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Found 24 results

  1. I got banned for leaving matches early, but the only reason I am leaving matches early is because I have weekly challenges specific to certain game modes, with limited amount of time to play. Example, and reason for ban. I had to complete 1 oddball match. I played for 2 1/2 hours, without seeing a s...
  2. Okay, so I was playing Big Team Battle and I was doing well. I had sniper and was perched up high with a great view. Could not get better. I see sniper was going to spawn soon so I rush over to it and wait the last remaining seconds for the ammo. Well, my teammate kills me for it and gets away with...
  3. Even though we lost this one I've completed 3 commedations this match and then this happens: I can consider myself a patient player rather than a quitting one, because even after this problem that occurs every single time I play Arena, I keep trying to play. This has been happening throughout...
  4. Hello fellow Halo fans, I'm getting banned by the loss of my connection to the server, when nothing seems to be wrong with my internet connection after having had contact with my internet provider. Because I never had with any other games, issues like this, it seems unlikely to me its my internet,...
  5. I just got Halo 5 today and I've been playing Warzone the whole time. Almost every single game I played had a connection loss, and it finally banned me after the last connection loss. I never deliberately left the game, it just booted me out automatically and banned me. This is an irritating issue.
  6. My son just got Halo 5, and has been playing multiplayer. He keeps getting dropped from games, so much so, that 343 banned him. I double checked with Xbox, my connection is stable, so it has to be a game glitch , right?? Any devs that are reading this, or anyone that can help?? He worked hard to sav...
  7. Hello, I was temporarily banned from EXP on HALO 4. I was wondering, does anyone know exactly how long, and if this is in the wrong place, sorry, this place is confusing. And before you ask, no its not the MAX XP limit, I've already seen that, and this message is different, and it's almost been 24...
  8. Hello, I'd like to talk about a recent credit ban that I received today. I was playing some Grifball like I've been doing for the passed few days, and in the middle of the game I received a message, saying, "This console has been temporarily banned from earning credits" and another message soon afte...
  9. My x box live account had a message pop up during a game of griffball stating that I was temporarily banned from earning credits, I was wondering as to why, and if there was anything I could do to lift this bann, I love playing halo and I hate cheaters and I would never try to boost points or try to...
  10. My Halo 4 Rank has Reset! Hello, I am here to share a very large concern of mine. My halo 4 rank appears to have been reset. I spent about 2 hours on Microsoft Games Customer support, trying to resolve the problem. After checking my systems, the only other explanation was either a Huge Glitch, o...
  11. darkmage2160

    Weird Ban

    So I just had a really weird 60 min ban happen to me. I'm not sure if i deserve it or not, but here's the story. I play Team Heavies a lot, and I like to use the Wraith when I can. I grab the Wraith first thing out of the gate on Exile, but one of my teammates is right next to it, so i wait,...
  12. Today was the first time i heard of a credit ban. Im trying to figure out why theyre issued? And if i can get an idea of how long it will last or if it can be reversed? Please can an Admin help me. Thank you.
  13. Soo yesterday I played against this dude WingnutUSN. They practically slaughtered us and were dicks about it over the mics, but I was the only one having the same amount or more kills than him, so I teabagged him for being so arrogant. Next thing you know he says: "I'm gonna check that guy's account...
  14. I got banned (unable to make any credits at all) on halo reach for about 15 hours ago and I am still banned. Does anyone know how to remove the ban or being kind enough to remove it? Please help me! My gamertag is: Sprucedisc32
  15. New Help, My Console and my Account was Temporarily Banned from receiving credits, I did not do anything other than playing online match making game, during the game I recevied this message " your account was temporarily banned from receiving credits." There is no information on why, I check everywh...
  16. Nothing, though I read some other topics about players with the same problem, and know why. This is to warn those who happen across this topic, and to add a stone to the balance. I KNOW THAT THIS ISN'T 343i'S OFFICIAL WEBSITE. So... I was playing BTB, and I bump into some people from Chile....
  17. So two days ago, I hit the level cap for players who didn't buy the Legendary Edition (70) and have continued playing regardless. I was playing Slayer Pro on Solace about 15 minutes ago and halfway through the game I received a message saying that I have been banned from Matchmaking for 7 days. I ha...
  18. Ok, I know you probably get a million posts like this, but can someone please help me? Yesterday my match ended, and it said "This account has been temporarily banned from earning XP. http://halo4.com/ban" If you go that website, it's a forum thread that's 32 pages of people with my problem and not...
  19. I apologies for my posting. Hello to everyone that read this massage. This is not my fault that I born in FORBIDDEN Iran. I couldn't buy original games, Movies & etc. One of my friends gave me a halo 4 but I didn't know that it still not arrive to market yet. I realized this after banning and res...
  20. I have been "credit banned twice" (read my 'Unnecessary Credit Ban' post) and I was just wondering if the credit bans transfer to halo 4. Or will it start all over because it is a new game. I just have a fear that I will get banned for no apparent reason like the last two times. Please respond 343,...
  21. Hello to all that might be reading this. I hope that i get a response from 343 Themselves.. I have experieced in the past a 24 hour credit ban from halo reach server (which is operated by 343). I didn't think much of it until I did some research. To typically recive a credit ban, the person most lik...
  22. Last week, I let a friend of mine play on Reach as my guest. He did terrible. Reach's poor AFK detection thought I was cheating and banned me from earning credits. XBox Live support was completely helpless on this issue. Is there anything that can be done to get unbanned? It should be obvious f...
  23. Attention 343 Industries: Please develop halo 4 multiplayer so that it will no longer be nessasary to quit/credit ban people who have paid good money to play this game. It seems unethical to sell someone a product then ban them when they can't use it correctly. Not only unethical just down right...
  24. As I've looked through the forums, most people that have these issues can be answered by referring to their "Game History" and seeing that they have been idle'ing games. I looked through the first few pages of mine and the only games i have with a score of "0" are my campaign games (Looked on my Bun...
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