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Found 1 result

  1. Ok, this is pretty simple. Despite adding so much new content for Halo 4, there is still some stuff that I, and i'm sure many people would like to see return. This is just a simple list of what needs to return. Gamemodes Team Snipers- It's a gamemode that's been popular since Halo 3. I don't see a reason why it was taken out in the first place. SWAT/Grifball- Same as above. I know gamemodes of these exsist, it's just that they are not in multiplayer anymore exept for custom games. Juggernaut- It was just fun, ok? Headhunter- This is just a fun and frantic gamemode that also allowed for great forge maps, if one was creative. Infection- No, not Flood, Infection. Halo: Reach made Infection amazing with great maps, great camping spots, and having betrayal booting off for about half a year good times. Also, Magnums actually killed things. Game Options Only Host Can Edit In Forge- It made it so you could make a map with your friends and their friends still in the game. Otherwise, I can't have them join without losing half my work. Flood Options- Why can't Flood use weapons instead of weird...spear...things? It made it so things could be diverse and you could give them Plasma Pistols so if survivors drove in something, it wouldn't be cheap. Also, an option to make it so they were just seaweed green Spartans with Energy Swords like before would be nice. Vehicles Elephant- ANYONE who played Halo 3 knows why. ELephant are mobile bases of awsome with one of the best BTB maps ever. Falcon- Was I the only one who noticed only Banshees where in Halo 4? Falcons where fun to pick up and drive around people in without being too overpowered. That about covers it. So, what do you think? Should 343 add some of these things to the game? Or is Halo 4 fine as it is? Please comment below.
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