Hello to all members viewing this and are looking for other gamers to play Halo 4 with,
I am XGC Ghost Wolf and I am a member of Xiled Gaming Community Titans clan's Atlas Squad. We are a friendly 18+ community that are recruiting like minded gamers to game with us. We do not have a K/D requirements like other clans. We just like to game together and enjoy ourselves. So if you are looking for others to play Halo 4 with and can't seem to find anyone online to play Halo 4 with than please add me (Gamer Tag same as here). We do have three requirements though.
1)Must be 18 or older
2) Have XBL Gold membership
3) Have a working mic
If you read this are younger than stated age I can get you in with a younger clan within our community. And if you want to play other Halo Games than I can manage since I do have all Halo games on the 360. I am on most every day so by all means add me and we can see if you will fit if you are in a mind to join but if not that is cool we can still game together.