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Which one do you prefer, Carbine or Battle Rifle? Before you go on saying that the BR is OP, think about it. The Carbine has a faster rate of fire and I think more shots, considering the BR is a 3-round burst. I preferthe Carbine because you can use it against Brutes, Grunts, and everybody, though it's not that good against the Flood.
In this weeks Halo Bulletin, they confirmed that the carbine and br are getting a buff. The carbine if going to require one less shot to kill and the br will become a 4sk but have its rate of fire slowed down.
Hello, everyone. This is my first topic here, so go easy on me. I have been playing Halo 4, since it's release and found it to be a very fun experience. It's all good. The campaing, spartan ops, and the matchmaking. Everything. But something in particular on matchmaking caught my attention. Most players preffer to use precision weapons over fully automatic weapons. Not that I dislike presicion weapons, for I also find them to be convinient and acknowledge their upper hand on the battlefield. It's just that I find that some weapons are not giving their full potential at their field, thus they make most precision weapons a strong choice. Which are these weapons that fall back? Well, just as the tittle suggests, the weapons are the following: Assault Riffle & Storm Riffle The assault riffle and the storm riffle. Weapons made to fight from medium range combat, and ment to destroy from close-quarters. Of course, these weapons don't fare well on long distance battles. Most should be aware of this. However, when these weapons encounters certain precision weapons on it's field of effeciency, they falls back. The suppressor, in my opinion, doesn't seem to have this problem. If I were to make a suggestion, these weapons should have a slight boost on their damage. Nothing too substancial, just a bit to make the difference, since they have a good fire rate. Covenant Carbine The convenant carbine is a great weapon. It shares the same advantage as the other precision weapons. The weapon has a great fire rate in contrast with the other two precision weapons, but it's fire-power, is greatly cut-off in return. This weapon doesn't seem to fare well in the battlefield, but with a little boost on it's fire power, it should be balanced with the rest. Again, it should not be given a great amount of fire-power, because the weapon has the advantage of speed over the other two precision weapons, it just need a slight boost. Besides, this matter, the game itself is a pretty good addition to the series. I would like to thank 343 and all of those in the making for keeping this legend alive. Well done.
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- Assault Riffle
- Storm Riffle
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DISCLAIMER: I applaud 343i's balancing for being one of (if not) the best multiplayer balancing feats ever. Any and all critisism regarding flaws in my logic should be constructive. Thank you. In this post I will explain through various means why the Covenant Carbine in Halo 4 is a technically flawed primary weapon. This doesn't mean it's outright terrible, because there are plently of circumstances in which it is effective, but something's not correct. I will also provide various solutions to ammend the issues I've found with the weapon. First, let's recognize why the Carbine is on par with it's two other precision weapon brethern, the DMR and BR. This is a shot list below demonstrating such: CHARACTERISTIC: CC, DMR, BR FIre rate (RPM): ~257, ~155, ~155 (accounting for 1200 RPM burst and 0.5 second delay) Shots to down Shield: 7, 4, 12 (4 bursts of 3) Headshots: 1 for all Shots to kill an unshielded body: 5, 3, 7 (3 in a burst, one shot out of last 3 can kill) Now what we should really consider is that most players are experienced enough to aim for the head, at which point the last values are obsolete. Judging from these characteristics, we could say very liberally that they are all about the same lethality. And that is true, somewhat, when you're talking about just ONE enemy. In fact, due to the compiled nature of the shots, the hypothetical Time to Kill (TTK) of the CC is greater than both the DMR and the BR, respectively. But let's go back a second. What happens when you're trying to kill more than one enemy? Under the circumstance that every person is 100% accurate and lands nothing more than the necessary shots to kill with a headshot, the following replecates the ammo required to do such: KILLS: AMMO LEFT FOR WEAPONS (CC, DMR, BR) One: (18- = 10, (14-5) = 9, (36-15) = 21 Two: (10- = 2, (9-5) = 4, (21-15) = 6 (divide by three, explained below) Three: (2- = -6, (4-5) = -1, (6-15) = -9 (divide by three, explained below) What can we take from this? First, the values designated by the "Two:" row indicate how many "compensation shots" the user would have left to finish off the opponent(s) (remember, this was under the impression that everyone was 100% accurate, which no one actually is). In this, we find that the DMR has a full 4 compensation shots to use between the two enemies. That's an average of two compensation shots per enemy. This is very gracious for such a precise weapon. Either way, let's move onto the CC and BR, which have 2 and 6 respectively (when you divide by the 3 shots per burst that are fired it's still 2), so they're both the same... right? Consider this - every burst fired with the BR contains three bullets, only one of which actually needs to be lethal. So it's really not necessary, if at all in the first place, to take more than one compensation shot, or burst for that matter. The CC actually needs to land one of two lethal headshots per each enemy, otherwise the user won't be left with enough ammunition to finish the job. That's why, from that standpoint, the CC is already worse than the BR and DMR. Now take the second point, which is under the "Three:" section, containing all the negative numbers. This is what we could call the "clean-up" values, or how many extra headshots it'll take to kill the third enemy once you've killed the two above (again, not accounting for ANY lapses in accuracy, totally ignoring the first segment we've discussed above). Looking again at the DMR, you'd need only 1 more headshot from your pistol to finish off the opponent. Triple kills, all things aside, should be pretty easy. This time, the BR and CC are not even relatively close. The BR has a value of -9, translates to 3 shots from your pistol of choice. Quite a bit worse than the DMR, but not as bad as what you'll see next. So you'd like a Triple Kill with the CC? FORGET IT. You'd need a full 6 (TWICE as much as the BR and SIX TIMES as much than the DMR) headshots to clean up the job afterwards for that third guy, at which point, you'd be better off running away and reloading or something. Assuming you can actually do that, you're probably extremely talented at getting headshots with everything. Throw human error into the mix and you have yourself a weapon of which just doesn't compete in terms with the other two comparable primary loadout precision weapons. Sure, you could down the shields with other means, and say that the DMR has more sway etc, but I'm just talking on a pure technical basis here. There's a problem, and it needs to be addressed. Below are some solutions I'd like for someone to consider here. If you have your own or are in support of any of these, please reply: SOLUTION 1: Increase magazine size to 22 This would eliminate most issues with our little ammo conservation problem, keeping the lethal capacity at a cap of 2 kills like the other ones. If you chose 22, that leaves 4 compensation shots comparable to that of the DMR, and would make it take only 4 pistol headshots to finish off, one worse than the BR. You get one good and one bad, which is better than two crumby stats. 23 rounds would push each number up one, which could make the gun a little bit too good. SOLUTION 2: Decrease shield threshold from 7 to 6 shots Effectively changing the "Two kill" equation to (18-(2*7)) = 4 compensation shots and (4-7) = 3 pistol shots, which is more subtle than changing it to 23 rounds but at the same time is more effective than a 22 round improvement since it not only changes it from 4 to 3 pistol shots, but also lowers the TTK on each successive individual opponent. SOLUTION 3 (kinda extreme): Worsen the other two weapons The DMR could be worsened by cutting one or two bullets, and the BR by cutting the ammo count to 33 or one less burst. These are fair enough options that would force these guns to be more conservative with their ammo exhaustion. NOTE: This took me a considerable amount of time to create. If you don't mind, the feedback for this topic would be greatly appreciated. Again, I'm being logical about this, so please be constructive in your feedback as we try to solve these issues regarding this weapon. If you disagree with my statistics, I can show proof on demand. However, I should inform you that all of these statistics were privately tested and calculated using my game and HD PVR recordings broken down in Sony Vegas. Thank you again. Looking forward to those responses. .
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- Halo: Reach
- covenant
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I recently made some weapon comparisons that look at both the automatic loadout weapons and the precision loadout weapons. Can you guys take a look and tell me what you think? I'm probably going to continue with this series, and do sidearms, shotguns, rockets, snipers, and maybe even vehicles as well. Automatic Weapons: Precision Weapons:
- 4 replies
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- Assault Rifle
- (and 7 more)
The DMR is the only balanced gun in the game in terms of an "Assault Rifle" category'd gun. The Light Rifle, DMR, and Battle Rifle are your 3 weapons of choice that should every be considered. The Light Rifle takes more shots when not scoped in, less when scoped in; get rid of it. The Battle Rifle is more overpowered than the DMR, and here is why: Although they take the same amount of shots, with and without scope, they are not the same. (I realize that the BR is supposed to be better at a short range, and the DMR is supposed to be better at a long range -- which weapon you use for THIS reason should vary on the map, the gametype, and your playstyle I suppose...) But...Here's why... Let's say there are 2 players going into a 1v1 BR/DMR fight. Player 1 is your average Halo player n00b, where as Player 2 is a professional Halo player that is not such a rookie. Both players are using the DMR with standard settings, everything is normal. Player 1 and Player 2 both hit eachother 4 times apiece. Each player is now 1 shot away (in the head) from dying. Player 2, being more skilled, hits the 5th shot in the head, whereas Player 1 hit Player 2 in the shoulder. ^^^In this situation, Player 2 is awarded the kill, as he should be, for having more "skill", and walks away a "weakened-1shot". In the other way around, Player 1 and Player 2 are both using a Battle Rifle. Both players have again hit eachother in the body 4 times, remaining a headshot away from being awarded a kill. On the 5th shot, Player 2 again hits Player 1 in the head; however, this time, Player 1 has (with his 3 bullets, since battle rifle's shoot 3 bullets in comparison to the DMR's 1) has hit Player 2 in the shoulder, the neck, and the shoulder. In this situation, both players are awarded a kill, and a trade occurs. ^^^In this situation, Player 2 and Player 1 are both awarded a kill, but it is not based off of "skill". I know there is not near as much "spray, spread, swiping", whatever you would like to call it, as there was in Halo 3, but nonetheless, there is still a "spread". I realize that none of these guns will be changed in anyway, and I realize also that it's all there for fun and will remain constant, so people's discussions and complaints are irrelevant, but I figured I would throw these facts out there for those who seem to be upset about these DMR/BR/LR discussions. All in all, don't use the Light Rifle, if you're playing a close range map with lots of hallways, use the BR, otherwise use the DMR. Over all, if you can scope in 24/7 [which you shouldn't be able to], use the LR; but the BR is still the best "Assault Rifle" type gun in the game, for the reasons stated above; unfortunately. <3 p.s. ...the Carbine doesn't count in this discussion. see other posts for details.
So guys, what weapon will be your primary? What'll be your secondary? How bought your grenades? I mean come on everyone likes the boom! Your Armor ability? Your Support upgrade? And finally Your tactical package? Link to Armor Ablities, Support Upgrades, and Tactical Package. Link to Weapons and grenades And some helmets thrown in there because im nice!
Heard from the 343 Sparkast #12 (sometime around 30 minutes in) podcast. There will be a new(old) weapon in the game formerly called the assault carbine. It will apparently have a new title but that hasn't been mentioned as of yet. Anyway it has been described to have the characteristics of and old weapon we know that was good at "mangling" an opponent's shields. So, now instead of being a "depleater", it will be a "finisher". To me this sounds very much like it could be a remake of the SMG. Thoughts anyone? I'd personally love if it came back, especially if it was more useful like it was in halo 2.
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- Carbine
- assault carbine
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I have been reading a lot about the Assailt Carbine but I have no idea what it is. I can't find any pictures or even any descriptions. There is however a possiblity that its the MA5K Carbine that's in Halo: Ghosts of Onyx: If anyone finds out anything, like pictures or descriptions, posting it here would be much appreciated. Thanks!