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Hello everyone are you happy this one didn't take 5 months!? I sure am and I'm incredibly happy with who I got as my interviewee this time around. He's our head Forum Ninja! Onsokumaru, everyone. Enjoy: DD: "Onsokumaru! Thanks for complying to this interview. Ok here's something I've always wanted to ask you and it's very important. Where on Earth do you get your ninja gifs from??" ON: "I just want to say, all will be revealed soon.... As the ninjas will soon be getting new upgrades ;)" DD: "All the ninjas will be getting upgrades? Very interesting.. Can we talk about Ninjas and Forums and Forum Ninjas and Ninjas vs the Forums and any other combination of the two? How did getting your clan involved with our site hit your mind?" ON: "Well let me say that only a select Ninjas receive this upgrade! And I just thought hey a lot of people talk how they are lone wolves or how they're better by themselves, so I just wanted to see how the forum does if the work together! And from the past games they work really well! And Ninja VS The Forum became an event which brings the forum to work with one or another to see who's better, The Ninjas or The Forums?" DD: "Well your idea proved to be pretty awesome and very successful. So for those that don't know, who are your Ninjas that are also members of Let's out some of these guys here :shuriken:" ON: "Well only ninja members here are: Mayh3m and Spyro!" DD: "Mhm. I see. I'm fighting my suspicions about there being other Ninjas hidden among us and trusting your word on that . Onsokumaru, how'd you find your way to" ON: "That's a good question! Well let me see.... I remember back I was just looking around for halo help and such and I came across this site!" DD: "And we are all very lucky you did . So is there an initiation to becoming part of the Ninjas? Are you allowed to reveal such information?" ON: "Classified" DD: "A man of mystery I see . When you joined, who were some of the members that first made an impact on you?" ON: "Not really anyone impacted me :P" DD: "None at all? No one you looked up to? With that being said then onsokumaru, what would you say is your favorite thing about this community?" ON: "Well when I was first on the forum, I was still getting around so not much known yet lol and my favorite thing about the community has to be the dedication to halo! :P" DD: "It's true we are very dedicated fans of Halo and we really enjoy each other's company when playing. In the short time you've been here onsokumaru, you've already become the Member of the Month and part of the Staff on Promotions and Events. Do you ever feel overwhelmed by how much you've achieved in such a short amount of time or do you feel like you were meant to do this?" ON: "Well to be honest here I did feel overwhelmed, I thought I would be one of those members who wouldn't take this site seriously but I guess I was wrong!" DD: "You are great at what you do and we are all grateful for it onsokumaru. Since you've already gained some of the site's highest titles, are there other accomplishments you strive for? Maybe not a title or position but maybe an Award or just a general event to occur?" ON: "Hmm well I would love to help more out and maybe go for community moderator like you! but Promotion and Events is where I am, so I guess I am here for the time being :P" DD: "That's great goal and I don't think it's unachievable for you. Onsokumaru, do you have any words of wisdom for the members of the 343i Community?" ON: "Well members of the community, there is one way to get around here, and that is respect! Just treat everyone the way you would wanted be treated, and always think before you type because you only get one chance and if you mess it up, you will always be stuck with it... And who knows, if you treat other people with respect, the will treat you the way you treated them. So be polite, and respect one another. :3" Love the words or wisdom. Round of appluase for our whacky Promotions and Events Department's onsokumaru! If you don't know onsokumaru he should be on your list of people to meet! He hosts great Events and is a pleasure to talk to and is hilarious. Thank you all for reading. HAIL
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2014 Fresh Start Hello everyone BZ1 here and I'm teaming up with Onsokumaru to announce the first play date of the year! Here's Onsokumaru with the details: Hello Friends! I hope your ready for the first event of the year! The game will be on Halo 4! We have great a game type line up for the event including: Infection(Flood), Sword Duels, Dominion, King of the Hill, Battlefront and so much more!! Also I will be introducing Dynasty Warriors! Prepare to battle your foes in head to head air battle to show which team is the strongest Space Warrior! Time: January 3, 10:00pm EST We'd like to see some new faces at this playdate, it'd be great if we could have some of you green members participate as well as you older members. We need to Kick of this year right by playing Halo with our fellow members of the forum! We hope to see you at the event! Be sure to RSVP below!