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I've been playing halo lately to prepare for halo 4, yeah i know but it makes me feel good and its still fun. anyways i was playing big team battle with my buddys just for some fun, but thats not what i got. I realized that in halo reach the weapons can distroy vehicles without any problems, but im not talking about power weapons im talking about, normal everyday dmrs, if two people teamed up and just used the dmr to shoot a warthog, not the driver the vehicle it self they would kill the driver/ the warthog with in 15 seconds. sure that doesnt sound bad but that is two people but on big team battle there are 8 on the enemy team, nuff said there, plus to add on to this the sniper rifle is the number one choice when it comes to wreaking vehicles, ITS A ANTI-INFANTIRY WEAPON not TANK, 6 shots to a tanks treads and it game over, which is very annoying trust me. so what im saying in general and why this is on the halo 4 forums is because i dont want this for halo 4, i remember the good old days where when someone had a ghost you had 4 opinions Jack, blow up, kill the driver, or trick them off a edge, halo reach you get about 3 more, snipe the ghost, shoot the ghost with the dmr a couple times, or armor lock, but seeing as how armor lock is out of the game, you just need to make vehicles the kings again, i have yet to played big team battle on halo 3 where the tank is left alone because they know, that they are going to die just cause the combined power of a sniper and a couple dmrs, so for halo 4 they need to make the 4 opinions i said before the ones that work not the other two, please answer the poll i will be putting up that way i can get my point to more people fast thanks for reading; Ertle26
Hello everyone this is my first post here so if I'm doing anything incorrect please correct me I've made this map some time ago, when Forge came out Tried to submit it to multiple people on Youtube but got nothing. It's a large open map with a grim atmosphere two bases and 4 tanks per base. There are some weapons scattered around the map but the goal is mainly to use tanks to assault eachothers base and to dominate their position. GT: SkaffaSoldiers Map : Kursk Gametype: either Team slayer or Slayer will do the trick. PS: I've also got other maps mainly Obstacle courses which can be a lot of fun even when playing alone!
Map Name: The Colony Outbreak File Share Gamertag: Salsasandro Canvas Map: Impact Last Updated: March, 31th, 2013 Tags: colony, outbreak, bridge, impact, flood, tank, satellite Supported Game types: Flood ONLY Gametype: GT Outbreak (Flood) (Starting Flood count set on 2 Only Magnums for Humans as Start Loadout) Intended Team Size(s): 8 to 16 Players 5 Initial Spawn Points Attacker (Flood) 14 Initial Spawn Points Defender (Humans) Initial Ordnance: 1 Incineration Cannon 120 resupply Time 1 Rocket Launcher 100 resupply Time 1 Scattershot 60 resupply Time 1 Sticky Detonator 90 resupply Time 1 Plasma Grenades (3x) 30 resupply Time 1 Assault Rifle 80 resupply Time 2 Sniper Rifle 60 resupply Time Random Ordnance: 1 Saw / Suppressor / Storm Rifle 1 Battle Rifle / DMR Weapons on Map: 2 Machine Gun Turrets 30 respawn Time Armor Abilities : None Power ups: None Supported Vehicles: 1 Mongoose Budget: 9970 / 10000 Screenshots: https://www.halowayp...halo4/fileshare Download link: https://www.halowayp...le&startIndex=0 Video Flythrough, Overview Link: without Map Trait Zones: No Map Description: For better understanding, I will call the Building on Impact: Mine The Mine is located on side A, the Main Satellite Station on side B of the map The Colonists (Human Players) try to escape from the Mine. Run all the way upside, jump over the Gap and find a way out: Climb over the stucked Cap and jump over the Forklift so you can reach the Window or crouch underneath one of the `closing` security doors. There is a Mongoose inside the big Drill Tank for the two fastest Players… The others have to cross the Bridge on foot. (The Human Player should not be able to climb up the bridge, i set it higher for them.) Give your Teammates on foot, rear cover once you reached the Antenna Satellite with the Sniper Rifle on top of it. There are several soft Kill Areas around the area like those one in the Cavern left the exit of the Mine to prevent the Human Players to camp or hide and force them to cross the bridge like they are intended to to. Please note: You cannot reach the roof of the Mine with the Elevator I build, because I removed the gravition Fields. The Elevator will work on my second map called: The Colony Revelation (90% finished) On the other side you will noticed a big Main Satellite Station. That is the place to be, because it’s the most safe area on the map and you will get constantly supplies from the `Weapon-closet` I have build there. For Player who likes can risk to explore the other Structures like the Landing Pad or the small Bunker under the spotlight Tower to get some stronger Weapons. Go always with other Teammates to watch each other`s back. The Infected (Flood Players) try of course to chase the Human Players. They start also on the bottom of the Mine underneath the Humans. After 50 seconds a Teleporter will spawn wich brings the Flood Players on the surface. One receiver node is located in the Drill-Tank and the second one is in the `Cavern` to the other side. Important! Since there is a Soft Kill Area to prevent the Human Player to camp in the `Cavern` entrance you have to go in the direction of the Drill-Tank to not get killed, but you should have more then enough time. The Flood Players can go upon the Bridge to eventually surprise and overrun the escaping Miners After other 70 seconds this two receiver nodes will be blocked from one Stone and one Block that are spawned. After this 120 seconds playtime, three receiver nodes appears in the Truck on the Bridge and underneath the Bridge end onside B of the map. Other 5 Teleporter nodes will be spawned after other 30 seconds (150 seconds playtime) all around the Main Satellite Station. Start as Hunter with the Thrusters since this Armor Ability is the only reasonable one on this Map. Additional Info: Attention! This A Story-based Flood Map. It means, that the Human Player have to move freely from side A (Mine) to side B (Main Satellite Station) in order to get the best atmospheric results and make the best possible experience I intended to do. Since there are no ways to spawn in Soft Kill Areas or Respawn Points during the game (possible only for objects) to force the Player to go in a certain amount of time from one side of the map to another, the Players have to keep going to the Locations I have designed for them freely to ensure the map is working the way it is mean to be! For helping that, only side B has Weapon Drops. The Teleporter network I build seem to me the only way to keep the Flood as closely as possible to the escaping Miners, assuming they are of course running to the Antenna Satellite. Please comment my solution. You may have other ideas how to resolve this Issue. The Human Players have to stay together or to split in Team of 3 or 4 Players in order to get best surviving chances! You can read the (not very inventive) Story I wrote for this map underneath: The Colony_part1 (Outbreak) Log of Dr. Eduard Easton December 12, 2645 Something`s really strange about that Monolith which we have discovered here… It seems to be emanating some unknown radiation. We have already observed some psychological changes from some of the miners… It seems to effect the human`s behavior drastically if there is significant exposure. Our anesthetics aren’t sufficient for that type of…infection… We can`t handle that by ourselves any longer. There are several sick workers at this time. One of them had broken out in aggression last evening. I decided to put into quarantine in our drill Tank for a while, even though the tank is not designed as a cell….but while the tank is in maintenance we have no other use for it anyway. We are checking on his condition every hour. By the way, the nurse should have been back now a while ago. I’m wondering what is taking her so long out there? I have released new security procedures that are to be strictly followed, this has all changed since that mysterious incident last month. She surely knows about that. We have called for help, because we need medical support and new supplies. Unfortunately our sender node on top of the mine is malfunctioning. The Radiation seems to somehow disturb our communication capabilities. Someone will need to pass the bridge and reach the main satellite station at the other side and send a distress signal manually. I have order to close the mine entrance for now, just to make sure! We cannot risk anymore losses. What is with that yelling out there? ………. Log interrupted. Attached Thumbnails
Map: Dunk Tank (Detonator) Game Type: Dunk Tank (Detonator) Description: Spawn in a circle with a sticky detonator. Pick your prey quickly for once the hill spawns you can effect others. You cant kill them but you can send them to there doom. Once hill spawns you can Jump too so protect your seat and try to stay mounted.
Download Link: Gametype Link: Today here I have a map to show you, Created by myself, helpers were Quizter and AC SpecOps. This was a Mini-Game that I loved to play in Halo 3 and have wanted to recreate since Reach but never had the right space to do so. We've pretty much done everything as it was in 3 but changed some things up to better suit the Map and Halo 4. Now, onto the way it works. There is 1 Flood (Tank) The rest Humans (Mongoose) Simply the way it works is the Mongeese must run from the scorpion and try to stay alive for the remaining time. Each player has 1 life, when you die your dead. There are multiple rounds in a game, with hazards and jumps to go along with all this. That's about it for the way it works, quite a simple map. Video [video=youtube;BkHKKA5pkN8] Now on with the Screenshots. Human Spawn. (Mongeese) Flood Spawn. (Tank/Scorpion) Mongoose Performing a jump. Guess this Mongoose didn't think his path. Overview. That's it for this post, if you could leave feedback it would be much appreciated. Thanks
- Forge Island
- Remake
- (and 4 more)
Map Name: The Colony Revelation File Share Gamertag: Salsasandro Canvas Map: Impact Last Updated: March, 31th, 2013 Tags: colony, revelation, bridge, impact, flood, tank, elevator Supported Game types: Flood ONLY Best Gametypes: GT Revelation (Flood) download it! (Starting Flood count set on 2 3 different classes for the Humans as Start Loadouts) Intended Team Size(s): 8 to 16 Players 5 Initial Spawn Points Attacker (Flood) 14 Initial Spawn Points Defender (Humans) Initial Ordnance: On the Mine Roof: 1 Rocket Launcher 100 resupply Time 1 Assault Rifle 150 resupply Time 1 Shotgun 100 resupply Time 1 Sniper Rifle 100 resupply Time 1 Sticky Detonator 60 resupply Time 2 Frag Grenades (x2) 60 resupply Time 1 Autosentry 30 resupply Time At the Cavern Entrance: 1 Assault Rifle 150 resupply Time 1 Shotgun 100 resupply Time 1 Sticky Detonator 30 resupply Time 1 Frag Grenades 60 resupply Time Random Ordnance: 2 Damage Boost 1 on the stack crane (risk vs. reward) 1 Saw in the Drill Tank (risk vs. reward) 1 Battle Rifle / DMR Weapons on Map: 2 Machine Gun Turrets no respawn Time 2 Base Turrets Armor Abilities: 1 Autosentry Power ups: 2 Damage Boost (see: Random Ordnance) Supported Vehicles: None Budget: 9735 / 10000 Screenshots: Download link: https://www.halowayp...le&startIndex=0 Video Flythrough, Overview Link: without Map Trait Zones: Yes, in the Elevator, to prevent the Players jump and to flow upside and get stucket without activating the Elevator. Jump high set to 0% Map Description: For better understanding, I will call the Building on Impact: Mine The Mine is located on side A, The Crash side on side B of the map This map is inspired by the Movie “Aliens“ . The Marines (Human Players) came at Colony 13, after the Colonists send a distress signal home in part 1 “The Colony Outbreak”. But their Pelican get hit by the AA- Battery for some unknown reason and it crashed at side B of the Map. The Marines could not find any Miners or Scientists but instead a flood infected Colony. The first thought of an recon- and repair Mission turn out to be an survivor trip… Additional Info: The Marines (Humans) start at the Pelicans wreckage. If you spawn in the crashed Pelican, bring your *** quick out of there. It is surrounded from a Soft kill area to prevent the Marines to just sit there and wait for the flood to catch them. It also simulates maybe an explosion that could happened after the Pelican crashed.. Go first check out the damaged Bridge. There will be spawned a Man Cannon at the edge of the damaged Bridge in the center after 90 seconds. That will catapult the Players to the other side. (There is a little Soft kill area around the spawning Man Cannon to prevent players to block the cannon from spawning). They can also try to climb up the bridge with well timed jumps like you can see on the screenshots and jump to the other side without been killed. If one or more Human Players choose the Recon class, there is an excellent spot on top of the Bridge. But be warned; the flood Player can easily jump with the Thruster pack from the crashed Satellite on the Bridge. Once they reached side A, they chose to run to the Cavern on the left or use the Elevator to go up the Mine`s roof. There is also a Saw - Random Ordnance in the Drill Tank and 2 Damage Boost-Power Ups nearby. Good Luck! The Infected Colonists (Flood) try to catch the Marines. There are several Initial Spawn points spread around side B of the Map. Once they were killed they will always respawn inside the two big Holes of side B. After 140 sec it will spawn a Teleporter at the exit of the two Holes. They will take the Flood Players in the Truck and on Frame of the Bridge on side a. Later on there will be activated more receiver nodes around the Mine… Good Hunt! Background Story: Log of Lt. Gorman Fire Team Charlie December 23, 2645 This is my last assignment as acting Colonial Lieutenant before my retirement. I am looking forward to going home after this last mission. I haven`t seen my family for 9 months. We were just dispatched from the Frigate and are now on our way to Colony 13. We lost contact after we received a distress signal two weeks ago. I have always been curious about the scientist’s working on such a remote and desolate place. There have been strange rumors evolving with the discovery of some big stone they call, the Monolith…. …Our own AA-Battery on Colony 13 shot us down!! Fortunately we had no casualties and all supplies are safe, but the Pelican is gone… The Satellite here has also been destroyed. There is no way we can communicate with the Command Base. Dammit! It looks like we’re trapped here… There are no life signs from the Colonist’s so far. I have a bad feeling about this. Anyway, we’ll have to reach the excavation site and shut down the Battery before it annihilates everything! “Marines!!! At once! To the Bridge!!...Wait…Where are those strange noises coming from? Do you hear them too?” We managed to cross the Bridge. No life signs yet. This place has been abandoned for some reason. Those howls are persistently becoming louder. Where ever their coming from, they seem as they’re getting closer and are making the team very nervous. I believe that those howls have something to do with the disappearance of the Colonists. The elevator is working again. Pvt. Garcia is checking the turret control to stop it from it’s automatic lock-on and fire sequence. Sgt. Johnson`s team have inspected the drill tank and retrieved all possible information. Hopefully there will be some useful data… At this point they are still analyzing the information found… It is very unusual at this time, almost a curious quietness outside. There are no more strange noises..? “Ryan.. is everything alright down there…Pvt. Ryan respond!!” Where the hell has he gone..? …Log interrupted First contact with an unknown habitat! They do not seem to be human… It ran at us with an unlikely speed. Pvt. Hudson shot this particular being down… We have never seen anything like this before. It was wearing clothes.. like our miners usually had warn. What could this mean…? Could it be possible that….no….I cant even dare to think like that… If I am rightly informed, there are merely 250 colonists living and working here. If there has been some sort of break out, some kind of epidemic, we could been in big trouble….. ….. “Ferro!! Get your *** back here!!”... ….”Watch it! Behind you!” …..”There are some more!! Keep shooting!!” …Log interrupted This is Sgt. Johnson, Gorman is gone!… We have barricaded ourselves at the Entrance of the cavern… We are nearly out of Ammo and these ******** still keep charging at us, no matter how many we have already killed! Our only possibility to escape is to go inside and blow the main entrance behind us! That drill tank has not gone very far. The report from the excavation data showed there is one path leading further inside.. We must try to navigate through the cavern. We’ll take everything we can with us. The miners have discovered a much larger tunnel system inside and one of the tunnels should lead us to another exit. Lets hope we’ll find the right one… “O`Neal! Set the charges and go in!!”
Map Name: The Colony Revelation File Share Gamertag: Salsasandro Canvas Map: Impact Last Updated: March, 31th, 2013 Tags: colony, revelation, bridge, impact, flood, tank, elevator Supported Game types: Flood ONLY Best Gametypes: GT Revelation (Flood) download it! (Starting Flood count set on 2 3 different classes for the Humans as Start Loadouts) Intended Team Size(s): 8 to 16 Players 5 Initial Spawn Points Attacker (Flood) 14 Initial Spawn Points Defender (Humans) Initial Ordnance: On the Mine Roof: 1 Rocket Launcher 100 resupply Time 1 Assault Rifle 150 resupply Time 1 Shotgun 100 resupply Time 1 Sniper Rifle 100 resupply Time 1 Sticky Detonator 60 resupply Time 2 Frag Grenades (x2) 60 resupply Time 1 Autosentry 30 resupply Time At the Cavern Entrance: 1 Assault Rifle 150 resupply Time 1 Shotgun 100 resupply Time 1 Sticky Detonator 30 resupply Time 1 Frag Grenades 60 resupply Time Random Ordnance: 2 Damage Boost 1 on the stack crane (risk vs. reward) 1 Saw in the Drill Tank (risk vs. reward) 1 Battle Rifle / DMR Weapons on Map: 2 Machine Gun Turrets no respawn Time 2 Base Turrets Armor Abilities: 1 Autosentry Power ups: 2 Damage Boost (see: Random Ordnance) Supported Vehicles: None Budget: 9735 / 10000 Screenshots: Download link: https://www.halowayp...le&startIndex=0 Video Flythrough, Overview Link: without Map Trait Zones: Yes, in the Elevator, to prevent the Players jump and to flow upside and get stucket without activating the Elevator. Jump high set to 0% Map Description: For better understanding, I will call the Building on Impact: Mine The Mine is located on side A, The Crash side on side B of the map This map is inspired by the Movie “Aliens“ . The Marines (Human Players) came at Colony 13, after the Colonists send a distress signal home in part 1 “The Colony Outbreak”. But their Pelican get hit by the AA- Battery for some unknown reason and it crashed at side B of the Map. The Marines could not find any Miners or Scientists but instead a flood infected Colony. The first thought of an recon- and repair Mission turn out to be an survivor trip… Additional Info: The Marines (Humans) start at the Pelicans wreckage. If you spawn in the crashed Pelican, bring your *** quick out of there. It is surrounded from a Soft kill area to prevent the Marines to just sit there and wait for the flood to catch them. It also simulates maybe an explosion that could happened after the Pelican crashed.. Go first check out the damaged Bridge. There will be spawned a Man Cannon at the edge of the damaged Bridge in the center after 90 seconds. That will catapult the Players to the other side. (There is a little Soft kill area around the spawning Man Cannon to prevent players to block the cannon from spawning). They can also try to climb up the bridge with well timed jumps like you can see on the screenshots and jump to the other side without been killed. If one or more Human Players choose the Recon class, there is an excellent spot on top of the Bridge. But be warned; the flood Player can easily jump with the Thruster pack from the crashed Satellite on the Bridge. Once they reached side A, they chose to run to the Cavern on the left or use the Elevator to go up the Mine`s roof. There is also a Saw - Random Ordnance in the Drill Tank and 2 Damage Boost-Power Ups nearby. Good Luck! The Infected Colonists (Flood) try to catch the Marines. There are several Initial Spawn points spread around side B of the Map. Once they were killed they will always respawn inside the two big Holes of side B. After 140 sec it will spawn a Teleporter at the exit of the two Holes. They will take the Flood Players in the Truck and on Frame of the Bridge on side a. Later on there will be activated more receiver nodes around the Mine… Good Hunt! Background Story: Log of Lt. Gorman Fire Team Charlie December 23, 2645 This is my last assignment as acting Colonial Lieutenant before my retirement. I am looking forward to going home after this last mission. I haven`t seen my family for 9 months. We were just dispatched from the Frigate and are now on our way to Colony 13. We lost contact after we received a distress signal two weeks ago. I have always been curious about the scientist’s working on such a remote and desolate place. There have been strange rumors evolving with the discovery of some big stone they call, the Monolith…. …Our own AA-Battery on Colony 13 shot us down!! Fortunately we had no casualties and all supplies are safe, but the Pelican is gone… The Satellite here has also been destroyed. There is no way we can communicate with the Command Base. Dammit! It looks like we’re trapped here… There are no life signs from the Colonist’s so far. I have a bad feeling about this. Anyway, we’ll have to reach the excavation site and shut down the Battery before it annihilates everything! “Marines!!! At once! To the Bridge!!...Wait…Where are those strange noises coming from? Do you hear them too?” We managed to cross the Bridge. No life signs yet. This place has been abandoned for some reason. Those howls are persistently becoming louder. Where ever their coming from, they seem as they’re getting closer and are making the team very nervous. I believe that those howls have something to do with the disappearance of the Colonists. The elevator is working again. Pvt. Garcia is checking the turret control to stop it from it’s automatic lock-on and fire sequence. Sgt. Johnson`s team have inspected the drill tank and retrieved all possible information. Hopefully there will be some useful data… At this point they are still analyzing the information found… It is very unusual at this time, almost a curious quietness outside. There are no more strange noises..? “Ryan.. is everything alright down there…Pvt. Ryan respond!!” Where the hell has he gone..? …Log interrupted First contact with an unknown habitat! They do not seem to be human… It ran at us with an unlikely speed. Pvt. Hudson shot this particular being down… We have never seen anything like this before. It was wearing clothes.. like our miners usually had warn. What could this mean…? Could it be possible that….no….I cant even dare to think like that… If I am rightly informed, there are merely 250 colonists living and working here. If there has been some sort of break out, some kind of epidemic, we could been in big trouble….. ….. “Ferro!! Get your *** back here!!”... ….”Watch it! Behind you!” …..”There are some more!! Keep shooting!!” …Log interrupted This is Sgt. Johnson, Gorman is gone!… We have barricaded ourselves at the Entrance of the cavern… We are nearly out of Ammo and these ******** still keep charging at us, no matter how many we have already killed! Our only possibility to escape is to go inside and blow the main entrance behind us! That drill tank has not gone very far. The report from the excavation data showed there is one path leading further inside.. We must try to navigate through the cavern. We’ll take everything we can with us. The miners have discovered a much larger tunnel system inside and one of the tunnels should lead us to another exit. Lets hope we’ll find the right one… “O`Neal! Set the charges and go in!!”
Map Name: The Colony Revelation File Share Gamertag: Salsasandro Canvas Map: Impact Last Updated: March, 31th, 2013 Tags: colony, revelation, bridge, impact, flood, tank, elevator Supported Game types: Flood ONLY Best Gametypes: GT Revelation (Flood) download it! (Starting Flood count set on 2 3 different classes for the Humans as Start Loadouts) Intended Team Size(s): 8 to 16 Players 5 Initial Spawn Points Attacker (Flood) 14 Initial Spawn Points Defender (Humans) Initial Ordnance: On the Mine Roof: 1 Rocket Launcher 100 resupply Time 1 Assault Rifle 150 resupply Time 1 Shotgun 100 resupply Time 1 Sniper Rifle 100 resupply Time 1 Sticky Detonator 60 resupply Time 2 Frag Grenades (x2) 60 resupply Time 1 Autosentry 30 resupply Time At the Cavern Entrance: 1 Assault Rifle 150 resupply Time 1 Shotgun 100 resupply Time 1 Sticky Detonator 30 resupply Time 1 Frag Grenades 60 resupply Time Random Ordnance: 2 Damage Boost 1 on the stack crane (risk vs. reward) 1 Saw in the Drill Tank (risk vs. reward) 1 Battle Rifle / DMR Weapons on Map: 2 Machine Gun Turrets no respawn Time 2 Base Turrets Armor Abilities: 1 Autosentry Power ups: 2 Damage Boost (see: Random Ordnance) Supported Vehicles: None Budget: 9735 / 10000 Screenshots: Download link:!/?section=GameMap&SearchDate=7&SortBy=2&view-select=Tile&startIndex=0 Video Flythrough, Overview Link: without Map Trait Zones: Yes, in the Elevator, to prevent the Players jump and to flow upside and get stucket without activating the Elevator. Jump high set to 0% Map Description: For better understanding, I will call the Building on Impact: Mine The Mine is located on side A, The Crash side on side B of the map This map is inspired by the Movie “Aliens“ . The Marines (Human Players) came at Colony 13, after the Colonists send a distress signal home in part 1 “The Colony Outbreak”. But their Pelican get hit by the AA- Battery for some unknown reason and it crashed at side B of the Map. The Marines could not find any Miners or Scientists but instead a flood infected Colony. The first thought of an recon- and repair Mission turn out to be an survivor trip… Additional Info: The Marines (Humans) start at the Pelicans wreckage. If you spawn in the crashed Pelican, bring your *** quick out of there. It is surrounded from a Soft kill area to prevent the Marines to just sit there and wait for the flood to catch them. It also simulates maybe an explosion that could happened after the Pelican crashed.. Go first check out the damaged Bridge. There will be spawned a Man Cannon at the edge of the damaged Bridge in the center after 90 seconds. That will catapult the Players to the other side. (There is a little Soft kill area around the spawning Man Cannon to prevent players to block the cannon from spawning). They can also try to climb up the bridge with well timed jumps like you can see on the screenshots and jump to the other side without been killed. If one or more Human Players choose the Recon class, there is an excellent spot on top of the Bridge. But be warned; the flood Player can easily jump with the Thruster pack from the crashed Satellite on the Bridge. Once they reached side A, they chose to run to the Cavern on the left or use the Elevator to go up the Mine`s roof. There is also a Saw - Random Ordnance in the Drill Tank and 2 Damage Boost-Power Ups nearby. Good Luck! The Infected Colonists (Flood) try to catch the Marines. There are several Initial Spawn points spread around side B of the Map. Once they were killed they will always respawn inside the two big Holes of side B. After 140 sec it will spawn a Teleporter at the exit of the two Holes. They will take the Flood Players in the Truck and on Frame of the Bridge on side a. Later on there will be activated more receiver nodes around the Mine… Good Hunt! Background Story: Log of Lt. Gorman Fire Team Charlie December 23, 2645 This is my last assignment as acting Colonial Lieutenant before my retirement. I am looking forward to going home after this last mission. I haven`t seen my family for 9 months. We were just dispatched from the Frigate and are now on our way to Colony 13. We lost contact after we received a distress signal two weeks ago. I have always been curious about the scientist’s working on such a remote and desolate place. There have been strange rumors evolving with the discovery of some big stone they call, the Monolith…. …Our own AA-Battery on Colony 13 shot us down!! Fortunately we had no casualties and all supplies are safe, but the Pelican is gone… The Satellite here has also been destroyed. There is no way we can communicate with the Command Base. Dammit! It looks like we’re trapped here… There are no life signs from the Colonist’s so far. I have a bad feeling about this. Anyway, we’ll have to reach the excavation site and shut down the Battery before it annihilates everything! “Marines!!! At once! To the Bridge!!...Wait…Where are those strange noises coming from? Do you hear them too?” We managed to cross the Bridge. No life signs yet. This place has been abandoned for some reason. Those howls are persistently becoming louder. Where ever their coming from, they seem as they’re getting closer and are making the team very nervous. I believe that those howls have something to do with the disappearance of the Colonists. The elevator is working again. Pvt. Garcia is checking the turret control to stop it from it’s automatic lock-on and fire sequence. Sgt. Johnson`s team have inspected the drill tank and retrieved all possible information. Hopefully there will be some useful data… At this point they are still analyzing the information found… It is very unusual at this time, almost a curious quietness outside. There are no more strange noises..? “Ryan.. is everything alright down there…Pvt. Ryan respond!!” Where the hell has he gone..? …Log interrupted First contact with an unknown habitat! They do not seem to be human… It ran at us with an unlikely speed. Pvt. Hudson shot this particular being down… We have never seen anything like this before. It was wearing clothes.. like our miners usually had warn. What could this mean…? Could it be possible that….no….I cant even dare to think like that… If I am rightly informed, there are merely 250 colonists living and working here. If there has been some sort of break out, some kind of epidemic, we could been in big trouble….. ….. “Ferro!! Get your ass back here!!”... ….”Watch it! Behind you!” …..”There are some more!! Keep shooting!!” …Log interrupted This is Sgt. Johnson, Gorman is gone!… We have barricaded ourselves at the Entrance of the cavern… We are nearly out of Ammo and these ******** still keep charging at us, no matter how many we have already killed! Our only possibility to escape is to go inside and blow the main entrance behind us! That drill tank has not gone very far. The report from the excavation data showed there is one path leading further inside.. We must try to navigate through the cavern. We’ll take everything we can with us. The miners have discovered a much larger tunnel system inside and one of the tunnels should lead us to another exit. Lets hope we’ll find the right one… “O`Neal! Set the charges and go in!!”
Gamertag- ShockBolt21 Version shown- 1.0 Latest version- 2.6- major improvements FILE SHARE- (!/?section=GameMap&SearchDate=7&SortBy=2&view-select=Tile&startIndex=0">!/?section=GameMap&SearchDate=7&SortBy=2&view-select=Tile&startIndex=0</a>) Version 2.6 gameplay video HERE. (From 3:02 to 5:14) Armored Strike is a unique, one of a kind map. It is vehicle based, and is set up to represent a UNSC Orbital Landing Craft (Blue/Attacker base) landing forces on the asteroid to attack an embedded base (Red/Defender base), within which the players spawn in every time (no random spawns across the map). This invasion-like set up makes it more realistic, and is a nice aversion from your typical arena map, with players spawning randomly and weapons and vehicles that have been scattered across the map by some unknown force. Anyway, there are a variety of vehicles in the bases, but also several opportunities for a Spartan on foot if no vehicle is available or if he chooses to go without one. The battlefield. Landing Craft on right, embedded base on left. Neutral warehouse also pictured. The battlefield is the entire empty asteroid on Impact, and rocks have been added to the plain so vehicles and spartans can use them for cover. There is also a neutral warehouse with several heavy weapons in it that can be utilized by the infantry spartans if your team has control over it. There are also several ordnance drops for the infantry, so even though your DMRs might not be too useful, players still have several options if they can't grab a vehicle. Inside the Orbital Landing Craft. (Not shown- 2 shades, one on either side of the observation window w/ 200% damage increase) There will be some intense tank battles between the scorpions, with supportive wraith fire shooting in from the red side and banshee air support flying for the blues. The warthogs will also play an important role, providing mobility, transport, and decent firepower. The mongooses can be used for transport, and the ghosts can rush in where they're needed. The team that uses their vehicles tactically will gain the upper hand. The vehicles are... Blue Base- Spacecraft: 2 scorpions, 2 banshees, 1 ghost, 1 mongoose, 1 rocket warthog, 1 gauss warthog Red Base- Embedded: 2 scorpions, 2 wraiths, 1 ghost, 1 mongoose, 1 rocket warthog, 1 gauss warthog Banshee deployment from the rear of the landing craft There are several ordnance drops with anti-vehicle weapons throughout the battlefield, with relatively low respawn times (45 to 65 seconds). This holds opposite for the warehouse weapons. The weapons in there, which are extremely numerous, have spawn times of 2+ minutes. Here are all the ordnance drops: -2 fuel rod guns, one relatively close to each base -2 rocket launchers; slightly farther from the fuel rods but not quite neutral -1 neutral incineration cannon -1 neutral spartan laser View from behind the Red Asteroid-embedded base. (Not shown- rooftop weapons rack for base defense) In this map, the more players, the merrier, with 10-16 being the optimal player count. Works with slayer, king of the hill, and capture the flag. I am not, by any means, new to forge, but this is my first online upload, so I would highly appreciate some criticism and feedback. This map, Armored Strike, can be found in the file share for my gamertag, ShockBolt21. Also, make sure to check out my latest map "Tank Superiority" for some pure scorpion combat on a significantly larger map. You can download both maps on my File Share.
Hello, I'm zombiesocks99. And today, I will be showing you the Trench wars map and game type I have recently created. I should probably get this covered first. GamerTag: zombiesocks99 Map: Trench Warfare Game Type: Trench Wars Upon realizing that one of my most favorite game types in Halo wasn't on Halo 4 yet, and that I have pretty good forging skills, I decided to make one myself. And this beauty was born. After the fall of the Territories Game type, I decided to use Dominion, because It looked like it could include so much more for an already awesome game type. Let me be your tour guide for today, and show you around the map. (Sorry for the low quality pictures.) This is the interior of the red base. Everything you see here, is on the other side of the map, same goes with the blue base. I like symmetry. You have unlimited ammo if you are in your base, this includes the roof, but does not provide unlimited ammo at the main mortar cannon. (Coming up!) One Concussion Rifle ordinance drops in from time to time to offer support. The wings on the left and right of the bases are spawn rooms. To prevent spawn camping, there are two ways you can exit your base. The first exit is just the basic front exit, while the second one is up the ramps, which leads to the roof. Each exit is covered with a one way shield for obvious reasons. This is the warthog of the base, It provides mobility and firepower for the team. You've stuck with me this long, how about I show you the base's exterior defenses. This beast is the main mortar cannon of each base. I have positioned each (Symmetrically!) so that they can only cover a limited range, just outside of the enemy's base. (I will admit, it took me FOREVER to position the tanks like this, but it's worth it!) The main mortar is actually pretty difficult to get a kill with, but if you can plan where the shot is going, you will have a good time. Protip: When using this machine, the enemy's rocket hog is NOT your friend. Another angle of the mortar cannon in action. (A good example of what the enemy team will look at) More defenses! These two things are the Wraith mortar secondary defenses, it pretty much replaces the Revenants from Halo: Reach's Trench Wars. Unless you're a god, I doubt you could plan a kill with this thing. It's more of a "Shoot everywhere, and maybe I'll hit something" Weapon. If you can position your shot just right, you could be able to kill someone camping in a trench. Who knows? This is the third and final defense. The Shade turrets are well protected and the building that was placed over them keeps your head nice and warm from even the most trigger happy Spartans! This thing should be used if you want enemies to retreat and duck behind cover, or simply if you want to light up the battlefield. Protip: This should only be used if the enemy's main mortar cannon is destroyed. Otherwise, this'll happen... ... Yeah... Now, let's focus on the main trenches themselves. Shall we? Due to basic Dominion, you can not capture trenches if you are on the side of the trench. (Y'know, It's not territories...) You can only capture a base if you are in the middle of the trench, looking at the Base terminal. Once a territory is claimed, It will fortify, bringing up a few barricades and turrets with each trench. Resupply ordinance depends on the trench you're in. Once in a trench, enemy trench or ally trench, you will have unlimited ammo. Fortification of a trench in action! Once all trenches are captured by one team, or whoever racks up the most points within the time limit, that team wins. Thank you for sticking with me on this tour, I hope you are interested in this.
I was playing BTB earlier, and once I boarded an enemy Scorpion, I didn't have the option to put a grenade into the tank even I had 2 frags. Same thing happened to a Wraith, I could only punch it, and it takes a looooong time to destroy it ( btw I got sniped -.-) Then, I played campaign to test it out, but I was able to put a grenade on a Wraith. NOTE: I boarded the Scorpion from the back side and the Wraith from the front, is that the matter? I'm really confused
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From the album: My avatars/signatures
My first signature ever. I made it with a screenshot i made during the Halo Reach beta phase. The screenshot was even featured in a Bungie Weekly update.