I will be hosting a Halo Chess tourament on August 10th, starting at 11:00 am EST.
Before I continue, there are a few problems with the Halo Chess gametype which people need to be aware of:
1. There is no castleing. The gametype does not include the ability to castle.
2. No En Passasant(SP). Once again, the game does not allow it.
3. When you checkmate the other player, the game registers it as check, thus the game continues, even though it shouldn't, so you must know how to know if something is checkmate insead of check.
The tourament is single elimination, and the winner should send me a PM or XL message after the game.
Please sign up asap so I can begin creating the bracket. Give your GT in the sign up
Current Contestants:
TsicksSense GT sikslik7
DoctorB77 GT DoctorB77
Mr. Biggles GT BigglesBrown
Olliemus GT Olliemus
Lazmarr GT xXSoulDestroyer