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Hey everyone, EK here, I wanted to create a thread where we could catalog all confirmed REQs so that if there's ever an issue, it can be resolved here. The list is barely done, but for now, here's a list of what we know for sure is appearing in Halo 5: Guardians! Recruit Recruit armour used by basic Spartan IVs in Halo 4 has returned in Halo 5: Guardians Very little discernible difference for this armour. HOW TO UNLOCK: Starter armour Air Assault This is another armour returning nearly exactly as it's precursor in Halo 5, with a mostly similar design with slight indents that make it stand out. However, if you were hoping for a return to it's Halo: Reach format, you'll be disappointed. HOW TO UNLOCK: Earn in REQ Packs. Recon The classic armour is making a comeback from Halo 4 with a mostly similar helmet and slicker body details such as improved shoulder plates. HOW TO UNLOCK: Earn in REQ Packs. Aviator Clear cut remastering of the original armour utilized by Spartan IVs with little noticeable change, the shoulders bear a slight difference to their original form though. HOW TO UNLOCK: Earn in REQ Packs. Recruit (BRN) This armour is partially different with a skull paintjob on the helmet and the same details on the gauntlets and chest piece. HOW TO UNLOCK: Earn in REQ Packs. Athlon This is an armour new to the Halo franchise, bearing some similarities to the previously seen Bullseye armour in the Halo 4 Champions Bundle. It seems to be a common set used among spartans during training for it's durability and ease of use. HOW TO UNLOCK: Best Buy Pre-Order Bonus; Earn in REQ Packs. Warrior This set was first used in Halo 4 as an early starter armour, and now follows a near exact asthetic look. HOW TO UNLOCK: Earn in REQ Packs. Scout Another fan-favourite armour set returning from as early as Halo 3, this remodel bears more resemblance to it's Halo 4 incarnation rather than other previous installments. HOW TO UNLOCK: Earn in REQ Packs. Defender Another clear remake nearly exactly akin to it's original model, the Defender armour received little aesthetic change. HOW TO UNLOCK: Earn in REQ Packs. Centurion [Legendary] Centurion armour was introduced in Halo 2: Anniversary in a much slimmer form than its current form. The armour became much bulkier and more akin to Mark VI designs. It is used by Spartan Fred in the campaign. HOW TO UNLOCK: Earn in REQ Packs. Mark VI (Clean) [Legendary] Bears resemblance to the Halo 3 version featuring a crotch piece and belt. Technically obsolete, the Mark VI [GEN1] Mjolnir armor maintains a legendary luster among Spartans and the general public. HOW TO UNLOCK: Earn the “Your Journey Begins” Achievement in MCC (Unlocks Helmet & Armour) or REQs. Mark VI (Scarred) [Legendary] Features a shattered visor and overall rough outline to armour. The Mark VI was able to remain functional until all of its triply-redundant auto-repair and bypass nodes failed. HOW TO UNLOCK: Earn the “Cairo Station" Achievement in MCC (Unlocks Helmet & Armour) or REQs. Nightfall [Legendary] Resembles Halo 2 and Halo 3 armour utilized by ODSTs. Spartans with Marine experience prefer NIGHTFALL armor when stationed on inhospitable worlds, due to its best-of-class life support. Not to be confused with Spartan Buck's Helljumper armour, which is bears much more of a resemblance to the typical ODST gear. HOW TO UNLOCK: Watching the Halo: Nightfall Episode 1 Second Story unlocks the Helmet, watching all 5 episodes of Halo: Nightfall unlocks Armour. Can also be earned in REQs. Helioskrill [Legendary] Utilizes a slick ninja-esque design similar to the previously used Hayabusa. The HELIOSKRILL is a work of art crafted by a Sangheili prodigy inspired to test her skill against the best that humanity could muster. HOW TO UNLOCK: Earn the “Legend” Achievement in MCC (Unlocks Helmet & Armour) or REQs. Hunter [Legendary] Hunter armour is extremely powerful and highly classified, mainly used by Fireteam Osiris’ leader Spartan Locke. Sophisticated and lethal, Hunter-class armor incorporates Watershed Division's latest warfighting technology. HOW TO UNLOCK: Pre-Order via GameStop, etc; Can also be unlocked through the REQ system. Noble [Legendary] This armour very clearly derives itself from the classic Commando gear used by Spartan Carter during the Reach campaign, dedicated to the memory of Noble Team’s efforts. It retains little changes to the original form besides more plating on the chest. HOW TO UNLOCK: Earn in REQ Packs. Breaker A new piece of gear in the Halo franchise, Breaker has a very thinly wire plated body and is used for mainly tactical purposes. Void-hardened and sealed to meet the demanding requirements of Spartan naval intercept operation (NIO) boarding teams, Breaker armor is also well suited for missions in environmentally compromised zones. HOW TO UNLOCK: Earn in REQ Packs. Anubis Anubis follows in the naming style of Fireteam Osiris and bears a massive resemblance to Mark V worn by Noble Six during the fall of Reach. HOW TO UNLOCK: Earn in REQ Packs. Mako Mako is a new armour set to the Halo series that has a very Oceanic feel to it with a spherical shaped head. There is also a sharkfaced variant unlockable through the REQs. HOW TO UNLOCK: Earn in REQ Packs. EVA The classic variant of EVA is returning once again identical to it's style in Halo 4 with the heavily armoured backside and the exposed front. Not to be confused with Hermes, Buccaneer, and Orbital which are also wide faced visor. HOW TO UNLOCK: Earn in REQ Packs. Copperhead [Legendary] Likely named after the famous snake, Copperhead is a very sleek alien-like armour design used by Spartan Vale in the campaign. A multipurpose armor system built from the ground-up for covert "special activities," COPPERHEAD armor is rarely seen since it is jealously guarded by ONI’s direct action teams. HOW TO UNLOCK: Earn in REQ Packs. Helljumper [Legendary] Designed as a monument to the gear used by Orbital Drop Shock Troopers, Helljumper is bulky and dauntless armour used by Spartan Buck in the campaign. The official description states that it is a pet project of Cascade's CEO, a former ODST, and that a small number of HELLJUMPER prototypes have entered Spartan service under a research partnership between the UNSC and Cascade Stronghold Technology. HOW TO UNLOCK: Earn in REQ Packs. Technician [Legendary] A specialized suit of armour, this is most notably used by Spartan Tanaka in the campaign. The variant is used by Spartan combat engineers and field techs. The Technician Mjolnir system features a battlenet node and custom machine interlink that can process and curate vast amounts of data. HOW TO UNLOCK: Earn in REQ Packs. Hermes [Legendary] The Hermes armour bears an extensive resemblance to the Buccaneer, Orbital, and EVA suits, and is worn notably by Spartan Kelly. The Enhanced Mobility Subsystem embedded in the Hermes prototype is so powerful that only a handful of Spartans can use it safely. HOW TO UNLOCK: Earn in REQ Packs. Argus [Legendary] The Argus armor is suited for longer range engagements where a better tactical view is necessary, and is notably used by Spartan Linda. The ARGUS suit's sophisticated battlenet control node provides situational and threat awareness in all environments, as well as hardware-accelerated cyberlink connections for intelligence collection networks. HOW TO UNLOCK: Earn in REQ packs. I'll be sure to update the list as time goes on and the rest of the REQs are revealed along with how to unlock them. Let me know down below if anything new comes up that I've missed and what your favourite set so far is! Thanks for reading!
Heyy, welcome back to the Weekly Site Poll! Poll 32 - 'Which Boss Battles do you love or hate, and what is the hardest Boss Battle you've been involved in?' - is here if you'd like to read the responses, or post a late reply. Moving on, this weeks questions regards a very divisive subject in the Halo community... What do you love and/or hate about the Halo 5 Campaign? Also, what would you do to make it a better experience? The next Weekly Site Poll will be posted on 7/16/16. Feel free to suggest the topic for the NEXT Weekly Site Poll in your response! Twam, out!
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GameRadar sat down with 343's franchise director Frank O'Connor to discuss topics relating to Halo 5: Guardians for a live stream interview. During the interview a question was raised regarding the possibility of Halo 5 being brought over to PC which O'Connor states that "There is plenty of chance Halo 5 could appear on the PC". He went on to say "Nothing to announce at this point, but it’s absolutely within the bounds of reason." Many PC gaming enthusiast Halo fans have asked for PC releases since the announcement of Halo 3 as Halo 2 was the last major title to release on PC Since then the only Halo titles that have released world wide on PC have been Spartan Assault and Spartan Strike. But there is Halo Online, however Halo Online seems it will only available in Russia, but it's unknown if it will stay in Russia. In the interview Frank O'Connor stated "We developed the game on an Intel platform. It wouldn’t be the hardest thing in the world to move it to PC and take advantage of PC stuff. But nothing to announce today." The next title confirmed for PC is Halo Wars 2, which was announced in August and is set for a 2016 release. In the interview Frank O'Connor stated "We developed the game on an Intel platform. It wouldn’t be the hardest thing in the world to move it to PC and take advantage of PC stuff. But nothing to announce today." The next title confirmed for PC is Halo Wars 2, which was announced in August and is set for a 2016 release. Any PC gamers out there feeling optimistic for a PC release of Halo 5? Leave a comment and let us know your thoughts on this news. Source: IGN
- 343 Industries
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343 has announced a feature for Halo 5: Guardians called "Spartan Companies" that will allow players to play and communicate together in an interesting way. Image from Spartan Companies acts like a clan system, a feature that is familiar in a wide amount of videos games. Players can create and name their own Company and can allow maximum amount of 100 players to join it. These companies will also get their own forum on 343's and Halo's official website In these forums players can check other members stats, profiles and simply communicate with fellow players of the same Company. Players can start creating their own Companies right now and it will be added to the site. Leaders of each Company can also put together their own emblem to give it's own indentity. What do you think of the Spartan Companies feature? Will you start your own? Leave and comment and let us know.
Halo 5's main theme has been revealed and it brings back the iconic Gregorian monk chant. Kojima Jinnouchi the composer of Halo 5: Guardians bring's the main theme of the game back to it's original roots by including the oh so familiar monk chant. The track titled "Halo Canticles" was uploaded by youtuber HALO Memes. Here's the track so have a listen. Halo 5: Guardians releases on October 27th where players will get to experience the rest of the soundtracks in game. The album will be released on October 30th which will probably include tracks such as bonus soundtracks as well as in the game tracks. What do you think of the Halo 5: Guardians main theme? Leave a comment and let us know. Source: IGN
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Image from IGN IGN has released a number of gameplay videos from the upcoming Halo game Halo 5: Guardians. The videos show them taking on a pair of Hunters in a 4 player co-op battle, we get to see a Banshee battle between Fireteam leader Jameson Locke and Covenant Remnant forces. We also get to see almost 4 minutes of Locke taking on the new Remnant Covenant weapon "The Kraken" in the new Forerunner aerial vehicle "Phaeton". Here are the links to each gameplay video. 4v4 co-op Hunter battle Banshee battle Kraken battle IGN also released a video featuring a new cinematic of Blue Team. Click here to watch it. Halo 5: Guardians releases October 27th for the Xbox One. Leave a comment below and let us know what you think about the new gameplay.
A new trailer video documentary for Halo 5: Guardians has leaked onto the internet, and boy is it sweet and packed with new visuals! Halo 5: Guardians is right on our heels with only a little over a month left to go before we can finally get our hands on the long awaited title. Movie-goers were shocked to see a new Halo 5 trailer release this weekend showing quite a few new cinematic visuals, so naturally someone recorded it and uploaded it to . The trailer shows off some new visuals of the Chief in better detail, as well as Osiris and the Arbiter. We see a shot in the sandy area of Sangheilios as the Arbiter seems to rally his troops. There are also a few scenes of Master Chief and Spartan Locke duking it out in a darkly lit room, and Chief seems to have the upper hand for most of them. There are a collection of other smaller details such as the two teams grouped together and Locke jumping off a platform, but the main focus of this trailer seems to be showing off the dynamics of the two teams within and against each other. I will update the article as soon as more details surface. I will also update with a more high definition image as soon as I get one. View attachment: leaked.png All images and information sourced by 343 Industries and Microsoft.
- Halo 5: Guardians
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A new trailer for the upcoming Halo 5: Guardians has released to the public eye, and it is, as expected, badass. Halo 5: Guardians is an upcoming sci-fi FPS following the events of the previous Halo 4, the game is made by 343 Industries and is set to release October 27th, but you all already know this, so I'll get down to the main point. A trailer was released, originating from Buzzfeed, but here's a link for the rest of us. It begins with Fireteam Osiris preparing to skyfall onto the snowy Kamchatka's surface. Commanders Lasky and Palmer debrief the team and Buck, in his usual fashion, delivers some humor to lighten the situation, before they finally jump out. From there on it's a ton of action as the trailer showcases the new Spartan abilities and features Osiris basically mowing down the Covenant and Promethean forces like pudding. This is the prologue to the first mission in which Osiris rescues Halsey from the Covenant Remnant and aims to kill Jul 'Mdama in the process. Besides that, not much else was revealed in this trailer, but more is sure to come now that we're two months away from launch! View attachment: buck.png All images and information sourced from 343 Industries and Microsoft.
- Fireteam Osiris
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Game Rant spoke to Halo 5's creative director, Tom Longo, at Microsoft's X15 event and asked if fans will finally get to see Master Chiefs face in the upcoming Halo game, Halo 5: Guardians. Sadly for some, it won't be happening. Tom Longo confirmed that he will have his helmet on at all times in Halo 5. For now Halo 4's legendary ending will be the closest we will ever get to see what Mr. John 117 will look like. If you remember (and I'm sure you do) players only got to see the Chief's eyes before the screen abruptly goes to black, leaving fans teased and curious. Although we do know what John looked as a kid from other Halo media such as the Halo: Fall of Reach- Boot Camp graphic novel, where a kid John 117 posed on the front cover of the comic. We also seen him as a child in Halo 4's live action trailer . So for now Chief's helmet is going to be firmly on in Halo 5: Guardians and his face will be well hidden for another while. Do you think Master Chief's face will be shown at some point in the future? Would you like to finally see what he looks like once and for all, or do would want him to be kept as a faceless hero? Leave a comment below and tell us what you think.
You can watch the whole thing (or view the embedded version below). The ViDoc weaves through a myriad of ideas, backstory, and behind the scenes footage while numerous 343 Industries employees have concurrent "mini interviews". Noteworthy things from the video include (the corresponding images will be linked via #): The introductory cutscene for the ViDoc's name, which might actually be in the game. It shows Locke climbing up some sort of rocky cliff (or getting up? His BR is laying on the ground beneath him, so he could have fallen) while the screen pans up to a view of Chief standing atop the hill. # # # Yellow Gauss Hog, Yellow Mongoose, a Yellow "Wargoose" or Gungoose (seems to have weapons attached to it's hood. It's currently unconfirmed on what it is), a crashed Pelican colored yellow, and an AI character (construction worker?) driving a Mongoose. These might be possible construction themed vehicles. # # # # A dev working on a 343 Industries themed Assault Rifle. # Chief touching Cortana's chip, which vanishes afterward, and a apparition of Cortana. This is from the Blue Team level that has been shown before. # # # An Elite presumably working on a parked Banshee with it's wings & hood raised. # Development model of the Wraith (it's still the actual model that's in the final game), and some weird looking Tank in the background. # Mini Forklift. # A wall in Campaign that can be destroyed by a Shoulder Charge (it's the cracked wall underneath the destroyed stairs). # Chat bubbles over team characters heads when they talk (possibly the same bubbles seen in game chat in Online Coop). # # First Person view of the revive mechanic. # # AI friendly Elites. # First Person view of Locke ordering Spartan Tanaka to pick up a Scattershot. # # Shade Turret. # Anti-Air Turret? # Captain Lasky. # # Buck holding an unknown Magnum variant (his personal sidearm?). # Dr. Halsey. # I have compiled an extensive album of around 103 images from the ViDoc here. Though it certainly is not all of the obtainable screenshots. Finally, the ViDoc itself can be viewed below if you declined to click the IGN link at the beginning of this article. Thanks for reading! Sources: , my own ViDoc album post on r/halo
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Phil Spencer sat down with Giant Bomb on their E3 Podcast not that long ago to talk about how Backwards Compatibility works, and clear confusion on some of what it can & can't support. He went on to say that multi-disc 360 games, like Wolfenstein: The New Order or Dead Space 3, are currently in development, and are being looked into. He said specifically, "We're still working on multi-disc. Lost Odyssey, and Blue Dragon are some of my favorites from the 360. There's actually work in packing a multi-disc into single that requires us to go back and look at the original package on the multiple discs and reconfigure that. There weren't allot of multi-discs on 360, but that is an issue for us." He also made a brief comment regarding Kinect: noting that 360 Kinect games will not work on Xbox One, "There's some caveats, and as always I like to be as transparent as I can be on this: Kinect games won't work from the 360, because translating between the Kinect sensors is almost impossible." Lastly, Xbox Support on Twitter confirmed that disc-based & digital 360 DLC will be supported, and can be transferred to Xbox One via the Backwards Compat. system. However, the availability of the DLC depends on whether or not the Developer or Publisher approves it. For example, if a company like ZeniMax were to allow it's consumers to port it's 360 DLC to the One, content such as Dawnguard from Skyrim & Mothership Zeta from Fallout 3 will be playable with no strings attached (the content still needs to be tested beforehand, like Phil Spencer said in the podcast above), and possibly all DLC from the GOTY and special editions of said games will be utilized as well. Again, this still depends on the content-holders giving the green-light. Backwards Compatibility will be available to everyone later this year, and supposedly will launch with around 100 supported titles, and hundreds more every month. Those who are in the Xbox One Preview Program can test the system's current titles right now, like Perfect Dark Zero, Super Meat Boy, and Battleblock Theater. Xbox additionally has a public vote on which games will be approved. You can go to the Xbox Feedback forums here to cast your vote on a game you would like to see on Xbox One. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Halo 5: Guardians has plenty of pre-order bonuses that are acquired from different retailers, such as Agent Locke's HUNTER armor from Gamestop & GAME, the Projection SMG from Amazon, and a loadout weapon & skin from Xbox Live. The incentives to buy the game from all these retailers makes the content too exclusive for any one person to get unless you want to go through a large amount of hassle. It makes the choice & lack of choice of place to preorder all the more difficult. Relieving the pressure on fan's shoulders, Josh Holmes of 343 Industries made a quick response to a user on Twitter regarding availability of the preorder content. He confirmed that all preorder content can be unlocked in the base game regardless of who you bought the game from, and that the preorder itself just "- guarantees you have it out of box.". So earning something like the Sentinel Battle Rifle from Gamestop will require work in-game to get, but you'll still have a guarantee of the content being unlockable. Sources: Xbox Support on Twitter Josh Holmes on Twitter Giant Bomb's E3 Day 1 Podcast Gamespot 1 & 2 Halo5Universe
Mike Colter No Longer Voicing Locke in Halo 5: Guardians
VinWarrior posted a article in Halo Articles
Mike Colter, the previous voice and face of Agent Locke, will no longer be providing his vocal skills for the role, but will retain the image. Most people were not impressed with Agent Locke's voice in the Halo 2: Anniversary cutscenes, and it seems 343 Industries took notice of this, and have removed him from a vocal role. This comes from Ike Amadi's and his page, where he has confirmed that he will be doing the voice for Agent Locke, but Mike Colter will still be the physical representation. Rooster Teeth also allegedly live streamed an interview with Ike Amadi, where he talked about his new role. While 343 themselves have not been vocal on the change, multiple sources such as the ones above have confirmed that the famed video game voice actor will be taking Mike's place. Ike Amadi is known for his roles as Javik in Mass Effect 3 and miscellaneous roles in other games such as Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. View attachment: h5-guardians-render-locke-06-bff830ec21d54c848d419b3a07e3e47f.png View attachment: MV5BMTk3NTI2NTQ0M15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwODI2MTE3Nw@@._V1_UY317_CR2,0,214,317_AL_.jpg All images and information are sourced from IMDB and Twitter, as well as Rooster Teeth.-
- Halo 5: Guardians
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The announcement came along with a series of descriptions about the issue, and a teaser trailer on . July's issue includes the demo of the second mission of the Campaign, a breakdown of the changes to Empire, a rundown of Fireteam Osiris, the reveal of an underwater map called Fathom, and a ton of other things. Head on over to to check out the full scoop. Additionally the reveal came with a truckload of images, so here they are for your leisure : Thanks for reading! Sources: Gameinformer: 1 & 2, , Halowaypoint
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- Agent Locke
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The official Xbox E3 2015 conference has given us a wealth of new details to get excited about for Halo 5: Guardians! Let's dive right in. E3 2015 began with a bang as Bonnie Ross, a member of 343 Industries, walked on stage and set up the Halo 5 Story Trailer reveal, found on . The trailer shows Chief hunting something down, as Locke and his team prepare to take him on, receiving begrudging help from the Arbiter and his faction. Buck and Locke speak about the Master Chief and the price that comes with hunting him down, as they are all led to one specific location, to find Chief, the Covenant, and the Guardians. The gameplay footage showed off a new weapon, similar to the Plasma Launcher from Halo Reach, but more compact, as well as team gameplay in action. It also showed just how ruthless Fireteam Osiris is in their efforts to track the Chief down, only being stopped by a large Promethean figure who tells them they are not allowed to enter, unlike the Chief, before the demo ends. View attachment: h5singleplayer.png Multiplayer is shown off in a brand new BTB style mode called Warzone. This will take place on extremely large maps with 12 v 12 players, along with numerous NPCs. The game seems to begin with you and your team being dropped off in multiple Pelicans unto the battlefield as you fight with an array of weapons and vehicles. The game footage also hints at allied NPCs with marine chatter and red hunters possibly aligned to red team. Along with this, the Mantis seems to be back in action, very similar to it's precursor self. Along with the Mantis, a new Promethean air vehicle was demonstrated, possibly being player driven. The trailer can be seen on Xbox's channel, and is playable at E3. View attachment: h5warzone.png All information and images are sourced from 343 Industries and Microsoft, shown at E3 2015.
The official Xbox E3 2015 conference has given us a wealth of new details to get excited about for Halo 5: Guardians! Let's dive right in. E3 2015 began with a bang as Bonnie Ross, a member of 343 Industries, walked on stage and set up the Halo 5 Story Trailer reveal, found on . The trailer shows Chief hunting something down, as Locke and his team prepare to take him on, receiving begrudging help from the Arbiter and his faction. Buck and Locke speak about the Master Chief and the price that comes with hunting him down, as they are all led to one specific location, to find Chief, the Covenant, and the Guardians. The gameplay footage showed off a new weapon, similar to the Plasma Launcher from Halo Reach, but more compact, as well as team gameplay in action. It also showed just how ruthless Fireteam Osiris is in their efforts to track the Chief down, only being stopped by a large Promethean figure who tells them they are not allowed to enter, unlike the Chief, before the demo ends. View attachment: h5singleplayer.png Multiplayer is shown off in a brand new BTB style mode called Warzone. This will take place on extremely large maps with 12 v 12 players, along with numerous NPCs. The game seems to begin with you and your team being dropped off in multiple Pelicans unto the battlefield as you fight with an array of weapons and vehicles. The game footage also hints at allied NPCs with marine chatter and red hunters possibly aligned to red team. Along with this, the Mantis seems to be back in action, very similar to it's precursor self. Along with the Mantis, a new Promethean air vehicle was demonstrated, possibly being player driven. The trailer can be seen on Xbox's channel, and is playable at E3. View attachment: h5warzone.png All information and images are sourced from 343 Industries and Microsoft, shown at E3 2015. View full article
Speculations have been running around for a long time if Armor Abilities will be making a return in Halo 5 and in the Halo 5: Guardians teaser trailer at E3 today it said "All new Spartan Abilities", this lead to further assumption that this caption meant Armor Abilities and therefore they will be returning. But Frank O'Connor (aka Stinkles on Neogaf) responded to a concerned user refarding Armor Abilities. Frank O'connor confirmed that Armor Abilities would not be making a return and that "Spartan Abilities" does not mean Armor Abilities but they are feature like being able to hijack vehicles. "Not thrilled that armor abilities seem to be making a return." Frank replies "They aren't. The wording is confusing but it means. "features". Using h2 as an example, new features would have been dual wielding and boarding." So Armor Abilities are not making a return in Halo 5: Guardians, could this be the beginning of Halo going back to it's old roots again? Are you happy or unhappy to hear the confirmation of Armor Abilities not making a return? Source:
Ready Up Live has revealed a few multiplayer and soundtrack changes and features we will see in the final launch of Halo 5: Guardians! Halo is often most known for two key features, it's multiplayer and it's music, which are usually a game's defining factors for most of the core audience. Halo 5: Guardians will be a wildly different game in terms of PvP gameplay, with the new institution of Spartan Abilities, but you already knew that. Getting to the good stuff, released some information about new stuff in Halo 5. Besides a few changes to base Spartan Abilities, such as the remapping of the Ground Pound to the melee button instead of crouch, and the reduction of radius to the same ability, mostly nothing new. In Capture The Flag, however, players will be enthusiastic to hear that juggling and dropping the flag is possible now unlike Halo 4. The 'Flagnum' as it's referred to by the player base will also be making a return, whether this is seeing any changes though, we're unsure. View attachment: H5-Guardians-Fathom-Surprises.jpg Empire has gone under a graphical overhaul and changes to the shutter area and the removal of an entire staircase to make more use of clamber and other routes. And finally, a new map called Fathom was revealed. This is a close-quarters underwater submarine base involving a lot of alternate paths and strategy changes each time you play. Two new armours were also revealed, Breaker, looking a lot like a pilot's suit, and Noble, a replica of Carter's armour from Halo: Reach. View attachment: Noble.png Now unto the sound, arguably the most vital part of a Halo game, making the music and atmosphere memorable and recognizable is a key element in production. First of all, in-game sounds will be more atmospheric with weapons sounding more realistic. Ready Up Live humorously explained how the process is done, such as a kitchen utensil being dropped to create a shuddering metallic sound. Enemy and ally interaction will be leagues more immersive as chatter goes about between responding parties, such as an elite giving orders to his squad. Unto the soundtrack, Chief and Locke will have separate musical themes, the Chief theme being more melancholy and somber whilst Locke's theme is more victorious and pulse-pounding. The soundtrack is now being done by Metal Gear Solid's former composer who aims to keep the Halo monk chants a vital element in the sound design, so hopefully we see more of a return to classic Halo. View attachment: Halo-5-Guardians-Elite.pngView attachment: Halo-5-Guardians-Grunt.pngView attachment: Halo-5-Guardians-Jackal.pngView attachment: Halo-5-Guardians-Promethean-Soldier.png All images and information are sourced from Ready Up Live.
Ready Up Live has revealed a few multiplayer and soundtrack changes and features we will see in the final launch of Halo 5: Guardians! Halo is often most known for two key features, it's multiplayer and it's music, which are usually a game's defining factors for most of the core audience. Halo 5: Guardians will be a wildly different game in terms of PvP gameplay, with the new institution of Spartan Abilities, but you already knew that. Getting to the good stuff, released some information about new stuff in Halo 5. Besides a few changes to base Spartan Abilities, such as the remapping of the Ground Pound to the melee button instead of crouch, and the reduction of radius to the same ability, mostly nothing new. In Capture The Flag, however, players will be enthusiastic to hear that juggling and dropping the flag is possible now unlike Halo 4. The 'Flagnum' as it's referred to by the player base will also be making a return, whether this is seeing any changes though, we're unsure. View attachment: H5-Guardians-Fathom-Surprises.jpg Empire has gone under a graphical overhaul and changes to the shutter area and the removal of an entire staircase to make more use of clamber and other routes. And finally, a new map called Fathom was revealed. This is a close-quarters underwater submarine base involving a lot of alternate paths and strategy changes each time you play. Two new armours were also revealed, Breaker, looking a lot like a pilot's suit, and Noble, a replica of Carter's armour from Halo: Reach. View attachment: Noble.png Now unto the sound, arguably the most vital part of a Halo game, making the music and atmosphere memorable and recognizable is a key element in production. First of all, in-game sounds will be more atmospheric with weapons sounding more realistic. Ready Up Live humorously explained how the process is done, such as a kitchen utensil being dropped to create a shuddering metallic sound. Enemy and ally interaction will be leagues more immersive as chatter goes about between responding parties, such as an elite giving orders to his squad. Unto the soundtrack, Chief and Locke will have separate musical themes, the Chief theme being more melancholy and somber whilst Locke's theme is more victorious and pulse-pounding. The soundtrack is now being done by Metal Gear Solid's former composer who aims to keep the Halo monk chants a vital element in the sound design, so hopefully we see more of a return to classic Halo. View attachment: Halo-5-Guardians-Elite.pngView attachment: Halo-5-Guardians-Grunt.pngView attachment: Halo-5-Guardians-Jackal.pngView attachment: Halo-5-Guardians-Promethean-Soldier.png All images and information are sourced from Ready Up Live. View full article
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- Halo 5: Guardians
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This article will be based on the features shown, and not necessarily the story elements that were revealed. You can go to Greenskull's article here if you would like to read through the whole experience. Universal Campaign Features: The AI system is very similar to Left 4 Dead in which 3 AI teammates (the 3 other Spartans besides the Leaders in each Spartan Team: Fireteam Osiris, and Blue Team) will follow around the host until another player joins in. These AI companions will accompany the host throughout the entire game. Each of the 8 Spartan characters have unique HUDs, starting Loadouts, and of course voices & personalities. Chatter between the characters will be commonplace. The player can use D-Pad commands to order around their Spartan Teams. Greenskull stated on the matter, "If you are looking at a weapon and press up on the D-Pad, a teammate will run over and pick it up. Point at an enemy and your team will focus fire on it. You can even direct them to cover..." Similar to Borderlands, every player can be crippled or "downed". The player will crouch onto the ground, and will die if another player, or AI doesn't come in to revive them. The player will still respawn if they're in Online Coop, but if you die in Singleplayer you'll revert to a previous checkpoint. When downed you can press a button to notify everyone else to save you, and all it will take is the press of the "use" button (the button mapping will be different if you're using an alternate control scheme) by a teammate to get you back up. The time it takes to revive a player is around 2-3 seconds. Online Coop: Utilizes a "jump-in-drop-out system", which allows anyone to join in and leave without impacting the host's game too much. This means that Join In Progress is in Halo 5. Any new player joining the game can choose which character they want to be (Fred, Linda, Kelly - Tanaka, Vale, Buck). The original Host will ALWAYS be Chief or Locke. Both of the leader positions (Chief or Locke) have access to the D-Pad commands, while every other character doesn't. The commands are somewhat the same in Online Coop in comparison to Singleplayer. Continued from Greenskull's quote above, "With a team of human players, the party leader (Master Chief or Spartan Locke) can still perform these commands (the ones listed above in the Universal section) to help direct their teammates to locations, enemies, or hidden weapons." Lastly, difficulty will be scaled based on how many players are in the game. A mission played on Legendary with 4 players will be more difficult than a Solo run on Legendary. Prometheans & Enemies: Prometheans are returning with a new type being introduced: The Promethean Solider (pictured in the image at the top of this article). The only other information there is is that it moves fast, and is around the same size of a Spartan such as the Chief. An ENORMOUS new enemy called a Guardian has been introduced, though Guardians have existed in Halo lore long before Halo 5, and it's currently unknown if these Guardians are connected to the old ones. Standing at 4,635 feet tall, the Guardian easily is the most massive enemy ever featured in a Halo game (the Gravemind is probably another good candidate). Here's an image from Greenkskull's video on Youtube based on scale. ALL Covenant enemies speak English due to Jul M'Dama's authority loosening. He originally banned the usage of English and other human language which is why the Covenant spoke their native languages in Halo 4. This comes from the Halo 5 Gameinformer issue that was recently revealed. Environments: The playtesters were shown a brief Campaign teaser, and Greenskull named the things he saw to the best of his ability, "It moved so fast it was hard to point anything out. That being said, what my eyes feasted upon was jaw dropping: massive enemies, space battles, and more. I saw Hunters forming from worms (Lekgolo) on the ground, Banshees flying past a space station, and a flying Forerunner vehicle shooting at a massive covenant station (it almost looked like a mining rig).", he went on to say, "The scale was unlike anything we’ve seen in Halo, specifically the giant vehicle scene. There were vehicles flying around, Covenant shooting plasma through the air, and explosions illuminating the landscape. It was hard not to get excited." The maps have plenty of alternate routes, and passageways aside from the main path. The many nooks, and crannies also harbor secrets. Greenskull found a specific easter egg (a black alien skull looking thing) in Singleplayer, and confirmed that many other eggs are within the game. The reveal came with an absolutely HUGE amount of screenshots, and HD images, and you can see them all here. Halo 5: Guardians releases on October 27th of this year, and a full reveal of the game will be in Microsoft's press conference at E3. You can see the whole E3 schedule at IGN. Sources: ReadyUpLive,
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The announcement came along with a series of descriptions about the issue, and a teaser trailer on . July's issue includes the demo of the second mission of the Campaign, a breakdown of the changes to Empire, a rundown of Fireteam Osiris, the reveal of an underwater map called Fathom, and a ton of other things. Head on over to to check out the full scoop. Additionally the reveal came with a truckload of images, so here they are for your leisure : Thanks for reading! Sources: Gameinformer: 1 & 2, , Halowaypoint View full article
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Heart-pounding information is surfacing today as the final cover art for Halo 5: Guardians has been deciphered thanks to a dedicated community. In the words of a wise Reddit user, "I WANT TO GET OFF 343S WILD RIDE!" It seems their roller coaster of new plot twists is speeding up with a new cover art photo that was pieced together by the community. Xbox's has a video of the new key art, which in this video, seems more like an animation than anything. The official description on Xbox Wire states that, "We’re proud to release the final cover art for Halo 5: Guardians, including a special video version that highlights the Spartan fireteams that play a crucial role." From the image, it seems Master Chief has partnered with Blue Team, Fred, Linda, and Kelly to chase down whatever they're after on Sangheilios and go rogue. Locke's team is a bit more vague, we know that the far right Spartan is Buck, due to his ODST armour and combat knife, which likely means the other male Spartan is Romeo, since the two were transferred together. The female with the slick looking armour however can either be Tanaka, from Escalation, or Macer, from Nightfall. Xbox Wire tells us to stay tuned for more details on the mysteries of #HUNTtheTRUTH and that during E3, the game will officially premiere. View attachment: Halo5_KeyArt_Horiz_Final.jpg View attachment: halo5thepredator.jpg View attachment: halo5theprey.jpg It seems that while the holy lords over at 343 Industries have granted us new details, they have also opened up many loose threads and have inquired more questions. One thing is certain, E3 2015 is going to be massive for Halo fans around the world. What are your thoughts on each team, who do you think is part of Locke's squad? Let me know down below! Thanks for everything Halo fans, keep hunting the truth.
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According to and (unable to find official sources at the moment)Halo fans have the chance to become an official part of the Halo universe as they are given the chance for their voice to be included in Halo 5's Hunt the Truth. Fans and followers of Benjamin Giraud's investigation into the Master Chief can be part of the series as it appears 343 Industries are giving people a change to submit an audio clip of their voice to Hunt the Truth's Tumblr page. Those who get accepted will have their voice heard in a future episode. The announcement came earlier today. "We know that you're a huge Halo fan- and we love it! For this part, though, you'll need to put yourself in the mindset of an ordinary UEG citizen. That means you're as in the dark as Ben is about the truth behind the Master Chief and his origins." Three choices on what participants can theme their recording around was also given out. THE PART YOU'LL PLAY There are three character types that these messages will roughly fit into: 1- People who support Ben in his hunt They also have questions about the Master Chief, ONI, and what the government is trying to hide. Don't forget, though, that because these people live in the Halo universe, they've never played a Halo game or read a Halo book; so they can really only be curious and guess what Ben has mentioned. 2- People who LOVE the Master Chief and don't appreciate Ben poking around The Halo universe can be a scary place - and the MC has been the only thing keeping us safe on more than one occasion. Fear can be a powerful motivator. It can make us blind to the truth; to curiously. These people don't appreciate Ben poking around and angrily perceive his inquiries as disrespectful. The MC is a hero and it doesn't matter where he came from. 3- People reveling in the anarchy Whether it's because they don't trust the government, they're fatalistic, or they think Ben and his investigation is a joke- these people aren't impressed by Ben or curious about the Chief. They are interested, however, in pushing Ben's buttons and yanking his crank. They leave pranks, taunts, and mocking messages. Voice recordings must be 15 - 20 seconds long. You can upload it as a Youtube video but make sure it is uploaded as "Unlisted", you can also upload it to SoundCloud but make sure to make it private. Once you've recorded your voice provide a link to ir in the submission box on the Tumblr site (linked above) so it can be downloaded, also make sure to leave a message saying "Greenskull sent sent" or "Halo Follow sent me". Submissions close at 11:59pm Pacific Time on April 27th. There is no script so try and think something creative to say. Again I just want to point out there is no official announcement from 343 Industries or Microsoft regarding this, so it seems they have contacted the likes of RUL and Halo Follower for them to announce it to the community. Will you be making a submission? If so good luck.
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- Halo 5: Guardians
- Hunt the Truth
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A strange website has popped up called that has something to do with Halo 5: Guardians and the Hunt the Truth marketing campaign. The site presents a starry image of space with the words "The Hunt Continues" at the top. At the bottom of the image is says "April 25-28. Worldwide". It seems something interesting is going to happen as Microsoft/343 Industries appears to have something planned for the next few days. But what could it be? More activity come from the Hunt the Truth tumblr page? A trailer or gameplay video? Who knows. When looking the image it doesn't seem to show anything of any significance other than the words "Benjamin, hunt the truth" can be seen if you close enough. But if you move your cursor across the image some areas can clicked bringing up some images. One image shows something that resembles a marble like surface. Another image shows what appears to be something that looks like the side of a cliff or the inside of a cave. The last image shows a metallic object, possibly a piece of armor or a part of a vehicle? So what does all this mean? What is going to happen between now and April 28th? Let us know your thoughts on this.
Heart-pounding information is surfacing today as the final cover art for Halo 5: Guardians has been deciphered thanks to a dedicated community. In the words of a wise Reddit user, "I WANT TO GET OFF 343S WILD RIDE!" It seems their roller coaster of new plot twists is speeding up with a new cover art photo that was pieced together by the community. Xbox's has a video of the new key art, which in this video, seems more like an animation than anything. The official description on Xbox Wire states that, "We’re proud to release the final cover art for Halo 5: Guardians, including a special video version that highlights the Spartan fireteams that play a crucial role." From the image, it seems Master Chief has partnered with Blue Team, Fred, Linda, and Kelly to chase down whatever they're after on Sangheilios and go rogue. Locke's team is a bit more vague, we know that the far right Spartan is Buck, due to his ODST armour and combat knife, which likely means the other male Spartan is Romeo, since the two were transferred together. The female with the slick looking armour however can either be Tanaka, from Escalation, or Macer, from Nightfall. Xbox Wire tells us to stay tuned for more details on the mysteries of #HUNTtheTRUTH and that during E3, the game will officially premiere. View attachment: Halo5_KeyArt_Horiz_Final.jpg View attachment: halo5thepredator.jpg View attachment: halo5theprey.jpg It seems that while the holy lords over at 343 Industries have granted us new details, they have also opened up many loose threads and have inquired more questions. One thing is certain, E3 2015 is going to be massive for Halo fans around the world. What are your thoughts on each team, who do you think is part of Locke's squad? Let me know down below! Thanks for everything Halo fans, keep hunting the truth. View full article
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- Halo 5: Guardians
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A strange website has popped up called that has something to do with Halo 5: Guardians and the Hunt the Truth marketing campaign. The site presents a starry image of space with the words "The Hunt Continues" at the top. At the bottom of the image is says "April 25-28. Worldwide". It seems something interesting is going to happen as Microsoft/343 Industries appears to have something planned for the next few days. But what could it be? More activity come from the Hunt the Truth tumblr page? A trailer or gameplay video? Who knows. When looking the image it doesn't seem to show anything of any significance other than the words "Benjamin, hunt the truth" can be seen if you close enough. But if you move your cursor across the image some areas can clicked bringing up some images. One image shows something that resembles a marble like surface. Another image shows what appears to be something that looks like the side of a cliff or the inside of a cave. The last image shows a metallic object, possibly a piece of armor or a part of a vehicle? So what does all this mean? What is going to happen between now and April 28th? Let us know your thoughts on this. View full article