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1. Gamertag: Salsasandro in collaboration with Silberaffe (Underwater Canvas made by Oakley Hidef) 2.Name of the Map: Misty Heights Map Tags: flood, salsasandro, underwater, bridge, silberaffe, trap, mist!/?section=GameMap&SearchDate=7&SortBy=2&view-select=Tile&startIndex=0 Supported Gamemodes: Flood, Slayer 3.Gametypes: GT Misty Heights Flood GT Misty Heights Slayer!/?section=GameSettings&SearchDate=7&SortBy=2&view-select=Tile&startIndex=0 Recommended Players: 4 to 10 4.Description: The Humans have to survive on the top of the Mountain. The Flood players are catapulted from underneath the map to simulate the climbing chase of the Flood. Several Bridges and Traps, hidden Items a cavern and some place to hide. Also risk vs reward places. 5. Pictures
From the album: Hunger Games
May the odds be ever in your favour. Made by HALO4DragZilla on one of LordZedds modded maps download link:!/?section=GameMap&view-select=Tile&startIndex=0&details=58a9dabe-b4b7-4103-a91b-0ef69ddf2bb9- 1 comment
- HungerGames
- Hunger Games
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Gamertag: ChancierHornet Map: Bad Rain Gametype: Cascade Cascade is a Flood Minigame which requires some explanation. Flood spawn on the upper level of the tower and must use their Sticky Detonators to attach grenades to the Mongooses found there before dropping them on the Spartans below. A massive Crate can also be used for this purpose for a little more crunch. This gametype is modded to allow the Flood to carry these weapons therefore it must be used. 4-12 players.
- Bombs
- Action Sack
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Map Name: Cascade Gamertag: Wolf Dargo Tags: Dominion, Forge Island Created 3/29/13 Screenshots: Player Count: 8-12 Gametypes: Dominion... ? Description: This is my first attempt at a Dominion map... True to my design style... Symmetrical with an overpowered Bravo in the middle... Ready for testing... Budget: 8900 ~Thanks for looking, feedback is appreciated...
Map Name: Echo Gamertag: Wolf Dargo Canvas Map: Forge Island Created: 3/30/13 Screenshots: Ideal Player Count: 2-8 Gametypes: Slayer, Double Team Description: I learned about this cool hidden area on Forge Island and had to build a map there for your enjoyment. This would probably work best for Double Team and all other small scale slayer games... Budget: 5600 ~Thanks for looking, feedback is appreciated...
- 5 replies
- 1 on 1
- Double Team
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Gamertag: ChancierHornet Map: Peggle Gametype: Peggle Peggle is the ultimate vertical jumping challenge where players must utilize a jet pack and the hundred or so pegs embedded in the Forge Island cliff face in order to reach the hill and the all-important victory. Available as a single player challenge or as a competitive game, Peggle will most likely frustrate you but will ultimately leave you satisfied. 1-16 players but keeping the count below 10 will probably lead to the most fun.
- Achievement Horse
- Challenge
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Map: Last Stand: City Heights Gametype: Last Stand Creator: Shadow KryPTiiC Player Count: 10-12 Waypoint link:!/?section=GameMap&SearchDate=7&SortBy=2&view-select=Tile&startIndex=0&details=d56da219-6608-443b-87d3-02db48ffb67d Hello Everyone, I am Shadow KryPTiiC I would like to present my map Last Stand: City Heights, or just City Heights for short. This map takes place in a vacant structure that has not been used since long before the start of the zombie outbreak. A band of humans have been living in the building since the ground of the city is too dangerous. Little do the survivors know that the zombies have discovered their location and are grouping up to attack. Can you survive the Zombie onslaught? The map itself takes place in a three story building that the humans cannot leave since the gametype Last Stand disables the ability to jump. There are two zombie entrances per floor but once the zombies take over a floor, the staircase from this floor counts as another access point for the flood to attack the humans. Aside from the 3 floors, there is also a roof for the humans to hold out on. Thats about it, enjoy the rest of the thread (: Here is a side view of the building itself (the playspace for the humans) Here is another view of the structure from a different viewpoint. Here is a picture of the second floor (though each floor looks fairly the same since it is a vacant structure) Here is one of the entrances for the zombies on the second floor. This is a walkway to connect to a neighboring building. Here is a view of the third floor. Here is a picture of the roof. A favorite spot for humans, though it can be easily overrun. This is the man cannon that hurls the zombies at the roof. Here is the OTHER man cannon that hurls zombies to the third floor. The flood spawn in almost all the structures that surround the main building. Here is yet another view of the building, and here i would like to point out the railings which provide the zombies with an easy ramp up to the first floor. Here is my favorite part of the map, the window washer! Though people like to point out it doesnt actually wash a window (: Anyways, that just about raps up this map, I hope you all enjoyed (:
- 2 replies
- last stand
- flood
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Map Name: UNSC Grifball Stadium Gamertag: Rabid Cadaver Link: Description: Olympic influenced grifball stadium with astro turf field as well as press boxes and stands for each team.
1. Gamertag: Salsasandro in collaboration with Silberaffe (Underwater Canvas made by Oakley Hidef) 2.Name of the Map: Misty Heights Map Tags: flood, salsasandro, underwater, bridge, silberaffe, trap, mist!/?section=GameMap&SearchDate=7&SortBy=2&view-select=Tile&startIndex=0 Supported Gamemodes: Flood, Slayer 3.Gametypes: GT Misty Heights Flood GT Misty Heights Slayer!/?section=GameSettings&SearchDate=7&SortBy=2&view-select=Tile&startIndex=0 Recommended Players: 4 to 10 4.Description: The Humans have to survive on the top of the Mountain. The Flood players are catapulted from underneath the map to simulate the climbing chase of the Flood. Several Bridges and Traps, hidden Items a cavern and some place to hide. Also risk vs reward places. 5. Pictures
- 3 replies
- trap
- silberaffe
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Hello Forums! Darkrain491 here requesting map testers for this coming saturday starting midnight Grenich Meridian Time (London). I am a keen forger that is intent on further promoting a map which i created which has proved very popular and i wish to spread to the community forge thread, but I want some outside opinion and quotes to see how i can improve it before this. So far it has 550 downloads and I am aiming for more. Here is a link to the maps download page for those interested and wish to give it a look over before playing it. the map is Floodgates .!/?section=GameMap&SearchDate=7&SortBy=2&view-select=Tile&startIndex=0&details=38248dc3-45fa-407f-a479-11495cb264e9 If you are interested in this playtesting night, please message my Gamertag: Darkrain491 Also you may simply post here aswell Any messages left should be CONSTRUCTIVE. All particapants will be credited unless you do not wish to be, Screenshots will be taken to add to its gallery. If you do not wish to be included in said screenshots, please note in your reply. Map Elements include: Banshee Combat Long Range Medium Range Close Range Sniper Rifle Combat Man Cannons Interior and Exterior Combat Multi Platform Combat Minimum 10 player, Max 16. Rules: No Ordinance will be used Personal Loadouts Allowed. If anyone would like to add a Gametype to the following roster please let me know. Slayer CTF Regicide Dominion Extraction KOTH After the map testing I will be open to further custom games on my other maps if it is desired. maps include any on my fileshare, so download them if you want to playtest them yourself before trying them on the coming saturday. I will be leaving a survey as to what players believed it played best on, please do not use it until after playtesting Floodgates.
From the album: Halo 4 Screenshots
This is my first photoshop.... I kinda tried to make the File Select screen from Super Mario Sunshine in Halo 4, I also added my own affects by adding two small replicas of The Delfino Airstrip and Delfino Plaza in the background. It should be pretty easy to see... Please give some feedback, If you like it or not.© The Dumb Marine/Nintendo
- Super Mario Sunshine
- File Select
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From the album: Green Screen Fury
A bunch of image's taken by myself alone with the help of some in game Halo 4 mods by me. Please leave your thought's, improvement's and suggestion's. GT Callumsvnetwork Recent images Thank You SGC-
- Green Team
- Br Skin
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Undergrowth An original map by Zombie Feed Download link Hello, it's me, Zombie Feed. Got another map here and unlike the previous Corrosion, this is entirely original. However it bears striking similarity to another map from another shooter (so close... ) Map Description: The trees were talking to me. I swear there is more to this place that meets the eye. 3-12 players (3-6 for FFA gametypes, 4-8 for RvB gametypes, and 6-12 for multi-team gametypes) This map is mainly a vertical map with a circular look, yet the oddest part is its symmetrical design and asymmetric spawns. Granted, spawns are more specified on CTF, yet all others are neutral. Anyways this vertical map has four levels. The bottom level consists of the near knee deep water that you can run through and the little gunning outcrop positions on the sides inside the rock walls. The second level includes the rocks that you can run around and the bridge that is the shortest route between the two sides. The third level is composed of the main building. Unlike other areas, this level is the only one that involves close to mid range battles with its interior setting. The fourth level is the sniping platform floating around the central structure of the map. This floor is deemed inacessable to humans in flood gametypes to prevent slowing down the action of games. The map proves its worth with its usefulness towards jetpack users. There are many shortcuts to be found that only jetpack users can use, so be creative with your routes. As for asthetics, all I can say (without blowing my own horn) is that it is pleasing to the eye and each of the levels has a different form of contrast to differentiate the four levels (Level 1=Blue, Level 2=Brown, Level 3 & 4=White). Backstory: 10 years after the events at Reach, a lone UNSC ship, forever known as the Endevor, wandered too close to Requium. The ship crash landed, and the survivors sent out scouts to find locations for shelter. The scouts came across a Forunner artifact made up of artificial structures held above the water by natural pieces. The survivors moved all salvagable materials and carved out defendable emplacements to defend themselves from the Forunner knights that constantly attacked them. Until the Infinity's events at Requium, the Forunner base went unnoticed by anyone, aside from the survivors themselves. Before the Infinity left Requium, scouts found the place, but there was no one on the grounds and notes were left stating how the survivors investigated deeper into the base only to find wierd goo that, upon contact, would slowly take over the host's body, driving them mad. Some say that they could hear the few trees calling out to them, before they went completly insane and lashed out at others. Some say that this was the birthplace of the Flood on Requium, considering their half plant-like structure. Others say that it was ment to keep out a more localized disease. But one thing is for certain, there is an undergrowth here, and the Forunners wanted to keep it secured. Compatible Gamemodes: Slayer (FFA / Team / Multi-team) King of the Hill (FFA / Team / Multi-team) Regicide (FFA / Team / Multi-team) Oddball (FFA / Team / Multi-team) Capture the Flag (FFA / Team) Flood Weapon Spawns: Light Rifle x1 (resupplies every 1:30) Rocket Launcher x1 (resupplies every 3:00) Speed Boost x1 (resupplies every 3:00) Random Ordinance x2 (DMR / Concussion Rifle / Shotgun / Overshield / Plasma Pistol / Magnum / Boltshot) The Rocket Launcher spawns at the bridge on the second level. Sadly people will have to risk going into an open location to grab a weapon of great power. The Light Rifle spawns inside the building on the third level, however it is not as useful being located in the close quarters environment. The final initial drop is a speed boost in the water on the first level. Considering the amount of time you will waste getting from level 1 to level 3, you may need the speed boost if you do not have a Jetpack. As for the campers in the stone bunkers on level 1, you will have to get out of there if you want to grab some good firepower as the speed boost will barely help you in your camping situation. The two random drops spawn inside the open crates on the second level. However some of the selection of weapons will not help you in the environment they spawn at. Balancing: Level 1: Only has speed boost and two rock emplacements for good cover, however the open area of the water and large area may leave you to rethink any close range ideas. You have three routes to the second level: two of these are average stairs while one is a ladder (grav lift) that sends you to the center of the circular route on the second level. You have okay sightlines to level 2 and bad sightlines to levels 3 & 4 Level 2: This level has a Rocket Launcher and two random ordinances. You risk getting attacked from almost all of the levels however if you're not careful. You have four routes to level 3: two are stairs and the other two are crates that you can jump on top of to get to level 3. You have good sightlines to level 1, okay sightlines to level 3 and bad sightlines to level 4. Level 3: Mainly consists of indoor areas and contains a Light Rifle among a group of baracades and crates. You get two grav lifts and a sloped platform to get to level 4. You have good sightlines to level 2, okay sightlines to level 4, and bad sightlines to level 1. Level 4: The floating circle of platforms at the top of the map. You get a great vantage point, but sacrifice any level specific ordinance, plus you may need to be careful should you fall down two or more levels. You have good sightlines to level 3, okay sightlines to level 2 in some areas, and bad sightlines to level 1. This map currently remains untested. Feel free to give it a download and test it on the gamemodes listed and provide feedback to help me improve any issues or glitches in the system. Other Pictures: Updates: 8/26/13 Moved the Rocket Launcher Spawn to the Bridge Replaced the previous Rocket Launcher Spawn with a Light Rifle, which resupplies every 1:30 Removed the Energy Sword from the random ordinance, replaced with a DMR Added horizontal covers to the third level that extend over the 2nd floor Increased Jersey Barrier count on level 2 from 2 to 8 to increase blocked line of sight in the center (barriers may change in a future update)
- 11 replies
- symmetrical
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Hi everyone! Here The Blackmember with another Halo 4 Map call 'Project Z' this is a medium map with awesome Aesthetics 'I can't build a map without awesome aesthetics' And a very balance map make on Forge Island by me The Blackmember it take me 3 weeks to build it thanks to all the problems i have with it, Put it's finally here! Map: Project Z Players: 6-16 Gametype: Nemesis Creator: The Blackmember Download the map here:!/?section=GameMap&SearchDate=7&SortBy=2&view-select=Tile&startIndex=0&details=758a3e98-2c4e-4e4a-b155-87a93a79c55c Download the gametype here:!/?section=GameSettings&SearchDate=7&SortBy=2&view-select=Tile&startIndex=0&details=ee400ebb-629f-4a2e-92d6-17f9fe903998 If you like it add my on Xbox Live 'The Blackmember' i'm always building maps! Right now i'm working on Four more maps Competitive, Mini Game, Race and Infection! **Tip: Try to stay together, Because you can't use your radar!
This map was created by me. It was made on forge island and is a floating map similar to the cage in halo reach. I based this map idea off a map i made in halo reach, but the two maps are no where near the same. I've also added some fake cranes, turrets, and terminals for looks only!/?section=GameMap&view-select=Tile&startIndex=0&details=da970851-fe06-4611-a707-2c63b17d81f5 Download link Also I have a game type as well or you can just disable custom classes
- Suppertime 13
- Halo 4 forge
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Chronos Chronos is a medium sized symmetrical ring shaped map for 4V4 matches. The idea of this map was to create a somewhat circular map with different "rings" circling an enclosed atrium in the center. The result was a Forerunner themed structure slowly being taken back by nature with various height differences and crossing sightlines through the middle atrium. Screenshots: Download: http://www.halowaypo...le&startIndex=0 Chronos is set up for Infinity Slayer, King of the Hill, Capture the Flag, and Swat. Slayer and Hill played as well as I had hoped. However, CTF and Swat were surprise hits on this map, offering a lot more depth than I had anticipated with those gametypes. The straight shot through the deadly center made Flag surprisingly fun, forcing players to skirt around the edges with the flag. And the varied sightlines through the center and segmentation of the map makes for some great Swat matches. Any and all feedback is appreciated!
- 3 replies
- 2
- arena
- forerunner
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GamerTag:HaloDreadNaught Map: Prime GameType: Infinity Slayer and Capture The Flag. Description: 4-8 player map. This is a small map. Already set for two game types. I made it with a Halo 3 Narrows type of feel to it. Please download and test it out. Send me feedback on here or my gamertag. I will make modifications accordingly, if a decent amount of people enjoy the map then ill consider making a new map. I'm really looking forward to creating better and more creative maps. Enjoy
- 2 replies
- 1
- Forge Island
- Capture the Flag
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Greetings everyone! I thought I'd share a map of mine I originally created in Halo: Reach (it's still there in my Reach File share I believe if anyone wants to see the original) which is called "Rockery". I'm hoping to get some input/advice on how the map plays and if there are any ways to improve it. I designed this map with the sole purpose of its aesthetic being completely natural, apart from the structure that the centre of the map, thus with all the rocks used, I dubbed the map "Rockery". Rockery's a medium to small style of map, the map itself is also a bit of a hybrid, as it supports Competitive Slayer, from Team Slayer to Free for All/Regicide, but it also supports Oddball and KOTH as Objective game types. And so onto the meaty business of the details with some pictures included: Map Name: Rockery File Share: Rockery File Share Gamertag: RECEPTOR 17 Canvas Map: Forge Island Last Updated: 05-18-2013 Supported Gametypes: Team Slayer, Slayer FFA, Oddball, Regicide, King of the Hill Best Gametypes: Team Slayer, Oddball, Regicide Intended Team Sizes: 4v4 + 5v5 (Can do 6v6) Initial Ordnance: 2x Needler (180 Respawn) 1x Rocket Launcher (240 Respawn) 2x Pulse Grenade (100 Respawn) 1x Sticky Detonator (200 Respawn) 2x Frag Grenade (90 Repsawn) 2x Plasma Grenade (120 Respawn) 1x Gravity Hammer (200 Respawn) 1x Railgun (240 Respawn) 1x Concussion Rifle (180 Respawn) Random Ordnance: N/A Weapons on Map: 1x Lightrifle (60 Respawn) 2x Surpressor (90 Respawn) 1x Carbine (60 Respawn) Budget: 5570/10000 Screenshots: Rockery High Rockery's Base Map Flythrough/Overview Link: Rockery Runthrough Map Description: A RECEPTOR and Wetz original. Close-combat oriented Wargames are played out in this natural arena. The map is made Watertight via a Safe Zone cordoning off the playing area of the Map, along with Rock Walling, which blocks off the rest of the Island the Map is built upon. There are Fusion Coils also placed around the central base, to help ensure nobody controls the centre of the Map for the duration of the game. +*+*+*+ And that's that! I'd greatly welcome any constructive comments/suggestions on how the map plays and if there are ways to improve the gameplay etc. Thanks for reading and I look forwards to reading what responses you have! 17 out.
Gamertag : BlueArrow1256 & BZAR86 Map: The Mist!/?section=GameMap&SearchDate=7&SortBy=2&view-select=Tile&startIndex=0&details=91827d1e-8f02-4eca-9faa-cd955114fc77 Gametype: Gastly!/?section=GameSettings&SearchDate=7&SortBy=2&view-select=Tile&startIndex=0 Description: This map is ment to be played with the game type Gastly (Preferably ment to be played with 4-16 players) Using the Forge Island Secret Area , Flood variant. Survive in The Mist.
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- Secret Area
- Forge Island
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OK, so I finally manages to play Forge Island on Forge after deleting the map I had downloaded before getting Forge Island. I spawned with a Needler and half of a Incineration Cannon. The front end of the cannon looked fine but the rear half simply wasn't there, including the hand hand grips. Would have loved to have taken a screenshot but when I tried loading the clip I got the same glitch happen where I was sent back to the main menu. After that I couldn't go back into Forge Island without getting sent back to the menu. Works fine in custom games oddly enough. Will try to delete and redownload again.
Is anyone else experiencing a glitch where you try to load Forge Island on Forge but get sent back to the main menu every time? It works perfectly fine on Custom Games. Extremely angry with 343 right now.
- 2 replies
- Forge
- Forge Island
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Originally I was going to entitle this topic Forge Island sucks, but I have seen a couple of decent maps used with the terrain wisely and that would therefore contradict what I would say. I am more of a dominion forger and I know ALOT about of dominion. And I have initially made around maybe 3-5 dominion maps on forge island (some tested, most scrapped) and I have not been able to continue any. I found the greatest disadvantage to making a dominion map in Forge Island is the flatness! It is unbelievably difficult to make an enjoyable dominion map on that canvas. You would have to work through many sight lines and then create alot of own terrain to differentiate the map and not give it that even level fighting ground. If you have attempted to forge a dominion map, post how you feel. This is my perspective so don't feel offended on how I view things.
Download Link: Gametype Link: Today here I have a map to show you, Created by myself, helpers were Quizter and AC SpecOps. This was a Mini-Game that I loved to play in Halo 3 and have wanted to recreate since Reach but never had the right space to do so. We've pretty much done everything as it was in 3 but changed some things up to better suit the Map and Halo 4. Now, onto the way it works. There is 1 Flood (Tank) The rest Humans (Mongoose) Simply the way it works is the Mongeese must run from the scorpion and try to stay alive for the remaining time. Each player has 1 life, when you die your dead. There are multiple rounds in a game, with hazards and jumps to go along with all this. That's about it for the way it works, quite a simple map. Video [video=youtube;BkHKKA5pkN8] Now on with the Screenshots. Human Spawn. (Mongeese) Flood Spawn. (Tank/Scorpion) Mongoose Performing a jump. Guess this Mongoose didn't think his path. Overview. That's it for this post, if you could leave feedback it would be much appreciated. Thanks
- 1 reply
- Forge
- Forge Island
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Gamer Tag lllll 117 lllll (l=L, 5 at each side) Map: Cydonia Cydonia is a small boxy map built within the new Forge Island canvas. Its symmetric and features 2 main levels and 4 buildings connected by bridges and power lifters. Its purpose-built is 2vs2 slayer (pro and Infinity) and rumble pit (testing flags atm). 1st level is beatiful, a perfect match between green (grass and trees) and grey from buildings, a stylish tower in the middle will take to the 2nd floor and will prompt you to find a new target to shoot at. 2nd level is fun there's plenty space to move but not so much to cover. Hope u like it! Pics: