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Heyy, welcome back to the Weekly Site Poll! Poll 35 - 'What are the most annoying and/or infuriating non-character enemies in video games?' - is here if you'd like to read the responses, or post a late reply. Moving on, this weeks question continues the theme of displeasure... What is the WORST experience you've had in gaming? The next Weekly Site Poll will be posted on 8/6/16. Feel free to suggest the topic for the NEXT Weekly Site Poll in your response! SD, out!
From the album: Grunt Feelz
We all have these moments.. -
I feel that the halo 4 forge is some what good. But within the first 2 minutes of checking out the forge, I absolutely hated it and I will tell you why....they literally got rid of custom maps.... If you dont know what I meen by that, then I will tell you. Remember in previous forges there was one thing that made the forge worth while to spend hours and hours in for? It was the ability to change the map that you chose to something completely different. What do I meen by that? Well using the boxes and crates and the ability to suspend items in mid air to create a combat area, or even a death trap. When I went into forge in halo 4, it does have a lot of functionality which is good. But the main...and in my opinion the biggest key feature is lacking...the ability to add Large scale objects, to suspend them in midair. This causes folks to use their imagination and create something truly unique. Mazes, Race tracks, Zombie Fortresses, or simply adding a second level to walk on so that it adds an extra challenge to the map. Thats one thing that Bungie will seem to keep over 343 Ind. is that they took their own maps and created new ones using the forge, added them to the XBL map playlist and let the players decide if its worth keeping or not. How do you think grifball was invented? Exactly it was a custom forge game that if you were to try and create Halo 4's forge... you would not be able to because you cannot remove large scale objects or ramps or anything of that nature... Im not the best with my words but I try to make things make sense. I seriously doubt that 343 will add this function to Halo 4, but seriously....343 Ind., You need to step it up. Ive played Halo since the original Combat Evolved title. Do not ruin this game for me.....Its a good game but when you remove the core features that players like and EXPECT, and make it a dumb newb pisses a lot of people off. And thats what Forge is right now....It used to be great, you just dumbed it down is this way. In previous Halo's that contained Forge. I would spend countless hours, just letting my mind wander on what to create. I would do all kinds of things. But with Halo 4.....I have yet to spend even 5 total minutes in there. That is the difference between Halo 4 forge, and previous forges... Post your pro's and cons of Halo 4 Forge. Maybe 343 Ind can use it to make Forge into what it is supposed to be and not a half *** "we let them control what weapons are on the map and thats it" type of forge on an unrelated happened to Halo Reach hornet or the covenant vehicles that are not the thing I liked was the balance of vehicle support.... This is Halo 4....did bungie not sell the rights of those vehicles to you?? what gives At this point I am going to place 343 Ind under the same type of practices as EA Games. Removing key functions that a lot of players enjoyed. Not thinking well enough about how to make the game....needing to install disc 2?? good one would think you could have just split up the campaign and multiplayer onto 2 different discs but no, you have to MAKE US waste hard drive space to play otherwise... I am not a designer, I am not a huge nerd who knows programming language....but My grandma and I could make a better Halo then 343 Ind....You did well on the campaign I will give your that, I really enjoyed that, otherwise its a CoD replacment with stupid loadouts and ordinence....basicly the same as CoD. Did people cry too much over getting killed while trying to go for the oversheild or camo or sniper rifle?? Were they not able to man up and get better? Guess not
Ok so the nearby Rampisham antenna array which I have a perfect view of and enjoy studying the area's unexplained lights. They're planning on replacing the antennas with 163,000 solar panels... I hate these worthless slates of glass. They're expensive and don't produce much electricity! The materials used such as Titanium Oxide could be used for much better purposes. There are much better sources of clean and cheap electricity which is also not ugly... Britain has enough shale gas to last for hundreds of years yet nobody has mined it. Nuclear power is clean, safe and produces tons of electricity. Nuclear power is safe unless we get another arms race. The Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant was hastily constructed in order to be better than America; the staff onsite were poorly trained and further more were told to conduct a training exercise with no supervisors... It didn't actually kill enough people for it to matter. The radiation from it was pretty low too. I think if we killed all the hippies, hoodlums and other worthless people we could power the Earth from Methane produced by their corpses. I hate this planet... I don't like raging but seriously humans need to start putting their future ahead of them instead of worrying weather their fancy clothes look good.
Hello. I don't understand how such a big game like Halo 4 DOESN'T HAVE DEDICATED SERVERS. Halo has one of the, if not THE biggest player base on Xbox 360. Lag compensation in H4 is ridiculous, it made people with horrible connections being able to play and people that are paying a lot of money for a decent connection not being able to. And don't come saying your netcode is good, because it isn't. Just get the dedicated servers, what do you do with our money? BF3 wasn't as big as Halo 4 and they got dedicated servers. Dear 343, We will not stop. We will not pause. We want dedicated servers.
- 7 replies
- dedicated servers
- do it 343 ffs
- (and 8 more)
Through the history of popular games such as "CallofDuty" and "LeagueofLegends", there have been multiple updates and Nerf's (decreased level of power and ability) for thousands of weapons and vehicles. As we have never experienced this through the Halo Series by Bungie, is it possible for "343 industries" to create and let an "Ordinary Halo Player" use an Over Powered Vehicle or Weapon? Thank you for checking this thread out, and with all respect, please be willing to share your own personal belief/opinion of Over Powered Vehicles and Weapons throughout any game. 1) Can rage appear through the all new Halo 4 produced by "343 industries" from Over Powered Vehicles and/or Weapons, or does the "Over Powered Weapons and Vehicles" apply to certain game modes and maps? With the first ever new "Halo 4" produced by 343 industries being released in literally less than a day with all new weapons and vehicles, will there be Over Powered equipment throughout this game that can create unfair teams and players? If so, what can it take to stop it immediately before the game continues to go on. As many people (including myself) are afraid of this, can this decrease or increase the sales of Halo 4 itself? Not only will this mess up the whole environment of halo itself, but it has the possibility to create madness and sadness throughout the "average gamer". How do you feel about Over Powered Vehicles and Weapons, and what does it take to get rid of it? Can it create debates, or can it create madness throughout the "average gamer"? Or in better words, will there even be Over Powered Weapons in Halo 4? Is this link considered "Over Powered" and will it be able to effect the Halo 4 community? Or once again, is it applied with the certain game mode and map? (right click and select "Open link in new tab") to create better use. Thank you LTD Velocity
- 9 replies
- Halo: Reach
- Rage
(and 4 more)
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I am using this thread to post rage comics that I make. Don't worry, I will add more as I create them! - I. Halo 4 Rage! - II. Getting Addicted to Halo: Reach - III. Challenge Accepted - IV. Books vs. The Internet - V. Another Rage Comic - VI. ZB-85 - VII. Trolldad Gets Trolled - VIII. Spectral Jester
- 66 replies
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