Now, I've noticed in every single halo game that there has always been unfair spawning. I was playing Halo: Reach last night and I was in a game where there were very few people on my team because of quiting. Every single time I spawned, I spawned either in from of the opposing team or away from my team which is very frustrating. I'm sure everyone, whether they're a hardcore Halo fan or not, would like the option on where to spawn. Now, every time you die I know you have the option to move the camera on your body, which is great, and between you teammates. I would absolutely love a spawning system where the player chooses a spawn point on their side of the battlefield or have the option to choose which teammate to spawn by and on the Camera display have whether there is a HIGH, MEDIUM, or LOW risk of dying. Im sure players would love this but that's my opinion, I've had this problem since halo 2 which sucks