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Started in Halo Reach Undefeated in 1v1s Team player but silent Has a mic Never been anywhere on scoreboard but 1st About 2000+ Hate required armor My gt is TwistedXTornado
We are Known as The Wolf Pack. If you new to gaming or a seasoned vet we are looking for those who want to be apart of a family of gamers who run together and play together. Only requirements are that you are 18+ (16 is the youngest if you are mature enough) Have a mic and know how to have fun with others. If you are interested the contack me on XBL @ Mr Omega Wolf.
I have really grown out of Deviantart, a lot of problems, you'd know if you read my last post.......It gets boring, sucks how most of my watchers don't really do anything when I post something new, it just feels awful. I'd like to go to a place that has more people willing to comment or give advice. They don't need to talk to me all the time however, just enough to make me fell we have a strong connection. Not that I mind showing you my art, it's just that no offense, you guys don't always respond either. It's ok.
Welcome everyone to the official 343i "Who Wore It Best?" This is a new game that I hope each all of you will either compete or at least vote in. The rules are quite simple and instructions are listed below: The Game. The game consists of 12 Rounds, each round consists of 3 Phases, each of which you have a particular task to accomplish. Phase 1 (Preparation) Phase 1 is about a 3 week long period. Members will use this time to create a Profile picture and a signature based off of the theme I provide. Phase 2 (Submissions) 3 Weeks after the theme is announced, members will "wear" their profile picture and signature for that one day. On that day, members MUST post in the submission thread provided, their profile picture and their signature to be eligible. Phase 3 (Voting) On the morning of the next day the voting will begin and last for four days. (You cannot vote for yourself) Once the voting is complete (the four days are over) the participant with the most votes will win. If You Win If you win a round you will be added to the list below and you will choose the theme for the next round. (Note: You have 24 hours to PM me with the new theme, if I do not receive a PM with the theme from the winner, I will choose one myself OR choose one that other members have suggested to me via PM.) At the end of 12 rounds, the member with the most rounds won, will be the member "Who Wore It Best" Rules: All submissions must succumb to the same size restrictions that are already set for Avatars and Signatures. Do not have any questionable or inappropriate content in your Avatar or Signature. Do not post more than (1) Avatar for each theme Do not post more than (1) Signature for each theme "What if there is a tie?" If there should be a tie, there will be a re-vote the next day consisting only of those members who tied. If a tie breaker results in a tie, I will flip a coin to determine the winner. -Members Who Have Worn It Best- Total Mayh3m Vitamin PWN Round 3 The theme for Round 2 is "Unggoy" -Phase 2 begins April 7!- Good luck to all the particpants! Have a question, complaint, or suggestion? Message BZ1
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These vehicles look as real as they come !!!!!!!! For forging I dare you to find better made vehicles than these aesthetic beauties. This is not a playing map, but in fact a work of art by forge mode king. In this map he truely demonstrates both his skill as a forger, and creativity. Please check the link down below and see for yourself what ive been saying here. Also f you could please comment either here or on youtube page which is located down below in the link. Thank you for your time, and for your kind words of comments.
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- big cat vehicles aesthetics
- good
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Alot of people I encounter on websites, customs or on matchmaking think they are soooo good apparently. I don't know what triggers this encounter in Halo 4 because in Reach it wasn't so many. Their would be the occasional person that would be decent but not even good. Now in Halo 4 people try soo hard and think they're good. Well I'm sure it is the massive aim assist in Halo 4 because people could shoot the torso or beside the head and end up with a headshot. That didn't happen so often in past other halo games where wherever you had your reticle is where the bullet is going to go. But with the massive hitbox's and magnetism in this game even nobody's could out br/dmr a decent player. Then they go ahead and brag about it and say they did this on who. it just irritated me and wanted to know if anybody had these encounters. I don't think it is healthy and that aim assist and the hit box's need need to be reduced ASAP. But of course I'm sure people will argue that it is good to help the people just starting but the fact is that you're not going to get better with fake aim.
hello everyone this is the map that forge mode king madefor dominion style. it is one of the favourites by forge fans. it is also in my opinion the best ship i have ever seen in forge mode. but don't take my word for it see for yourself by clicking on the video below. thank you for your time and please comment and forge mode king loves feedback good or bad.
- star trek
- forge mode king
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Hey everyone I'm in a band and wondering what you all think? I'm the bassist and NOT the singer. Though my girlfriend does sing is some of our songs. Our Facebook link is Please tell me what you think and like our page perhaps?! Feedback would be great if you have suggestions
Hello 343i community, I came up with an idea yesterday in my head and wanted to see the community's opinion on it. I think that there should be a Leader-boards to promote friendly competition among this website. I have noticed the small lack of competitiveness among this website's members. I think it would add a different option for being known on the site rather than having quality posts. How it would work: The leader-board would be hooked up with Halo Waypoint or Halo Tracker to show individuals' stats. There would be different categories for things such as K/D, Wins, AVG Score, Skill Rank, and gametypes. I think that many members would be able to show off their Halo skills with this. This is just my opinion, please tell me what you think about this idea.
- 6 replies
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- Halo: Reach
- Leader-board
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EMERGEgaming is a Professional eSports, with me as the founder/leader Sean " hi5 ipwn " P of EMERGEgaming. But cutting to the chase we are seeking players for the following gametypes: Dominion, Slayer, CTF, Oddball. We are currently seeking members for any of these gametypes you can play for more than one gametype for the team. I have a website in the making right now its an amazing website i saw the preview of it just last week and it is amazing as far as i can see. But more to the team recruiting process now, we are seeking players for the gametypes above but also for dedicated players and players that play smart. Please copy and answer the following questions below truthfully please. 1. Name (First and Gamertag) 2. Gametype ( Name one or how many you want, Also you can say All) 3. Timezone ( ex ) Central, East, Pacific 4. How long can you be on ( If cant give full answer estimate it.) 5. How can we get ahold of you 6. Do you have a mic ( No kinect mic unless your getting a new one soon) 7. Age ( 16+ is what we looking for younger is fine but dont be annoying) 8. Games ( Do you play alot of others games or mostly halo 4) EX. other games list... nba 2k13 halo4, bo2 9. Do you like to rage. ( its ok we all raged once ) Contact me at hi5 ipwn on xbox thats my gametag, we really are serious to join many leagues and competition. Also the rules are easy just follow we arnt really strict our rules are simple.
- Professional
- Sponsored
(and 7 more)
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I was wondering about the new palettes for the new forge environments. First off, I thought that there was going to be four forge environments, not three. This displeases me slightly however. In that space envionment (I forgot the name of it), there was some tunnel pieces, which inspires me to make a basic racing map. I also like the oceanic palette, it reminds me of the forge world's lagoon and shorelines. Anyhoo, I was wondering what you thought about the palettes, because I was excited about th enew forge vidocs. BTW, if you want to know why the text is so big, it is because I am no longer going here on computer, I am on the XBOX's Internet Explorer, and it is hard to read from four to five feet from the screen, so yeah.
- 6 replies
- Halo: Reach
- Cool
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Ok so over the past thre to maybe four weeks I have been seeing a rediculouse ammount of threads about "oh the horror, halo 4 LE is no longer worth it". Well I have created this thread to give us some clarity on what has and has not been announced by 343i and I hope that this CAN answer all of your questions about "what are we actually geting" and is it still worth it for LE buyers like myself. Well, what are we getting?- Ingame Stuff and Goodies War games map pass- I have seen a lot of confusion recently about the war games map pass and whether or not the standalone is the only one that comes with the Strider and Scanner helmets. I am very very pleased to confirm that the War games map pass that comes with the LE also comes with the two helmets just like the standalone pass. Dont believe me?, here: "In an effort to aid completionists in their quest for collecting as many items as possible, we wanted to include the in-game content in BOTH versions. Now that the “I”s are dotted and the “T”s are crossed, we can finally confirm that the LE War Games Map Pass and the standalone War Games Map Pass both come with two bonus in-game helmets (Scanner and Strider), as well as a unique in-game emblem (Falcon). We’re also excited to reveal the specifics of the three map packs included in the Map Pass"- Halo waypoint 25.10.12 Specializations Early Access- Unfortunantly 343i HAS announced that our early access to the specializations is no longer exclusive to us LE buyers, the stand alone players who play before Nov 20th (about 99.9999%) will also have access to the specializations. Recruit Armour- I have heard a lot about the recruit armour no longer being exclusive to us LE buyers, apparently 343i has now replaced the Warrior armour with the Recruit armour as the new starting armour, I personally dont believe that this is true and have not seen anything about this on twitter, waypoint or anywhere else, A rumour perhaps?. Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn It HAS been confirmed by 343i that the LE of H4FUD will be streamed through waypoint and not included as a disk, personally I am not overly surprised, as they taught me in school, "it it sounds too good to be true it probably is", I am not angry with 343i for doing this but what does upset me a little is how it was never stated outright that it would be a disk. But still they could have communicated just a little better. My view/ Is it still worth buying the LE? Yeah look, Im going to have to say that the LE is still worth buying. I will NEVER cancel my preorders to any Halo games becuase my preorder is all about this- "I would like to preorder the LE of Halo x and pay a bit extra becuase I want to go that bit further and show my added support for the halo series, its not about what you get but about me saying here have this bit extra to make the next game better" If you have any more questions about the Halo 4 release please just post them in this thread and I will try to get the info out of 343i and answer your questions. Sincerely, Rossco
If you are looking for a clan to join hit me up! My clan name is Unnatural Cause and we are looking for new members. I will try you out to see how you play. This is a competitive clan so I am looking for good players always wanting to win. We will also be doing Gamebattles, but is not required. Send me a friend request if your interested. Gamertag: iRush God (Leader) or Gamertag: Budweiser X 702 (Co-Leader)
If you are looking for ppl to play with I will give you a tryout to see how good you are. Hit me up on live! I'm trying to get a team together for Halo 3, Reach, and of course Halo 4. I am not looking for a clan battle at this particular time. We will be doing Gamebattles, but that is not a requirement. Hit me up!
Me and my friends were playing halo reach in a custom game, after i was playing i wondered, " What if when your driver dies and you are in the passenger seat you can switch over into the driver seat, or turret (if nobody is in the turret) if anybody has any further ideas about this please post it below. (if i stole anyones idea, i am sorry) thank you!
I am a pretty skilled Halo player, I have experience in gamebattles doubles and teams of four. I feel like I want to be part of a Halo clan that has a good ranking structure where it's not super easy to get to the highest rank, but not where it would be impossible either. If you want more info from me or want me to tryout for your clan, message me on xbox, my gamertag is stuntedJet. Thanks for looking at my post, -StuntedJet
Looking for good players for halo 3, reach and of course halo 4. You must be good to join up and I will test you out. You must be talkative, have good connection and at least 16 years old. Hit me up asap! Also we do not have anything matching so do not worry about gamertag changes or anything else. Gamertag: iRush God
Hello, Recon here. Ive got some forge tips for you guys! :guitar: Tips for cool effects: SPINNING DICE: Take four Vehicle grav-lifts and put them in an intersecting cross, then place a dye in the middle. Make sure its set on Normal physics. MANUAL-MOON-CANNON: Make a holster, with whatever can hold a propane tank. put a small barricade as the end of the moon cannon. Nect, you place a propane canister under the barricade, and then you can shoot the end of the tank and make it fire out. MANNED-ELEVATOR: Simply make a shaft, and fill it with One-Way shields, facing up. Congrats theres your elevator. Do the opposite to go down. AVALANCHE OF ROCKS: Make a Box, and an opening that empties onto a slant, and make rocks that respawn every 3 seconds in the box, and have them empty out and fall down the ramp, theres your avalanche. Vehicle Cannons 1. Make a box, place a Scorpian or a Warthog rocket turret inside and then make a canopy, there you go! [MORE TO COME, Still working on some. MESSAGE ME IF YOU HAVE SOME, AND THIS IS FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY!]
- Halo:Reach
- Only
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Hey guys! I opened this topic for you. Just tell me what is your favourite racetrack on Halo: Reach. You can also post your own racetrack!