There has been a stroke of genius in our beloved forum. Last night my good friend x5had0wxMa9nuMx thought of something spectacular...THE AMAZING SPIDER-CHIEF!!! (Well he thought up the name...I THOUGHT UP THE REST!!! lol haha )
Spider-Chief! Spider-Chief! Spider-Man plus Master Chief!
Spins a web! Any size! Snipes out Drones! Just like flies
LOOK OUT!!! Here comes the Spider-Chief!
Is he strong? Listen bub, he's got augmentated blood!
Can he swing? From a thread? Nope 'cause he's as heavy as lead
HEY THERE!!! There goes the Spider-Chief!
In the chill of night, at first sign of the Flood
Like a gleam of light, he arrives with a THUD!
Spider-Chief! Spider-Chief! Friendly neighborhood Spider-Chief!
Armor grades? He's ignored!
Action is his reward!
To him, life is a great big bang-up!
Wherever there's a hangup!
You'll find the Spider-Chief!!!!!
What happens next to Spider-Chief? YOU DECIDE!