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I have been a Halo fan ever since combat evolved when i was 9 years old, and i thoroughly enjoy Halo 4. There is one thing that really really, REALLY upsets me about Halo 4. The playlist - Was 343 Industries really incapable of proposing the idea of carrying one of the most favored playlists in all of the Halo campaign over to there brand new Halo? They really did not add double team into the playlist!@!@!@!@??? I played Halo reach for the last 3 months of the release wait for Halo 4. Me and my Brother would literally play a few nights a week when he got home from work and it was ALWAYS DOUBLE TEAM. Now everyone has preference, but for the true halo matchmakers out there - Is double team not the most intense,suspensful,team oriented, and competitive playlist out there? You only needed one partner and every kill was very personal. I'm a fan of Slayer and always was, (well quite frankly i don't have much of a choice in Halo 4) but Double team was always so amazing, just grabbing one partner and having intense 2v2 matches. When you have a full team for Slayer it's also very fun, but it's easier to find 1 partner then 3 other partners! Not even that but like I said i feel as if double team games are much more personal and competitive than any other playlist. Call me crazy MAYBE but I don't understand how 343 didn't realize that refusing to add double team into the playlist would make such a long fan of Halo angered. Seems to me like they're trying to be like Call of Duty in a very annoying sense. Yeah at the end of the day the game is business as all Industries are, but atleast have a balance for the players who feel different ways!