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Found 2 results

  1. I need a little help 343. I'm getting older, far from old but older. My memory never was the greatest and I constantly call people by the wrong name or forget their name altogether. Now you tell me I have over 100 maps at launch of the HMCC not including what will likely become a floodgate of maps in forge in the first few weeks. If Reach's Forge is any indication, I will once again be utterly lost as to which maps I am looking at in my map list. I could barely keep up with my own creations let alone some of the amazing Forge's out there. There was a time, a more rough and yet somehow simpler time. A time of UT99. Yes waaaaaay back in the past on Good Ol original Unreal Tournament where you could actually take a screenshot of your map creation and post it alongside your map name to be displayed in the playlist. Oh what a wonder it was to not have to look at 800 identical Forgeworld screenshots and guess the verb of the map you wanted to play. Please for the love of God allow us to set our own map playlist screenshot (or 3) so that those of us that control the playlist don't have to leave those of us waiting to participate in a game to suffer as we load 8 maps trying to find "the map". Bloody Mess Blood Gulch Blood Letter Coagulation Debilitation Obfuscation I find it much easier to find: Revenant Rampage Arena - - - - - - - - - - - - - Revenant Slam Fest Revenant Valhalla Revenant Zeta It's a bit of a big image but I was too lazy to resize and you get my point. Plus lets be honest being able to 'one touch' enlarge the map list screenshot would also be a nice Feature Please help me find my maps.
  2. From being in funny screenshots, to videos and even campaign! Are gravity defying kig-yar what halo needs more of?
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