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  1. I don't get very emotional or nostalgic very often as many can attest. But after realizing earlier this week that I was about to turn 5 on the forums, I was struck with instant feeling of the latter described. Time really does fly when you have such an awesome and at times, extremely frustrating community behind you. Throughout my tenure I have made a lot of friends and an equal amount of enemies. I was privileged enough to bear witness to what we were and what strived to be, to ultimately what we have become. As bumpy as the road has been there is no other community that has captured my heart and soul quite like this one. The last "scene" that has had such an impact on me, was my 10 year stint with legendary Halo clan CRHalo/CñR. Here I found a home with a family that has helped me through toigh times, and sadly watched as the greats and unsung heroes left, either forcefully or on their own terms. I would give a shoutout to all of those that I really do consider family and my closest friends, but it just doesn't seem right to the rest of the fantastic community and severly underminds the value I place on them. So from me to all of you, THANK YOU! You have given me a place to call home, a place I can feel safe and most important, you have given me a second family that always has my back and never let's me be anything but myself. Here is to another 5 years!!!!!
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