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Hey, I've been playing Matchmaking for quite some time and I've had a little pet peeves in it. However, I will not go as far as to say that 343 completely dropped the world's greatest poop over the game, but there can be some improvements. I mean, the game is relatively new and they can always throw updates at us, fixing stuff, right? I made this thread for us to list what we'd like to see changed, but like, in 1 thread. Not a thousand. Please do not say, "the whole game" because if you do not like the game, maybe you should lay off of FPS for a bit. Here's my list and reasoning why, please follow a similar format so it can be comprehensible, I'm interested in knowing everyone's opinions just out of curiosity to know if I'm not alone on this: Guns: The Assault Rifle is OP as hell. I don't mean this from the perspective that I get ripped when facing an enemy using it only, because I'll admit, I do. I mean that whenever even I use it too, I rip enemies apart too fast. I think it should be brought down a tad bit, along with the Battle Rifle. The DMR should require a bit more shot placement as it did in Halo: Reach. I've had to hop on Reach a few times over again just because I miss the old... having to require skill part of the game. Shields: People die way too fast in these matches without even having to lob off headshots all the time. I shoot someone in the foot, they die. In the hand, they die. Their shields drop too fast with little bullets at expense and absolutely no shot placement needed. Up the shields a bit maybe? This isn't CoD and we are aware of that. Respawn: Please do not allow instant respawn. I felt bad for some guy who instantly respawned and backtracked himself to my location, around 4 times, repeatedly dying. There's no fun in not having to find someone. Also I've been spawned next to a mob of enemies. That sucks just as equally. Weapon Spawns: Relying on the enemy weapons isn't too bad, but maybe if there were a few of the loadout weapons placed here and there it wouldn't kill. Right? I mean, it would kill since providing people guns happens to do that. Weapon Locators: Is it possible to remove this feature? There's no real surprise in going after a weapon you know is/still is there. Though I have used it to my advantage and ambush enemies running to the locator, still, meh. Ordinance Drops Steal Time: Don't know how to shorten the title for this. Is it possible to make the time a little longer to steal someone else's ordinance? Had my stuff stolen around 4 times in a match. I wanted to cry but remembered that I'm not that big of a baby anymore. TL;DR version: Weaken AR/BR. Strengthen shields to require better shot placement. No instant respawn. Spawn loadouts. Remove weapon locators. Increase ordinance steal meter. -What would you like to see changed?