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Found 1 result

  1. Happy, Happy Hey everybody you may know me, you may not. But I'm a guy that lives inside of these forums. If you have not met me, you will eventually. So let's get down to the nitty gritty. For 3 and a half months I have been rigorously looking for a job. I just graduated college and was about to die (not literally) out of lack for money. I have seriously been looking for a job non stop. The economy in America is not the best, so places weren't really hiring. I was slowly but surely becoming "poor" (literally) I know these are forums about video games and the such but it is also a place to support others. So I just wanted everybody on this forum to know that today I am the Happiest Guy in the world. I GOT A JOB!!! THIS IS HOW I FEEL RIGHT NOW http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PapG53eIM1M Video By FORtheGLORY Now I will be able to make money and all that good stuff. I just wanted to scream it off a mountain top and since 343i Community Forums doesn't have a mountain I thought I'd yell it from the offbeat topics thread. Anyways that is all. So I will finally be able to renew my Gold Membership and everything. So I will be able to happily game with you all now.
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