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Found 10 results

  1. DOWNLOAD HALODROME Canvas: Impact Players: 8 - 12 Gametypes: Slayer CTF Oddball KoTH Extraction Regicide Grifball Ricochet Supported Gametypes: Ricochet (primary), CTF, Extraction, KoTH, Oddball, Team and FFA Slayer, and (just for kicks) Grifball. Description: Halodrome is the...
  2. Halo MCC Forge Maps #23 -Ball Pit (Halo 2 Anniversary Custom Map) In this Halo MCC Forge Map we are playing Ricochet Ball on a multi-team map. This map is made with a big Pit in the middle that funnels exploding balls into the area where the score balls are. The MasterChief is then forced to jump...
  3. DOWNLOAD MINIDROME --------------------------------- This map was originally designed for my mini-game Railnums (see below) and has been significantly modified to provide suitability for other gametypes. Feedback on this map is desired, and updates will be posted periodically. -------...
  4. Gametype Download: https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/games/halo4/fileshare/details/324ba930-abed-4c31-9a17-b3643d940a7a Map Download: https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/games/halo4/fileshare/details/5a1920da-e442-4ff5-af2f-925754ce4d52Hey this is my first map I'm posting! So Divine Wind on USS Sin...
  5. THERMOPYLAE Maximus IL Updated 11/9/13 Thermopylae is a small-to-medium sized map designed primarily with CTF in mind (6 - 10 players), but should play Slayer with sprint down to 2v2. NS settings should be played with 3v3 or 4v4. Map Info Canvas: Ravine Size: A bit smaller than Solac...
  6. GT: TheBloodbath22 Suggested Player Count: 8 - 10 Supported Gametypes: Ricochet, CTF, Slayer Initial Ordnance: Sniper x2 (135), Neutral Fuel Rod Cannon x1 (200) Random Ordnance: Neutral Railgun x2, Neutral Saw x2, and 3 Plasmas x2 A Note: Well hello fellow Cartographers. TheBloo...
  7. INHERITOR By Squally DaBeanz Players: 4-8 Gametypes: Slayer, CTF, KotH, Ricochet Inheritor is a medium sized symmetrical map with a two base design. The map was designed with symmetrical objective gametypes in mind (especially Ricochet), and takes subtle design elements from Midship, The Pit,...
  8. GT: TheBloodbath22 Map Name: Whimy Supported Gametypes: Ricochet, CTF, Slayer Player Count: 8 (Ricochet), 10 (CTF), 16 (Slayer) Initial Ordnance: Energy Sword x2 (130), Sniper x2 (130), 2 Frage x2 (30) Random Ordnance: Neutral Rocket Launcher x1, Neutral Saw x1, Neutral Fuel Rod...
  9. Hey folks! TheBloodbath22 here. October 8th is the deadline for a Ricochet forge contest, and I'm looking to test out my submission before I, well, submit it. So I'll need a few players to check it out with me, see what kinks I can work out, etc. I'm also concerned about its size, since it's sup...
  10. Download Link ter.mi.nal ve.loc.i.ty nounPhysics noun: terminal velocity; plural noun: terminal velocities 1. the constant speed that a freely falling object eventually reaches when the resistance of the medium through which it is falling prevents further acceleration. Terminal Velocity i...
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