing. SikSlik7, Although we don't talk much. I still remember who you are, you are a somebody to me. Heck, back in the day I attended one of your first events. The Invasion event, a sendoff to the Halo Reach gametype that won't ever make a return. You're a good guy Sik, always trying to get your way in and the community involved. You make me proud. Halo5Follower, Dude I've known you for a long time. You've also been purple for a very long time, although you do you YouTube stuff, I still find you fun to enjoy around on the forums. Making the shoutbox a lively place, no putdowns or anything negative. I respect that of you. Although you have recently been watching my streams, I have no idea why, I do enjoy that someone cares. GermanShepherdD, Bark Bark, Wolf Wolf, Bacon Bacon. Er, well. Amazing man, PC master if I say so myself. You know what you're doing and have been here forever. I miss playing matchmaking with you, you were such a good teammate to play SWAT with back on Halo Reach. You and I FTW, made a good team back then. I'll see you around, dog. Caboose The Ace, I don't know what to say about you... Um, Star Wars; Grammar; You want everyone dead or to be in Command. I don't know what to say about that... Besides the fact, BRANG ET ON NUBE! BATMAN, I remember you used to be a lot more active than recently, or is my memory still fried? Either way, you're always fun to talk. Great member on the forums as well as an amazing person to talk to, that's if I can grab a chance to hold you still in the shoutbox. Lol. I hope to see you around. (You be lurking.) Wally West, Although I think you'd make an amazing Page 3 Model. I think you should totally put your time into it. Serious or not serious. Just do it for the lawlz. If not, I guess you could just continue being yourself. I have no idea if that's a good thing or not... Probably not, since being yourself you go completely biswack psycho. Anyways, couldn't make it without you buddy. Twam, you may be the site owner and a good friend of GSD's. I remember having a few conversations with you. I thank you for everything you have done. I would help donate if I could, this site must be pretty difficult to maintain with all this traffic. I couldn't deal with it myself, lol. We all love you Twam, believe it or not. I hope to see you stop by to say hello to me again someday. Self Destruct, Oh my word, I remember when you first joined. Seriously, I was like. "Get out of here." You wouldn't listen, I advise you do so still. Lol, I'm kidding. You're a good member Self Destruct. Whether it be making really long posts that no one cares to read, or showing off your artwork. We still appreciate to see you around. Adam91, You're challenges... Where did they go. Will they ever comeback? Nonetheless, you're a true inspiration to the forumers. You have been the longest lasting news member on the news team, even through the tough struggling months of trying to find news. You have never disappointed us. You bring the basic, bold, important stuff we all really appreciate to read. I thank you for your dedication good sir. Edward Kenway, You frustrate me. Every-time. Literally, Every-time I see you. I don't know why, maybe it's because of your eyebrows. I don't know. Just, why? Why are you even Cyan? Just, ugh... Just give me the news, I'll read it myself. Arbiter747, I may not see you around much talking in the shoutbox, but I do see your posts in the forums. Trying to help out members when they can, or stating your opinion on your thoughts. There's nothing wrong with that, regardless of what people say. It is your opinion after all. Most importantly, thank you for helping out those members when the rest of us aren't around. Axilus Prime, where did you go? I don't know, do you? Because I see you are the MOST curious forum member I have ever seen. You ask questions all the time, or you state answers yourself. You're a good members, smart member indeed. Heck, you're amazing in Mafia when it comes to deceiving others, it's pretty obvious now that even if you are neutral, you still want to be the games Vigilante. Makes me smile when you do it. Ash and Melody, you girls are active. Sorta. Still, I see you here on a day to day basis. Ash being the girl she always is, bragging about something unlike her friend Melody, whereas Melody is nice and kind and trying to help out. Both of them are good additions to the Community. Bright Smile in every Aisle! (I think Hyvee stole that from you two.) You are great members, Ash. Please don't leave we like you here. Azaxx, I don't know what to say... M...M...Mudkip? That's all I can really think of when I see you. Oh, and the fact that AD reset your shouts! Bahaha. Best forum moment, ever. I don't know really, you're a neutral member. You're too lazy to do somethings, others you are quick to the match. Still, someone we enjoy to see around here. As well as someone for RSR to use as a punching bag when Bnus isn't here... BeckoningZebra1, Dude. Dude. Dude... DUDE? Dude... I don't know dude. You're not news anymore, you're a moderator. I don't know if I like that or not. Speaking of not liking things, if I ever see that video with Darth Vader or anything else stupid you have created. I will find you, and I will give you a hug. Cause you is mah friend. Bnus, seriously... I don't see a point anymore. You're literally the staff punching bag, or RSR's Yo-Yo. He throws you around, and you come right back. I can't think of anything or any real conversation we have had. I know you have done some good things, like trying to get the members together. That's about it. I just really know you for a mod punching bag. Others may state otherwise, but at least I can thank you for taking the hits for us members. Church, I don't even have to say more than two words for you... Warthog Buddies. Austinacious, Hi5? No? Well if that's the case, get back to the Signature Shop and start working on those fantastic signatures of yours! You may be a predecessor to Insignia, a very great man who everyone teabags, but you do make fine signatures yourself, I enjoy seeing the members using them. You know EXACTLY what they want. D-38 Boss, Sup Jontron? I thank you very much for being an incredibly random member. You are a true Event Management Member. You have serviced most of my events and will be servicing yet again, another big one. Very proud of you to be here, plus you're probably one of the funniest in-game players I have ever played with. I do enjoy seeing you around. Hehe. ColdFreeze, All I can say about you is, be careful that your boss doesn't block this site. Lol. It's been a long time since I have seen you. I'm not sure where you have been, but I know Peanut and you keep in touch. I thank both him for asking you to become more active, and I thank you for considering the option. Cooliest, Where have you seriously gone to? You used to have fun around here. I don't even get to see you anymore! I miss the Caption Contest, I miss your events, I miss you Gwam Lam! Delpen9, seriously I have yet to see the big deal of members being mean to you. I have not seen any reason as to why they do it. I guess it just happens, and you stand up to it. No idea really. All I know is you're a great friend of Rue's, and I don't know what you do, but I'm happy that you make her happy. Thanks for doing it for us. Helix Amell, Once you were a masked man... Then you took the mask off. You have shown your true face to the community. I want to thank you for staying, even through these hard times. You're a great member, and I thank you for PM'ing me about concerns. Amazing member, I hope you get recognition and the respect you deserve. You have more likes than posts, something only a few people could pull off. In my eyes, you're a worthy member. Don't let others drag you down, bud. DocSpartanO07, Despite the fact you love to play Minecraft and are great at getting the Community to play with you, I just want to thank you for serving this country. Not many veterans get it, but you need a thanks. That's what I look at you for, you're a hero. Direct_Otaku, you're legendary now. Congrats. You hosted many events, and they were amazing. I've only been able to attend a few; they were the best ones I have attended since Spades. I see you're still doing them, just not so commonly anymore. Thanks for helping the community out and getting events going. Frankenzer, How about you and I go back and do that thing you were talking about? Cause I do appreciate seeing you around, even with your bold humor. I still see a point in you on here, I hope to see you around? Fox McCloud, you know. There's a lot I like about you. I'm just going to hit a few points, is that alright? Best friend? You're an amazing member, one of the few that brought a tear to my eye when I saw you return. I was so happy to see you, I felt really sad deep down inside about your mother. I felt really bad, I support you both and the hope that she recovers. I'm here for you pal, I always have been. You're a Fish's true best friend, and will always be. Eqwinoxe, you know, you and I have been here for a while. You joined a week after I did. You're a quiet guy. Don't talk much, and don't post much. You like to lurk. I saw you left for a while, but boy was I surprised when you came back. I was a little happy that someone's name I knew had returned, thanks for putting a smile on my face. Insignia, Man I do miss seeing you around. I feel appreciated when you pop into the shoutbox. You're a great man, I mean, you even let us teabag you in Halo 4 Custom Games. Lol. Besides the point, thank you for your dedication to Art Department. You got things kicked off really well, you're a precedent for all these forumers. Great man, hope to see you around! Kakashi_Hatake, have we talked in a conversation before? I don't think we have, that's probably why it's so hard for me to make your Warlord soldier act the way you want him too, we don't talk and I don't really know you, I just portray you as the nice calm guy, who always wants to be there to help someone. Even in times they don't want you. Those are my thoughts on you, correct me if I'm wrong. Jack Of Harts, the Yearbook... That Yearbook picture, good times. Lol. You're art department now, yes? Well shoot, I didn't think your GFX would be as dandy as it really is. Glad to know you made it in with Austin. I hope to see some of your signatures make it up to par, but nonetheless. I will always remember you for that Yearbook picture! Laplace, JL? Is that you? I swear, I don't know who is worse. Finding you or Waldo. I feel as if you would be harder to find. You've started many great things on the forums, and then it's as if you instantly retired. I remember when you first started Mafia and you literally put you would to the scene later because you were to busy playing Titanfall, lol. Thank you for starting those. I enjoy them. Ledgend1221, Wanna go get some coffee sometime? I'm buying. Lisanna Strauss, Winry! All I can say is I'm happy to see you whenever you're on. You are most definitely the queen. Haha. Thanks for helping out VaultingFrog when you can, I don't ever get the chance to anymore, but I'm glad someone can do it. Thanks for stopping by! Hope you and your kid are going well. LODT Cal18, now I usually see you in the shoutbox or in the clan advertising thread. I do hope your clan is going on very well, I don't have an interest, but I'm glad you are doing something with the community. I've noticed you and AnimeAddict are friends, I'm glad you could have someone so high up as him for friends. Thanks for staying! Marxiel, Sparky... Come ba-aa-aack I miss you, I want to see your poems and your other things you do. You were such a positive person here. I just want my Sparks back, or at least the plugs. (Yes the beginning part was a Spaceballs reference, gosh. I do whatever I feel like doing.) Mr Casual Chief, Although it's been a long time. We're still friends. I want to thank you for helping me host the Old vs New event, that's very kind of you. I look forward to your random game reviews, I know you spend a lot of time doing other things outside of the forums. I do hope to see your face more often, you have returned my friend. We have missed you. Mr Kittens And Gibberish, you're the first one dead. How does it make you feel? Lol. As much as it hurts for me to not know you very well, I'm glad you're here and that I can get along with you. I appreciate you helping out in anyway or form that you have, even if I didn't notice. I'm glad you did it. Also, you might wanna get your cat checked right meow. Maggie, even though we have talked before. I still can't figure you out. You're on of the most random people on the forums, and but I don't mind you being around. You watch a lot of anime and make a lot of references, I don't know what to say about them when you do. I don't watch very much anime. Anyways, I enjoy seeing you around! RedStarRocket91, I remember when you used to have fun being a moderator, flowering words, spreading the love and joy of the community, trimming GSD's hair when needed. Your quality posts are amazing and understanding to everyone, you're an amazing site moderator. Chill and Relax, and you know where punishment is needed, plus you got that soft side on you. I enjoy your presence, glad to be here during your time of reign. I thank you for this opportunity, friend. RIP Monty Oum, you should change your name back to UNSC-Spartan II. You were best known for it, plus you're an amazing gamer. I plan to play alongside you in upcoming Halo events, you know the generalization of what you're doing. Glad you're still around, bud. rrhuntington, you know. You remind me of an old member, I know it's not you. But you remind me of him a lot, act the same and everything. Always cheerful and in a positive mood. Glad to see you here. Prabbit, hey. I know this sounds nerdy an all, but we need to do that pokemon thing sometime. Also, if you have an idea for a forum game, just do it. Who knows? Maybe you could have the next big thing! I suggest you go for it. Silent Orbis, Man, it's been a long long time since we have talked. You and your clan have just vanished from here. I miss you guys, all of you. You're all a great fun to talk to and I enjoy it. Thanks for stopping by when you can, I hope to see you around sometime. :3 ShadowFiend216, I see you're still lurking around. Everytime you post something, it's motivational; as far as I can see. You're congratulating someone or your stating your opinion. Except when it's your opinion, you let everyone know that's your opinion. Great way to clear confusion of facts and opinions. Thanks for that. Spyro, buddy. How long has it been? Seriously, you're fun to talk to and are great with the USF Election polls. You're not staff, but you're pretty much better than them Your stuff goes viral when it happens. I'm glad I could be here to witness your success. The Director, I just want to state something with you. Did you know that scientific research has concluded that when the word potatoes is said, most of the time humans associate it with Mashed? Well, when I think of potatoes, I think of you. Because you be the Potato King. The Dumb Marine, you're MoM wish, that was amazing of you. I don't think I've ever seen anything like it. I'm so glad you feel that way about us, thank you. You're an amazing person. Not just some guy with SMS maps, but a true art caring person. Thank you for art week. Tony Stark, the original competitor of the real Iron Man with Insignia. Lol. You're cool, I'm cool with you. Right to the point, I enjoyed your speech a couple years back about the forums, I wonder if that influenced what happened today? Nonetheless, I enjoy your presence. Even if it is turning me into a Hylian Loach... Twinreaper, Ancient. That about sums it up, lol. You're an amazing Tech Guru, you know pretty much everything. You stand tall and hit all the points perfectly. You are amazing with debates and have provided a lot of us with information behind Halo that we didn't even know. You take advantage of what you can, you're a true leader, whether you accept that or not. :3 Unease Banana, so. When is our 1v1? You backed out of it last time. Haha. Just give me a few warmups, and I'll be ready to take you on. I'll have you know, I'm pretty confident with my fighting. If you fight the same way you throw together news, this fight should be over quick. Haha, that is a challenge. Vaulting Frog, I see you find no point in here anymore, I don't see the point in you leaving either. You're a wonderful guy, despite how pushed away you feel. We still have had good times together, pal. I mean, I am responsible for your Microwave light show of Halo Wars. At least don't leave, for me. I'm your fish friend. Ribbit! ><> Vitamin PWN and Yoshi1176, you two are paired together for one reason: You have become some of my closer friends. The elections did bring us close, that is true. I believe there is something else, I'm not quite sure. Yoshi, Vitamin and I have worked our butts off to help you out. Whether he used photoshop or I used my 13-year-old-girl toolkit. We couldn't have done this without each other, I'm glad we could become friends during this period. Makes me happy that positive results happened at the end, let this be an inspiration to other members that our friendship stand tall and we can accomplish anything as a team. Thanks guys for being here. Yang, thanks Yang for the help you have provided. You're a caring member and should be treated as such, I'm glad you have stayed on the forums through tough times. I've known you for a while now, I hope you stay very much longer. Enjoy my friend. Thank you for coming. Zandril, you may just post Diarrhea all the time. That's not all you're doing though, even though it's kinda funny. Members need to realize you are an amazing forger. Your maps are spectacular, they're even on our affiliates forums. Thanks for the maps, they're amazing. Zelda, even though you don't stop by to say hi anymore, and you probably won't read this. I just want to thank you for helping out. November of 2012 was such a tough time, I helped you deal with members as much as I could. Those were dark days. Thank you for being so kind and carrying a leadership role. I applause you. These are just the main people I want to give a huge Thank You to. If I have missed anyone, I am terribly sorry. You still mean something to me. I just want to point out, that I did everyone's name in white for a reason, no one is sorted via member groups. This is because you are all equal to me, every single one of you is capable of great things. Let all of you be great role models for the future of the forums. I'm happy I have returned. These are better days. (Also, no. This is not my goodbye thread.)
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- Go Away Church
- I hope so at least. :(
- (and 8 more)