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The Halo 4 experience


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Well this has happened to some halo lobbies I have been in, is these all out hard-core call of duty players would rent Halo 4 and just start team-killing everyone and put those ear-bursting scream through the mics making everyone quit a game, yes I just said I am concerned about that...

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Well this has happened to some halo lobbies I have been in, is these all out hard-core call of duty players would rent Halo 4 and just start team-killing everyone and put those ear-bursting scream through the mics making everyone quit a game, yes I just said I am concerned about that...


I wouldn't be concerned about that, that is more than likely to not be a consisted event. The mute and boot function often works well, even too well.

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Well, probably not now, but two years after release of this game, someone will create a hypothetical question on what will hinder my experience of Halo 5, Arbiter and Friends (for the Nintendo 3DS), and I'll be so flustered trying to pick one, I won't be able to play Halo 4 properly.


Also, the sticky grenade launcher. Why did they remove the bouncy EMP ones? They were fantastic! Not very effective as other power weapons, but easily the most fun to use.

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