Gamertag: Sam The Great Map: Elimination Chamber Gametypes: Dodgeball Classic, Dodgeball One Life Player count: 8-16 Brief description: This is a remake of TwiztedMatt1007's Elimination Chamber from Halo 3. This is dodgeball, plain and simple. Nothing fancy here. Eliminate the opposing team by sticking them with plasma grenades. Don't step over the line or you're out. Dodgeball Classic is best played with 8-12 players and is a King of the Hill variant where you want to eliminate the opposing team and then score by capturing the hill. In this gametype, upon death you will respawn in prison on the opposite side of the map. Your teammates can free you by throwing a grenade into the hole above the prison. Games of this can go on for quite long, as there are five rounds by default maxing at five minutes each, so you may want to alter these settings as host, or simply skip this gametype and go with the one life variant. Dodgeball One Life is more suitable for full lobbies of 16 players. It is just simply a slayer variant with one life and five rounds.