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It's Tuesday which means it's Wrapup day so let's get into it: Primary Announcement: There are rules and there are important rules. This is an update for the latter. Oh just kidding it's the update itself OF the rules that's important. Either way, you must read this and abide to it. IMPORTANT RULE UPDATE. COMMUNITY EVENTS Edward's Trinity Events How does this community stay so active with so many Events you ask? Oh wait.. You didn't ask that? Oh, well I was going to say it's because not only do we have an outstanding Promotions and Events team, GiG, but other members who take it upon themselves, such as Edward here from our News Group, to entertain the masses! But since you didn't ask I guess I won't say any of that. Edward Kenway's first Event of the Trinity will be April 6th and it will be played on Mass Effect 3. OLD VS. NEW What is there to say about this... other than it was AWESOME! Good luck next time new members! .. No I'm kidding, for those of you who did not get to attend, the old members did win some games but the new members won the majority. It was a pretty tough butt whooping some games but all in all we had loads of fun especially playing CTF when F1ZM splattered his own team on the Ghost a bunch, playing Volleyball, and getting a chance to play Charles Stoot's Floor Runner mini game which can be located below. Great job new members but don't think this is over. Not by a long shot. Participants: Fishy, D-38 Boss, Cooliest, RedStarRocket91, BeckoningZebra1, Drizzy_Dan, Church, Torrenting, Bnus, Charles Stoot, Yang Xiao Long, JXZAW, Master Debaytes, VaultingFrog, JL, Total Mayh3m, Mothman, Connor Kenway, Adam91, Unease P34nut, Spyro, Spark, Halo 5 2014, Erebus, Halo5willbecool, UNSC Spartan II, Mr.Biggles, bkpaguy, and coldfreeze. If I missed your name comment below and I'll edit you in! Everyone who attends Community Events gets the Gamer Award: CONTESTS The 343iCF Caption Contest is a contest started and run by Cooliest. The Caption Contest is running all month long so go ahead and took a look at what hilarious comments have been posted so far and please enter one of your own. This is the last week to submit a caption! The Contest closes March 25th! FEATURED INTERVIEWS: The Blacklist Ms. Mystic AKA CandiBunni - No longer here. One - No longer here. Luke - No longer here. Just thought I'd throw you guys a fun Featured Interview section while new interviews are being made. FORGE Featured Map This is truly a mini game you have to see to believe. Inspired by Floor Masters from Halo: Reach, Charles Stoot created his own adaptation of the way this game works and made it into an astounding Ricochet mini game. This is Stoot's Floor Runner [ball]. Here's a short description of how it works: one team is on offense and plays Ricochet like normal.. Except that the ground beneath keeps going missing. Why? Because the guys on the grid above them who are on defense have trait zones that follow them and the effect of the zone deletes the piece under them temporarily. I don't quite know how to explain it all in Forge terms. Highly advised that you click above for his submission containing a download link. GAMING NEWS 343 Industries Looking for Environment Artist It seems 343i has a position open in their ranks. 343 Industries is developing the next Halo for us right now and are searching for an Environment Artist with at least 5 years of experience on a AAA 360 title, or the equivalent which is a whole number of things that BZ has listed for you in his article. Analyzing the Halo: Escalation #7 Cover and Details! As we all know, Halo: Escalation has taken a turn and gone in the direction of telling the story of Halo Wars after the game ended. Edward Kenway has just come across some interesting details with help from our Affiliate Brett, and gives a nice thorough analysis on the cover and some of said details for the 7th installment of the graphic comic. Details on Xbox One April Update The Xbox One is going to have an update in the near future. BeckoningZebra gives you the deets in his article. Find it by clicking the picture above. For more Gaming News check out the latest on our Front Page. HOT TOPIC 343iCF YouTube Submissions Thread This week's Hot Topic is the 343iCF YouTube Submissions Thread not because it is used so often, but for the exact opposite reason. We know you guys make videos random people who come on here! We see the threads! Why not score some extra views and get a nifty Award by submitting them to our channel? PODCAST The third Official Podcast has made its way into the forums and this one was great. There as a Q&A from members, good jokes, and funny little easter egg at the end. This week's guest was Total Mayh3m. Podcast below, Index above. Ah Tuesdays. You can scroll back up and read it all over again now.
- 343iCF
- Weekly Site Wrapup
(and 4 more)
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Hey guys sorry the Wrapups have been spreading apart but I've been busy lately and I decided to wait for some announcements to come out. Anyway, let's get into it: Primary Announcement: Make your name really scary and Halloween themed and join Yoshi's Halo-Ween Challenge! COMMUNITY EVENTS First Halo: Master Chief Collection Community Event TheSpookyCenturion will be hosting an Event on the very first day of the MCC release. Date and time details can be found in the thread. If you can't make it then be sure to catch it LIVE on our Twitch channel named 343CommunityForum. Forum Gaming Census Here is a very important factor for the future of Community Events. It's the Forum Gaming Census created by SickKids7. All you have to do is answer some questions about platforms and games you play/prefer. Please take the time to participate. SD & EK's Halo Wars Spooktacular And to kick off Events for the month of October is Hell Verruckt and Deadward Kenway's Halo Wars Event. Peep the thread for the time and date of SD & EK's Spooktacular. Yang's Prepare to Drop Community Event SlenderYang is hosting an Event that takes place on a very interesting combination of games: Titanfall and Halo 3: ODST. Only RSVP to the thread if you are joining. Gotta love that banner by JackTheRipper. Everyone who attends official Community Events gets the Gamer Award: CONTESTS 343i Short Story Contest The first Short Story Contest has come to a close. We shall soon know a winner seeing as there weren't too many submissions. Shocktober Caption Contest Above is the new picture for October's Caption Contest run by Eviliest. Leave your funniest comment by clicking above. Winner of the September Caption Contest was Shockgazm!: Winners of the Caption Contest get the Captioneer Award: FEATURED INTERVIEWS Insane54 Co-founder of our affiliate site, *Haven't put one of these out in like a year so I'm skipping the waiting and starting some new ones.* FORGE Featured Map Above is a beautiful Forge remake of the Halo Wars ship: Spirit of Fire made by Erydhil. Check out more stunning screenshots in his thread. GAMING NEWS Bungie reacts to the leak of DLC content As you may or may not have heard, there was a video that surfaced that contained possible locations for DLC content in Destiny. Bungie's Deej responded to the community. Read what the great Deej had to say about it in Undead P34nut's article. Frank's Interview over Ridley Scott's role in Halo: Nightfall "Frank O'Connor sat down with Eurogamer for an interview at the Tokyo Game Show this year, which the topic in question was Scott's role in the development of Nightfall," leads Hell Verruckt's article containing info on the interview. Check it out and leave a like. Halo 2 Anniversary - First Coagulation Screenshot Revealed! Self explanatory. One of the maps returning from Halo 2 in a completely upgraded format was finally showcased with an in-game screenshot: Coagulation. Notice all the differences from its previous forms. Leave your thoughts and appreciation for EK in his thread. For more Gaming News check out the latest on our Front Page. HOT TOPIC The Twam Summoning Ritual Speech (totally not made up on the spot) This is an 100% sure fire way to get summon Twam the almighty ruler of this forum. It even worked. We had to sacrifice Yoshi but good things like this come at a price. Topic by Yang! MEMBER OF THE MONTH The creepy crawly Member of the Month for October is Hexter Grief! He just gained his Dedicated status on the site and immediately jumped to our most prestigious member group. MoM post. PODCAST The latest Podcast has arrived. Podcast #7 is full of laughs and has a sweet link dump so you can skip around to certain parts you wanna hear! Good cast this time around but was missing a certain someone ahem. WEEKLY COMMUNITY POLL This is the 47th Weekly Community Poll by BZ. The question: Would you ever want Halo's Radar replaced or accompanied by a mini-map? This poll ends really soon and I'm probably going to update this when it changes. YOUTUBE Here's a pretty awesome video posted by ponyo of Termacious Trickocity. Leave it a like. Find his thread and comment your thoughts here. Thanks again for tuning in guys now scroll back up and read it all over again.
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- Weekly Site Wrapup
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Hello all and welcome back to the 343iCF Weekly Site Wrapup. Let's get into things: Primary Announcement: We WON'T be wrapping up the last half of June, July, or August but on the bright side, with my laptop fixed now I should be able to put these out weekly or as close to weekly as possible. COMMUNITY EVENTS First Halo: Master Chief Collection Community Event WOO! On the first day the Master Chief Collection comes out our Community Moderator, TheSilverCenturion, is going to be hosting an Event. If you can't make it then be sure to catch it LIVE on our Twitch channel named 343CommunityForum. Which you can find a link to by visiting the thread (Remember all banners are clickable). Staff VS. Members Playdate Poll There has been no official word yet but The Director has put up a poll for a possible upcoming Staff VS. Members Playdate totally out of nowhere with no warning at all. From left field. Out of the blue. WHY WOULD HE DO THIS TO US? Completely random. Anyway, the standings for the polls are currently listed as such: Day: Saturday (37.50%) Time Frame: 12PM EST - 6PM EST (52.38%) Game: Halo 4 (36.84%) Everyone who attends official Community Events gets the Gamer Award: CONTESTS 343i Short Story Contest The ever monthly Short Story Contest is underway with your judges from the Event Management Team: D-38 Boss and Cooliest, Community Moderator BeckoningZebra1, and our Site Moderator RedStarRocket. Read up on rules and guidelines here. September Caption Contest This contest run monthly by Cooliest goes without explanation. It's the monthly Caption Contest! This is this month's caption above. Winner of the last Caption Contest was TheSilverCenturion!: Winners of the Caption Contest get the Captioneer Award: FEATURED INTERVIEWS Mr. Biggles Long time dedicated member decorated with many forum accomplishments. By the way, that's what he looks like in real life. Handsome mustache and everything. FORGE Featured Map This week's Featured Map is by someone who is frequently listed under our Featured Map subsection because he never forgets about us here when he makes one. He likes his maps to be seen by all. Here's Zandril's latest map named Cypher. GAMING NEWS Assassin's Creed: Unity Delayed You read it correctly. According to Edward Kenway's article, the next installment of the Assassin's Creed franchise on next gen consoles will be delayed by about two weeks or so. Tragic news for Assassin's Creed fans but the real supporters can wait. Games with Gold - September The Games With Gold for the month of September have been revealed and brought to us by Adam. For the Xbox One we have Super Time Force (what?) and Crimson Dragon (???). Ooook. And for Xbox 360 we're getting Monaco: What's Yours Is Mine and HALO: REACH! Leave your thoughts and likes with Adam by visiting his thread. Playstation Network Hacked UPDATE Unease N3wsnut has been keeping us up to date on Sony's Playstation Network being hacked once again. Supposedly a hacking group named Lizard Squad took credit for the hacking of PSN over Twitter. Condolences to anyone still facing problems with playing online with friends because you have a Playstation. For more Gaming News check out the latest on our Front Page. HOT TOPIC The Terrorists of 343 To quote Lil Wayne: "If you ain't wit it. You gotta get wit it or get lost." Story by Caboose The Ace. MEMBER OF THE MONTH August August's explosive MoM, as we call him, was Self Destruct. An incredibly talented artist and fun member. He's hosted Events that have gotten good feedback from attendees but now his time is up. It's only right that he gets his spot in the MoM Section of the Wrapup. To Self Destruct . MoM Post here. September This month, our newest Member of the Month is the outstanding Blake Belladonna for being an overall great member on the site. Actually he's pretty great off the site as well attending and hosting Events and such! Great job and congrats once again Blake. NEW STAFF Some fresh meat joined the Staff ranks recently. They are: Jack of Arts for the Art Department Sikslik7 for Event Management Unease N3wsnut for News Group and WreckoningZebra1 joining the Community Moderators Great job guys PODCAST The latest Podcast is a very special one. It includes myself, Church, The Director, and D-38 Boss. This was our very special post E3 Podcast. Well worth the listen even if it's late. I had to do all the talking for everyone. TOP 15 (28) The July/August Top 28 List goes like this: Axilus Prime Mr Biggles Coldfreeze Delpen9 Butch Flowers Blake Belladonna HaloGeek Maestro Halo5willbecool Yoshi1176 Jay El Unease N3wsnut SPARTAN 117 Gemini Dragons DarkAngel Sparky rrhuntington Arachny Caboose The Ace Zandril Ledgend221 The Dumb Weasel Ardent Prayer BubblePopX3 Rue Vaulting Frog Mereel Field Marshall Elite Thank you all for being great members and earning your Top 15 Awards!: YOUTUBE Following the trend of raising awareness for ALS or Lou Gherig's Disease, our very own Edward Kenway of the News Group has participated in the Ice Bucket Challenge and here is his video. It took me long enough so thanks for joining in again everyone and staying active. Now scroll back up and read it all over again. This post has been promoted to an article
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Hello all and welcome back to the 343iCF Weekly Site Wrapup. Let's get into things: Primary Announcement: We WON'T be wrapping up the last half of June, July, or August but on the bright side, with my laptop fixed now I should be able to put these out weekly or as close to weekly as possible. COMMUNITY EVENTS First Halo: Master Chief Collection Community Event WOO! On the first day the Master Chief Collection comes out our Community Moderator, TheSilverCenturion, is going to be hosting an Event. If you can't make it then be sure to catch it LIVE on our Twitch channel named 343CommunityForum. Which you can find a link to by visiting the thread (Remember all banners are clickable). Staff VS. Members Playdate Poll There has been no official word yet but The Director has put up a poll for a possible upcoming Staff VS. Members Playdate totally out of nowhere with no warning at all. From left field. Out of the blue. WHY WOULD HE DO THIS TO US? Completely random. Anyway, the standings for the polls are currently listed as such: Day: Saturday (37.50%) Time Frame: 12PM EST - 6PM EST (52.38%) Game: Halo 4 (36.84%) Everyone who attends official Community Events gets the Gamer Award: CONTESTS 343i Short Story Contest The ever monthly Short Story Contest is underway with your judges from the Event Management Team: D-38 Boss and Cooliest, Community Moderator BeckoningZebra1, and our Site Moderator RedStarRocket. Read up on rules and guidelines here. September Caption Contest This contest run monthly by Cooliest goes without explanation. It's the monthly Caption Contest! This is this month's caption above. Winner of the last Caption Contest was TheSilverCenturion!: Winners of the Caption Contest get the Captioneer Award: FEATURED INTERVIEWS Mr. Biggles Long time dedicated member decorated with many forum accomplishments. By the way, that's what he looks like in real life. Handsome mustache and everything. FORGE Featured Map This week's Featured Map is by someone who is frequently listed under our Featured Map subsection because he never forgets about us here when he makes one. He likes his maps to be seen by all. Here's Zandril's latest map named Cypher. GAMING NEWS Assassin's Creed: Unity Delayed You read it correctly. According to Edward Kenway's article, the next installment of the Assassin's Creed franchise on next gen consoles will be delayed by about two weeks or so. Tragic news for Assassin's Creed fans but the real supporters can wait. Games with Gold - September The Games With Gold for the month of September have been revealed and brought to us by Adam. For the Xbox One we have Super Time Force (what?) and Crimson Dragon (???). Ooook. And for Xbox 360 we're getting Monaco: What's Yours Is Mine and HALO: REACH! Leave your thoughts and likes with Adam by visiting his thread. Playstation Network Hacked UPDATE Unease N3wsnut has been keeping us up to date on Sony's Playstation Network being hacked once again. Supposedly a hacking group named Lizard Squad took credit for the hacking of PSN over Twitter. Condolences to anyone still facing problems with playing online with friends because you have a Playstation. For more Gaming News check out the latest on our Front Page. HOT TOPIC The Terrorists of 343 To quote Lil Wayne: "If you ain't wit it. You gotta get wit it or get lost." Story by Caboose The Ace. MEMBER OF THE MONTH August August's explosive MoM, as we call him, was Self Destruct. An incredibly talented artist and fun member. He's hosted Events that have gotten good feedback from attendees but now his time is up. It's only right that he gets his spot in the MoM Section of the Wrapup. To Self Destruct . MoM Post here. September This month, our newest Member of the Month is the outstanding Blake Belladonna for being an overall great member on the site. Actually he's pretty great off the site as well attending and hosting Events and such! Great job and congrats once again Blake. NEW STAFF Some fresh meat joined the Staff ranks recently. They are: Jack of Arts for the Art Department Sikslik7 for Event Management Unease N3wsnut for News Group and WreckoningZebra1 joining the Community Moderators Great job guys PODCAST The latest Podcast is a very special one. It includes myself, Church, The Director, and D-38 Boss. This was our very special post E3 Podcast. Well worth the listen even if it's late. I had to do all the talking for everyone. TOP 15 (28) The July/August Top 28 List goes like this: Axilus Prime Mr Biggles Coldfreeze Delpen9 Butch Flowers Blake Belladonna HaloGeek Maestro Halo5willbecool Yoshi1176 Jay El Unease N3wsnut SPARTAN 117 Gemini Dragons DarkAngel Sparky rrhuntington Arachny Caboose The Ace Zandril Ledgend221 The Dumb Weasel Ardent Prayer BubblePopX3 Rue Vaulting Frog Mereel Field Marshall Elite Thank you all for being great members and earning your Top 15 Awards!: YOUTUBE Following the trend of raising awareness for ALS or Lou Gherig's Disease, our very own Edward Kenway of the News Group has participated in the Ice Bucket Challenge and here is his video. It took me long enough so thanks for joining in again everyone and staying active. Now scroll back up and read it all over again.
Hello 343iCF and welcomed guests thanks for tuning in this week, there's a lot to cover so let's get into it: Primary Announcement: TWINREAPER - According to my calculations, this is about 227% Twinreaper. These are rough calculations of course. COMMUNITY EVENTS Jason's Alive Friday the 13th Community Event Friday the 13th, Cooliest hosted a spooky Community Event. It had a nice turnout! Participants: Sparky Zaguroth BeckoningZebra Self Destruct ShadowFiend Twinreaper HaloGeek GSD Bnus and Rue The MVPs of the Event were our boys Sparky and Self Destruct Boss' Back in Action Event Yea I thought this Halo 4 logo was going to look a lot cooler. I thought it was a render when I saved it but I guess not... Either way Boss is back! And he's in action! Like real Shoot 'Em Up starring Clive Owen action when he kills those guys with a carrot. Be there on the Summer Solstice at 9AM to play your Halo heart out. Hail To The King Event by Unease P34nut With P34nut's Dominion Event just recently coming to a close he decided it as already time for a new one consisting of King of the Hill and Regicide. Visit his thread to find the time and date and to sign up. Everyone who attends official Community Events gets the Gamer Award: CONTESTS June Caption Contest June's Caption Contest is here brought to you by Cooliest! Click above to participate! Twinreaper and Self Destruct will get the Caption Contest Award when it's ready! FEATURED INTERVIEWS Interviews with Halotubers: Halo Updates - By Bnus. "Halo Updates is a Halo news channel covering the latest and greatest in Halo news. He is also a good friend of the forum and your number 1 place for quality Halo news." FORGE The Forgecast Episode 1 The Forge Section was missing a couple weeks but its back and strong! The Forge Section will continue with Featured Maps after this week but they'll have a nice twist to them. Anyway, this week the Forge Section is focusing on The Forgecast Episode 1. This was a podcast focusing on the future of Forge and what would like to be seen. Starring in this podcast are some big names in Forge like petetheduck and Psychoduck, and other big names in the Halo Community like Ducain23 and NOKYARD. Click above to be linked to the thread containing the pocast over on HaloCustoms. GAMING NEWS: E3 2014 COVERAGE Assassin's Creed: Unity According to Edward Kenway's article, Ubisoft says they are revamping the combat system for the upcoming Assassin's Creed game by removing the 'Counter' ability. Is this absolutely ludicrous or will this make the game more fun? I'll give you a hint it's absolutely ludicrous. Read more about it by visiting his thread and posting your thougts. Destiny Alright so most people know that the Destiny Alpha was released to certain people and I know Church and Delpen have gotten their hands on it but no one's written an article on that so I give you this article by EK about the White PS4 Destiny Bundle Pack to be released on September 9th. Leave your comments on EK's thread. Halo 2: Anniversary Sure this might be part of the Master Chief Collection but check out some amazing screenshots from Halo 2: Anniversary provided by Adam. If some of these are cutscenes then I have to say these are some of the best I've seen since Halo Wars! Halo: Master Chief Collection Have you heard about the Master Chief Collection but don't really know what it entails? Well this is the perfect way to find out. Visit BZ's article containing details on the Master Chief Collection along with its release date. Halo 5: Guardians Up above is a brief teaser at the Halo 5: Guardians Multiplayer Beta available with The Master Chief Collection. Below is the official Halo 5: Guardians trailer itself. E3 2014 - Press Conferences Catch every press conference you want to see including those from Ubisoft, EA, Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony by visiting Mayh3m's super convenient thread. For more Gaming News check out the latest on our Front Page. HOT TOPIC The Great Forum War has begun! To all you nay-sayers who were against the Commanders during the time Vigilant Intellect hacked into our system, what say you now? We warned you that you would need to choose a side but it seems that won't be the case anymore for you will be chosen by the side. You will either be a member of the Offbeat Syndicate or fight for the General Discussion Republic. The time for talk is over, and the time for war is beginning. NEW LEGENDARY MEMBER It is with great honor that we accept a new member into our Legendary Members Group on the site. He's been with us for a short time in comparison to some of the veterans here but has completed much more than required by any member. He went above and beyond the call of duty by revamping our Community Events, being our January Member of the Month, and joining our Staff all at the same time. Hands together for Onsokumaru! Congratulate him in the announcement thread. PODCAST The Fourth Official Podcast has landed and it does not disappoint. Starring in the latest 343i Official Community Podcast are Church, RedStarRocket91, The Director, Total Mayh3m, and Bnus. All images are hyperlinked, so click above to visit the thread containing the Podcast. Click the section title for the Official Podcast Archive. USF ELECTION The USF Election was heated this year to say the absolute least! Read Presidential Interviews held by BZ here. Read The Presidential Debate posted by BZ here. In the end of the bloody, gory, disgusting battle between the remaining candidates TWO came out on top. Spyro kind of tried for this not to happen but the community just could not make up its mind on this one . Your new Forum Presidents are: MAESTRO and YOSHI Thank you BZ and VitaPWN for serving great terms when you were in office . Sorry for the lateness but don't worry I'll get the hang of putting these out weekly again soon. For now just scroll back up and read it all over again.
It's Tuesday which means it's Wrapup day so let's get into it: Primary Announcement: There are rules and there are important rules. This is an update for the latter. Oh just kidding it's the update itself OF the rules that's important. Either way, you must read this and abide to it. IMPORTANT RULE UPDATE. COMMUNITY EVENTS Edward's Trinity Events How does this community stay so active with so many Events you ask? Oh wait.. You didn't ask that? Oh, well I was going to say it's because not only do we have an outstanding Promotions and Events team, GiG, but other members who take it upon themselves, such as Edward here from our News Group, to entertain the masses! But since you didn't ask I guess I won't say any of that. Edward Kenway's first Event of the Trinity will be April 6th and it will be played on Mass Effect 3. OLD VS. NEW What is there to say about this... other than it was AWESOME! Good luck next time new members! .. No I'm kidding, for those of you who did not get to attend, the old members did win some games but the new members won the majority. It was a pretty tough butt whooping some games but all in all we had loads of fun especially playing CTF when F1ZM splattered his own team on the Ghost a bunch, playing Volleyball, and getting a chance to play Charles Stoot's Floor Runner mini game which can be located below. Great job new members but don't think this is over. Not by a long shot. Participants: Fishy, D-38 Boss, Cooliest, RedStarRocket91, BeckoningZebra1, Drizzy_Dan, Church, Torrenting, Bnus, Charles Stoot, Yang Xiao Long, JXZAW, Master Debaytes, VaultingFrog, JL, Total Mayh3m, Mothman, Connor Kenway, Adam91, Unease P34nut, Spyro, Spark, Halo 5 2014, Erebus, Halo5willbecool, UNSC Spartan II, Mr.Biggles, bkpaguy, and coldfreeze. If I missed your name comment below and I'll edit you in! Everyone who attends Community Events gets the Gamer Award: CONTESTS The 343iCF Caption Contest is a contest started and run by Cooliest. The Caption Contest is running all month long so go ahead and took a look at what hilarious comments have been posted so far and please enter one of your own. This is the last week to submit a caption! The Contest closes March 25th! FEATURED INTERVIEWS: The Blacklist Ms. Mystic AKA CandiBunni - No longer here. One - No longer here. Luke - No longer here. Just thought I'd throw you guys a fun Featured Interview section while new interviews are being made. FORGE Featured Map This is truly a mini game you have to see to believe. Inspired by Floor Masters from Halo: Reach, Charles Stoot created his own adaptation of the way this game works and made it into an astounding Ricochet mini game. This is Stoot's Floor Runner [ball]. Here's a short description of how it works: one team is on offense and plays Ricochet like normal.. Except that the ground beneath keeps going missing. Why? Because the guys on the grid above them who are on defense have trait zones that follow them and the effect of the zone deletes the piece under them temporarily. I don't quite know how to explain it all in Forge terms. Highly advised that you click above for his submission containing a download link. GAMING NEWS 343 Industries Looking for Environment Artist It seems 343i has a position open in their ranks. 343 Industries is developing the next Halo for us right now and are searching for an Environment Artist with at least 5 years of experience on a AAA 360 title, or the equivalent which is a whole number of things that BZ has listed for you in his article. Analyzing the Halo: Escalation #7 Cover and Details! As we all know, Halo: Escalation has taken a turn and gone in the direction of telling the story of Halo Wars after the game ended. Edward Kenway has just come across some interesting details with help from our Affiliate Brett, and gives a nice thorough analysis on the cover and some of said details for the 7th installment of the graphic comic. Details on Xbox One April Update The Xbox One is going to have an update in the near future. BeckoningZebra gives you the deets in his article. Find it by clicking the picture above. For more Gaming News check out the latest on our Front Page. HOT TOPIC 343iCF YouTube Submissions Thread This week's Hot Topic is the 343iCF YouTube Submissions Thread not because it is used so often, but for the exact opposite reason. We know you guys make videos random people who come on here! We see the threads! Why not score some extra views and get a nifty Award by submitting them to our channel? PODCAST The third Official Podcast has made its way into the forums and this one was great. There as a Q&A from members, good jokes, and funny little easter egg at the end. This week's guest was Total Mayh3m. Podcast below, Index above. Ah Tuesdays. You can scroll back up and read it all over again now. This post has been promoted to an article
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- 343iCF
- Weekly Site Wrapup
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It's Tuesday which means it's Wrapup day so let's get into it: Primary Announcement: There are rules and there are important rules. This is an update for the latter. Oh just kidding it's the update itself OF the rules that's important. Either way, you must read this and abide to it. IMPORTANT RULE UPDATE. COMMUNITY EVENTS Edward's Trinity Events How does this community stay so active with so many Events you ask? Oh wait.. You didn't ask that? Oh, well I was going to say it's because not only do we have an outstanding Promotions and Events team, GiG, but other members who take it upon themselves, such as Edward here from our News Group, to entertain the masses! But since you didn't ask I guess I won't say any of that. Edward Kenway's first Event of the Trinity will be April 6th and it will be played on Mass Effect 3. OLD VS. NEW What is there to say about this... other than it was AWESOME! Good luck next time new members! .. No I'm kidding, for those of you who did not get to attend, the old members did win some games but the new members won the majority. It was a pretty tough butt whooping some games but all in all we had loads of fun especially playing CTF when F1ZM splattered his own team on the Ghost a bunch, playing Volleyball, and getting a chance to play Charles Stoot's Floor Runner mini game which can be located below. Great job new members but don't think this is over. Not by a long shot. Participants: Fishy, D-38 Boss, Cooliest, RedStarRocket91, BeckoningZebra1, Drizzy_Dan, Church, Torrenting, Bnus, Charles Stoot, Yang Xiao Long, JXZAW, Master Debaytes, VaultingFrog, JL, Total Mayh3m, Mothman, Connor Kenway, Adam91, Unease P34nut, Spyro, Spark, Halo 5 2014, Erebus, Halo5willbecool, UNSC Spartan II, Mr.Biggles, bkpaguy, and coldfreeze. If I missed your name comment below and I'll edit you in! Everyone who attends Community Events gets the Gamer Award: CONTESTS The 343iCF Caption Contest is a contest started and run by Cooliest. The Caption Contest is running all month long so go ahead and took a look at what hilarious comments have been posted so far and please enter one of your own. This is the last week to submit a caption! The Contest closes March 25th! FEATURED INTERVIEWS: The Blacklist Ms. Mystic AKA CandiBunni - No longer here. One - No longer here. Luke - No longer here. Just thought I'd throw you guys a fun Featured Interview section while new interviews are being made. FORGE Featured Map This is truly a mini game you have to see to believe. Inspired by Floor Masters from Halo: Reach, Charles Stoot created his own adaptation of the way this game works and made it into an astounding Ricochet mini game. This is Stoot's Floor Runner [ball]. Here's a short description of how it works: one team is on offense and plays Ricochet like normal.. Except that the ground beneath keeps going missing. Why? Because the guys on the grid above them who are on defense have trait zones that follow them and the effect of the zone deletes the piece under them temporarily. I don't quite know how to explain it all in Forge terms. Highly advised that you click above for his submission containing a download link. GAMING NEWS 343 Industries Looking for Environment Artist It seems 343i has a position open in their ranks. 343 Industries is developing the next Halo for us right now and are searching for an Environment Artist with at least 5 years of experience on a AAA 360 title, or the equivalent which is a whole number of things that BZ has listed for you in his article. Analyzing the Halo: Escalation #7 Cover and Details! As we all know, Halo: Escalation has taken a turn and gone in the direction of telling the story of Halo Wars after the game ended. Edward Kenway has just come across some interesting details with help from our Affiliate Brett, and gives a nice thorough analysis on the cover and some of said details for the 7th installment of the graphic comic. Details on Xbox One April Update The Xbox One is going to have an update in the near future. BeckoningZebra gives you the deets in his article. Find it by clicking the picture above. For more Gaming News check out the latest on our Front Page. HOT TOPIC 343iCF YouTube Submissions Thread This week's Hot Topic is the 343iCF YouTube Submissions Thread not because it is used so often, but for the exact opposite reason. We know you guys make videos random people who come on here! We see the threads! Why not score some extra views and get a nifty Award by submitting them to our channel? PODCAST The third Official Podcast has made its way into the forums and this one was great. There as a Q&A from members, good jokes, and funny little easter egg at the end. This week's guest was Total Mayh3m. Podcast below, Index above. Ah Tuesdays. You can scroll back up and read it all over again now. View full article
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- Weekly Site Wrapup
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Alright back to weekly let's get into it: Primary Announcement: The Wrapup is now over a year old. January 27th marked the anniversary of the WSW. COMMUNITY EVENTS Boss's Inaugural GTA V Event For his first Community Event as co-head of Promotions and Events, D-38 Boss started off with multiple bangs and explosions in a GTA V Event. According to Boss, the 343i Community killed some randoms, him and JL got into a personal kill fest with each other, and all in all it was a good time. Participants: GermanShepherdD, D-38 Boss, Magical Love, Torrenting, Edward Kenway, Bnus, and onsokumaru Boss's Real (good) Time Strategy Event And for his second Community Event, Boss hosted a crowd pleaser with a Halo Wars Community Event. Nothing but good feedback about the Event and Boss's hosting. The games were great, one even went for over two hours but Flappy Bird got in the way eventually leading to one team's demise. The attendees of this Event will get the exclusive Halo Wars Playdate Award: Participants: D-38 Boss, Yang Xiao Long, Ledgend1221, Vaulting Frog, UNSC Spartan II, Edward Kenway Everyone who attends Community Events gets the Gamer Award: FEATURED INTERVIEWS Gryffin - Art Department Staff and member of the well known YouTube group, the OnlineKnights. FORGE Featured Map Weeeee it's Baby Guardian by Zandril! This miniaturized version of one of the best Halo maps ever created, Guardian from Halo 3, is a special little aesthetic piece Zandril Forged for the modded Gametype Mini Slayer! Visit his thread and take a look at more pics and find the download link for the map and Gametype. GAMING NEWS 343 Partners With Gallery Books Now I don't know much about Gallery Books or what they've published or who they've published for before but I do know one thing: and that's that I love the Halo novels. They're expertly written and go beyond where the games can take you in the Halo Universe so the fact that 343 has made this deal with Gallery Books and plans to keep publishing Halo novels is nothing short of fantastic. News by BZ! French Retailer Confirms Titanfall Beta on Valentine's Day Not too long ago, it was made clear by a Micromania store in France, as seen above, that a Titanfall Beta could be coming our way. Respawn Entertainment has not confirmed nor denied it but it looks this could be true. News relayed by Edward Kenway. Click above to find his thread. ForgeCafe's New Site: Were It So Easy Here's a small video put together by harry c0 at ForgeCafe to help newer members get acquainted with the new layout at their site. Short and sweet. New CEO at Microsoft Big news brought to us by adamj, Microsoft has made some switches not only in their gaming studio but in their main company as well. Bill Gates has given up his position as chairman of the board of directors to be the head tech advisor while Satya Nadella, seen above, is now the Chief Executive Official. What changes could this bring to Microsoft? Leave any thoughts or comments in adam's thread by clicking above. For more Gaming News check out the latest on our Front Page. HOT TOPIC 343i Who Wore It Best? This creative idea came from none other than the mind of the Beckoningzebra. It's really cool. There's a central theme involved and participants have to make a signature and avatar according to the theme. Check in above to vote for who wore it best! MEMBER OF THE MONTH I told you you'd have your nice little minus green spot in the Wrapup this week Edward and here it is! Everyone, our February Member of the Month is not only a talented sleuth when it comes to digging up gaming news but a member who has shown great character and improvement during his time here. Give it up again for Edward Kenway Announcement thread. MoM Post. PODCAST The Podcast is back and revamped to be made official. The Official 343i Community Podcast is a hit. Excellently done, the Staff is excellent, very fluent, no one stumbling over each other. It's a beautiful thing. Included in the Podcast this week was RedStarRocket, Gryffin, Church, and Cooliest. Quite the crew and again, well done. Here's our first official 343i Community Podcast. USF ELECTION Voting has come to a close and the results are in... Your new Forum PRESIDENTS are: Beckoningzebra1 and Vitamin PWN Welcome back to the WSW, now scroll back up and read it all over again.
In Bungie's latest podcast there has been a mention of competitive multiplayer map's "These maps are specifically designed 100 percent from the ground up to be awesome for competitive multiplayer," Competitive multiplayer design lead Lars Bakken said. Despite Bungie showing major elements of sociable gameplay and features it appears Bungie is definitely bringing competitiveness among players to Destiny. We will possibly see a range of competitive game types and maps. Polygon highlighted other parts of the podcast where Tyson Green, Destiny's investment lead says about Destiny bringing in a wide range of players as Destiny hold's a lot of elements from role playing to an action shooter "We are going into an interesting space, where we are a shooter, we are an action game, we are a game that a lot of people out are really familiar with and they love and they spend a lot of time playing and we are trying to bring some additional elements to that." He also says, "The goal is so that you have this game that you come back to and that your friends come back to, and when you're all coming back to the game, and you all feel like you want to keep playing this game. Then you have a social game at that point. You actually have a cooperative experience, a community experience." According to Lars Bakken the skill you use within Destiny will "go beyond thumb stick abilities and quick fingers" you must understand on how you equip yourself and look at the choices you make.
In Bungie's latest podcast there has been a mention of competitive multiplayer map's "These maps are specifically designed 100 percent from the ground up to be awesome for competitive multiplayer," Competitive multiplayer design lead Lars Bakken said. Despite Bungie showing major elements of sociable gameplay and features it appears Bungie is definitely bringing competitiveness among players to Destiny. We will possibly see a range of competitive game types and maps. Polygon highlighted other parts of the podcast where Tyson Green, Destiny's investment lead says about Destiny bringing in a wide range of players as Destiny hold's a lot of elements from role playing to an action shooter "We are going into an interesting space, where we are a shooter, we are an action game, we are a game that a lot of people out are really familiar with and they love and they spend a lot of time playing and we are trying to bring some additional elements to that." He also says, "The goal is so that you have this game that you come back to and that your friends come back to, and when you're all coming back to the game, and you all feel like you want to keep playing this game. Then you have a social game at that point. You actually have a cooperative experience, a community experience." According to Lars Bakken the skill you use within Destiny will "go beyond thumb stick abilities and quick fingers" you must understand on how you equip yourself and look at the choices you make. View full article
You guys might know them as LiQuid BioniX, SykoWolf, Sarge, and Minuette but they all address each other by Caleb, Matt, Jake, and Mackenzie. Those names are listed respectfully. That means in order. Well in my first collective interview, ladies and gentlemen: The Podcast Crew. DD: "Hello guys, so I've gotta ask you guys just as I've asked the rest of my interviewees: Where do your names originate from?" S: "My name came from Red vs Blue, which I've watched since I was just a wee-lad. Let the record show I am not Matt Hullum (Sarge) please stop messaging me if you can be on the show xD" M: "My name originated from a background character of one of my favorite shows, named Minuette. I also picked it because it was French and it sounded really beautiful and unique to me." LB: "I play semi-professional paintball for a team called Team LiQuid, so I tend to put that prefix in front of all of my names. BioniX just came from nothing ;)" SW: "I created the name after I decided to stop using Razor Sharp, my original user name before i joined the site. My current username originated from the fact that im usually a lone wolf whenever i play Halo and other similar games.The Syko part came from the fact that when im angry i tend to become rather 'psycho" in my play style. It also kinda plays into my outside life, I prefer to work on my own, so that if anything goes wrong I know that It's something that I have done wrong, that being said I can work effectively in teams." DD: "So who came up with the idea of the 343i Podcast originally? I remember when the talks started and I remember I thought it was a good idea but how'd it all come together is what I'm really asking I guess." LB: "I'm gonna have to take credit for starting it I listen to a lot of podcasts, some are comedy but most are about gaming, and I thought that this site could use a little one. I know that I personally love listening to them, so I assumed many people would enjoy one, especially if it was focused on gaming AND this website. Basically, I just posted a topic in the General Discussion about starting a podcast, and the idea really took off. People were (and still are) really excited about it! It's also a blast to do, and all the positive responses we get keep us going with it!" DD: "I love them as I said earlier and I'm guessing this is the crew that supported it most. Do any of you have previous Podcast or VoiceOver experience besides listening?" LB: "I'm gonna let Mackenzie take this one ;)" M: "Aww how nice. I haven't been in previous podcasts but I've done some voice acting for projects before. Most of them were my projects since I don't really audition but I'm starting too, for a short answer. Yes" SW: "I've done a little bit of voice work, mostly on machinimas and such, but no podcasts. I hope to extend out and do some more voice work.I currently help Mackenzie in some of his work and plan on helping him long into the future so long as he continues lol" DD: "That's very cool, machinimas I'm assuming? I'm not entirely sure if you mean those or actual tv shows or a web series haha but still it sounds fun. I think it's a great idea to have members on the Podcast as guests, how do you guys choose your guests?" S: "Well for our choosing process we capture all of our could-be guests. Then, we bring them to a secret room within the depths of the earth. After they all enter the room we line them against a wall. The spiritual aura in the room will take over their bodies causing them to chant words from ancient Skyrim texts and fight to the death. The Podcast Crew examines all of their skills from behind a holographic image of Twam ( .) In the case the two or three contenders are unable to fight each other for the seat with the champions Burnie decides if they are worthy. In the case he deems one of the contenders unworthy he asks them one simple question as he stares deeply in his soul:� That is how the official choosing occurs. You might ask yourself, hey that doesn't make sense they (or I) would remember that! My answer to that comment is simply do you really think we wouldn't erase your memory after all of that hmm?" DD: "So then this could mean that I could've been chosen to be a guest and fought other members to the death without realizing? That could explain a lot of missing members.. And black names could indicate that they're dead. So to all of you: What do you like to do most on the site? Besides the Podcast of course." M: "Browse around until I find an appropriate topic to respond too, and the conversations in the shoutbox." LB: "Besides the podcast, I tend to just lurk in the ShoutBox and post on the forums. I used to get all hot-headed when it came to Halo 4, but the forums have really made me slow down and I try to help other, newer members do the same. Every opinion is welcome (it IS a Forum, after all), but cool heads are recommended as well." S: "Browse around until I find an appropriate topic to respond too, and the conversations in the shoutbox. - Couldn't of said it better myself." SW: "I love the site, it's always been one of my favourite places to hang out since I was in school, and im sure I'll be here long into the future. My favourite thing about the site has changed twice. Originally it was the wealth of information and idea's provided by our many members. And currently, it's the members themselves. I love meeting new people and talking to the older members who I met when i first arrived here. This site has produced 3 very important people to me, that most of you know, so I owe alot to our wonderful community :)" DD: "Pretty solid, I think that's what most members do actually. So did you guys partake in the Majestic Map Pack Challenge? If so, what did you think?" S: "I actually do participate in the challenge and I think it's great! The only problem with it is I think I've only found one. :unknw:" LB: "I WANT to participate, but I'm currently in college and without an Xbox. I will soon have it back and will absolutely do other playdates and challenges then, but I don't have the option to currently. I have, however, participated in previous playdates and whatnot." SW: "I originally wasn't going to enter the Majestic Map Pack competition, but I decided I wanted to give it a try. To my surprise I pretty much had it decoded and answered within 2 hours. I believe I was one of the first 2 or 3 people to send in the PM, and while It was a bummer to not win anything I extend many congratulations to those who won,participated and ran the competition, it was a spectacular idea for a competition and I cant wait for the next one..this time though..make it hard ;)" DD: "So the artist behind the logo of your Community Podcast Sig: who is it and where did the idea come from?" LB: "That would be the one and only Insignia I PM'd him one day after the podcast really started to take off and asked him if he could make a little surprise for the crew. The image is there because, well, it's a good image (and minimalist). Insignia did a fantastic job and I love seeing it down there! I know that other people throw those types of things in their signatures (not just on this forum, but on others as well), and I thought it'd be really nice have the crew tag because the guys deserve the credit. Researching, doing, and putting the podcast together takes some time and we are all doing this because we love the forums and love games, and this is a special thing to show it off!" DD: "I shouldn't have expected anyone else. The beautiful artwork is a clear sign of Insignia's work . Now the Podcasts come out to be almost an hour if not more. How many minutes of raw sound clips do you think you have after recording before all the editing and posting occurs?" S: "Burnie might be able to answer it better, but hell I gave it a shot. Before all the editing occurs we usually have about 20 minutes extra material on each podcast which which Liquid or Minuette cut out. They cut this out in order to make it run smoother and family friendly." LB: "Sarge hit the nail right on the head. Sometimes some, say, inappropriate stuff gets said and we need to cut it out because this isn't an explicit podcast. Also, as we near episode number ten, I am going to do a little "behind the scenes" action, just to give people an idea about how WE go about recording and editing the podcast." SW: "Trust me, alot is said behind scene that would make people laugh, but some people tend to swear *cough* Jake *cough* Luckily, whenever we slip up in the actual recording, someone is always there to edit it out." S: "Hey! I only swear when needed, a great example is that Grifball episode I bet y'all had loads of fun editing out half of it because of your foolish remarks and my reactions about everybody's favorite gametype!" M: "I kept something special for the people who watch the whole way through in which I shouldn't have done but I said I would do it." DD: "That's pretty awesome! I hope we hear some of the stuff that got cut out, that could be really funny . You certainly make it sound interesting haha. You guys record the Podcast every Friday, does that ever become inconvient?" SW: "Not usually to be honest. Although sometimes my internet connection can become a little annoying, as you may have noticed lol, but other then that It's alot of fun being involved with the podcast and I dont see myself ever stopping my attendance, until I have to go away for Basic Training for 3 or 4 months." DD: "Ok guys the collective interview has been a fantastic success so I just have one last question for each of you to answer: What's your advice to members who maybe want to make a name for themselves like you guys?" LB: "Always keep talking! You want the podcast to try and flow a little bit or it becomes annoying and awkward. Also, make sure that you prepare ahead of time. The guys were making fun of me for taking notes during the PS4 announcement, but honestly, if you want to have good (and accurate) information, you need to take those notes and have ideas as to what you want to talk about. Also as I've said before, I'm going to do a little "behind the scenes" video that goes over some of the logistics/software that we use to record the podcast so that anyone interested in doing one can do so (for free). Basically, your podcast could have three listeners, but if you treat it and act like it's the best podcast in the world, then those listeners (and you) will be happy with it, and what more could you ask for?" SW: "It's not really that hard. All you need to do is be yourself. Be welcoming and helpful to newer members and just generally do what you can to keep the standards asked for all of our members. If your talented in ANY field, try to lend those talents to the site and the members if possible, Like Insignia has done in the art department, and Azaxx in his little "Protector of the Shoutbox" job lol" S: "My only piece of advice as Sykowolf said just be yourself don't try to be something that your not. That's the worst mistake you can make. Also, be friendly to everyone unless in some bizarre case they deserve your wrath. *looks over at sykowolf*" M: "I wouldn't really have any advice to make it like us, just be yourself and if you see a good opportunity take it, that's possibly all I can say/give you." Ok and that's all folks! I had a great time with the Podcast Crew, everyone please make sure to subscribe and follow all their work. Here's a link to their latest Podcast: Podcast 7. Thank you Caleb, Mackenzie, Jake, and Matt, and thank you
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9PM PST / MIDNIGHT EST HALO HAPPY HOUR PODCAST "A Place to Enjoy Some Real Halo Fun" Hosted by Purience & Monkiman300 Breaking News / Live Interviews / Playlists Revealed / Contest Announcements / Forge Discussion / and more Listen @ or call (347) 934-0280
Hey guys and girls I'm here to introduce to you the FIRST out of many to come 343i Community Podcast! In these Podcasts we will be giving an update of the major events of the forums and gaming advice/opinions/information/news.
This week the GameOverCast podcast dedicates its gaming section to everything Halo 4. Including its: -Weaknesses -Strengths -Single Player (Missions, maps, fun) -Multiplayer (the changes to traditional Halo multiplayer) -Spartan ops -The story -Improvements over previous Halo -The stunning graphics (guess what our opinion is) -The sound -The music.... Hmmm -Everything else including its potential longevity.... Oh and theres even a Halo based quiz! How will you do against the idiots on Podcast ? Listen HERE! Or on Itunes HERE! Listen and enjoy, the podcast is actually fairly funny and laid back .
- Halo quiz
- Halo: Reach
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for the first time 343industries community forums will be starting a 343i podcast (not offical name) all about halo! It will include the latest news on halo 4, disscussion on different parts of the haloverse, the more popular and contravercial topics in the form and much more. i want to hear what you as the community would want out of our podcast and how often you would like it, as in only once a week, a couple times a week, twice a month, etc. so any constructive comments would be greatly appreciated