Hello fellow graphic designers!
How about a signature of the week? Where you, the members can, create a signature, post it here, give it a week for members to vote on which sig they like the most.
You might notice that this was originally a contest hosted by the member Rentless. Since he has been traveling I asked him if I could continue his contests until he returned. Gladly he agreed and I am excited to host this weeks contest.
- Doc
Started On: 8/10/2012
Entries Close: 8/13/2012
Voting Begins: 8/14/2012
Voting Ends: 8/21/2012
THEME: Red vs Blue Rivalry
* Signature MUST be about the theme given.
* Cannot be over 600x200 size.
* ALL signatures must have your username in it.
* NO pre-made signatures.
* Only 1 signature per person.
* You have 3 days, after this thread, to post your signature here.
* A week after the 3 days, voting will be closed.
* You CANNOT vote for yourself, but you can vote for someone else.
* Failure to follow rules will result in a disqualification.
(easy enough right?)
Currently there is no award for signature of the week, but hopefully to come soon enough. We need YOU! to participate to help this get bigger and better. That way awards could be a possibility.