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Alright, to start, I'd like to apologize for the delay on getting this out, and on my lack of doing really anything for this election. My personal life has been getting in the way of being active on the forum. Okay, with that out of the way, time for the voting of your candidates. You may be asking "where's the pre-poll at?" and to answer that...there isn't one this time. We're kicking it OG this time. Only the final votes with the candidates. So for those who don't know are the rules for THIS thread. No advertising, telling people to vote for a certain member, or harassing other members. Period. The punishment for doing any of it is the same as if you broke any other rule involved in the election process.* VOTE!!! *See USF nomination thread for punishment details. Voting ends on October 8th at 12 AM CST
NOTE: THIS IS PURELY FOR FUN AND IS IN NO WAY OFFICIAL, YOU GAIN NO "REAL" POWER BY WINNING. NOT OFFICIAL, ONLY FUN. Okay everyone, it's about that time again. What time? Well I'm glad that at least one person asked. It's time for me to start up the United States of the Forum Presidential Elections (USFPE) again! *cue cheering* So a quick rundown for the newbies out there: Every four months I pit members who you select against each other to see who is worthy to be your "leader" and the representative of the non-staff mass on the forum. There are rules and other such things that must be followed and such as all other things on the forum, and I like to operate this as independent of the Moderators and staff as possible as it is unofficial, though some do help out from time to time. The main idea of this is to get nominated and then voted into office, or nominate someone else and try to get them into the position instead, if being a president just isn't your style. Either way, it's meant for fun, not to be taken seriously. :3 Now, before the rules, I'd like EVERYONE to remember to take a good long look at this thread for me. THIS ONE: Now that you've remembered, or learned, let's try to avoid that this time, shall we? Okay, the rules. RULES: 0. You cannot nominate yourself. 1. You may only nominate ONE member. 2. Once you nominate a member, you can't change your nomination unless that person decides to drop out of the running, so think before you nominate. *So don't just go and edit your post after I see that you nominated* 3. No nominating anyone who already has enough nominations to qualify to run. *2 is all it takes to qualify* 4. You are NOT allowed to advertise in this thread in any way. If you advertise it will be reported as breaking the basic rules of this thread. 5. You cannot nominate a Moderator for president, unless they were previously a president. (Drizzy_Dan, The Director, Azaxx) 6. All presidents who have served a term are entitled to a second term if they are voted into it. 6. A president can only serve two terms. 7. READ ALL OF THE POSTS BEFORE YOU MAKE A NOMINATION. 8. Each nominee is allowed a campaign manager if someone so volunteers for the position. 9. Don't spam this thread with unnecessary arguing over nominees. 10. Do NOT attack other nominees or supporters of other nominees. 11. Try to have some fun. :3 The rules are to be interpreted, and can be changed at any time, by me. Any "punishment" for breaking these said rules, are solely up to me unless a moderator must step in. If you break rule 10, it is an instant ban from any participation in any future elections should I choose to continue them. For any questions, PM me. Nominees: Halo 5 Follower Sub-Zero Melody Wam
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- United States of the Forum
- iliekzdem
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Greetings, everyone, this is your friendly neighbourhood USF Emperor President Maestro. That there's a fancy flag if I do say so myself. As you all know, the greatest nations of the world and the finest forums of the internet were not built in a day. And as members of one of the finest forums the internet has to offer, I would like to offer you the chance to have your names forever inscribed in 343iCF history books and assist in the construction of an empire awesome nation that shall withstand the test of time! Who will join me in this glorious quest?! Basically, this is just a poll to see who would be interested in playing Don't Starve Together every once in awhile and if people would want to play the vanilla game with Reign of Giants DLC or with mods (not talking about the moderators, but they're welcome to join in on the fun). If enough interest is shown, then this idea will go to the next step and seek event staff approval. This poll will end on July 13 at 11pm PST. Now, if you're wondering what Don't Starve Together is, it is the multiplayer version of Don't Starve, a survival game with a dark sense of humour, lots of vanilla characters (the roster's at 10 so far), a distinct lack of mercy, and a Tim Burton-esque art style. Simply put, it spits you out into a foreign world and expects you to survive; but you'll have a lot of fun regardless of how well (or poorly) you survive. If you have any questions or ideas, say 'em loud and proud, because freedom is a staple in the Empire the United States of the Forum. This message was brought to you by the Empire of the USF, a subsidiary of Drizzy Inc., Twam's Legion, and the Illuminati.
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Well, the election's finally over, and with that, the installment of a new, well this time old, president. That's right folks, who better to take up the mantle of responsibility after Yoshi, than the man who served beside him on his first term, Maestro. After all the hard work Yoshi has put into making the forum such a fun place, I'm quite certain Maestro is the right man to fill the role of successor, and any who disagree...well the voting's over. Anywho, congrats to your new forum Over Dict President, may he lead with a kind heart and a fist of Orichalcum! CONGRATS MAESTRO!
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- GrootGroot
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Alright everyone, basic rules apply as always, only I'll be a little more strict now. Anyone who advertises for a candidate (in this thread) will be barred from the next USFPE (Assuming it happens) as a candidate and their nomination will not count. Anyway, vote for whoever you wish to win! VOTING ENDS ON THE 6TH OF JUNE AT 12AM CST
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- DownwithDemocracy
- DeathtoTheDictator
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Hello everyone. I'm just going to give you my short speech for my campaign to become USF President. I hope you can all take your time to read and listen to what I have to say. If you don't wish to vote for me, that is fine. Just listen to me and hear my proposal. Do with it as you may. Fishy For President Now, I have served quite a few positions on the forum in the past. I have the experience and need. This experience came from being a previous cabinet member for Yoshi's campaign. As well as for his term as presidency. Which was known as General. Now, this presidency may have not done much and got only a little bit done. I have taken on the success of his so called Congress. In return, there will be a drastic change. No dumb little polls, I'm going for more realistic polls. To improve the forums current state even further, and to solve issues. Now remember this. As the USF goes off of the US's presidential term for the most term. Its branch is the Executive branch. I'm not going to fiddle faddle with branches. I'm going to take what you say, and execute it. Cut the members in Congress, and get down to business. As most of you know, I carry through with my plans. Now, this brings me to my second part. I host a lot of Community Events. Let it be Old vs New, New Years, or even the new upcoming one in July. Or even just a fun relaxing Friday Night Game Night or a night with the forums "Halo Team Assemble." It doesn't matter, I try my best to get the fun going. Let it be only one other person, or a giant party. That's what we're all here to do, have fun. Thirdly, and simply. I am now currently in touch with the Top 10 Committee and have currently became one of the newest members of the group. This, however, does not give me experience. Instead, it gives me responsibility. Now as I may, here is a folder of such Propaganda that has been put together by myself or my campaign party. View what you may. I'm hoping that I will finish this and get to meet some of you better. Like I did in Yoshi's presidency. I wish you all the best luck. Disclaimer: This party does not support Hello Kitty, however we are not against it. Take that as you may.
Alright boys, girls, pokemon, animals, and any sentient life forms I missed, It's time for the second ever pre-poll. If you don't remember are can't tell by the name of it, the concept is quite simple; to thin the herd a bit. In other words, the two candidates with the highest votes in this will go on to be in the final poll for the presidency. THERE IS TO BE NO ADVERTISEMENT, SUGGESTION, OR ANYTHING ELSE STATING THAT SOMEONE SHOULD VOTE FOR ANY SPECIFIC CANDIDATE IN THIS THREAD. THE RULES FROM THE NOMINATION THREAD APPLY HERE AS WELL. THANK YOU.
NOTE: THIS IS PURELY FOR FUN AND IS IN NO WAY OFFICIAL, YOU GAIN NO "REAL" POWER BY WINNING. NOT OFFICIAL, ONLY FUN. Okay everyone, it's about that time again. What time? Well I'm glad that at least one person asked. It's time for me to start up the United States of the Forum Presidential Elections (USFPE) again! *cue cheering* So a quick rundown for the newbies out there: Every four months I pit members who you select against each other to see who is worthy to be your "leader" and the representative of the non-staff mass on the forum. There are rules and other such things that must be followed and such as all other things on the forum, and I like to operate this as independent of the Moderators and staff as possible as it is unofficial, though some do help out from time to time. The main idea of this is to get nominated and then voted into office, or nominate someone else and try to get them into the position instead, if being a president just isn't your style. Either way, it's meant for fun, not to be taken seriously. :3 Now, before the rules, I'd like EVERYONE to remember to take a good long look at this thread for me. THIS ONE: Now that you've remembered, or learned, let's try to avoid that this time, shall we? Okay, the rules. RULES: 0. You cannot nominate yourself. 1. You may only nominate ONE member. 2. Once you nominate a member, you can't change your nomination unless that person decides to drop out of the running, so think before you nominate. *So don't just go and edit your post after I see that you nominated* 3. No nominating anyone who already has enough nominations to qualify to run. *2 is all it takes to qualify* 4. You are NOT allowed to advertise in this thread in any way. If you advertise it will be reported as breaking the basic rules of this thread. 5. You cannot nominate a Moderator for president, unless they were previously a president. 6. All presidents who have served a term are entitled to a second term if they are voted into it. 6. A president can only serve two terms. 7. READ ALL OF THE POSTS BEFORE YOU MAKE A NOMINATION. 8. Each nominee is allowed a campaign manager if someone so volunteers for the position. 9. Don't spam this thread with unnecessary arguing over nominees. 10. Do NOT attack other nominees or supporters of other nominees. 11. Try to have some fun. :3 The rules are to be interpreted, and can be changed at any time, by me. Any "punishment" for breaking these said rules, are solely up to me unless a moderator must step in. If you break rule 10, it is an instant ban from any participation in any future elections should I choose to continue them. For any questions, PM me. Nominees: Maestro Halo5Follower & Keko Fishy Ash Yang Xiao Long Self Destruct Nominations end and pre-poll begins at 12 AM CST on May 25.
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- MudkipzIliekdem
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If you can't read the video, here's the script: Just join below with the following information, a scoreboard will be enabled. You can party up with other members, up to 4 members max per squad. The game we will be playing is Evolve. Our first launch date operation is on 7th. All day. Both consoles. Squads: Agent York, Vitamin PWN, Fishy, Players: (Solo) For those of you attending, please post below your results of gameplay with the following information: Goliaths Killed: Krakens Killed: Wraith’s Killed: Spambots Escaped:
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- Operation: Brass Hydra
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What? Halo Master Chief Collection When? February 28th at 6 p.m. US eastern time Who's Hosting? Fox McCloud (Gamertag: Yur Teamate) Welcome everybody. I am just letting you guys know that next Saturday(February 28th), I will be hosting Congresses first event. We will be playing Halo MCC, and letting Tony Stark troll us to his heart content. This is an event open for Congress members and Non Congress members alike, there will be two lobbies if needed. I can't wait to have some Halo fun, in our first Congressional assembly. Keep calm and halo on.
Well guys, the election is finally over, and now it's time for the winner. Some of you saw this coming, some didn't, I didn't...Anyway, you're're current president is...YOSHI1176!!! Congratulations Yoshi for being the very first president to get a second term! Hopefully you can continue leading us down that great path you set out in June of last year, unless of course that was all Maestro's doing and you're going to lead us all into a deep dark depression period in which the next president will have to dig us out of, but you know, it's probably not gonna go down like that. This election was a lot of fun on my end and I hope you guys did too, so that's it for this election, congratulations to both the winner Yoshi, and the runner-up Anime Addict. You both did a terrific job this election and I hope to see you both here for the next one!
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Yoshi for USF President 2015 Mission Statement: Last election was a great time for Maestro and Myself. We feel that we did our job and we exceeded the norms of the presidency and introduced the USF Congress. We pushed the boundaries and went were the six Presidents before us had not thought of going. We broke through the standards set by past presidents and advanced the USF to a place it had never been, and that is exactly what I wish to do again this year, advance the USF into force that will allow members like yourself take stands in decisions that are made because your voices matter. How Can We Make This Happen: In order to make this happen, I will once again need to rely on the backbone of the community, the members. To make this goal a reality we need everyone to buy into the program. Vote Yoshi1176 for President in the polls, and let your opinions be known. Encourage fellow forum goers to vote Yoshi for President if they want their opinions to matter. For change to happen, their needs to be action. You, the members are the catalysts of this dream. It is up to you to make this happen. I am but a mouth for which your voice will be heard. God Bless the Forum. And God Bless the USF! Crew: Chief Propagandist - Vitamin PWN Campaign Manager - Church General - Arachny Lawyer - Maestro Below is a showcase of Propaganda made by my awesome team!
Okay ladies, gents, AI, Pokemon, Aliens, Predators, and other miscellaneous sentient life forms that I neglected to list, It's time for that final poll to decide the...(what number are we on again?) 10th USF President! Okay though, now before you go voting or complaining or anything like that. To avoid undue confusion and the such, I'd like to ask that you only vote once, and that it's for the person that you choose to vote for. I understand that I can't enforce this, and I won't try to for it is your right as a member to change your mind, I just ask that you consider and try to vote as few times, so one if possible, times as possible. Also, on a side note: Since Melody has temporarily left the forum, she is out of the running and Yoshi, as the runner up, will take her place against AnimeAddict. May the better sentient life-form win! Oh yeah... The Rules: (thought I forgotten these, didn't you?) 1. No trash talking or relatively unsavory language in this thread. 2. NO, ABSOLUTELY NO, ADVERTISING OF ANY KIND IN THIS THREAD FOR EITHER CANDIDATE. 3. Have fun kiddos. Voting ends February 6th, 12 AM CST.
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- United States of the Forum
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Ever feel the mishap and wish it were better? Well now you can! Candidate Yoshi has promised all of us a voice. Not just any voice, but a voice that matters. Your demands, your needs. Your ideas. We want them all. Yoshi has promised us a working Congress that will put our wonderful members from our beloved forum together and to work things out. Who doesn't think our most enjoyable members can't make this place better? I sure do. Congress will address your problems. Congress will address your needs. Want a fun get together? Congress will sort out everything and come up with what works best. A problem with other members? Congress will put together an executive solution that will solve it. You need help with something? I'm pretty sure Congress is there for that! Your vote isn't just for the voice of Yoshi. Your vote is for the voice of you. Congress is what we need. Congress is where it's at. Congress is love, Congress is life. "I'm not voting for him because I support him. I'm voting for him because I need him!" ~Maestro. Visit his campaign at:
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- Democracy
- Cooperation
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Time to vote on who you want to actually vote for in the real voting poll. This is to trim the fat, so to speak. So just vote who you'd normally vote for in the actual election. NOTE: You don't actually HAVE to vote for who you nominated. ALSO: No advertisements in this thread.
It's come time again. Time to vote for who you think should be President of the Forum. And if you're thinking of voting for someone other than me? You're a terrible person. Seriously, as terrible as this is, I spent like... 4 hours making it. I present to you a small glimpse into the inner workings of my campaign; (Seriously. It's horrible. I spent WAAAY too much time to do this.)
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Fellow form goers of all ages, genders, breeds (breads), and sizes! I step out of my Silver Centurion armor on behalf of you all to run in this campaign for forum presidency! I am running because you, the members of 343i Community, Matter! You are the heartbeat of the forum, without you this forum would not be what it is today! Without this forum I would not be able to call many of you friends! You define this forum! I will not make any empty and worthless campaign "Promises" as many others may do, but instead, I will assure you and guarantee this: You are who I am running for, and you are who I am representing. I am a candidate because you nominated me. I am a candidate because of you all.... and you all matter and deserve the best out of this forum! And I will make sure you all receive the best (as long as it is within the realm of possibility). Though I am a moderator, I am still a member at heart and always will be. This forum will be safe, secure, loud, proud, and it will be all because of you members here. We must stand together and stand proud! We are the members of 343i Community Forum! So make the right choice this election... Vote Tony Stark as President!
NOTE: This is for fun and nothing else, not at all official, nothing but fun. Hello people, pokemon, AI, and other sentient beings of the Forum. Today is a special day, as it marks the return of my personal favorite pass time, the USF Presidential election!!! For you first timers out there, as I have seen a lot of new faces on the forum in my random pop-ins, I'll give a brief explanation. The United States of the Forum, or USF for short, Presidential election is when I pit respective members of the community in a bloody dea-when you, the members, nominate and vote on who you want your next president to be. I try to do this every 4 months, as sad as I am for it, I was unable to do so after the last cycle, so anarchy has ensued, and Azaxx has killed droves of lifeforms. Anyway, enough about the past, let's focus on the present, and with that, the rules. Note: The rules are defined as followed but ultimately I make the final call on it so they are in the end interpreted by me and if you think there's a loophole, there's probably not or is, I don't know. THE RULES: 1. Each member can only nominate one member, once a nomination has been cast, you cannot withdraw it. 2. A member cannot nominate themselves for presidency. 3. A president has the right to run for a second term provided they are nominated. 4. A member must have two nominations to run in the election. 5. A nominee may drop out of the running at any time after gaining the required nominations, the nominee may rejoin the running at any time before the final vote. 6. Moderators are not allowed to run for president, so kindly don't try to nominate them. (with the exceptions of Azaxx, Dan, BeckoningZebra1, and The Director as former presidents) 7. Absolutely all advertisements of any kind for a nominee is strictly prohibited from the main thread. (This one) 8. Don't be a jerk, even jokingly. It's offensive and hurtful. If you are, you will be barred from future elections and this one. 9. All candidates have the right to a manager and to campaign in a thread in the offbeats section of the forum. 10. Read ALL posts made before making on yourself, this helps prevent excess nominating and general possibility of spam. 11. Kindly have fun over the course of this election. List of Candidates: Bnus D38Boss Yoshi1176 Melody Axilus Prime Anime Addict Jack of Harts Tony Stark Nomination time ends on January 28th.
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Gather around, men and women of congress, it is time to assemble yet again to sculpt the very future of the forums! Today's topic: Should ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) be censored in a similar fashion to those silly baby horses that are magical or something?
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- why u do dis
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First Congress of the USF This is the home of the Congress of the USF these 10 patriots have proven themselves worthy of serving their forum as the first Congress in forum history! Congressman is important job, because they will be voting for the members of the forum, voting against or for important bills. They have demonstrated great diplomatic skills and wisdom beyond their years. Through times of hardship and times of glory, they have held their heads up high, and the time has come for them to put their prowess to use. On this day, let it be known that their names will forever be in the history books as the USF's first congressmen! As congressmen, they shall have the power to influence decisions critical to the prosperity of the USF and shape the very future of our proud nation. We are trusting them to make the right decisions in times of peril and to help us lead the USF with honesty and integrity. Please welcome your congressmen! Drizzy_Dan Total Mayh3m Sikslik7 Edward Kenway BeckoningZebra1 -Sparky- D-38 Boss Ledgend1221 Self Destruct Bnus Helping to lead the congress is the Speaker of the house: Spyro This is the home thread of the Congress, so once voting starts discuss here. Please only vote if you are in congress.
Hello 343iCF and welcomed guests thanks for tuning in this week, there's a lot to cover so let's get into it: Primary Announcement: TWINREAPER - According to my calculations, this is about 227% Twinreaper. These are rough calculations of course. COMMUNITY EVENTS Jason's Alive Friday the 13th Community Event Friday the 13th, Cooliest hosted a spooky Community Event. It had a nice turnout! Participants: Sparky Zaguroth BeckoningZebra Self Destruct ShadowFiend Twinreaper HaloGeek GSD Bnus and Rue The MVPs of the Event were our boys Sparky and Self Destruct Boss' Back in Action Event Yea I thought this Halo 4 logo was going to look a lot cooler. I thought it was a render when I saved it but I guess not... Either way Boss is back! And he's in action! Like real Shoot 'Em Up starring Clive Owen action when he kills those guys with a carrot. Be there on the Summer Solstice at 9AM to play your Halo heart out. Hail To The King Event by Unease P34nut With P34nut's Dominion Event just recently coming to a close he decided it as already time for a new one consisting of King of the Hill and Regicide. Visit his thread to find the time and date and to sign up. Everyone who attends official Community Events gets the Gamer Award: CONTESTS June Caption Contest June's Caption Contest is here brought to you by Cooliest! Click above to participate! Twinreaper and Self Destruct will get the Caption Contest Award when it's ready! FEATURED INTERVIEWS Interviews with Halotubers: Halo Updates - By Bnus. "Halo Updates is a Halo news channel covering the latest and greatest in Halo news. He is also a good friend of the forum and your number 1 place for quality Halo news." FORGE The Forgecast Episode 1 The Forge Section was missing a couple weeks but its back and strong! The Forge Section will continue with Featured Maps after this week but they'll have a nice twist to them. Anyway, this week the Forge Section is focusing on The Forgecast Episode 1. This was a podcast focusing on the future of Forge and what would like to be seen. Starring in this podcast are some big names in Forge like petetheduck and Psychoduck, and other big names in the Halo Community like Ducain23 and NOKYARD. Click above to be linked to the thread containing the pocast over on HaloCustoms. GAMING NEWS: E3 2014 COVERAGE Assassin's Creed: Unity According to Edward Kenway's article, Ubisoft says they are revamping the combat system for the upcoming Assassin's Creed game by removing the 'Counter' ability. Is this absolutely ludicrous or will this make the game more fun? I'll give you a hint it's absolutely ludicrous. Read more about it by visiting his thread and posting your thougts. Destiny Alright so most people know that the Destiny Alpha was released to certain people and I know Church and Delpen have gotten their hands on it but no one's written an article on that so I give you this article by EK about the White PS4 Destiny Bundle Pack to be released on September 9th. Leave your comments on EK's thread. Halo 2: Anniversary Sure this might be part of the Master Chief Collection but check out some amazing screenshots from Halo 2: Anniversary provided by Adam. If some of these are cutscenes then I have to say these are some of the best I've seen since Halo Wars! Halo: Master Chief Collection Have you heard about the Master Chief Collection but don't really know what it entails? Well this is the perfect way to find out. Visit BZ's article containing details on the Master Chief Collection along with its release date. Halo 5: Guardians Up above is a brief teaser at the Halo 5: Guardians Multiplayer Beta available with The Master Chief Collection. Below is the official Halo 5: Guardians trailer itself. E3 2014 - Press Conferences Catch every press conference you want to see including those from Ubisoft, EA, Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony by visiting Mayh3m's super convenient thread. For more Gaming News check out the latest on our Front Page. HOT TOPIC The Great Forum War has begun! To all you nay-sayers who were against the Commanders during the time Vigilant Intellect hacked into our system, what say you now? We warned you that you would need to choose a side but it seems that won't be the case anymore for you will be chosen by the side. You will either be a member of the Offbeat Syndicate or fight for the General Discussion Republic. The time for talk is over, and the time for war is beginning. NEW LEGENDARY MEMBER It is with great honor that we accept a new member into our Legendary Members Group on the site. He's been with us for a short time in comparison to some of the veterans here but has completed much more than required by any member. He went above and beyond the call of duty by revamping our Community Events, being our January Member of the Month, and joining our Staff all at the same time. Hands together for Onsokumaru! Congratulate him in the announcement thread. PODCAST The Fourth Official Podcast has landed and it does not disappoint. Starring in the latest 343i Official Community Podcast are Church, RedStarRocket91, The Director, Total Mayh3m, and Bnus. All images are hyperlinked, so click above to visit the thread containing the Podcast. Click the section title for the Official Podcast Archive. USF ELECTION The USF Election was heated this year to say the absolute least! Read Presidential Interviews held by BZ here. Read The Presidential Debate posted by BZ here. In the end of the bloody, gory, disgusting battle between the remaining candidates TWO came out on top. Spyro kind of tried for this not to happen but the community just could not make up its mind on this one . Your new Forum Presidents are: MAESTRO and YOSHI Thank you BZ and VitaPWN for serving great terms when you were in office . Sorry for the lateness but don't worry I'll get the hang of putting these out weekly again soon. For now just scroll back up and read it all over again.
Hello all, this was started yesterday but ran over into today. Sorry for the lateness but I promise it's all thriller and no filler. Let's get into it!: Primary Announcement: Unclear on the rules of offsite links? RedStarRocket brings clarity to the situation in: Update: Rule 1F and Offsite Links. COMMUNITY EVENTS Jason's Alive Friday the 13th Community Event Friday the 13th, Cooliest hosts a creepy Community Event full of misfortune... And death... Click above to RSVP. Everyone who attends official Community Events gets the Gamer Award: CONTESTS June Caption Contest June's Caption Contest is here brought to you by Cooliest! The winner of the previous Caption Contest is none other than Twinreaper! Winning Caption: Twinreaper and Self Destruct will get the Caption Contest Award when it's ready! FEATURED INTERVIEWS Interviews with Halotubers: Zandril - By Bnus. "Zandril is an active user of Halo forums and previous MoM of our own site! He has created numerous forge maps some of which have been played in our very own playdates. He also created a Forge Map icon pack used by Forgers all over the Halowebs! On his Youtube channel he does Forge tutorials, Map showcases, and gamenight highlights! Please check Zan out with the links below and read the interview when you can." GAMING NEWS Halo Partners With Astro BeckoningZebra of the News Group has found a cool article about Halo teaming up with Astro to make Halo themed Astro headsets! Leave your comments on this news by visiting BZ's thread. Weekly News Wrapup 5/31/14 Here's the latest edition of Edward Kenway's WNW. He gives you news on The Order: 1886, Dishonored 2, and Destiny. Read his article and leave your comments in his thread. For more Gaming News check out the latest on our Front Page. HOT TOPIC Art Week June 2014 Announcement This month will bring the second Art Week brought to you by The Dumb Marine! He's got some interesting ideas in store for this one. Post your excitement in his announcement thread! MEMBER OF THE MONTH This month's MoM is JXZAW! Er well.. PINKZAW now due to his MoM Wish. But it's him! He's been a member here for over 2 years now. Lately he's been showing off his GFX skills in the Sig Shop v3.0 and has been doing members great favors by making them custom signatures. Great work JXZAW congrats! Announcement thread. MoM Post. TOP 15 Here's the May 2014 Top 15 List: Axilus Prime Yoshi1176 WonderWombat TheRedEyedDevil rrhuntington Zandril Rue Spyro -Sparky- Screech JXZAW Maestro Unease P34nut Self Destruct UNSC Spartan-II With Honorable Mentions to: Gemini Dragons JL Twinreaper Congratulations to everyone who made the list along with our Honorable Mentions . USF ELECTION The USF Election is back and this year it is more intense than ever. It started with the nomination sequence as usual but then Spyro threw in a twist with the USF Pre-Poll! That narrowed it down to only 2 candidates in the running! It's a heated election. Read Presidential Interviews held by BZ here. Read The Presidential Debate posted by BZ here. First Round Candidates: Drizzy_Dan Maestro Yoshi1176 The Stig Azaxx Ledgend1221 D-38 Boss Soviet Bear (Sikslik7) and UNSC Spartan II Final Round Candidates: Maestro Yoshi1176 Cast your vote by clicking the banner above! Someone get Bnus out of the Wrapups.. Scroll back up and read it all over again. This post has been promoted to an article
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Hello all, this was started yesterday but ran over into today. Sorry for the lateness but I promise it's all thriller and no filler. Let's get into it!: Primary Announcement: Unclear on the rules of offsite links? RedStarRocket brings clarity to the situation in: Update: Rule 1F and Offsite Links. COMMUNITY EVENTS Jason's Alive Friday the 13th Community Event Friday the 13th, Cooliest hosts a creepy Community Event full of misfortune... And death... Click above to RSVP. Everyone who attends official Community Events gets the Gamer Award: CONTESTS June Caption Contest June's Caption Contest is here brought to you by Cooliest! The winner of the previous Caption Contest is none other than Twinreaper! Winning Caption: Twinreaper and Self Destruct will get the Caption Contest Award when it's ready! FEATURED INTERVIEWS Interviews with Halotubers: Zandril - By Bnus. "Zandril is an active user of Halo forums and previous MoM of our own site! He has created numerous forge maps some of which have been played in our very own playdates. He also created a Forge Map icon pack used by Forgers all over the Halowebs! On his Youtube channel he does Forge tutorials, Map showcases, and gamenight highlights! Please check Zan out with the links below and read the interview when you can." GAMING NEWS Halo Partners With Astro BeckoningZebra of the News Group has found a cool article about Halo teaming up with Astro to make Halo themed Astro headsets! Leave your comments on this news by visiting BZ's thread. Weekly News Wrapup 5/31/14 Here's the latest edition of Edward Kenway's WNW. He gives you news on The Order: 1886, Dishonored 2, and Destiny. Read his article and leave your comments in his thread. For more Gaming News check out the latest on our Front Page. HOT TOPIC Art Week June 2014 Announcement This month will bring the second Art Week brought to you by The Dumb Marine! He's got some interesting ideas in store for this one. Post your excitement in his announcement thread! MEMBER OF THE MONTH This month's MoM is JXZAW! Er well.. PINKZAW now due to his MoM Wish. But it's him! He's been a member here for over 2 years now. Lately he's been showing off his GFX skills in the Sig Shop v3.0 and has been doing members great favors by making them custom signatures. Great work JXZAW congrats! Announcement thread. MoM Post. TOP 15 Here's the May 2014 Top 15 List: Axilus Prime Yoshi1176 WonderWombat TheRedEyedDevil rrhuntington Zandril Rue Spyro -Sparky- Screech JXZAW Maestro Unease P34nut Self Destruct UNSC Spartan-II With Honorable Mentions to: Gemini Dragons JL Twinreaper Congratulations to everyone who made the list along with our Honorable Mentions . USF ELECTION The USF Election is back and this year it is more intense than ever. It started with the nomination sequence as usual but then Spyro threw in a twist with the USF Pre-Poll! That narrowed it down to only 2 candidates in the running! It's a heated election. Read Presidential Interviews held by BZ here. Read The Presidential Debate posted by BZ here. First Round Candidates: Drizzy_Dan Maestro Yoshi1176 The Stig Azaxx Ledgend1221 D-38 Boss Soviet Bear (Sikslik7) and UNSC Spartan II Final Round Candidates: Maestro Yoshi1176 Cast your vote by clicking the banner above! Someone get Bnus out of the Wrapups.. Scroll back up and read it all over again.
- Weekly Site Wrapup
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It's been another week full of fun here on the site so let's get into it: Primary Announcement: Everyone say hello to Drizzy_Dance.. But don't get used to him. COMMUNITY EVENTS USF Inauguration Event Since our TWO Presidents have taken office, Spyro our head of the USF Elections, requested that there be a Presidential Event for the USF. So last night some of us went online and had that Event. We played like one competitive game and the rest was Flood where all I did was just stand around but the talks and stuff were fun. I was glad to be interacting with the community on a higher level than just typing here. Participants: onsokumaru, Edward Kenway, Connor Kenway, Erebus, Beckoningzebra1, Bnus, Spyro, Sikslik7, Vitamin PWN, Hippie, and Myself JX and Fiends (Halo 4 Playdate) If you missed out on the USF Inauguration Event then here's another unofficial Community Event hosted by JXZAW and ShadowFiend216. Be sure to check this one out, they'll be playing any and all gametypes. Find out the time and date by clicking above and make sure to RSVP. Moonlight Under Reach Valentine's Day Community Event Here's what Co-Head of Promotions and Events, onsokumaru, had to say about the Event: Thank you onsokumaru for being a good source! Everyone who attends Community Events gets the Gamer Award: But not for the USF Inauguration Event.. FEATURED INTERVIEWS Spades N AZ - Host of the greatest Custom Game Nights to ever hit the Halo Community. Everyone wanted and still wants in on Spades' lobbies. An incredible person who honors two things: trust and respect. *New interviews soon* FORGE Featured Map This week's feature comes to us from our Member of the Month, Edward Kenway. Not only is it a fun looking free for all arena type map, but it comes with a fun looking free for all gametype! This is Pendulum and it's played with Sticky Slayer! Sticky Slayer is as shown above. Players have Sticky Detonators and Thruster Packs. This looks like it could be an explosive time at a Community Event! GAMING NEWS Bioshock Creator, Irrational Games, Closing Down Yes what you read is true. Bioshock creators, Irrational Games, are shutting down and handing over Bioshock to 2K Games. News relayed by BZ, like and leave your thoughts. Steve Downes Confirms Halo 2: Anniversary It's exactly what the Halo Community has wished for but now that it's a very likely possibility, is it something we all want? Will it be what we all dreamed about or will it be overkill for the game that revolutionized competitive gameplay and practically kick started Xbox Live? Adam gives you the story and quote from the Master Chief himself, Steve Downes. Titanfall Beta Open to Xbox One and PC Users As I'm sure most of you know, the Titanfall Beta went public on Sunday, February 16th. I've heard extremely good things about this game but I don't have an Xbox One to play it on myself and I doubt my PC will be able to handle it lol. I believe it's still open and definitely not something you want to miss. Even if you're not sure about getting the game this could be your chance to solidify your decision on whether it's something you want or not. Edward Kenway brings you the news. For more Gaming News check out the latest on our Front Page. HOT TOPIC It should come as no surprise that this week's Hot Topic is the best mystery fiction writing going on on the site right now. It's The Sniper of by JL. I die, he dies, she might die, some more people are definitely gonna die. But I think we get saved! You'll have to read to find out! The story is still in progress but a prologue and 3 chapters are already up and well worth reading. JL has quite the skill in writing. USF ELECTION Now that our 2 Co-Presidents of the United States of the Forum have been announced, they've made their inaugural United States of the Forum Address. This new year is bringing on a lot of inaugural events! Click above to read each Forum Address. The green is Vitaguy's (Vitaguy ) and the darker red, brickish color is bequeathingstripedhorse1's. Good job guys ! That's it for this week. Thanks for reading and supporting, now scroll back up and read it all over again.
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STATE OF THE FORUM ADDRESS By VitaGuy & BZ1 My fellow forumites,i thank you for picking me to join Beckoningzebra1 as co-president. Now i'm gonna keep this concise so open your ear holes and listen up! I know stuff seems bad right now, we got that purple shortage going on, an overabundance of the letter y, and bunch of other bad stuff too. My presidential partner BeckoningZebra1 and i are gonna fix that! We'll ship out our extra y's haul in some purple, and while we're at it we'll fix the forum economy and make sure all forum members have fresh oxygen to breath! In addition to all that, we're gonna make the forums a safer more civilized place for members, all while increasing the awesomeness 10 fold! Now you may be thinking what do you want from us? all we ask from you is precious little, all we're asking you to do is pull together with your fellow members and stay awesome! Thank you and we hope to have your continued support and trust. -Vitamin PWN My fellow forumians. It is an honor to be so graciously chosen to the office of co-President. Few members receive the chance to serve their Forum at this level, and I count myself blessed to be one of those few. I know we've been through some rough times as of late, we've had military coup, after military coup attempt to restore the democracy that the former President, Mr. Mudkip, demolished in wake of his dictatorship. Each attempt ending the same, as no one could withstand the Mudkip's strong willed tactics. He made the most of his term. He banned lover's of "Friday," tormented the bread people, and taunted ninjas. But his term is over. A new age has begun, one of Peace. With many disputes being handled already, we have already started the process of restoring the forum to the greatness that was. I and my counterpart Vitamin PWN, have bright plans for the future of the forum. -BZ1 We pray that you will back us, and that we will have your full support pressing on. THE FUTURE OF THE UNITED STATES OF THE FORUM
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- Vitamin PWN
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