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Dear Friends, It has been a while since I've last spoken to all of you. So hello! I miss you all! It is just that the college process and school is extremely busy right now, so my real life is just overwhelmingly busy. I can't find the time to come onto here to catch up. A question I had for all of you though, I am planning on getting a new console for myself as I find many switching to the Xbox one or the PS4. I am especially a fan of Destiny, so that is the main game I would be playing, If I were to switch, which console should I get? Thanks!
Hi everyone, Spartan here with Site Poll 105...yes, I'm really back for it. Please, contain your excitement. Hold your applause. Keep your underwear on. Unfortunately both Yoshi and Maestro failed to uphold my legacy with the Site Polls that I greatly invested in, thanks guys (love ya really ). Honestly wanna thank them both for producing five more polls after I stepped down, it was much appreciated. I can't say for sure whether I'll be doing these weekly like I used to, but you can expect one every now and then. This community had and will always have a special place in my heart, and it's all of you, the people, that make it. Speaking of this awesome community, let's dive into Poll 105. Will Halo: Infinite reignite the 343ICF? I joined in 2013, just over over 6 years ago now. When I joined, the place was starting to buzz with life. It was warming up again after a previous period of inactivity. I can't speak too much for the 2011 to early-2013 state of the site, but from what I made out, 2013/2014 was the peak of this community's activity. Members were like family with each other, I'd come back home everyday to join my new-found friends here. We all had something in common, various things in common in many cases. Remember the days of forum games? Now we can't even get a flowing convo in the shoutbox. I'm guilty of inactivity as well, the already-present growing lack of activity here didn't give me anymore reason to return and stay for long. I always end up coming back though, because there's truly no place like home. Now Infinite is shaping up to be impressive, and we're getting a sick port of Reach to Xbox One and PC soon (hopefully). The Halo community is still very active, and will only get more hyped as time progresses. But what about our community? Waypoint's a nice house, but it's not home. Do any of you think the upcoming Halo content, namely Infinite, will bring the community back to life? Will it potentially bring new members that'll be here to stay, or have older members return for good? A familiar face is always nice, and a fresh one with passion is just as good. Or do you think the community has had it's time, and will begin fossilising soon enough? There's always potential for life to be breathed into this old dog. If Infinite won't do it, Reach and the MCC port to PC may. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts. As always, Spartan out.
Hii guys RaPz clan is recruiting new players on PC,ps4 and xbox one.The clan was made up on nov. 19th 2016 but officially we went global on 1st jan 2017 with a boom. Here on the clans yt channel you can find some really amazing videos of the clan's gameplay and much more and you can also browse through the yt channels of some of the clan members 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Those who want to add RaPz_ to their in game name and wanna be a part of this clan fill this form and we will contact you back -…/1FAIpQLSeK_uLDj0tpfpFpsu…/viewform
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PAIN clan welcomes anyone wanting to just sit down and have a good game of halo whether custom games or matchmaking. We're looking for a mixture of competitive/just for fun players. If you're interested change your service tag on halo to PAIN and message m0dy21b on Xbox.
Am Xbox user since 2006 , I have had the original Xbox , two 350 that were lost by 3redlights a slim , E , and now have two Xbox One, but I'm kind of sad , for you to see what has happened in the year 2016 : - Already have a few months that the enemies do not die, they shoot and shoot them, throw grenades falling at their feet and not die, because we shot only kills us. Something wrong in the software Halo 5 Guardians, or why would I have heard that if you register on American soil gains a protection is that, as for those who are from other countries not. Uncle Sam likes to protect their children, all right, but it is called to protect a game where should be equal opponents, not protected, so missed the free throw, we have no desire, to compete for that you never win and only lose , like playing cards and a player pulling a letter from the sleeve, it is something unfair and it's called stealing, right. Even said that each player has a level, so it is placed in an arena with the same level opponents, but it is not what we have seen, you're up there, and put you at the police station beginners, there it is one and the best win for beginners are new, this is treachery or cowardice, take advantage and go to a competition putting weak and strong only win, Roman arena type that put gladiators against lions. kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk lost the desire to play Halo 5 Guardians. Error 350 to 360.
We are the Wolves of Fenris and we are looking for new members who are skilled and mature, or clan operates off of Warhammer 40k lore and use it to shape every part of our clan. As well as a Halo clan we are also a gaming community, our memebers are regularly encouraged to play with each other in order to get to know each other better, this make our clan perfect for any new people to Xbox as it gives them a change to meet new people and make friends. If any of the above seem interesting to you please contact me: Email: [email protected] Xbox Gamertag: native panda 33 Steam Name: MorganFreemansPetCat Or message me through the forums, Thanks for reading.
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Xbox Live's Games with Gold for December 2015 have been announced. Check out to see what you can get for free next month. For the final installment of Games with Gold for 2015 there will be five games in total that Xbox Live Gold members can download for free, two for Xbox One and three for Xbox 360. For Xbox One, Gold members will have the chance to download The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing and Thief. Van Helsing will be available for all of December. Thief will then be available to download for free from December 16th through til January 15th All images are from For Xbox 360, Gold members can download Castlestorm, Sacred 3, and Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising. Castlestorm will be free to download from December 1st through December 15th. Then on December 16th, Sacred 3 will be available to download until December 31st. Finally, Operation Flaspoint will be free to download from December 16th until December 31st. So that's what Xbox Live Gold members can get for free for the month of December. What are your thoughts on next months free titles? Source:
- Games with Gold
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Microsoft will be announcing the first 100 Xbox 360 games that will be compatible on the Xbox One next week. Head of Xbox, Phil Spencer, announced on Twitter that Microsoft will be revealing the first 100 Xbox 360 titles that will feature in Xbox One's backward compatibility feature next week on Nov 9th. Microsoft first announced backward compatibility on Xbox One at this years E3 back in June. It came as a big and an unexpected announcement for Xbox fans and got many of them excited about it. A number titles have already been confirmed to be brought over to Xbox One, and many others have been included in promotional images so it maybe safe to assume they will be included too. But another big question that has been lingering is which one's will be up first? Well the wait is almost over as we will get the answer next week. Microsoft did confirm that not every title will make the crossover, but they have given the fans the chance to vote for which titles they'd like to be playable on the Xbox One through their voting page. So get voting. What 360 titles would you like to see compatible on Xbox One? Have you voted for any? Let us know what you'd like to see. Source: IGN
The Awoken Clan is a competitive and Recreational Halo gaming clan. We have been operational for over 5 years now!!! Furthermore, we currently practice in Halo 3, Halo CE Anniversary, Halo Reach, and Halo 4 on the Xbox 360. However, on Nov.11 all of our members will move onto the Xbox One, following this all of our practices and clan events will take place in Halo MCC. Are clan is run by a military based ranking and order system therefore, when we give orders you are expected to follow, failing to comply will result in punishment or termination. Moreover, even though or clan is run by a military style ranking system all members do have the right to voice their opinions in clan meetings, on forums. Our members tend to play long ours with each other and practice for at least an hour almost every other day of not every day meaning, we recruit more so of personality rather than skill. Skill can always be improved but to change who someone one is cannot always be one. Do apply you must meet the following requirements: -Must have an Xbox One/be getting one -Must have Halo MCC -Must love Halo! -Must be willing to learn and be capable of receiving and following orders -Must be able to follow ranking system -Must listen to higher ranks -Must want to improve and help other to improve -Must play recreational and sometimes competitively -Must live in a Pacific time zone, Mountain time zone, or Eastern time zone (or as long as your within 3 hours of the pacific time) -Must participate in all clan events and play frequently -Cannot be in any other clans -Must speak English (does not matter if it’s your second language as long as you can talk and listen) -Must be 13 or older -Must be friendly If you have any other questions and/or want to join the Awoken Clan and be part of a fun and competitive clan please either contact Awoken Anarchy, Awoken Wrath, or Awoken Epidemic. Or you can apply on our website at So you on the battlefield Spartans!
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Novembers Games with Gold have been revealed. Check and see what's for free for both Xbox One and Xbox 360 next month. For Xbox One, the two free titles for November will be Pneuma: Breath of Life and Knight Squad. Pneuma will be the first free title for Xbox One and it will be available for the entirety of the month. Knight Squad will be the second and it will also be free for an entire month. Though it won't be free to download until November 16th but it will be up until December 15th. For Xbox 360, November's Games with Gold will include Dirt 3 and Dungeon Siege III. Dirt 3 will be the first to download for free, and it will be available November 1st-15th. Dungeon Siege III will then follow and will up from November 16th and will be available for free until the end of the month, November 30th. Images are from So those are Novembers free titles with the Games with Gold program. What are your thoughts on these freebies? Source:
We are now in the month of September and that means another four free games will be available to download for Xbox Live Gold members. Let's see what this month will be offering. For Xbox one, Gold members can get The Deer God and Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition this month. The Deer God will be available to download for free starting today September 1st until September 30th. Tomb Raider will be free to download from September 16th right through until October 15th. For Xbox 360, Gold members can get Battlestations Pacifc and Crysis 3 this month. Battlestations Pacific is available to download today and will be free until September 15th. Then on September 16th Crysis 3 takes over as the second free game for Xbox 360, which will be available to download until September 30th. So that wraps up this months Games with Gold, do you like what's on offer? What will you be downloading? Leave a comment and let us know. Source:
Rise of the Tomb Raider Collector's Edition Announced!
VinWarrior posted a article in Other Articles
The upcoming Rise of the Tomb Raider has gotten a new Collector's Edition featuring some sweet tomb raiding goodies, but are they worth the price? This fall is home to a plethora of highly anticipated games, one of these being Rise of the Tomb Raider, the sequel to 2012's reboot of the franchise, which was recently acquired by Microsoft for a timed exclusive release on Xbox. As reported by, Square Enix announced a Collector's Edition of the game for Xbox One, priced at $150 in the US and £110 in the UK. This edition comes in a wooden box styled crate, and includes a standard copy of the game, along with a steel-case to put it in, as well as Lara's jade necklace, a replica of her in-game journal, and the highlight of it all, a 12" statue of Lara Croft with her bow and hiking equipment. You can currently pre-order this edition from the Square Enix and Tomb Raider stores for Xbox One, no Xbox 360 edition currently announced. The game releases November 10th, 2015 for the Xbox consoles, and will follow on PC and PS4 next year. View attachment: 2928265-rottr_beautyshot_v_final_pegi_not_approved_1440589598.jpg All images and information sourced from Square Enix, Crystal Dynamics, and GameSpot.-
- Rise of the Tomb Raider
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As you all know Microsoft announced backwards compatibility for Xbox 360 games on the Xbox One at this years E3 event. Since then the number of 360 titles that have finally became playable has grown, but bear in mind non preview members cannot have access to this feature until the third quarter of the year. Here is the current list of all the Xbox 360 games that are playable on the Xbox One to date: • A Kingdom of Keflings • A World of Keflings • Alien Hominid • Banjo-Kazooie • Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts • Banjo-Tooie • BattleBlock Theater • Defense Grid: The Awakening • Gears of War • Hexic HD • Jetpac Refuelled • Kameo • Mass Effect • N+ • Perfect Dark • Perfect Dark Zero • Shadow Complex • Small Arms • Super Meat Boy • Toy Soldiers • Toy Soldiers Cold War • Viva Pinata • Viva Pinata Trouble in Paradise Other titles such as Gears of War 2, 3 and Judgment and Fallout 3 are confirmed to be included later down the line. Also looking at the image above it is safe to assume those other titles will be added to the list. Again backwards compatibility is only accessible for preview members and will made available to everyone this fall. You can let Microsoft know what games you'd like to see on the list by heading over to What 360 games would you like to see compatible with the Xbox One? Source: Gamespot
- Bacwards Compatibility
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The Games with Gold titles for August have been announced. You know the drill, next month there will be four new additions to the Games with Gold program for Xbox Live Gold members. Let's take a look at what's on offer. For Xbox One, the two free titles for August will be Metal Gear Sold V: Ground Zeroes and How to Survive: Storm Warning Addition. Metal Gear Solid V will be the first title for the Xbox One that will available to download for free, and it will be available from August 1st - 31st. Storm Warning will be available to download from August 16th - September 15th. For Xbox 360, August's free titles will be Metro 2033 and Metro: Last Light. Gold members can download Metro 2033 from August 1st - 15th and Metro: Last Light from August 16th - 31st. Xbox One and Xbox 360 images are from That's what's coming in August for Xbox Live Gold Members. Like what you see? Leave a comment below and tell us what you think. Source:
- Games with Gold
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Looking for some people to play on the Master Chief Collection with. I was hoping to play the Halo 3 ODST co-op with someone but sadly none of my friends have it, if anyone would like to play the ODST co-op on MCC then send me a message over Xbox. My GamerTag is D3ltaDude19.
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- Halo 3 ODST Co-Op
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Anyone who has an Xbox One (no longer restricted to Preview Program members) & Windows 10 device can stream Xbox One games to PC, or tablet via a local network. Gamespot elaborated on the announcement, and went on to post a detailed tutorial on how to start streaming: Go the to the Preferences area of the Settings menu on your Xbox One, and enable the "Allow game streaming to other devices" option. Make sure you have the newest Xbox app version installed on the Windows 10 device you're streaming to. Inside the Xbox app, go to the Connect menu and use "Add a device" to connect to your console. Connect a wired Xbox One or Xbox 360 controller to your device. Go to the Home menu, choose the game you want to play from the Recently Played section, and choose Play From Console. Alternatively, go to the the Game Streaming section of the Home menu, which allows you to control your Xbox One directly from your PC or tablet. A notification on your Xbox will appear after streaming has begun. The Xbox will continue to be on for however long you decide to play games on Windows 10. The Windows 10 Xbox App also will receive new features in the coming days. Such as: Party Chat from Windows 10 to Xbox The Xbox app automatically adding games you own to your library: including games that are not from the Windows Store Home will be updated for easier access Customization of your Xbox Live profile, and Avatar Upload screenshots & game clips from your PC games to Xbox Live Create Xbox Live Gamertags without having one previously Windows 10 launches first with individuals in the Windows Insider program with everyone else following suit on July 29th. Windows 10 can be used for free for an entire year after obtaining the OS. Thanks for reading! Sources: Gamespot, Xbox Wire
- Windows 10
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Ok so as the title says, I'm looking to see if there would be any interest in a Windows 10 Introduction and Walkthrough as well as an Xbox One Integration Introduction and Review. Windows 10 is right around the corner and I'm sure lot's of members alike are either waiting to see what this new OS and Xbox thing ends up being before they decide to upgrade from their Windows 7 or Vista/XP setups, or taking the plunge head first. Basically I want to do a video showcasing Windows 10 features as well as the Xbox One Streaming features so members of the community can see first hand how everything plays out and works. And maybe, you may learn a few cool tricks along the way or find help solving an issue. If there is interest and you would like to add a suggestion for the video content, please post it up and let me know. I have about 3 weeks to finalize the format and go over the content before I make the video.
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The Halo franchise has reached a prodigious mile-stone, selling over 65 million units on all platforms to date! Halo is a legendary series that we've all come to know and love, though it's changed in many ways over the years, it has still managed to keep a sense of magic and awe to it. It's been reported by that the game series has sold a combined total of over 65 million units worldwide on the original Xbox, the Xbox 360, and of course the younger grandson, the Xbox One. It is very likely that these numbers will grow higher with the upcoming release of Halo 5: Guardians, and because of it, sales for Halo: The Master Chief Collection may also increase. What is surprising is that Halo: The Master Chief Collection only sold about 1 million copies in its first week, with factors like a broken launch and a new platform tying into the retrospectively small outcome. This year marks the 14th anniversary for the legendary franchise, and Halo 5: Guardians will be the 8th game in the franchise, excluding remasters and mobiles. View attachment: h5sales.png All information and images sourced from Microsoft at SDCC, 343 Industries, and IGN.
New features for the Xbox on the new Windows 10 OS have been revealed. Earlier this year Microsoft announced their plans to integrate the Xbox One with their new operating system Windows 10. They announced a new experience with both Xbox One and Windows 10 by revealing new content such as streaming games to the PC and Windows 10 devices, cross platform features/gameplay and DVR. But they have just announced more features (focusing more on accessibility and activity) that will be rolling out this month. These features will focus on things such as accessing Xbox accounts, sharing content with friends and accessing games. Here is the official list containing the latest collection of features: My Games – As you install games from the Windows Store, they will appear in your My Games list. Additionally, you can manually add games to your collection by selecting My games > Add a game from your PC. Also, there is now a Featured games section on the home screen, below your Recently played list. Game hubs – You can now launch a local PC game from its game hub, view details about the game in the Windows Store, and find and follow People to Watch for a given game. Additionally, for Xbox One games, you can now choose Play from console to initiate a game streaming session from a game hub page. Share with your friends – You can share your achievements to your Activity feed and Showcase just like you do on Xbox One. You can also share your Xbox One Game clips or Screenshots listed under Game DVR > Shared to your Activity Feed and Showcase. Xbox avatars – We renamed the Avatars app on Windows 10 to Xbox Avatars and the layout and iconography have been updated to final designs. In this month’s preview, there is a “Take a photo” feature so you can pose your avatar and snap a photo. Xbox account – In preview, you can sign in to Xbox on Windows 10 with any account, and create a new Xbox account if you do not already have one. To access all the Xbox features on Windows 10 users will need to install Build 10158 of the operating system when it launches July 29th. Xbox on Windows 10 trailer revealed earlier this year. What's your thoughts of Microsoft's integration of Xbox and Windows 10? Source:
- Xbox One
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Phil Spencer sat down with Giant Bomb on their E3 Podcast not that long ago to talk about how Backwards Compatibility works, and clear confusion on some of what it can & can't support. He went on to say that multi-disc 360 games, like Wolfenstein: The New Order or Dead Space 3, are currently in development, and are being looked into. He said specifically, "We're still working on multi-disc. Lost Odyssey, and Blue Dragon are some of my favorites from the 360. There's actually work in packing a multi-disc into single that requires us to go back and look at the original package on the multiple discs and reconfigure that. There weren't allot of multi-discs on 360, but that is an issue for us." He also made a brief comment regarding Kinect: noting that 360 Kinect games will not work on Xbox One, "There's some caveats, and as always I like to be as transparent as I can be on this: Kinect games won't work from the 360, because translating between the Kinect sensors is almost impossible." Lastly, Xbox Support on Twitter confirmed that disc-based & digital 360 DLC will be supported, and can be transferred to Xbox One via the Backwards Compat. system. However, the availability of the DLC depends on whether or not the Developer or Publisher approves it. For example, if a company like ZeniMax were to allow it's consumers to port it's 360 DLC to the One, content such as Dawnguard from Skyrim & Mothership Zeta from Fallout 3 will be playable with no strings attached (the content still needs to be tested beforehand, like Phil Spencer said in the podcast above), and possibly all DLC from the GOTY and special editions of said games will be utilized as well. Again, this still depends on the content-holders giving the green-light. Backwards Compatibility will be available to everyone later this year, and supposedly will launch with around 100 supported titles, and hundreds more every month. Those who are in the Xbox One Preview Program can test the system's current titles right now, like Perfect Dark Zero, Super Meat Boy, and Battleblock Theater. Xbox additionally has a public vote on which games will be approved. You can go to the Xbox Feedback forums here to cast your vote on a game you would like to see on Xbox One. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Halo 5: Guardians has plenty of pre-order bonuses that are acquired from different retailers, such as Agent Locke's HUNTER armor from Gamestop & GAME, the Projection SMG from Amazon, and a loadout weapon & skin from Xbox Live. The incentives to buy the game from all these retailers makes the content too exclusive for any one person to get unless you want to go through a large amount of hassle. It makes the choice & lack of choice of place to preorder all the more difficult. Relieving the pressure on fan's shoulders, Josh Holmes of 343 Industries made a quick response to a user on Twitter regarding availability of the preorder content. He confirmed that all preorder content can be unlocked in the base game regardless of who you bought the game from, and that the preorder itself just "- guarantees you have it out of box.". So earning something like the Sentinel Battle Rifle from Gamestop will require work in-game to get, but you'll still have a guarantee of the content being unlockable. Sources: Xbox Support on Twitter Josh Holmes on Twitter Giant Bomb's E3 Day 1 Podcast Gamespot 1 & 2 Halo5Universe
It seems that Sony has no current plans to follow in Xbox's footsteps with a backwards compatibility update to their current gen console. Microsoft made a daring move this E3 with the announcement that over the next few years Xbox 360 titles will become playable on the Xbox One, and most expected their competitor Sony to do the same. Apparently not, as reported by, Sony has no plans for a system of backwards compatibility on the PS4. They commented on the announcement, saying it must have been, "challenging" to pull it off. They said that their current system of compatibility, the PlayStationNOW subscription service, will stay in effect. "Backward compatibility is hard," Sony executive Shuhei Yoshida explained. "I won't say we'll never do it, but it's not an easy thing to do. If it was easy we would have done that." Shuhei also stated that Sony wanted to focus on building new experiences rather than holding on to older ones. View attachment: whitePS4lede_2.jpg All information and images sourced from GameSpot and Sony.
- Sony
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The announcement came along with a series of descriptions about the issue, and a teaser trailer on . July's issue includes the demo of the second mission of the Campaign, a breakdown of the changes to Empire, a rundown of Fireteam Osiris, the reveal of an underwater map called Fathom, and a ton of other things. Head on over to to check out the full scoop. Additionally the reveal came with a truckload of images, so here they are for your leisure : Thanks for reading! Sources: Gameinformer: 1 & 2, , Halowaypoint
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- Agent Locke
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Games with Gold for April has been announced on Major Nelson's blog and there seems to be a decent line up for next month. Next month Xbox Live Gold members can get their hands on a total of six games rather than the usual 3-4 games. So lets see what Gold members will be getting in April. For the Xbox One Gold users can get Pool Nation FX and Child of Light for free all month long in April. For the Xbox 360 Gold members can download Terraria and Gears of War Judgment from April 1st through April 15th. Then from April 16th Assassins Creed IV Black Flag and Army of Two Devil's Cartel and they will be available to download for free for the remainder of the month. This Games with Gold offers good amount of games for free and a decent selection. Leave a comment below and tell us what you think of April's Games with Gold offers.
- Games with Gold
- Xbox One
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One of the things that got Xbox fans excited was the announcement of backwards compatibility for the Xbox One. Head of Xbox Phil Spenser made the announcement earlier today during Microsoft's E3 briefing. Microsoft’s Mike Ybarra then came on to the stage to announce that Xbox One users can access their digital library of Xbox 360 games, as well as being able to insert their disks into the drive of the Xbox One. But there seems to be some limitations to this, on the Xbox website it states that not all games will work with this feature. “The digital titles that you own and are part of the Back Compat game catalog will automatically show up in the “Ready to Install” section on your Xbox One. For disc-based games that are a part of the Back Compat game catalog, simply insert the disc and the console will begin downloading the game to your hard drive. After the game has finished downloading, you will still need to keep the game disc in the drive to play.” Mike announced that there will be around 100 titles available to play at the launch of the new service and more will come later down the line. This looks to be similar to the Xbox 360's backwards compatibility feature with original Xbox games where only selected titles were included and the rest were locked out. Mass Effect was used as an example of an Xbox 360 game that would be compatible on the Xbox One as they showed off a quick demo, so that was the first title to be confirmed that will be playable on the Xbox One. Mike also announced that those who are a member of the preview program will get early access to the feature starting today, and it will then become available to everyone else this holiday. provides the current list of the titles that are compatible with the Xbox One, more will be added at later times. Here is the announcement that was uploaded to YouTube by Kotaku What do you think of this new feature? Leave a comment below.