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I don’t agree with the decision to eliminate loadouts but it’s very important that it is better balanced than before with map control of equipment and power weapons still in play because it’s what Halo’s about. Any thoughts?
Below is the complete list what is available to use in your custom loadouts. Read below for more details From: By: FlawlessCowboy Thanks to we now know all of the Weapons, Grenades, Armour Abilities, Tactical Packages and Support Upgrades that will make up our Loadouts in Halo 4. Many of these abilities and upgrades will not be available at the start of the game and will need to be unlocked using Spartan Points, nevertheless, here is the complete list: Primary Weapons • Battle Rifle • Assault Rifle • DMR • Carbine • Storm Rifle • Suppressor • Light Rifle Secondary Weapons • Magnum • Plasma Pistol • Bolt shot Grenades • Frag Grenade • Plasma Grenade • Pulse Grenade Armor Abilities Thruster Pack Enables a powerful burst of movement allowing the ability to evade or quickly close the gap. Promethean Vision Allows users to predict enemy signatures through walls and other hard surfaces. Hologram Allows users to generate an almost identical holographic decoy to to deceive enemies during combat. Jet Pack Allows users limited flight through a vertical lift propulsion system similar to that of EVA re-entry packs. Hard Light Shield Allows users to a protective barrier of hard light which stops most small arms fire and some explosives. Active Camouflage Allows users to generate a visual effect astonishingly close to invisibility. Auto-Sentry An automatic turret which can be deployed to defend its user or command a key battlefield choke-point. Regeneration Field Allows the user to release a short-range energy field that heals any nearby spartans. Tactical Packages Mobility Allows unlimited sprint. Shielding Speeds up your armors recharge rate. Resupply Allows the recovery of grenades from fallen allies or foes. AA Efficiency Increases the rate at which energy recharges for armor abilities Grenadier Increases grenade carrying capacity. Firepower Allows the use of a primary weapon in the secondary weapon slot. Fast-track Allows the user to advance quicker in rank. Requisition In modes with personal ordnance, requisition lets the player request new choices when an ordnance is granted. Wheelman Increases the long term durability of your vehicle as well as how it reacts to EMP charges. Support Upgrades Stability Steadies your weapon while being struck by incoming fire. Ammo Increases ammunition capacity for both starting weapons and ordnance drops. Dexterity Speeds up reload and weapon swapping. Sensor Increases motion sensor range. Awareness Allows the use of motion sensors while using a scope. Explosives Alters grenade performance, increasing blast radius and decreasing grenade damage received. Ordnance Priority In modes with personal ordnance, offers more frequent ordnance drops to the user. Gunner Increases how long a mounted weapon can fire before overheating as well as movement speed with detached turrets. Wetworks Allows Spartans to Sprint quietly. They also appear as an outline to players using Promethean Vision and perform quicker assassinations.
- Halo: Reach
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All credits to iTz Vplus2 for finding these videos. BravoMLG has uploaded two videos from PAX, one video shows the load out options and the other shows all of the different armor and skins. I think the armor video is very interesting it really gives us a proper look at how the different armor pieces will look worn in game. The footage is off screen but its good enough quality to get a look at these features. Loadouts Armor, helmets and skins
- armor helmets & skins
- halo 4 load outs
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What made the original trilogy multiplayer work? In the original trilogy's multiplayer, there were no discrepancies in regard to what players were physically capable of at-spawn. You couldn't choose whether you wanted to specialize in one specific range or another, whether you could fly or see through walls and whatnot, etc. The only things that separated you from those you were playing with were skill and aesthetic customization. Halo Reach broke this equality by implementing Preset Loadouts with various Armor Abilities, as one player would be more innately prepared for a situation than another with no in-game effort to justify such an advantage. Halo 4 then built upon this problematic implementation by allowing further variation from equal starts with Personal Loadouts. Now, not only can you have a different situational advantage than others, but also spawn with different weapons that excel at different ranges/situations AND trade out various base traits. Many forum members have agreed that certain things in Personal Loadouts must go e.g. 'perks', but I don't think that's enough to maintain the equal starts principle that Halo had a successful foundation on. After all, the first game to deviate from this (Reach) only allowed for different AAs in most gametypes and it is widely considered sub-par to its predecessors. If only allowing different weapons proved to be harmful to Halo, how are we to know before its too late? My point is: We know what works when it comes to spawn-in settings. Why must we deviate from it?
Sup, Community? This is Darkrain491 with the best way to keep loadouts but balance them effectively. I recently posted a related thread that was side tracked. So please keep this thread solely on loadouts, and on posting your ideas and suggesting improvements on other peoples but first some things that I want to make clear and are facts and are not negotiable or deniable. 1: The secong fire mode of the Boltshot is a shotgun mode and is OP despite its Nerf. Some people maintain that it is not a shotgun. 2: Plasma Pistols and Plasma Grenades in Loadouts IS overpowered, without a doubt. 3: The amount of Flinch the DMR causes is far to much, and flinch should be removed entirely. 4: this thread is only about loadouts 5: Sprint for everyone as a default should be kept as the majority of Halo 4 maps are big, and Halo 5 should have much of the same, but made better with better initial weapons and better spawns. Primary Weapon Choices: UNSC Precision: Battle Rifle: Shield Break 3 Bursts, Health 3 Bursts, 2x Zoom. 36 mag (12 bursts) DMR: Shield Break 4 Shots, Health 3 Shots, 3x Zoom 15 mag UNSC Automatic: Assualt Rifle: Shield Break 12 Shots, Health 6 Shots, No Zoom. 32 Mag. ODST Silenced SMG: Shield Break 18 Shots, Health 10 Shots, 2x Zoom. 48 Mag. Covenant Precision (Arbeiter's Faction): Covenant Carbine: Shield Break 6 Shots, Health 4 Shots, 2x Zoom. 18 Mag Covenant Automatic Weapons: Plasma Rifle: Shield Break 8 Shots, Health 10 Shots. Plasma Repeater: Shield Break 14 Shots, Health 10 Shots. (No overheat, venting system, high fire rate) Storm Precision Weapons (Jul M'daama's faction) Needle Rifle: Shield Break 7 Shots, Health 3 Shots (SuperCombine), 2x Zoom. 21 Mag. Storm Automatic Weapons Storm Rifle: Shield Break 8 Shots, Health 10 Shots. (Higher Firerate than Plasma Rifle, Overheats faster) Brute Militia Precision Weapon Thorn Rifle: Shield Break 4 Shots, Health 3 Shots, 3.5x Zoom, High Bloom. 15 Mag. Brute Militia Automatic Weapon: Spiker: Shield Break 14 Shots, Health 12 Shots, Bonus Melee damage large Magazine (52) Forerunner Precision Weapons: Light Rifle: (Unzoomed) Shield Break 4 Bursts, Health 3 Shots, 36 Magazine (Zoomed) Shield Break 3 Shots, Health 2 Shots, 3x Zoom, 12 Shots a Magazine Promethean Automatic Weapon Suppressor: Shield Break 13 Shots, Health 13 Shots, 48 magazine Armour Abilities Now these are centered around more balanced Gameplay and not player benefits. Player Self Aid: Active Camo: Note (These ideas are from another thre and are NOT my original ideas but i liked them alot so i feel the need to spread these new Active Camo Abilities) Active Camo in its current form is an op camo campers dream. these changes take their dream and turn it against them. The new Active Camo works better the FASTER you move, causing the players position to always be revealed but they will be invisible, So now it is better for crossing open fields where there is little cover opening new stategies instead of improving old camping metheods. now that you will always be on radar, there is no need for the radar jammer, but we will come back to that. While active, promethean vision will not work on you while you are sprinting. Evade: Now that all players have ready to use sprint, evade is limited to one use per cooldownbut otherwise is the same as hali reaches, this replaces thruster pack Jump Pack: This replaces the currently OP jetpack this is a single use upwards thrust thay luanches a player into the air by about 15 feet in a slow arch movement, similar to the brute jump packs in Halo 3. Promethean Vision: Same effects as Halo 4. people are diffently affected while they have active Radar jammer or Active camo. Drop shields and Regen Fields are highlighted in blue and green respectivly. Players who are not moving will be fully highlighted red, not just red outlines. Suppirt Self Aid: Armour Lock: By removing the ability to stun those who melee an armour locked player and the EMP effect on players (but will still affect vechicles) this armour ability becomes not overpowered and cannot he abused the way it was in reach. now it will be good for anti-vechicle and explosion surviving, the way bungie meant it to be used. Hard light shield: Provides an alternative to armour lock that gives the user more mobility at the cost of less protection, it will work as it currently does Grenade Resistance: 10 seconds (Interupptable) of lessened grenade damage (players will still killed one hit with full shields when stuck) offers yet another alternative to armour lock that allows full mobility but only reduced damage from grenades and not all forms of damage (AA version of explosives support package) Stamina: While active, provides the user with faster reloads and indefinate sprint (Mix of the mobility and dexterity packages) Support: Drop Shield: (Assume a return of the medpacks and health system) Creates a bubble shield (stronger than reaches, weaker than Halo 3s) that while within it your will automatically regain healt But not shields, but they will start to recharge normally. Regeneration Field: The Opposite of Drop Shield. This AA will automatically recharge TEAMATES shields but not their health their is also no bubble effect or vison obscuring Radar Jamming: Due to the new removal of radar jamming on Active Camoflage, it can be made into an AA that Does this: Creates false enemy and teamate indicators on enemy motion sensors that are within range. prevents the player being seen on promethean vision while walking or sprinting. EMP drop mine: Large EMP AoE detantion that stuns vechicles and drains shields but emits green light and beeps loudly, can be triggerd by shooting or pressing AA button again, long recharge time. Seconadary Weapons: ODST silanced Pistol: Shield Break 5 Shots, Health 3 Shots, 2x Zoom Halo 4 Magnum: Shield Break 4 Shots, Health 3 Shots, 2x Zoom Halo 3 Magnum: Shield Break 3 Shots, Health 2 Shots, No Zoom, Slowest firerate of secondarys Second Primary: Player may subsitute their armour ability to spawn with a second primary weapon of the same faction as their primary All player have defualt frags, not changable. Packages are removed entirely, Waypoints to power weapons are removed, except when within 5 feet of the weapon, Flinch is removed and replaced with the zoom out when shot. these are my revised loadout system to balance the game and promote team work, as protecters and and aiding teamates with the support armour abilities will earn you bonus credits used to buy SOME armour pieces, some are unlocked via set requirements e.g 15 perfections. Credits DO NOT act as EXP and the ranking system is similar to Halo 2 crossed with halo 3s Please tell me what you think!
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Rant time! Just sharing some of my main complaints about the Dominion playlist. The Dominion playlist is one of my favorites. Invasion was my favorite in Reach, and halo 4 has nothing close to as fun as invasion, but dominion is the next best thing. However, the dominion playlist has seen a lot of changes since halo 4 came out, many of which I am not a fan of. One of my first problems is that I always get stuck in games full of noobs. Active Camo, crouching, Storm Rifle, Boltshot Plasma Grenade, T-bagging. As a Team-based playlist in terms of CSR, you go up and down based on how many games you win, but when I get in games and all of my teammates suck, there's nothing I can do. Dominion is just too much of a team-based game for me to be able to win by myself, and when only half my games are lost because of retarded teammates, my CSR isn't going anywhere and I'm basically stuck in the single digits (hovering around 7,8,9). Dominion is no longer the only gametype in the playlist, some variants have also been added: Lockdown Just because a gametype is a custom gametype based off of dominion, it does not mean it belongs in the dominion playlist. Lockdown deserves to be in Action Sack like the rest of the entirely luck based gametypes. There is nothing more frustrating than being forced to charge into battle, hope you get kills as you randomly shoot your weapons before you die. There is no time to aim, only time to spam. To make things even more random and out of control, you have no radar. The real question here is not only why 343 ever thought this gametype was a good idea, but why people ever vote for it in Matchmaking. I'd vote for Meltdown, a map I absolutely hate, over Lockdown on a map I enjoy. Lockdown makes up anywhere from 1/4 to 1/3 of the dominion games I play, and I have never had an enjoyable game of it. So the question remains, why do people vote for it? Legendary Dominion I have not had a chance to play legendary dominion yet. The reason for this is that no one votes for it. I had to look the matchmaking updates just to see what the gametype settings are! From what I can understand, the only thing that's different is that everybody has AR, BR. This gametype seems to remove a lot of the aforementioned noobiness. However, not once have I had a chance to play legendary dominion because it's in the third slot and nobody votes for it. Needed to get this all out of my system in the form of a rant. Feel free to tell me your opinions on the playlist and the gametypes in it.
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Hey, I havn't been here for a while and I just heard 343 are going to really listen to us this time so here goes: Loadout Mechanism: Now I'm not the first to ask for this style of loadout and I certinatly will not be the last. Primary Weapon: your choice between these: UNSC: Assualt Rifle (Shield Break: 12 shots, Health 6 Shots [13 shot kill, really?!]) DMR (Shield Break: 4 shots, Health 1 Hehadshot, 3 Body Shots [Reintroduce the Reach BLOOM]) Battle Rifle (Shield Break: 3 shots, Health 1 Headshot, 3 Body shots [Leave it as is from H4 with maybe more time delay between bursts for balancing matters]) ODST suppresed SMG (Shield Break: 18 shots, Health 10 shots [a scoped fully automatic weapon is new to halo MP]) Storm: Storm Rifle (Shield Break: 8 shots, Health 10 shots [Though I dont see it mentioned in forums alot, the Plasma beats shields, Bullets beat health was removed between the AR and SR in H4]) Needle Rifle (An exact port of reachs, but with a 2.5x zoom [Now as far as canon goes, as the storm uses outdated weapon primarily yet somehow a older beam rifle model is better than H3s, this should technicaly be their precision Weapon]) Covenant: Plasma Rifle (Shield Break 8 shots, health 10 shots [faster fire rate than SR but overheats sooner similar to H2s brute plasma rifle over elite one) Plasma Repeater (An exact port of reachs one) Covenent Carbine (retains all of its H4 ratios) Brute Militia Spike Rifle (Spiker) (Shield Break 10 shots, Health 10 shots, higher fire rate than every other full auto loadout weapon bar SMG and Suppressor) Thorn Rifle: (shield Break 6, health 1 headshot, 3 body shots. as you can tell, a whole new weapon that is a counter to the LR and DMR as it would have a 3.5x zoom, the highest of all loadout weapons but has high recoil and a slower fire rate than all other loadout precision rifles) Forerunner: Light Rifle (leave as is) Suppressor (Again same ratios as H4 but more accurate over range but not by much) Armour Abilities: Evade: The same as reachs version, replaces thruster pack, and you stay in first person one use per cooldown. Drop Shield: This game should reintroduce medpacks, but with automatic pickup. anyway, drop shield does what it does in reach. Regeneration Field: the opposite of Drop shield. instead of healing health and producing a shield, it simply recharges shields like in H4 Active Camo: Anyone who has read reverse active camos effects will know what i want but for those who havnt basically you take active camo and make it work better the FASTER you move to negate the camo campers. also retains ability to hide you from promethean vision while its active. Radar Jamming: as the Active camo would now work better while they are moving fast enough to appear on radar, you can remove radar jammar effect it had in reach and make it an armour ability that also negates you being seen on promeathean vision. promeathean vision, same as H4 but limited to 20 feet. Stamina: While Active your reloads are faster and you can sprint indefinatly. Armour Lock: Remove the emp and stun melee attackers effects and it would be balanced. Hardlight Shield: No Changes Grenade Resistence: 10 seconds of reduced grenade damage with a slow cooldown time you would still die one hit from being stuck. Jump Pack: Hybrid of jetpack and thruster pack a singe use per cooldown upwards thrust that propels you 15 feet in to the air, with a slow rise speed. secondary weapons: Any choice of these two: H4 Magnum (shield break 4, Health 1 headshot, 3 body shots) H3 ODST auto-mag (Shield Break 6 shots, health 1 headshot, 4 bodyshots, more accurate, less BLOOM and faster fire rate) these are my thoughts so far tell me what you think.
We all know Loadouts are just another hassle in Halo as they are. Those Tactical packages and Support Upgrades just seem out of place and hard to perfect! Aaaannnnd we all know it'd be kind of weird for 343 to just revert to a Reach styled system, much less the classic Halo system after only one game. it'd make Halo 4 look like a simple test bed that wasn't actually a game! Yeah, didn't think of it like that did you? Well, just take a gander at mah ideas for Halo 5's system that would even have the classic kiddies purring. 1. This system would ring a bell for the classic folks. You only choose a UNSC Primary and Secondary alongside an AA, if AA's return. This could be done either while spawning as a three page process or as a Halo 4 type system in which you make 5 combos. 2. Same as above, but with all logical primary and secondary guns. A Halo 4 type system, but without those annoying TP's and SU's. 3. Or, contrary to what I stated in the first paragraph, just a simple Reach system that gives everyone the same guns but lets them choose an AA. Classic folks would fawn over this one. I personally think the first two stand a better chance, but 343 may just continue with this system that I find out of place. Who knows? What do you think of my ideas? Got an idea yourself? Lets hear it! Oh, and have a vote on which of these three you like best!
comments and descriptive criticism and descriptive praise welcome.
I decided to make a video comparing the different stats and spread of the secondary weapon. If you want, you can check it out here:
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1. Stop killing all the good characters. Johnson died and now under 343 we lost cortana. If I dont get cortana back then i wont like halo 5. *SPOILER ALERT* 2. NEVER! EVER! Show any part of master chief without his armor! Especialy not his face! You show anything like his eyes again and Halo 5 will be my last halo game. And im sure many other 1st gen halo fans agree master chief is supposed to be a mystery like it can be anyone, its supposed to be like he is you, bungie understopd this and that is why they never showed his face. 3. Either no load outs or or dont add to the weapons that can be used in loadouts because if ppwer weapons were in loadouts the game would ****.
I recently made some weapon comparisons that look at both the automatic loadout weapons and the precision loadout weapons. Can you guys take a look and tell me what you think? I'm probably going to continue with this series, and do sidearms, shotguns, rockets, snipers, and maybe even vehicles as well. Automatic Weapons: Precision Weapons:
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- Assault Rifle
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First of all, don't reply to this unless you have something helpful to say or actually have the power to do something to help. I don't need "boy genius" rebuttals based on opinion. "hey man, the game got a high score on duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh.". Save it, I spent (and continue to spend) good money here, I have a right to complain if I wish. There are some things on my mind that we need to have a little chat about, these things have caused me to not even want to play the game anymore. I'll list them in numbered order and below that I'll go into further detail. 1. My account has been banned from using voice communications for apparently no reason and for too long. 2. My loadouts keep getting reset. 3. You added Team Snipers for only a week? 4. You sell early access to an add-on map pack on the first day the game comes out. 5. The map selection is.... terrible. 6. You drove level progression as a new system while capping xp and not allowing people to level past 70 (unless they bought limited edition) until today. 7. Perfections not showing up. Okay addressing Number 1, as stated I have been banned from voice communications for [insert explanation here]. I received a notification of this about 10 minutes after a big team match. I have absolutely no idea what I did wrong. Also the pop-up said that I was banned for a week and it's been much longer than that. Needless to say I WANT IT BACK. Number 2! The loadouts.... uuuuugh the loadouts... I customize them perfectly for my use in ever-changing "battle situations", but yea they seem to reset just about every other time I get on. Number 3, this is stupid, it was a popular one! You're effing Microsoft for goodness sake. If Bungie was able to afford to have this as a game type all the time then why can't you? Pick something badass and stick with it, this is what grows great expectations of a business... consistency. DERP. Number 4, I've never seen a game so blatantly putting money first. Right from the get go this was apparent with the ad for the purchase of a future map pack popping up right when I put the game in for the first time. Now don't get me wrong, as an avid gamer I know that add-on content is to be expected, not only does it ad things like "replayability" for the consumer but also hikes profits for the developer/publisher. But it shouldn't be like this, "Oh now that you bought the game, you should buy something else...". Number 5, this one kind of ties into number four. You could have included those maps, but you decided to sell them separately instead. Thanks a lot. Number 6, this was a big one for not only me, but all of the friends that I gamed with from day one. Bought the game, some dew, doritos, (for dub xp and munchies) did some war games, spartan ops... Here I am on the 21st at level 70 not able to go anywhere. Guess what I did... Played Starcraft 2 instead. Would have rather used your product (play Halo) but I had to wait 9 days so I didn't waste my time furthering my commendations without receiving the xp from them. Number 7, not as big of a deal right now, but I've had at least 2 perfections (games with 15 kills or over and no deaths) that should have been counted but didn't show up in the commendations, this was right after I reached level 70. So ya might wanna get that system checked. End.
So currently whenever you sign a guest in all their loadouts are empty, and therefore you have to make new classes everytime you sign a guest in, which is a inconvience. If possible, could it be changed to the "Black Ops" system, where they inherit your loadouts, simple system that would save a lot of time. Thanks.
So, my dear community, pardon my spelling errors, back keyboard. Who else like how every game from now on is C.O.D. Loadouts that we can set, instant spawn timers (which have really screwed the Extermination medal), and such a poor variety of maps that I can't pick which one sounds remotely fun. I miss the old Halo3 multiplayer, the given loadouts, set weapon spawns, and equipment (which with a one time use was more effective than most if not all armor loadout possibities. Don't get me wrong I am not just complaining and I am far from a Bungie fanboy (I hated halo reach with a passion after playing a few other games before hopping back in). I just miss halo being halo. I wonder does anyone else or am I talking to the deaf here?
Hello everyone. I'm new to the forums. Love Halo 4, love the Halo universe. Hate all of you who play without your headset! Please help, this is making me crazy: Most of the time, when I start the game up, and launch into war games, my custom loadouts are gone. So, if I forget to check before starting a game, I end up getting owned because I just have an assault rifle and no armor abilities. I'm an SR40-something, and have 3-4 loadouts just the way I like them, rebuilding all of them every time I play is REALLY annoying. I also lost my pre-ordered helmet, though it's back now that I'm leveled up and can pick it outright. Please help!
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I pre-ordered Halo 4at Gamestation, and received codes for special Arctic BR, Oceanic armor, Specialization codes. i redeemed them all once i received the game and got the items, except for the specializations. a week back or so, my load outs were reset and now i can not find the items anymore. I tried to redeem the codes again but it says codes already used, which makes sense. I still have not reached level 50, so i cannot unlock specializations yet, but a few days ago ALL specializations were showing but locked, now the first two only show. So i take it my specialization code was reset as well. is this a bug, any body experiencing this? any mods or 343 guys can solve this or tell me who to contact at Msoft or 343, as i believe all codes that i have entered have been reset and are lost as they can't be re-entered appreciate the help
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Hello Spartans! I don't really use loadouts, I just use one main one I use for commendations. I want to start using them because there is times when I'm on a map and think ' I could really use a plasma Pistol right now on maps with vehicles etc. Please can someone give me ideas of 3 loadout slots. 2/5 are taken because 1 is commendations for weapons and the other is what I use for spartan ops. Thanks - DA7K
There are an alarming number of ways in which 343 attempted to build a successful game by mimicking COD: 1) loadouts 2) grenade indicators 3) killcam 4) ordinance drops 5) point system, instead of kill number 6) ** Spartan Ops, comparable to Spec Ops Halo 4 nerfs good players, and tries to make the game interesting to new players with easy kills and unlockable abilities. In reality, 343 has ended the unique and competitive experience that was Halo. This "evolution" is just an attempt to outsell COD. Bungie is laughing their heads off, as 343 attempts to outperform COD by imitation.
All credits to iTz Vplus2 for finding these videos. BravoMLG has uploaded two videos from PAX, one video shows the load out options and the other shows all of the different armor and skins. I think the armor video is very interesting it really gives us a proper look at how the different armor pieces will look worn in game. The footage is off screen but its good enough quality to get a look at these features. Loadouts Armor, helmets and skins View full article
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- armor helmets & skins
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Below is the complete list what is available to use in your custom loadouts. Read below for more details From: By: FlawlessCowboy Thanks to we now know all of the Weapons, Grenades, Armour Abilities, Tactical Packages and Support Upgrades that will make up our Loadouts in Halo 4. Many of these abilities and upgrades will not be available at the start of the game and will need to be unlocked using Spartan Points, nevertheless, here is the complete list: Primary Weapons • Battle Rifle • Assault Rifle • DMR • Carbine • Storm Rifle • Suppressor • Light Rifle Secondary Weapons • Magnum • Plasma Pistol • Bolt shot Grenades • Frag Grenade • Plasma Grenade • Pulse Grenade Armor Abilities Thruster Pack Enables a powerful burst of movement allowing the ability to evade or quickly close the gap. Promethean Vision Allows users to predict enemy signatures through walls and other hard surfaces. Hologram Allows users to generate an almost identical holographic decoy to to deceive enemies during combat. Jet Pack Allows users limited flight through a vertical lift propulsion system similar to that of EVA re-entry packs. Hard Light Shield Allows users to a protective barrier of hard light which stops most small arms fire and some explosives. Active Camouflage Allows users to generate a visual effect astonishingly close to invisibility. Auto-Sentry An automatic turret which can be deployed to defend its user or command a key battlefield choke-point. Regeneration Field Allows the user to release a short-range energy field that heals any nearby spartans. Tactical Packages Mobility Allows unlimited sprint. Shielding Speeds up your armors recharge rate. Resupply Allows the recovery of grenades from fallen allies or foes. AA Efficiency Increases the rate at which energy recharges for armor abilities Grenadier Increases grenade carrying capacity. Firepower Allows the use of a primary weapon in the secondary weapon slot. Fast-track Allows the user to advance quicker in rank. Requisition In modes with personal ordnance, requisition lets the player request new choices when an ordnance is granted. Wheelman Increases the long term durability of your vehicle as well as how it reacts to EMP charges. Support Upgrades Stability Steadies your weapon while being struck by incoming fire. Ammo Increases ammunition capacity for both starting weapons and ordnance drops. Dexterity Speeds up reload and weapon swapping. Sensor Increases motion sensor range. Awareness Allows the use of motion sensors while using a scope. Explosives Alters grenade performance, increasing blast radius and decreasing grenade damage received. Ordnance Priority In modes with personal ordnance, offers more frequent ordnance drops to the user. Gunner Increases how long a mounted weapon can fire before overheating as well as movement speed with detached turrets. Wetworks Allows Spartans to Sprint quietly. They also appear as an outline to players using Promethean Vision and perform quicker assassinations. View full article
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Hey guys if you still want to know anything about the loadouts system check this out As stated in the video this is not final but i doubt it will change much before release.
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