This is something that always bothered me about the recent MM update with ranked. But, it's all ranked. Even action sack ( which really doesn't make sense IMO but whatever). The problem with this is it doesn't change the , we'll call it " Mood" of the match. Since there are no social playlists, when people want to mess around in team slayer with say a suppressor, they might be placed with teammates who don't want to lose CSR, and they might be placed against players on the other team who are serious about their rank, and will try their butts off. Thus making running around with a suppressor, not really messing around but just getting owned by tryhards.
Of course, this hurts competitive players too. What if you were trying to get your infinity slayer rank to a 40, but then the guy who's running around with a suppressor gets put on your team. What if guys like that are put on your team repetitively? It would be much harder to rank up right?
Please comment below if you agree or disagree that there should be social playlists.