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Really, I think we need classic maps of HCE, H2, and H3 Classic maps in the official gamemodes in H5, an extended map of bloogulch for warzone might be a great idea in my opinion, just want more maps.
Since the beta some time ago alot has changed in Warzone Firefight. The general idea is still there but we can expect a lot of more objectives and bosses to beat. One of these new bosses will be Grunt Goblin the we saw a few days back. You can also expect the difficulty level to ramp up as you progress through rounds. No more easy pickings! This update will also bring back a long gone campaign score attack so you can compete with your friends or to try and get a combined record by working together. Taking down enemies with style will fetch you more points than the regular headshot or melee and dying will cost you dearly. Next up we have some new maps to play on. Since we didn't really get much with the Hog Wild update map wise we get 2 Warzone maps, 1 Arena map, and a Forge canvas this time around. The first Warzone map we'll be taking a look at is the brand new Attack on Sanctum! This map is themed around the Sangheili homeworld and will most likely feature a few of the new bosses instead of your usual legendary vehicle enemy and Warden. I don't know about you but the image above gives me a kind of Blood Gulch feeling. The second Warzone map is the Warzone Assault version of Attack on Darkstar and is called Prospect. Although it being a remix, I really don't see the original back in here apart from the theme. This remix is also made with Warzone Firefight in mind so this will probaby be the map to play on. The Arena map is also a remix and is a version of The Rig. This map is called Molten! This is the only image of the map I could find at the moment so I can't really tell how the map will play out. I guess we'll have to look forward to the mandotory update livestream prior to release. Last up we have the Forge canvas called Tidal Tidal is pretty much a giant rock in the middle of the water with some nooks and cranny's for you to build some smaller maps as well as some large open water for you to build the larger maps. again this is the only image available right now so we'll have to wait and see how it will turn out. Now here come the REQs, and there are some cool ones! First up we have the Temple style Covenenant vehicles. They sport a golden/green-ish colour and from the rarity colours might be a step up from the already present ultra variant vehicles. We'll most likely see their effects in the livestream. Next up we have the Halo 2 Beam rifle (from which many found death in the Halo 2 Legendary runs...) along with an Alpha and Delta variant. What the effects and deifferences will be from the already available Beam Rifles remains to be seen. Another big one is the Wasp UNSC air vehicle. Yes, we finally have an UNSC flying vehicle! From the little footage that is out there on the interwebz we can tell that it'll be a VTOL kind of plane and it will feature a chaingun and rockets to rain death from above. The Pheaton has finally found its match. Last up we get our usual fix of Armors, emblems, an armor mod and some weapon variants of the Brute Plasma Rifle. I'm going to take a wild guess here and say that the Patrol case armor mod will let you have some more ammo capacity out of spawn. That's about it for this update! What do you think about Warzone Firefight and the new maps and REQs? Let us know down below! Thank you for reading! Source: Xbox Wire
Around two months ago, Halo fans were treated to their first encounter with a new playlist titled "Warzone Turbo", an add-on to the existing 24-player mode that allowed for unlimited chaos and access to player REQ items like vehicles and weapons early on. The mode was treated to critical success, and has naturally come back into rotation a few times since as a weekend buffer. This week, fans will be happy to know it has returned, playable on the new maps and with items from the latest update. Along with the mode, 343 has released two new REQ packs available in the store, for the purpose of beefing up your collection. One of these is a "Mythic Warzone Pack" which will grant players 10 single-use weapons of the highest tier and one new certification to get more of a weapon, if available. The other is a "Mechanized Vehicle Pack" which will grant players a ton of vehicular items to slaughter the competition. Both can be purchased with $10 USD or 80,000 REQ points, and are available for as long as "Warzone Turbo" is here. With E3 on the horizon, 343 Industries is preparing to put on a show with their highly anticipated Halo Wars 2, as well as some hidden surprises. We're excited and can't wait to share the news with you! Are you purchasing either of the above packs? Let us know! Sources: Halo on Twitter HaloTeamAssemble Blog
Halo 5: Guardians is seeing the return of fan-favourite mode Warzone Turbo this weekend, along with a few extras to sweeten the deal! Around two months ago, Halo fans were treated to their first encounter with a new playlist titled "Warzone Turbo", an add-on to the existing 24-player mode that allowed for unlimited chaos and access to player REQ items like vehicles and weapons early on. The mode was treated to critical success, and has naturally come back into rotation a few times since as a weekend buffer. This week, fans will be happy to know it has returned, playable on the new maps and with items from the latest update. Along with the mode, 343 has released two new REQ packs available in the store, for the purpose of beefing up your collection. One of these is a "Mythic Warzone Pack" which will grant players 10 single-use weapons of the highest tier and one new certification to get more of a weapon, if available. The other is a "Mechanized Vehicle Pack" which will grant players a ton of vehicular items to slaughter the competition. Both can be purchased with $10 USD or 80,000 REQ points, and are available for as long as "Warzone Turbo" is here. With E3 on the horizon, 343 Industries is preparing to put on a show with their highly anticipated Halo Wars 2, as well as some hidden surprises. We're excited and can't wait to share the news with you! Are you purchasing either of the above packs? Let us know! Source: (Sourced directly from the HTA blog @ ) You can follow us on Twitter @HaloTeam343CF or contact us on or This post has been promoted to an article
I'm starting this topic for two reasons; Know however, I am new to and thus their forums but have been playing Halo since CE. REASON ONE: PROGRAMMERS-- Whats with the "pathing" in the game? Go play Slayer on Halo 5 and eventually you will notice you shot that enemy EIGHT times in the head with a BR and yet YOU died when they missed you. Or the new Warzone Requisition Issue. I joined multiple games and at level 9 I am "Retrieving Data" for my Reqs, but never get them. These are not the first these issues are mentioned but I want to bring them together. The same pathing issues can be seen in Halo 3 on the MC Edition. Watch Youtube, the videos are everywhere. But I never saw these issues on Halo 3 before, what did they do, re-write the programming for the game? I'm no programmer and won't pretend to be, but I don't see how so many issues in game can be attributed to anything other than the programming, which leads us back to the where the problem starts, 343. REASON TWO: SERVERS-- XBox Live and Microsoft are not to blame for the issues had with Connection and Lag while playing Halo. I'm sure that much is known. It's all 343 Studios. Being said, is it cost cutting that they go with cheap servers, or don't run enough, or don't have the manning to cover them? I don't work there, but its plain to see 343 can't run things right when it comes to servers. The Banhammer alone has issues with it. People who SHOULD get kicked don't and yet if a 343 server has an issue and kicks you off you get Banned. Or watching and enemy Lag across the screen whiole shooting you but you can't shoot them. Rarely have I seen a lagging player BEAT and non lagger. Thats curious in and of itself, but it happens all the time. Conclusion: I'm not a programmer and I'm not a Tech Freak, however I believe its a simple deduction that can be made for what Halo is having issues with. Its 343 Studios. Now, are they inept? Perhaps not, SOME of the ideas they have are pretty cool! I think the problem lies in simply put; MONEY. They are lining their pockets with royalties while putting out a Subpar program and server system because they didn't want to PAY for the better programmers and servers. Well that and they pushed the game out too soon. It wasn't ready either, thats obvious. SO, 343 Studios, you have a decent game here. STOP cutting corners and do it right. If not, don't do it at all. Bungie won't come back, but that doesn't mean Microsoft can't find someone better. But your NAME is 343, which means you were likely Fans to begin with. For anyone that didn't grow up on Halo, 343 is from 343 Guilty Spark in Halo CE and Halo 2. Fix the issues, put the money into the game that it deserves. You picked up a Legacy game and there are fans from its creation that still play. Why disappoint them like this? Do you not even care cause we gave you the money when we bought it? If thats the case, you are whats wrong with the world today. If not, then put that money where it belongs put some PRIDE into your work. Damn Cheapskates.
I feel like Halo 5 is missing some serious variety when it comes to Game Modes & Playlists. Where is Grifball, Oddball, Territories, KOTH, Assault, Juggernaut, and of course INFECTION?!? What are your thoughts on this issue? Why would 343 leave out so much from Halo 5? Despite the fact that Bungie already made all those creative game modes and playlists. 343 has full rights to utilize all of Bungie's past work for the Halo franchise, right? So why are so many classic game modes and playlists missing? I made a video on this issue and I believe one of the reasons is that 343 wants to funnel people into Warzone, so they are more likely to purchase Req Packs. Here's the link to the video:
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I don't really understand how the matchmaking system works but for gamemodes like warzone I'm always on the losing team whether the game started or in the middle of the match. I've been playing Halo 5 his whole week and of the 5 days I've been playing I think I have only won 2-3 games. Most of the time I'm at the top of the leaderboards holding my team or in second helping the dude at the top, but I'm always on the losing team no matter what. The only time I do good is when my friends are on Halo but I can't harass them to play warzone (which some dislike) just so I can win a few games. Do I have bad luck or does this happen to other people often too? If anybody would like to play add me Gt: "your pegasus"
Well everyone! It's that time of the month again, where we get to see the new REQs and such that are coming to Halo 5: Guardians within the week! So, the big rewards- We can clearly see that the new armor set Decimator, is actually a re-imagining of the default Mark V Variant worn by the mighty Noble Six, back in Halo: Reach. We also see that there is a new armor set called Marauder, which looks pretty cool! Now, some of the juicy stuff, we can see some Jumpmaster skins, not bad. The long awaited Gravity Hammer, as well as the Grifball emblem and what appears to be a new set of Warzone attachments. Maybe a new energy attachment. Also, we CAN NOT forget that Hammer stance. With gametypes, we clearly see that Grifball, Assault, and Fiesta are finally making a return. With the hopes of hopefully Infection coming next month. There's also a new Arena map, which looks to be the inside of a UNSC space station of some sort. Okay, okay. Enough stalling. On to the predictions- which is where I guess the armor, weapon skins, and all that stuff that is blurred out to see how many I get right. Emblems, I most likely won't try my luck at. Weapon Skins: Skins that are reminiscent of the Battle Rifle Blast skins back from Halo 4... Stances: Stance with the classic CE Magnum, labeled "Old School". Visor: ...Blue n' purple? Assassinations: The Legendary one looks like you're kneeing them in the back of the head, while the Ultra Rare one looks like you're pounding both your hands into them, one of those hands holding a knife. Armor: Two Helioskrill Reskins. Two Marauder Reskins. One Shinobi Reskin. Warzone REQ Items: Mythic REQ - CE Magnum. Two Storm Rifle variants. Some kind of energy shank... thingy... Oh, and for those of you who love your colors... Colors have been expanded from 32 to 60 And emblems will no longer be restricted to preset color choices, consisting of primary, secondary, and tertiary! Have fun, kiddo! SOURCE:
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As the title suggests, I have thought of a suggestion for Warzone. Seeing as I could not find a direct email for this suggestion, I will just post it here. My idea is for a new sub-type of warzone, like warzone assault. My idea is that the game would progress like a typical warzone game. But with the inclusion of a voted in commander-esque player. This commander could call in AI reinforcement squads like marines, and possibly ODST's?(It would be cool seeing their pods drop into the middle of a firefight) Then he/she could tell them to take a point, or guard an area, or target a boss, etc. This might possibly be integrated into the req system, although if it were, I would personally prefer them to be permanents like the basic load-out weapons, not consumable, although that is not my decision to make. Another possibility from this would be the inclusion of AIs into player squads, which could function like in the campaign. The commander could call in AI operated vehicles as well, which would be the higher req levels and so on. I think that the inclusion of this gametype would add a new flavor to warzone. Instead of being a glorified big team battle, this could open up more opportunity for teamwork and strategy.
I just got Halo 5 today and I've been playing Warzone the whole time. Almost every single game I played had a connection loss, and it finally banned me after the last connection loss. I never deliberately left the game, it just booted me out automatically and banned me. This is an irritating issue.
here, this is an 86 page long thread talking about this issue: i will still give my opinion: since the 27th of october, the times i was able to get a match at halo 5 multiplayer´s were few to none, afteer looking unsuccessfully for players (1/4 looking for spartans) for 5 minutes it displays a message saying "unable to match - there may not enough players to support this play list" ITS BEEN MORE THAN A MONTH, PLEASE 343I, PLEASE, WE AT SOUTH AMERICA WANT TO PLAY HALO´S MULTIPLAYER TOO!
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At the end of my greatest warzone game ever. The game threw me into some lobby then it spazzed out. I obtained no xp, no rewards to commendations I know I completed, and no req points. Worst of all I lost the cinema clip to the game. A 700-100 comeback and win. I am wondering if there is a way to access the game and obtain the rewards I earned.
Welcome to PartyUpGaming We are a competitive Spartan Company that strives to be the best, be ACTIVE, and PARTY UP with each other. We are on throughout all timezones and are not limited to any specific region. We are a strictly Halo 5 Spartan Company for the Xbox One. Our #1 Goal is to Have a Spartan Company that Plays Together, that means Partying Up with other Spartan Company Members and other Spartan Company Alliances. Easy Way To Join: - Simply Click on PartyUpGaming and click "Request to Join" on the upper right ^ - otherwise Message IAmDrrunnmk on HaloWaypoint or on Xbox Live GamerTag: IAmDrrunnmk Spartan Company HaloWaypoint Website: Welcome to Spartan Company PartyUpGaming: Are YOU tired of joining Companies that don't play together? have no good communication? seem unorganized? have no vision? ect..... Well whatever the reason, Look no further. Join and have a part in creating a great and fun Spartan Company to be in.What you will find from our Spartan Company that you will not find with others: - Opportunity: Looking for those that are serious about running a Company on Halo 5 will get a chance to become a Lieutenant for the Spartan Company. - Teamwork: Operating together is our #1 goal and we strive to play together at all times - Public Lobby Stomping: What is more fun than playing Warzone with 8-12 Spartan Company Teammates to Dominate public lobby games? nothing. - Organization: We are organized to the teeth about how we operate giving our Company an efficient way to operate and play with other Members. (Coming Soon Stuff: Forums, Websites, Communication App.) - Communication: We not only communicate with each other more efficiently, but also play together more efficiently. - Vision: I have a dream, that one day Halo player will unite under one belief and that is to play together for total domination of lobbies and we will do everything necessary to make our Company operate more efficiently. Reasons to Join: - FREE REQ PACK JUST FOR JOINING! - Easy access to multiplayer FireTeam teammates to play with in Arena, Warzone, and Co-Op campaign missions. - Want Opportunity to run a Spartan Company as a Commander? We are looking for those individuals with leadership potential to Promote. - Recruit 20 members and earn yourself a $20 Xbox Live Gift Card. (That's $1 per member recruited!) Requirements: - Have a Positive Kill/Death Ratio - Must Party Up with Spartan Company Members - Prefer Everyone has a MicrophoneNew Spartans please add everyone from the Spartan Company Roster as a 'friend' on Xbox Live. This is the primary way to party up / communicate with other members of Spartan Company. Spartan Company PartyUpGaming
My searches are drawing blanks on this one, how can I (or anyone) get a phaeton gunship in warzone. From what I understand, Mega Bloks is giving away Halo 5 promotional pack codes with their products, including their Phaeton Gunship. Does a promotional pack from a Phaeton Gunship Mega Bloks set contain a Phaeton ingame? Please elaborate if you know anything else. Thanks.
I'm not talking about earning REQ points, I'm asking: During Warzone, does the entire team's REQ level go up together or do you unlock REQ levels personally? Also I've noticed that when I use an XP boost during Warzone, in the loading screen for the next game I play, it still looks like it is active. Do XP boost cards last for multiple games or are they 1 time use?
Anyone around here been wondering what types of items we can see within the new REQ pack reward system? Well, luckily there is a site out there that posted additional photos and information about these weapons. All sources linked below this post. First up, we have the GameStop exclusive rifle. Here, we have the BR85 service rifle decorated in the Bloodthirst battle rifle skin, with a laser target and scope! This weapon has extra accuracy. Our next weapon comes straight from the Amazon pre-order. This is the SMG, with a Long-barrel and the skin called Potence! It is assumed this weapon has longer range. Next up, for those of you who pre-ordered directly from Best Buy, you will be given the Longshot Assault Rifle with a Recoil Compensator. Decorated with the Steel skin! This weapon has less recoil. And for anyone here who pre-ordered from the Microsoft store, you will be given one of the coolest looking weapons I've ever laid eyes on... The Recon Assault Rifle with an Energy Bayonet, decorated with the Lagrange skin! This weapon has a buff on melee attacks. As of now, there is still one weapon that doesn't have a pre-order location yet, and that is the Recon DMR, with a silencer and decorated with the Clash skin! This weapon is suppressed, and most likely will not have many effects due to it. And for anyone who is worried about never getting these, don't fret! Josh has confirmed that you can indeed, get these skins in variations from normal playtime. All you need is a little luck with your REQ packs. Sources: 1. 2.
On the first day of Comic Con Microsoft came out swinging by announcing one of the maps that will be featured In Halo 5's Warzone gamemode. The announcement wasn't just any old announcement with a few concept art pictures and a name, no. They announced it by showing off a 89.500 blocks large, half a ton weighing Lego replica of the map. The map will be called 'Raid on Apex 7' and is already bigger than the map 'Escape from A.R.C' which was shown at E3. Here's the Lego structure: And here's some of the concept art: The style of the map was inspired by the level The Silent Cartographer in Halo CE. Mysterious island? Check. Large middle structure? Check. Getting lost? Probably. "Clearing out the initial Covenant threats and controlling the Forerunner Spire in the center of the island is paramount to a team's success and provides a central base of operations. If your team loses the Spire, don’t despair; players can use a system of caves or taketo the beach to flank the base. Beware of the Covenant though, for they will not let you take this islandso easily. They will counterattack and fight to retake their territory. Continue the push for control of the island and take out the opposition's core… before you awaken something much worse." ~Microsoft The map appears to play out similair to the Escape from A.R.C map. First you'll drop in with a Pelican and will have to clear your base of AI enemies to be able to proceed. After that you'll have to option to either go for the central base and or bosses to score points or choose to go for the enemy base and destroy their core. Choose wisely. What do you think of the map? And what might we awake on it? Let us know down below! Thank you for reading! Source: Gamespot
So what arwe your thoughts of Halo 5's Warzone? Are you excited for it? Ibthink it seems awesome to have a giant map 4x the size of a regular map, and having AI's involved to just bother or kill other players is cool. A 12v12 is a big battle, and I think it's going to be great. so what are your thoughts or theories about Warzone?
The official Xbox E3 2015 conference has given us a wealth of new details to get excited about for Halo 5: Guardians! Let's dive right in. E3 2015 began with a bang as Bonnie Ross, a member of 343 Industries, walked on stage and set up the Halo 5 Story Trailer reveal, found on . The trailer shows Chief hunting something down, as Locke and his team prepare to take him on, receiving begrudging help from the Arbiter and his faction. Buck and Locke speak about the Master Chief and the price that comes with hunting him down, as they are all led to one specific location, to find Chief, the Covenant, and the Guardians. The gameplay footage showed off a new weapon, similar to the Plasma Launcher from Halo Reach, but more compact, as well as team gameplay in action. It also showed just how ruthless Fireteam Osiris is in their efforts to track the Chief down, only being stopped by a large Promethean figure who tells them they are not allowed to enter, unlike the Chief, before the demo ends. View attachment: h5singleplayer.png Multiplayer is shown off in a brand new BTB style mode called Warzone. This will take place on extremely large maps with 12 v 12 players, along with numerous NPCs. The game seems to begin with you and your team being dropped off in multiple Pelicans unto the battlefield as you fight with an array of weapons and vehicles. The game footage also hints at allied NPCs with marine chatter and red hunters possibly aligned to red team. Along with this, the Mantis seems to be back in action, very similar to it's precursor self. Along with the Mantis, a new Promethean air vehicle was demonstrated, possibly being player driven. The trailer can be seen on Xbox's channel, and is playable at E3. View attachment: h5warzone.png All information and images are sourced from 343 Industries and Microsoft, shown at E3 2015.
The official Xbox E3 2015 conference has given us a wealth of new details to get excited about for Halo 5: Guardians! Let's dive right in. E3 2015 began with a bang as Bonnie Ross, a member of 343 Industries, walked on stage and set up the Halo 5 Story Trailer reveal, found on . The trailer shows Chief hunting something down, as Locke and his team prepare to take him on, receiving begrudging help from the Arbiter and his faction. Buck and Locke speak about the Master Chief and the price that comes with hunting him down, as they are all led to one specific location, to find Chief, the Covenant, and the Guardians. The gameplay footage showed off a new weapon, similar to the Plasma Launcher from Halo Reach, but more compact, as well as team gameplay in action. It also showed just how ruthless Fireteam Osiris is in their efforts to track the Chief down, only being stopped by a large Promethean figure who tells them they are not allowed to enter, unlike the Chief, before the demo ends. View attachment: h5singleplayer.png Multiplayer is shown off in a brand new BTB style mode called Warzone. This will take place on extremely large maps with 12 v 12 players, along with numerous NPCs. The game seems to begin with you and your team being dropped off in multiple Pelicans unto the battlefield as you fight with an array of weapons and vehicles. The game footage also hints at allied NPCs with marine chatter and red hunters possibly aligned to red team. Along with this, the Mantis seems to be back in action, very similar to it's precursor self. Along with the Mantis, a new Promethean air vehicle was demonstrated, possibly being player driven. The trailer can be seen on Xbox's channel, and is playable at E3. View attachment: h5warzone.png All information and images are sourced from 343 Industries and Microsoft, shown at E3 2015. View full article