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You guys might know them as LiQuid BioniX, SykoWolf, Sarge, and Minuette but they all address each other by Caleb, Matt, Jake, and Mackenzie. Those names are listed respectfully. That means in order. Well in my first collective interview, ladies and gentlemen: The Podcast Crew. DD: "Hello guys, so I've gotta ask you guys just as I've asked the rest of my interviewees: Where do your names originate from?" S: "My name came from Red vs Blue, which I've watched since I was just a wee-lad. Let the record show I am not Matt Hullum (Sarge) please stop messaging me if you can be on the show xD" M: "My name originated from a background character of one of my favorite shows, named Minuette. I also picked it because it was French and it sounded really beautiful and unique to me." LB: "I play semi-professional paintball for a team called Team LiQuid, so I tend to put that prefix in front of all of my names. BioniX just came from nothing ;)" SW: "I created the name after I decided to stop using Razor Sharp, my original user name before i joined the site. My current username originated from the fact that im usually a lone wolf whenever i play Halo and other similar games.The Syko part came from the fact that when im angry i tend to become rather 'psycho" in my play style. It also kinda plays into my outside life, I prefer to work on my own, so that if anything goes wrong I know that It's something that I have done wrong, that being said I can work effectively in teams." DD: "So who came up with the idea of the 343i Podcast originally? I remember when the talks started and I remember I thought it was a good idea but how'd it all come together is what I'm really asking I guess." LB: "I'm gonna have to take credit for starting it I listen to a lot of podcasts, some are comedy but most are about gaming, and I thought that this site could use a little one. I know that I personally love listening to them, so I assumed many people would enjoy one, especially if it was focused on gaming AND this website. Basically, I just posted a topic in the General Discussion about starting a podcast, and the idea really took off. People were (and still are) really excited about it! It's also a blast to do, and all the positive responses we get keep us going with it!" DD: "I love them as I said earlier and I'm guessing this is the crew that supported it most. Do any of you have previous Podcast or VoiceOver experience besides listening?" LB: "I'm gonna let Mackenzie take this one ;)" M: "Aww how nice. I haven't been in previous podcasts but I've done some voice acting for projects before. Most of them were my projects since I don't really audition but I'm starting too, for a short answer. Yes" SW: "I've done a little bit of voice work, mostly on machinimas and such, but no podcasts. I hope to extend out and do some more voice work.I currently help Mackenzie in some of his work and plan on helping him long into the future so long as he continues lol" DD: "That's very cool, machinimas I'm assuming? I'm not entirely sure if you mean those or actual tv shows or a web series haha but still it sounds fun. I think it's a great idea to have members on the Podcast as guests, how do you guys choose your guests?" S: "Well for our choosing process we capture all of our could-be guests. Then, we bring them to a secret room within the depths of the earth. After they all enter the room we line them against a wall. The spiritual aura in the room will take over their bodies causing them to chant words from ancient Skyrim texts and fight to the death. The Podcast Crew examines all of their skills from behind a holographic image of Twam ( .) In the case the two or three contenders are unable to fight each other for the seat with the champions Burnie decides if they are worthy. In the case he deems one of the contenders unworthy he asks them one simple question as he stares deeply in his soul:� That is how the official choosing occurs. You might ask yourself, hey that doesn't make sense they (or I) would remember that! My answer to that comment is simply do you really think we wouldn't erase your memory after all of that hmm?" DD: "So then this could mean that I could've been chosen to be a guest and fought other members to the death without realizing? That could explain a lot of missing members.. And black names could indicate that they're dead. So to all of you: What do you like to do most on the site? Besides the Podcast of course." M: "Browse around until I find an appropriate topic to respond too, and the conversations in the shoutbox." LB: "Besides the podcast, I tend to just lurk in the ShoutBox and post on the forums. I used to get all hot-headed when it came to Halo 4, but the forums have really made me slow down and I try to help other, newer members do the same. Every opinion is welcome (it IS a Forum, after all), but cool heads are recommended as well." S: "Browse around until I find an appropriate topic to respond too, and the conversations in the shoutbox. - Couldn't of said it better myself." SW: "I love the site, it's always been one of my favourite places to hang out since I was in school, and im sure I'll be here long into the future. My favourite thing about the site has changed twice. Originally it was the wealth of information and idea's provided by our many members. And currently, it's the members themselves. I love meeting new people and talking to the older members who I met when i first arrived here. This site has produced 3 very important people to me, that most of you know, so I owe alot to our wonderful community :)" DD: "Pretty solid, I think that's what most members do actually. So did you guys partake in the Majestic Map Pack Challenge? If so, what did you think?" S: "I actually do participate in the challenge and I think it's great! The only problem with it is I think I've only found one. :unknw:" LB: "I WANT to participate, but I'm currently in college and without an Xbox. I will soon have it back and will absolutely do other playdates and challenges then, but I don't have the option to currently. I have, however, participated in previous playdates and whatnot." SW: "I originally wasn't going to enter the Majestic Map Pack competition, but I decided I wanted to give it a try. To my surprise I pretty much had it decoded and answered within 2 hours. I believe I was one of the first 2 or 3 people to send in the PM, and while It was a bummer to not win anything I extend many congratulations to those who won,participated and ran the competition, it was a spectacular idea for a competition and I cant wait for the next one..this time though..make it hard ;)" DD: "So the artist behind the logo of your Community Podcast Sig: who is it and where did the idea come from?" LB: "That would be the one and only Insignia I PM'd him one day after the podcast really started to take off and asked him if he could make a little surprise for the crew. The image is there because, well, it's a good image (and minimalist). Insignia did a fantastic job and I love seeing it down there! I know that other people throw those types of things in their signatures (not just on this forum, but on others as well), and I thought it'd be really nice have the crew tag because the guys deserve the credit. Researching, doing, and putting the podcast together takes some time and we are all doing this because we love the forums and love games, and this is a special thing to show it off!" DD: "I shouldn't have expected anyone else. The beautiful artwork is a clear sign of Insignia's work . Now the Podcasts come out to be almost an hour if not more. How many minutes of raw sound clips do you think you have after recording before all the editing and posting occurs?" S: "Burnie might be able to answer it better, but hell I gave it a shot. Before all the editing occurs we usually have about 20 minutes extra material on each podcast which which Liquid or Minuette cut out. They cut this out in order to make it run smoother and family friendly." LB: "Sarge hit the nail right on the head. Sometimes some, say, inappropriate stuff gets said and we need to cut it out because this isn't an explicit podcast. Also, as we near episode number ten, I am going to do a little "behind the scenes" action, just to give people an idea about how WE go about recording and editing the podcast." SW: "Trust me, alot is said behind scene that would make people laugh, but some people tend to swear *cough* Jake *cough* Luckily, whenever we slip up in the actual recording, someone is always there to edit it out." S: "Hey! I only swear when needed, a great example is that Grifball episode I bet y'all had loads of fun editing out half of it because of your foolish remarks and my reactions about everybody's favorite gametype!" M: "I kept something special for the people who watch the whole way through in which I shouldn't have done but I said I would do it." DD: "That's pretty awesome! I hope we hear some of the stuff that got cut out, that could be really funny . You certainly make it sound interesting haha. You guys record the Podcast every Friday, does that ever become inconvient?" SW: "Not usually to be honest. Although sometimes my internet connection can become a little annoying, as you may have noticed lol, but other then that It's alot of fun being involved with the podcast and I dont see myself ever stopping my attendance, until I have to go away for Basic Training for 3 or 4 months." DD: "Ok guys the collective interview has been a fantastic success so I just have one last question for each of you to answer: What's your advice to members who maybe want to make a name for themselves like you guys?" LB: "Always keep talking! You want the podcast to try and flow a little bit or it becomes annoying and awkward. Also, make sure that you prepare ahead of time. The guys were making fun of me for taking notes during the PS4 announcement, but honestly, if you want to have good (and accurate) information, you need to take those notes and have ideas as to what you want to talk about. Also as I've said before, I'm going to do a little "behind the scenes" video that goes over some of the logistics/software that we use to record the podcast so that anyone interested in doing one can do so (for free). Basically, your podcast could have three listeners, but if you treat it and act like it's the best podcast in the world, then those listeners (and you) will be happy with it, and what more could you ask for?" SW: "It's not really that hard. All you need to do is be yourself. Be welcoming and helpful to newer members and just generally do what you can to keep the standards asked for all of our members. If your talented in ANY field, try to lend those talents to the site and the members if possible, Like Insignia has done in the art department, and Azaxx in his little "Protector of the Shoutbox" job lol" S: "My only piece of advice as Sykowolf said just be yourself don't try to be something that your not. That's the worst mistake you can make. Also, be friendly to everyone unless in some bizarre case they deserve your wrath. *looks over at sykowolf*" M: "I wouldn't really have any advice to make it like us, just be yourself and if you see a good opportunity take it, that's possibly all I can say/give you." Ok and that's all folks! I had a great time with the Podcast Crew, everyone please make sure to subscribe and follow all their work. Here's a link to their latest Podcast: Podcast 7. Thank you Caleb, Mackenzie, Jake, and Matt, and thank you
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- Interview
- Stars of the Community
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Hey Guys I'm making this so you can read any of my previous Shout Out's and Interviews --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Director Ryu Hayabusa Vitamin PWN Insignia Absolute Dog Mr. Biggles ςHϵAƨϵMΩηεTΞr Azaxx -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interviews The Director Ryu Hayabusa Mr. Biggles Azaxx
Hey again guys, and welcome to Volume 6 of the Community Shout Outs. It's been a good week so far and im hoping to make it even better for one special person ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ok this next person that i will be talking about is an MLG expert (yes you already know the name now, but i must continue this) he is a Brit, and a good friend. Yes that's right, i am talking about Mr. Biggles Mr.Biggles is our communities MLG expert, but he is also more then that, he is a good friend to many of us, including yours truly. (aka MEEEE!!!!) He is a great guy to have a chat with and is more then welcoming to the new people in our community, which is a trait that i found extremely great when i first arrived at our Great Community He is always willing to have a chat about almost anything you can think of, especially Halo matchmaking (cough* MLG *cough). Mr .Biggles also provides our community with much needed news about Halo 4, something we ALL appreciate, especially me I have known him since my second day in our Great Community and have found him to be a great bloke to hang out with (in the shout box) as have many of you great people, and for the last 2 weeks of my time here, he has been a consistently good friend. So in conclusion, Mr.Biggles is a great bloke to hang out with and have a few games of Halo with. So here's to you Mr.Biggles, you have more then deserved this (p.s Dont let him get his hands on the sniper, for the love of god!!!, do not let him get it!!!) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok guys, the next shout out will be tommorrow and it will be the last one until next weeks Shout Outs. Also BIG NEWS!!! Mr.Wolfy has teamed up with me to interview the people who i Shout Out, so you all can get a better view of what goes on in these peoples magnificent skulls Thank you Mr.Wolfy
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- Mr Biggles
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Hey guys, sorry im a little late with this one, i've been feeling sick lately but i have managed just enough time to write this in between blowing my nose, the doctors and listening to that song that Azaxx got me hooked on:P Ok todays Shout Out will be going to someone who we ALL know, the Guardian of our forums who protects us from troll,s and just plain......"unfavorable people"....... He is a friend to most of us and a leader to all, yep your right im talking about Mr T!!! Naa, just kidding Its Absolute Dog!!!!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- During my first days here in our great community i posted too fast and had a talk with AD, and im not afraid to say i screwed up , i learned my lesson and found that our guardian of the forum does his job bloody well! He is a friend to most of us, and a leader of a great community, one who should be looked up to, to serve as an example of how we should behave. I have had quite a few talks with AD and can say ,without wavering ,that he is definatly a good bloke in my books, as im sure he is in many of yours. Although AD's job is to look after our forum, to prevent trolls and such from getting in, that doesn't mean he doesn't like to chat and joke with all of us, as im sure many of you already know. Not afraid to hang out with us average forum goers and host a playdate or 2, he knows how to liven up the mood when not being serious. His sole job is to lead our community and protect us from mean evil people whose solely want to annoy and provoke us all, and as i have said before, he does a great job, obviously with the assistance of our other great community moderators Absolute Dog is a great leader and a good mate to all of us, he should be looked up to and given respect for the kind of people he has to deal with (trolls and such), He should be thanked for the awesome job he does everyday. I know i will.........Thank you Absolute Dog, for your great service to our community Also thanks to all our other moderators who have to put up with similar people ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alrite guys, the next Shout Out will be tommorrow sometime, im not sure exactly when though. Either way it feels good to start week 2 of the Community Shout Outs.
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- Absolute Dog
- Sykowolf
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Hey guys, time for another Shout Out XD First off i wanna say thanx for all the positive feedback and i hope to continue this way into the future, perhaps even start another "series" similar to this one, if it does well overall. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OK, today's Shout Out goes to a good friend who has a thing for Cats.............and Skyrim,coincidence? I think not If you haven't guessed yet, it's Ryu Hayabusa......................... I first met Ryu on my first day in this great community of ours, and i instantly knew we would get along, and sure enough he became my first friend. For those of you that know him, you can testify that he likes to talk in 3rd person (Skyrim much?) a trait we all get a good laugh out of, which is another reason i chose him as my second shout out, because a community NEEDS comedians. They liven up the mood, giving us all good laugh , even during a serious debate. From what i've seen he is VERY welcoming to new people and i recommend talking to him if your new, i'm sure he will make you feel as welcome as i did. Being welcomed when your new to this community really does make a difference, first impessions last a life time, and my first impression of Ryu was of a good bloke (sorry for Australian Slang ) Its people like Ryu that help the community bond in laughter and debate. Which brings me to my second reason for choosing Ryu as my second Shout Out. Debates. Ryu is always up for a good debate, as i have recently found out myself XD (Dogs Rule By The Way) and the best part is he keeps his cool, even after a debate get's "heated" which is an extremely commendable trait to have, especially on this online world of Trolls, where a single comment can create a firestorm of hate. Other then that, Ryu is always up for a good chat and is a good friend of mine. So i hope you all treat him as well as i do and take the time to get to know him Peace Out People ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stay tuned for my next Shout Out, which will be tomorrow around same time as this one. Also i need to know if i should link the people i talk about's Profile page, so you can contact them and talk to them, please comment and tell me, but ultimately i will ask the person if they want me too or not Update: the following link is too Ryu's profile, incase you want to contact him and tell him how awesome he is XD
Hey guys, before you continue reading i just want to let you know that this ISNT another Shout Out, but rather an important update. First of all, i would like to thank Insignia for his great work on my signature, you did a top job Insignia I can't think of anyone better to create community members signature's. Secondly i would like to thank all of you for your support in my endeavor. It has been really fun writing the Shout Out's and i can't wait for next weeks Ok thirdly i would like to thank, The Director, Ryu Hayabusa and Mr.Wolfy for being some of the friendliest people in our great community. It has been an honor writing about these people, and i hope to add more people to the list. Just know i would add all of you if i could And the last thing i would like to say is arguably the most important. I need help.......... I would like some assistance in finding people to Shout about, because quite frankly, one person is not enough to cover the whole of our great community. At this stage im looking for just one person, but please dont be too dissapointed if i dont choose you. So if your looking to help, please write a short Shout Out to someone you think deserves it. And i will announce the person im choosing on Friday, about 7Pm Australian time. Also i got an opinion earlier about how someone believes that the Shout Outs are a popularity contest..... I would just like to thank this person for there honesty, but i assure all of you that the Shout Outs are not about popularity, they are about recognizing the people in our community who bring us together in laughter, friendship and debate. The three most important aspects involved in a forum/community like ours. Thank you all for your continuing support, I can't wait for next weeks Shout Out's, i wonder who will be shouted next?
Hi guy's, your probably wondering why this is early? Well it's because i felt the need to mention this next person, due to all there hard work sprucing our community up, adding colours to our lives........ and all he requires in return is a thank you!!! That's right, im talking about Insignia this time ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I met Insignia on my 3rd or 4th day, and i knew little about him............until i started seeing people thank him for the Signatures he made for them. My first thought was "what's this gunna cost me?" and when i found out he does it for free, i almost fell off the chair. "nobody does this for free!" i thought too myself, but sure enough, i was wrong. There is atleast 1 person in our great community who creates beautiful artwork for nothing but a "thanks Insignia" in return. As many (all) of you have noticed by now, i have an epic new signature (sorry for removing peoples names) and that's all thanks to Insignia,who would have guessed with an intro like that? XD He creates these special Signatures for those who ask, and all in his own free time, thats the mark of a "True Blue" from where im from. Put simply, it means a person who goes out of there way to help people and not even asking for something in return. It's people like Insignia that make our community great But mind you, he isn't "just" a good artist, he is also a great,friendly guy who is up for a chat with anybody. An excellent trait to have in our great community. He makes witty remarks and can help with most technical art stuff (that i can't wrap my head around) that you want to know. From talking to him i can tell you all that he has a good sense of humor and an awesome personality. Our community is definatly better with him here. I recommend you all have a good chat to him, it will be a worth while and interesting chat as im sure you will find out Plus we can never have enough talented people on our community, they help to create a more "colourful" community, a "sharper" community and a "brighter" community.......Sorry for the poor artsy references It's these and many more reasons for me choosing Insignia as my fourth Shout Out, AND for posting this early ( i will still post 3 more starting on Monday) , i wanted him to see this before he goes offline. So to all of you out there looking for a good chat,a friend, some information on Artsy stuff (lol) or looking for an epic new Signature, Insignia is your man!!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I recommend you visit his profile, It contains link to more of his awesome art http://www.343indust...ɴsɪɢɴɪᴀ/ So yeah guys, that was the fourth Shout Out, and yes i know it was early, but i will still post the 3 starting from next Monday. Seeya all then, and here's to Insignia a good bloke in my books
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- Insignia
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Hi guys and welcome to the last Shout Out of the week. It has been an excellent first week and i wish i could give all of you Shout Out's Im looking forward to writing next weeks Shout Out's just so i can get these people recognised for the awesome community members they are. I would like to give special mention to Vitamin PWN, one of our many great moderators, for pinning the new "Community Shout Out Index" so that new readers can gain quick access to previous Shout Out's, so thanx Vitamin I will provide link to the index at the bottom of this Shout Out. Ok on to the Shout Out --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I chose this next person as my last Shout Out for the week for many reasons, unfortunately i cant tell them all, i have to keep this short. He has been a very good friend of mine from the start. Many of you know him by the book about his clan "The Burning Wolves" , while others know him for his witty sense of humor. Either way, many of us know him as a good person who definatly deserves this Shout Out. If you haven't guessed it yet, then you have been living under a rock (just kidding) Thats right, i have chosen Mr.Wolfy.......... From the first day i joined our great community, Mr.Wolfy has been a good friend of mine, one who has been happy to chat whenever he is online, which is fantastic because if you haven't guessed, i cant shut up But seriously, Mr.Wolfy oozes enthusiasm and friendliness a trait i find very admirable in a person. He is always up for a quick game of Halo or a chat or anything else that can help ease those boring days. He is also the author of a great fan made book based on his clan "The Burning Wolves" a group of the roughest, toughest and meanest mercenaries in all of Halo ( He paid me to say that ) I had the honor of collaborating with him, and i can tell you, he has Excellent ideas (I will link the thread containing a chapter to his book at the bottom of this Shout Out) Mr.Wolfy enjoys helping people with any issues they may be having and has been consistently friendly to new community members, which as we all know, is a massive help in getting settled into our Awesome Community XD For the few days i have been involved in our great community i have witnessed him make many friends, which is the true goal of our community (in my belief) "to make good friends who share an interest in Halo, and any other games" It is for these reasons and many more that i have chosen Mr.Wolfy as my last Shout Out of the week. He is a great,considerate,friendly and talented guy, so if your a new member of our community, i recommend you get to know him In conclusion, our community is definatly stronger with Mr.Wolfy in our ranks. He truly is a model member of our Great Community. So here's to you Mr.Wolfy , Cheers ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok guys, the next Shout Out will be posted next Monday, about 7 o clock Australian Time (GST +10) so stay tuned. The following links are to the following threads, Mr.Wolfys Profile, Mr.Wolfys Book excerpt, and The Community Shout Outs Index: http://www.343indust.../9009-mr-wolfy/
Hi guys. after thinking for a bit i decided i would do a little thing where i would, 3 times a week, talk about certain people in this great community of ours who i think contribute greatly to the overall theme of "community". Now the First person i have to talk about, is quite simply, a Genius. He has one of the most popular threads on this site and is a friend. That's right, I've chosen........The Director XD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OK, first off i have to say that The Director is a great guy overall, but he really shines when it comes to questions, he can answer pretty much anything you can think of with 100% accuracy, he has only been stumped once. The Ask the Director Thread is one of the most popular running threads on the site, with everyone testing his knowledge with simple and complex questions and quizzes, too which he can reply with seamless accuracy. The Director truly is the embodiment of Google. But it isn't just this that makes him a great community member and role model, but also the fact that you can approach him with pretty much anything and he will give you his valued opinion, which is just fantastic. I have had many great in-depth conversation with him and it was awesome to talk to someone who really listened to what you had to say before responding with witty humor and great info ( he is a walking encyclopedia) about many, many topics. I'm sure many of you have noticed what i mean, especially those of you who take the time to talk to him, and not just to ask questions to get the award. Its people like The Director that make this site a community. So in conclusion The Director is an excellent community member who deserves more then awards and rank... he deserves respect, just as much as any staff member on this site. I've only been here for about 5 days and i can already call The Director a friend The Director is a person to look up too, a true "community leader" and one to be remembered and watched. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This has been my first installment of Community Shout Outs, i hope to do more, but i will need peoples opinions Here is link to his Thread: http://www.343indust...k-the-director/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey Guys, an update: The Director himself wanted to add that he was, Quote "Damn Delcious" ......Akward moment much?